Semester 2 AP Euro

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City migration job impact

population of farmers drastically decline and white collar job opportunities grow to take their place.

Angola and Mozambique

portuguese colonies that didn't gain their independence until the 1970s due to constant military resistance

Romania, Italy Poland

preexisting states that became larger due to austro-hungarian collapse and territory redistribution

Sir walter scott

romantic who wrote Ivanhoe and an account of how poor the living conditions were for most of ireland

Boxer occupation of Beijing

siezure of the chinese capital that killed foreign diplomats that prompted western nations to invade and impose a harsh idemnity on China

De Gaulle re-election

upon being put in power again, he withdrew fron the common market, developed nukes, and dissasociated with NATO

house of lords

upper house of parliament dominated by aristocrats

Great famine lasting nationalism

used as an event nationalists could use to grow resentment towards the British and campaign for Indepenence with

"us-them" mentality

used by conservative nationalists as a way to unite their people against an enemy, real or not real

Bourbon Monarchy candidate

wanted to rule under the same bourbon flag of his ancestors but nobody would accept this, making france stay a republic and not a monarchy

Spanish American war

war between the U.S and Spain where the U.S takes the Philippines and keeps it because "white mans burden"

us civil war

war between the U.S and confederacy mostly over slavery. Ended with the north reforming the U.S

algerian war

war for algerian independence fought between france and the pieds-noirs and the FLN. Ended in the french winning but eventually giving algeria independence due to public opinion issues

Imperialism unity motive

was used to divert peoples attention from domestic issues and instead try and create unity by giving people something to be happy about

communication, electrochemistry, central power generation

ways in which electricity was commercialized and harnessed as an effective and useful energy source


weak son of Ismail; appointed by Ahmed Arabi and Egyptian Nationalist Party; forced to flee to British ships in Mediterranean because of anti European riots in Alexandria

working class family tension escape

were able to become financially autonomous earlier and could either bargain for independence or leave the household

England initial women laws

wives don't have an identity or right to own property

men vs women view of marriage

women expect emotional intensity but men see themselves as protectors and thus take an active but non-emotional role in the marriage process

Women 1960s job increase education reason

women were beginning to get just as educated as men meaning they could take all the same jobs

illegitimacy decline

women who got pregnant before marriage were increasingly able to marry the person they had sex with thus preventing an illegitimate birth

"loose" women

women who were less sexually moral and restrictive due to their husbands leaving. Criticized for betraying their soldier husbands.

Big three

3 countries(US(Wilson), Britain(Lloyd George),France(Clemenceau)) who wrote out the treaty of versailes and made all the decisions at the paris peace conference

Better marketing, efficient transportation, Manufacturing system dedicated to producing cheap goods

3 factors that brought about a second consumer revolution during the age of anxiety

Britain, France, Germany

3 nations that invested the most into colonial affairs and expeditions

Austria, Hungary, Chechoslovakia

3 new independent states formed after Austria-Hungary collapsed in WW1

German war payment proposition

3 year moartorium on reparations and afterwards drastic reduction of or elimination of payments. Accepted by britain but rejected by france

Qing comeback

30 years where the Qing got stronger despite previously being on the decline

Germany division after WW2

4 occupied zones one for the US, USSR, France, and Britain

Franco-Prussian war peace terms

5 billion francs and Alsace and Lorraine.

Sigmund Freud

Austrian psychologist who concluded that human nature was irrational and motivated by unconscious driving factors

Adolf Hitler

Austrian-born founder of the German Nazi Party and chancellor of the Third Reich (1933-1945). His fascist philosophy, embodied in Mein Kampf (1925-1927), attracted widespread support, and after 1934 he ruled as an absolute dictator. Hitler's pursuit of aggressive nationalist policies resulted in the invasion of Poland (1939) and the subsequent outbreak of World War II. His regime was infamous for the extermination of millions of people, especially European Jews. He committed suicide when the collapse of the Third Reich was imminent (1945).

Austro Prussian war peace deal

Austrria pays no reparations and loses no territory to prussia but the german confederation is dissolved and austria withdraws from german politics


Bismarck's attack on the Catholic Church within Germany from 1870 to 1878, resulting from Pius IX's declaration of papal infallibility, which asked for Germans to hold the catholic church above their new nation

Papa, mama, and baby

Gustav Droz's book where he urges parents to be affectionate towards their children

reform bill of 1832

Legislation passed in Great Britain that extended the vote to most members of the middle class; failed to produce democracy in Britain.

New Economic Policy (NEP)

Lenin's 1921 policy to re-establish limited economic freedom in an attempt to rebuild agriculture and industry in the face of economic disintegration

Russian Freedom of speech/religion changes

Less censorship and better policies towards Jews

Alexander II

Liberal leaning tsar who rapidized russian modernization by abolishing serfdom, subsidizing private railway companies, consolidating imperial control by suppressing nationalist movements from Poles, Ukranians, and Baltics


National Aeronautics and Space Administration- formed during the cold war era and allowed the U.S to win the space race


STD that causes mental and physical decline and was poorly treated. Lead to prostitutes being blamed by authorities for disease and some crimes

United states

area of the world where church patronage did not go into decline because churches there were never associated with politics and they thrived by asserting ethnic identities. Also common in areas with non government supported churches

Poland and the little entente

New alliances that france made after being isolated by britain, russia, and the US

Napoleon III Reformed government

New assembly elected by universal suffrage every 6 years. Napoleon III picks all the ministers

German empire

New empire formed that unified all the german states. A monarch maintains most of the power and a lower house of legislature exists and is elected by male suffrage

Antisubmarine technology

New equipment that allowed allies to more effectively sink German u boats and send supply convoys to britain

North German Confederation

New german confederation where states keep local govt and king of Prussia is president of entire confederation. Bismarck is responsible only to the president. Bureaucracy(lead by Bismarck and Wilhelm) controls foreign affairs and there's a weak federal legislature with universal male suffrage

Polish home army

Polish resistance force who passed information about German attack plans to the allies


Polish territory hitler wanted to conquer because of German minorities living there

Occupied russian territories

Polish, Belorussian, and baltic territories taken by germany

Russian Social Democratic Party

Political party founded by russian exiles in Switzerland

Catholic center party

Political party of catholics in germany which blocked anti-church laws, making the kulturkampf unsuccessful

David Lloyd george

Politician who headed the liberal party when it enacted taxes on the rich and the peoples budget

sweated industries

Poorly paid handicraft production, often carried out by married women paid by the piece and working at home.

Pope Pius IX

Pope who initially supported italian unification but got driven out of Rome during 1848 and began to oppose unification of italy and most modern trends

Antiseptic principle

Principle developed by Joseph Lister that a chemical disinfectant applied to a wound could kill infectious bacteria

Crimean war origin

Russian-French dispute over christian shrines in Jerusalem

Battle of sedan response

another french republic forms and fails to fight of the prussians. Harsh peace terms are enacted


anti imperialist leaders who felt burning desires for dignity, economic emancipation, and political independence that inevitably rose up in every imperialized territory

Mussolini racial laws

anti jewish laws forced them out of public shools and pro careers. Did not lead to persecution until after WW2

great purge soviet archives

archives that showed stalin grew fearful of active resistance


are where rich europeans tried to devote time to. From a consumption standpoint this meant spending money traveling and reading books and listening to music

movie factories

buildings designed for making movies that first appeared in NY and LA and then spread across europe

storm and stress movement

early romantic movement in Germany that kickstarted Romantic literature

Constituent assembly

elected assembly of france that upon first being voted in, contained a majority of monarchists and was commited to centrist moderation and anti-socialism

Rotten boroughs

electoral districs that carried with barely anybody that the aristocracy brought and sold. Got eliminated in 1832

Second revolution ideological motive

eliminate NEP's economic freedoms

Elvis presley

example of a musician who frightened older europeans

Sweden deficit use

financing public works and thus maintaining employment

Napoleon III liberal response

gave opposition candidates more political freedom and made the assembly more powerful

steamship and telegraph

inventions that allowed imperialists to communicate about, plan, and launch centralized attacks

Jewish revolutionary involvement

involved in prussian in austrian 1848 upheavals. this gave them rights in the Frankfurt Parliament

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

location for burying unidentified soldiers where people came together to mourn

1882 British women law reform

married women get full property rights and can find white collar jobs

Early Hungarian politics

marxist state for 4 months and conservative nationalist state afterwards

cinema and radio

mass culture mediums able to reach many that grew to be popular and major industries after WW1

Karl Lueger

mayor of vienna who combined anti-semitic rhetoric with municipal ownership of basic services. Appealed particularly to lower middle class Germans and influenced Hitler.

Rosa Luxemberg

member of the GSPD that capitalism had to expand across the globe in order to be effective

old bolsheviks

members of original October Revolution of the Bolsheviks, first targets of Stalin

Great Britain and the US

members of the grand alliance who allied together after the cold war in the name of capitalism

Alexander II policy problem

not liberal enough to appease liberals but liberal enough to anger reactionaries

black shame

notion that african soldiers were savages who wanted to assault german women that was created by germany when the french sent 40,000+ colonial troops to further occupy the ruhr

Hitler can be controlled

notion that hitler manipulated to gain support of other political conservatives and have himself appointed chancellor

Post WW1 russia(diplomatic situation)

now a communist state with an unpredictable future

cult of sex appeal

obsession with being sexually pleasing created by aggressive marketing of fashionable clothing and personal care products

Domestic servitude

occupation popular among unskilled laborers, particularly women and recent migrants. Involved a low-pay busy schedule and being at the bottom of a household hierarchy of other class conscious servants.

Teacher, Nurse, Dentists

occupations that became associated with the middle class and not the working class during the 19th century

German communist party

more radical version of the GSPD that emerged from dissatisfaction from bread rationing

imperialism economic limits

most colonies are too poor to do much

wholesale and retail, banking and finance, consumer industries, journalism, medicine, law, fine arts

new fields that opened up to jews where they found success

spectator sports

new form of entertainment for the working classes that replaced blood sports. Involved gambling on the outcome of certain contests(horse racing and soccer were the most popular) and provided a literacy incentive in deciphering racing forms.

Stalins new state apparatus

new group of 1.5 million employees that replaced purge victims. Came from techincal schools and worked very well

house of commons

new house of parliament that was most important and open to common people.

Advertising expert

new profession that became a legitimate job after more consumer goods began to be mass produced in the late 1910s

ottoman trade system economic detriment

new profits go more to foreigners than to ottomans and the state loosed monopolies and therefore money


new slavic nation formed after Serbia expanded its Territory and influence over the balkans

asian replacement of black owners

new trend in work that occured after the abolition of the slave trade and asians immigrating to areas with harsh plantations or mines to work in

long playing record album

new type of album that allowed for new music such as rock and jazz to spread easier

business aristocracy

new upper class created by merging commercial elite and aristocracy families

Italian socialist party

party of socialists who occupied factories and siezed land using the bolshevik example after unemployment and inflation striked italy

relationship ties during migration

pattern of people who were family or friends previously emigrating in groups

German emigration

peaked in the 1850s and 80s and settled down as industrialization provided jobs on the homeland

Post serfdom peasant laws

peasants get to purchase half the land they cultivate but doing so is very expensive

Franco Prussian war-WW1 break

period where Europe faced no major wars. Made people underestimate the potential casualties of war due to its length


periodic anti-jewish riots and expulsions that were sometimes govt sponsored. Suddenly took off in russia from 1881-1882

Ernest Rutherford

physicist who discovered the atoms could be split

six acts

placed controls on a heavily taxed press and practically eliminated all mass meetings


"People's car" in the Nazi state made to link consumer desires and collective ideology and patriotism

Karl Liebknecht

(1871-1919), radical socialist leader, holds a demonstration in Berlin, arrested and imprisoned

National Labor Relations Act

A 1935 law, also known as the Wagner Act, that guarantees workers the right of collective bargaining sets down rules to protect unions and organizers, and created the National Labor Relations Board to regulate labor-managment relations.

Soviet union

A Communist nation, consisting of Russia and 14 other states, that existed from 1922 to 1991. Became unallied with the US and Britain after WW2 and opposed them with communism

Henri Bergson

A French philosophy professor who said that personal experiences and intuition were as important as rational thought and thinking for understanding reality


A German interdisciplinary school of fine and applied arts that brought together many leading modern architects, designers, and theatrical innovators.

German Social Democratic Party (SPD)

A German working-class political party founded in the 1870s, the SPD championed Marxism but in practice turned away from Marxist revolution and worked instead for social and workplace reforms in the German parliament.


A Jewish state on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, both in antiquity and again founded in 1948 after centuries of Jewish diaspora and attracted 330,000 European jews

Egyptian Nationalist Party

A Pro-Egyptian freedom party led by Col. Ahmed Arabi, forced Ismail to abdicate, and give his title to Khedive Tewfiq. Led to 3 years of violent riots.

Karl Barth

A Swiss Protestant theologian who said people were sinful and that religious truth was made know to humans only through God's grace, and people just had to accept God as true and be obedient.

Marshall Plan

A United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe, who had a devastated economy and might've otherwise turned to communism (1948-1952)

battle of the marne

A battle in WW1 where france saves itself from potential invasion by attacking a weak spot in germany's offensive line

People's budget

A bill proposed after the Liberal Party came to power in Britain in 1906, it was designed to increase spending on social welfare services, but was initially vetoed in the House of Lords.

Social darwinism

A body of thought drawn from the ideas of Charles Darwin that applied the theory of biological evolution to human affairs and saw the human race as driven by an unending economic struggle that would determine the survival of the fittest. Used by nationalists and imperialists to assert racial dominance

Greater East Asian co prosperity sphere

A greater Japanese empire that provided development benefits for the nations In it. Proved merely an idea as in actuality japan treated their civilian population harshly as part of their war effort

Hindu Indian National Congress

A group of educated Indians who formed this group demanded equality and self government. Wanted independence


A label given to the artistic and cultural movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which were typified by radical experimentation that challenged traditional forms of artistic expression.

Greater Germany

A liberal plan for German national unification that included the German-speaking parts of the Austrian Empire, put forth at the national parliament in 1848 but rejected by Austrian rulers.


A literary and artistic movement that, in contrast to romanticism, stressed the depiction of life as it actually was.

stream of consciousness technique

A literary technique, found in works by Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and others, that uses interior monologue — a character's thoughts and feelings as they occur — to explore the human psyche.

Reform Bill of 1832

A major British political reform that increased the number of male voters by about 50 percent and gave political representation to new industrial areas.

bloody sunday

A massacre of peaceful protesters at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in 1905, triggering a revolution that overturned absolute tsarist rule and made Russia into a conservative constitutional monarchy.

Berlin Conference

A meeting of European leaders held in 1884 and 1885 in order to lay down some basic rules for imperialist competition in sub-Saharan Africa.

great trek

A migration of Dutch colonists out of British-controlled territory in South Africa during the 1830s.

suffrage movement

A militant movement for women's right to vote led by middle-class British women around 1900.


A new city built near huge iron ore deposits in the Ural mountains. It was built during the first Five Year Plan and it became a huge centre for iron and steel. On the other hand, working and living conditions for the workers were appalling, at least in the early years.


A novel by James Joyce which follows to main protagonists, and has title name reminiscent of a Greek epic. The novel was banned for a long time for obscenity, and is still considered pretty messed up.

League or Nations

A permanent international organization established during the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, designed to protect member states from aggression and avert future wars

Logical positivism

A philosophy that sees meaning in only those beliefs that can be empirically proven, and that therefore rejects most of the concerns of traditional philosophy, from the existence of God to the meaning of happiness, as nonsense. Dominant in English speaking countries


A philosophy that stresses the meaninglessness of existence and the importance of the individual in searching for moral values in an uncertain world. Dominant in continental Europe

Five Year Plan

A plan launched by Stalin in 1928, and termed the "revolution from above," aimed at modernizing the Soviet Union and creating a new Communist society with new attitudes, new loyalties, and a new socialist humanity.


A postcolonial system that perpetuates Western economic exploitation in former colonial territories.


A pseudoscientific doctrine that maintains that the selective breeding of human beings can improve the general characteristics of a national population, which helped inspire Nazi ideas about "race and space" and ultimately contributed to the Holocaust.


A radical dictatorship that exercises "total claims" over the beliefs and behavior of its citizens by taking control of the economic, social, intellectual, and cultural aspects of society.

Cradle-to-Grave Welfare State

A state in which mandatory weekly contributions funded benefits for the ill, unemployed, retired, and widowed to provide a minimum standard of living. The labour party established it in britain with banks, metals, transportation, and free medcare, and retirement./unemployment benefits


A state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity that has been transformed into a nationality. Common nation-structure of the later half of the 1800s.

World War I

A war between the allies (Russia, France, British Empire, Italy, United States, Japan, Romania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro) and the central powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria) from 1914 to 1918.

World war 2

A war fought between the axis(Germany, Italy, japan), and the grand alliance(us,ussr,Britain) over the ambitious territorial expansion of new fascist nations

total war

A war in which distinctions between the soldiers on the battlefield and civilians at home are blurred, and where the government plans and controls economic and social life in order to supply the armies at the front with supplies and weapons.

lopsided world

A world of rich lands and poor, that developed because of the industrial revolution and its new economy. Uneven global development institutionalized by Europeans

Great depression

A worldwide economic depression from 1929 through 1939, unique in its severity and duration and with slow and uneven recovery.

Kellog-Briand pact

Agreement signed in 1928 in which nations agreed not to pose the threat of war against one another


Alban Berg opera that tells the tale of a soldier who murders his mistress

Withdrawal from League of Nations and TOV, forced draft

Actions that set Germany up For aggression at a time when it was weak

GSPD final stages of growth

Adopted a more patriotic tone leading up to WWI and became the most popular party in the Reichstag

Greek civil war

After World War 2, Greek Communists (Soviet support) and Greek non-Communists (British support) fought for control of Greece. After the British withdrew, President Truman provided financial aid to the non-Communists, preventing the Communists from taking over.

tone row

An arrangement of the twelve chromatic tones that serves as the basis of a twelve-tone composition. Unrecognizable pattern to non-professionals

theory of special relativity

Albert Einstein's theory that time and space are relative to the observer and that only the speed of light remains constant

Grand alliance

Alliance of Britain, the us, and the Soviet Union that won ww2

little entente

Alliance of czechoslovakia, romania, and yugoslavia


An artistic movement of the 1920s and 1930s that attacked all accepted standards of art and behavior and delighted in outrageous conduct.


An artistic movement that challenged the enlightenment and conservatism with an emphasis on emotional exuberance, contacts with the spiritual through nature, imagination, and unrestrained spontanaeity. Popular from 1790 to 1840 and lost out to realism


An artistic movement that displayed vivid dream worlds and fantastic unreal images


An artistic movement that sought to capture a momentary feel, or impression, of the piece they were drawing

Balfour Declaration motivations

Appealing to German, Australian, and American jews and helping keep the suez canal around


Arab prince, leader of the Arab Revolt in World War I. The British made him king of Iraq in 1921, and he reigned under British protection until 1933.

Franz Ferdinand

Archduke of Austria-Hungary assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. A major catalyst for WWI.

Polish attempted uprising

Armed nationalist uprising crushed by Russian army

Prussian conter revolution

Arose around the drafting of greater germany and slowly pushed back reformists and revolutionaries in the german states and prussia. Eventually suceeded in stopping lesser germany's formation and restorind Friedrich wilhelm IV

Japanese race theory

Asians are superior to westerners

Pearl Harbor bombing

Attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese meant to cripple the us navy so badly they couldn't fight japan. They got all the battleships but not the aircraft carriers

Conservative Nazi challenge

Attempted assasination of hitler by conservatives which made the nazis and German propaganda even more fanatical than it already was

austrian unconditional ultimatum

Austria's ultimatum to serbia that violated serbian sovereignty, thus leading to serbia dodging it. Austria thus declares war and launches WW1

Napoleon Bonaparte

Authoritarian french dictator whose popularity allowed his Nephew Napoleon III to win an Easy victory in France's election.

Friedrich Wilhelm IV

Autocratic but compassionate prussian King who promised a liberal constitution and the merging of Prussia into a new bigger german state

Father goriot

Balzac novel where a poor student gives up his ideals and surrenders to urban ambition and greed

Battle of Sadowa

Battle in the austro-prussian was where austria was decisively defeated

Battle of Stalingrad

Battle where Germany's entire sixth army was destroyed and Hitler was forced to end his second soviet offensive

Second battle of El Alamein

Battle where the allies stop axis penetration of North Africa. Leads to Germany becoming fearful and eliminating Vichy france

Battles of magenta and solferino

Battles where the french won land owned by austria for Sardinia-Piedmont

Ludwig Miles van der Rohe

Bauhaus director who spread the international style to america after the Nazis shut the bauhaus down

Nazi resistance

Became active after 1933 but was never unified enough to stop him. The nazis silenced almost all of them

Belgian revolt

Belgian catholics make their own state

Urban factory advantages

Better transportation, more people willing to work, more immediate demand for goods, close proximity to other urban factories

People's budget

Bill in britain made to increase spending on social services but actually went towards buying battleships after germany made dreadnoughts

louis xvii

Bourbon monarch who after being restored to france's throne, didn't try to completely centralize and instead appointed moderates to important governmental positions


Bridge-like stone structures that carried water from hills to the cities. Used by industrial cities to get more fresh and non-polluted water

economic leadership absence

Britain and the U.S turn to isolationism rather than trying to solve global economic issues, which had ripple effects

Communism in Italy

By far the most prevalent of any west bloc country. 19% of vote won and the parties went on strike protesting U.S influence

Heinrich Bruning

Chancellor before hitler who tried to solve germany's economic problems by cutting back spending and forcing prices and wages down. This didn't work and it instead convinced more people of hitlers ideas that the republic was stupid and naziism was the future

Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg

Chancellor of Germany at start of war. He gave Austria a blank check as his 'unconditional' support assuming britain wouldn't be involved in the war.


Charles Lyell's idea that geologic processes have not changed throughout Earth's history and that earth was formed by the same geological processes of today

Lidice and Oradour

Cheschoslovak and French city where nazis eliminated the entire male population

Mao zedong

Chinese communist leader who overthrew the kuomintang to establish communism in china

Sun Yatsen

Chinese physician and political leader who aimed to transform China with patriotic, democratic, and economically progressive reforms.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Cities America number to make japan surrender, thus ending ww2


City in germany that was the main center and symbol of the cold war. Was split into two after tensions ignited over a currency reform

Spanish civil war

Civil war in Spain where fascists backed by Italy and Germany overthrew the existing republican govt backed only by the Soviet Union


Civilization in italy with a parliamentary/monarchical govt and a fair degree of civil liberties. Thought of as most suited to drive out Austria and unite Italy

June days

Class war fought in the streets of paris started by workers who wanted a socialist society.

New german economic conviction

Economic prosperity demanded good relations with other western powers

Increased rich taxation

Enacted by britain and used to pay for national health insurance, unemployment benefits, old age pensions, and other social measures.

Eastern europe denazification

Escapable if one cooperated with communism

Ludwig van Beethoven

First and most famous Romantic composer who gained his fame through contrasting themes in his music. Became deaf but carried on at the peak of his fame

Bombardment of Prague

First major conservative victory in which working class revolts are crushed.

Tehran Conference

First major meeting between the Big Three (United States, Britain, Russia) at which they planned the 1944 assault on France and agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation after the war

Great britain(socialism)

First nation to legalize unions

Greek revolution end

German prince installed as king of new greek state

Mahatma Gandhi

Indian pacifist revolutionary who lead a peaceful noncooperation movement to win independence for india

Jawaharlal Nehru

Indian statesman who succeeded Mohandas K. Gandhi as leader of the Indian National Congress. He negotiated the end of British colonial rule in India and became India's first prime minister (1947-1964).

Northern US economy

Industrialized(factories,railroads,canals) and expanded westward with the family farm model. Attracted immigrants this way

Bretton Woods Agreement

International financial agreement signed shortly before the end of World War II that created the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to facilitate free trade and new markets

Treaty of Lausanne ethnic cleansing

Involved deporting greeks in turkey to greece and turks in greece to turkey. In practice this meant poorly ran refugee camps that got raided a lot

Sinn Fein party

Irish group that won irish independence but found its basis in the previous WW1 easter rising

great easter rising

Irish rebellion during WW1 Where Irish nationalist militias proclaim the independent Irish republic. Eventually failed

Battle of Caporetto

Italian defeat that made the italian army collapse and loose hope

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Italian independent superpatriot who rallied up volunteers and conquered the south of italy. Eventually collaborated with Victor Emmanuel II to unite the south and North


Italian migrants who had no intention of settling abroad permanently, going to Argentina to harvest between December and April and returning to Italy for the spring planting. A frugal worker could save $250-300 in the course of a season.

Giuseppe Mazzini

Italian nationalist who wanted italy to become a centralized democratic republic. His idea got destroyed after Austria in 1848

Fillippo Tommaso Marinetti

Italian who announced the founding of futurism

Japanese occupation of manchuria

Japan's first act of imperial aggression, in which they conquer Manchuria and take it from china

Asia for the asians

Japan's slogan promising liberation from western imperialism which made locals happy to be owned by japan for a while

Napoleon III

Leader of france who rebuilt paris

Auschwitz disruption

Jewish burning of the camps crematorium. All involved were killed

Walter Rathenau

Jewish industrialist that set up and help run Germany's War Raw Materials Board

1901 lord reassertion

Lords in england re-establish their power by using their control of the supreme court to rule against labor unions in 2 important court cases

german war loss reaction

Ludendorff tries to blame moderates and liberal civilian pro peace government declared

Great Britain

Nation that industrialized first and thus had to deal with reworking its cities first.

Leni Riefenstahl

Made documentary propaganda for Hitler. 'The Triumph of the Will'. Her film was a powerful stand of the 'Nazi Rebirth'.

Romantic composers

Made the move into romanticism by abandoning classicist musical structures and creating emotionally stirring music by adding wind instruments, percussion, and more bass/stings

Hungary nationalism weakening

Magyar extremists want to leave the dual monarchy and minorities in hungary want to leave hungary

German churches

Main Group that resisted hitler after the communists were eliminated. Only concerned with preserving religious life

Jazz and rock n roll

Main american music styles that spread to europe during the cold war era

"broken world"

Marcels view of the world, one that had to be "fixed" with humanity, honesty, and piety

companionate marriage

Marriage based on romantic love and middle-class family values that became increasingly dominant in the second half of the nineteenth century, replacing old systems of marrying for convenience or socioeconomic reasons for most except poor people.

Josip Broz Tito

Marxist Leninist communist who hated stalin. Soviet forces never allowed to come in and liberate Yugoslavia. He creates his own communist authoritarian regime. Not under stalin's control.

War Raw Materials Board

Masterminded by Walter Rathenau, this was set up by the German government to ration and distribute raw materials and produce effective substitutes for war supplies

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Max Weber's book where he argues that protestantism's religious approval of hard work, saving, and investing lead directly into capitalism

May Day

May 1; made an international labor day to be marked by strikes and mass labor demonstrations by the Second International, a socialist group

Elbe river

Meeting site of Soviet and Anglo-American troops where they solidified control over Nazi germany

Prussian constituent assembly

Met in Berlin to write a constitution for the Prussian state

Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt

Most famous impressionist painters


Nation who gave hope to decolonizing nations of the cold war era by defeating europeans during WW2

submarine warfare resumption

Move made by germany that prompted the U.S to enter the war

On the genaology of morals

Nietzsche's work where he argues that christianity embodied a slave morality and that lackadaisical modern christians had killed god

anti utopias

Nightmare visions of things to come. Opposite of perfect world. Also called dystopias.

Separate Spheres

Nineteenth-century idea in Western societies that men and women, especially of the middle class, should have different roles in society: women as wives, mothers, and homemakers; men as breadwinners and participants in business and politics

German-Russian Non-Aggression Pact

Nonagression pact between germany and russia that existed under Bismarcks Germany but Wilhelm revoked, making Russia look to France as a new ally.

First Russian industrial surge

Occurred under Alexander II: Involved building railroads across the empire, which allowed peasants to colonize rural areas and allowed russia to export grain and earn profits

Kemal reforms

One party system, separation of church and state, more women's rights. europe-style law codes, and secular public schools

French front debate

Ongoing debate between Stalin and Roosevelt/Churchill where Stalin wanted them to take pressure off Soviet troops by opening a war front at france but Roosevelt and Churchill didn't until 1944

Molotov-Ribbentrop nonagression pact

Pact where hitler and Stalin agree to not attack each other and partition Poland, Finland, the Baltic states, and parts of Romania together

Christian Socialist Party

Party in austria that used anti-semitic rhetoric to get Karl Lueger elected as mayor of Vienna

Desk murderers

People who performed administrative task such as sending trains to camps that aided in the killing of minorities

Lesser germany

Plan for German National unification that was basically greater germany minus everything owed by Austria

Attempted 1938 anti-hitler plot

Plot against hitler put together by high ranking army officials fearful of his aggression. Ultimately unsuccessful

Trans-Siberian Railroad

Railroad going from Moscow to Vladivostok that allowed peasants to immigrate eastward and allowed better transport and distribution of grain

green revolution

Rapid diffusion of new agricultural technology during the mid 1900s, especially new high-yield seeds and fertilizers. Industrialized farming and made it more productive and able to feed more people

The Balkans

Region hitler conquered after losing the Battle of Britain

Christian democrat ideology

Rejected nationalism and authoritarianism and favored liberalism and democracy instead. Heavily stressed the idea of family values.

Chadwick's report

Report that proved that the filthy environment of most industrial cities was the cause of all of the diseases that hit cities

Henry Cabot Lodge

Republican senator who lead the senate to oppose joining the League of nations

French Preservation laws

Republicans legalize trade unions and get france to expand colonially in order to retain popularity

Abolition of Serfdom

Result of Ferdinand's liberal reforms which made peasants stop caring about everybody elses problems

Greek Revolution of 1821

Revolt in Greece in which the Greeks become recognized as independent from the ottomans

John Constable

Romantic painter who painted woodsworthian landscapes featuring peaceful interactions with the human and nature

William Woodsworth

Romantic poet influenced by Rousseau and FR who believed that all natural things were sacred and expressed his belief in his poems. Settled in the rural lake district of England with poet Samuel Taylor coleridge and his sister Dorothy

Joseph M.W. Turner

Romantic who tried to depict nature as an overpowering element of terror

causes for great spring offensive

Russia's withdrawal from the war and the threat of U.S intervention

"modern girl"

Somewhat stereotypical image of the modern and independent working woman popular in the 1920s.


Son of muhammad Ali Who used egyptian troops to conquer Syria and Palestine, making the treat to Mahmud II even bigger

North vs South antagonisms

Southerns see themselves as "us" and the north as "them" because slave culture dominates the south and not the north. The north attacks the south for having a morally wrong economy

Leonid Brezhnev

Soviet leader from 1962 to 1984 who succeeded Khrushchev and tried to re-stalinize the USSR


Soviet organization mode to maintain soviet/communist control in communist parties across the globe

salvador dali

Spanish surrealist painter

Five year plan

Stalin's economic policy to rebuild the Soviet economy after WWI. Later it was used as the economic model for rebuilding former east bloc countries- which meant emphasis on military and industry at the cost of housing and consumer goods

Stalin war paranoia

Stalins belief that war was inevitable as long as capitalism existed and thus communism had to spread continuously

stalinism reassertion

Stalins reassertion of totalitarianism upon the new rivalry with the united states that meant no civil liberties or ideological or religious freedom for soviet citizens

economic miracle

Term contemporaries used to describe rapid economic growth, often based on the consumer sector, in post-World War II western Europe. Heavily catalyzed by the Korean war and Marshall plan

Great patriotic war of the Fatherland

Term for the war given by the soviets because of how nationalist and devoted they became during the war


Territory that revolted soon after hungary


The British policy toward Germany prior to World War II that aimed at granting hitlers territorial demands, including western Czechoslovakia, in order to avoid war

union of south africa

The British united the cape Colony, Orange Free state and Transvaal into the Union of South Africa.


The Chinese Nationalist Party, formed after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1912. Controlled china for a while and then was forced to evacutate to taiwan by the communists


The north atlantic treaty organization, an anti-Soviet military alliance of western governments

battle of peterloo

The army's violent suppression of a protest that took place at Saint Peter's Fields in Manchester in reaction to the revision of the Corn Laws.


The Russian parliament that opened in 1906, elected indirectly by universal male suffrage but controlled after 1907 by the tsar and the conservative classes.

German sterilization

They sterilized everything in the workroom

Kiel Mutiny

This was a major revolt by sailors of the German High Seas Fleet on 3 November 1918 as the end of the First World War grew near. The revolt triggered the German revolution which was to sweep aside the monarchy within a few days. It ultimately led to the end of the First World War and to the establishment of the Weimar Republic

East bloc

This was the group of communist states of Central and Eastern Europe. The Council for mutual economic assistance intended to rebuild this independently of the West. Marshall Plan was limited to countries in western bloc, increasing Cold War tensions.

War and peace

Tolstoy's novel set during Napoleon's invasion of Russia. Treats free will like a complete illusion

WW1 Japanese involvement

Took german colonies and used that to expand influence with china

Pierre De brazza

Under orders from France, he went out on an expedition in 1880 in response to Leopold II's actions. He signed a treaty of protection with the chief of a large Teke tribe and began to establish a French protectorate on the north bank of the Congo river.

Otto Von Bismarck

Unifier of germany who declared germany "satisfied" after becoming the strongest European nation and tried to keep the peace but had everything he did ruined by Wilhelm II

National Liberals

Until 1878, Bismarck relied mainly on this party, which supported legislature useful for further economic and legal unification of the country

Us vs japan after defeat of Germany

Us knows invading japan would cost a lot of lives but also that Japan's industry is helpless but that they will continue fighting anyways

First moroccan crisis

Wilhelm II declares Morocco was an independent state and demands the same trading rights as France and calls for an international conference to settle this where they actually gain nothing. Makes France and Britain begin to see Germany as threatening and makes Germans see Britain and France as enemies trying to block their rise to power.

Fourteen Points

Wilson's 1918 peace proposal calling for open diplomacy, a reduction in armaments, freedom of commerce and trade, the establishment of the League of Nations, and national self-determination

Iron Curtain

Winston Churchill's term for the Cold War division between the Soviet-dominated East and the U.S.-dominated West.

Causes for optimism

Women and worker social recognition, rising standard of living, state-supported social programs

Februrary 22-24 1848

Workers and students tear up cobblestone in paris to build barricades and demand a new government - national guard comes to support them in betrayal of louis phillipe. King abdicates for grandson

the economic consequences of the peace

Written work by Keynes where he argues that an impoverished Germany would encourage bolshevism and spread economic hardship and that Germany needed better peace terms in order to make all of Europe in a better situation


Zolas article where he sympathizes with socialism


a branch of physics built on Newton's laws of mechanics that investigated the relationship between heat and mechanical energy

walking city

a city in which there is no public transportation and people almost always walk from point A to point B. Meant that everybody had to live closer to important facilities(shops, town hall, etc) and by extension eachother, making cities dense and unsanitary

the Hejaz

a coastal region of the western Arabian Peninsula bordering on the Red Sea. Hussein ibn-ali ruled this territory and later was the only middle-eastern territory to gain independence after the war

boer wars

a conflict, lasting from 1899 to 1902, in which the Dutch and the British fought for control of territory in South Africa. Britain eventually won after initial defeats and gained control over modern day south africa

coercion and reward

combination of factors hitler used to garner support for his national state


a general term used by Nazis to describe the kinds of people they considered problematic: Gypsies, the mentally ill, criminals, and those they considered to be sexual deviants

German communist party

a group of active radical socialists who were unhappy with the moderate policies of the Social Democrats; tried to seize power in Berlin

populist nationalism

a particular variety of nationalism that stressed that ones nation was superior to all others and strengthened people's sense of right or wrong in relation to their home countries

Trench Warfare

a type of fighting used in World War 1 behind rows of trenches, mines, and barbed wire; the cost in lives was staggering and the gains in territory minimal

vaccum tube

invention that allowed for primitive transmissions of speech and music

counter cyclical policy

a policy that moves the economy in the opposite direction from the forces of the business cycle

department store

a retail store that carries a wide variety of product lines, each operated as a separate department managed by specialist buyers or merchandisers. Emerged during the 1920 consumer revolution and epitomized the new consumer society


a solid-state component with three layers of semiconductors. Replaced bulky vaccuum tubes during the computer revolution


a soothing technique, used in many cultures, that involves wrapping a baby tightly in cloths or a blanket. Disappeared entirely during the late 1800s and allowed babies better movement

advanced education

a state of learning that rose in importance as demand for specialized knowledge increased and expanded


a style of painting, music, or drama in which the artist or writer seeks to express emotional experience rather than impressions of the external world.

antiforeign assasinations in japan

a wave of violence against foreigners from 1858 to 1863 in Japan spurred by diplomats and merchants settling in Yokohama. Lead to forts being destroyed by Americans, Dutch, British, and French

German Empire jewish rights

abolished restrictions on jewish marriage, choice of occupation place of residence, and property ownership and consolidated jewish emancipation but still faced exclusion from government employment and social discrimination

romanticism vs modern industry

absolute destruction of nature that romantics detested. Made them move to rural natural areas


also named guangzhou - city the qing made the only city available for trading and living for foreign merchants

thirteenth amendment

amendment to the constitution that abolished slavery and reinforced free labor

Thomas edison

american inventor who made cinema possible

Imperialism Acceptance

an acceptance of being subservient to a greater empire that occured when hope had been crushed. Lead to europeans being encouraged to govern better in certain circumstances

economic imperialism on the ottomans

issued enough loans to get a chokehold on the ottoman economy and eventually bankrupt it

1840s serfdom questioning

it becomes a key point of political debate in the government after a long time of just being accepted

Change in child rearing attitudes

it becomes more important to do an excellent job of raising ones children and giving then support throughout all of life

Formation of israel

jewish immigrants came from Europe and the jewish population was now big enough to create its own state and it conquered surrounding arab lands, forcing arabs out

British east india company

joint stock company that by 1848, had surpressed all autonomy in india

Henry M Stanley

journalist sent by leopold II to explore the congo, where he established trading posts and signed unfair treaties with african chiefs

Uk emigration

jumped after 1840 due to legal benefits for english immigrants present in different colonies

Soviet good consumption and wages

real wages go down and the average farmer consumes 60 percent less than what they did in 1913

French public works program

rebuilt paris, improving the urban environment in the city, and made workers wages go up


recreational commodity for the public that could not be afforded in old industrialized cities but were built on the west and east of paris after it got rebuilt

Second reform bill of Benjamin Disraeli

reform bill by conservatives that gave the vote to all middle class workers and well payed workers

Edwin Chadwick

reformer who was put in charge of pauper relief and recognized the rampant disease and death as the main bringers of poverty in the city. Proved these could be stopped by better sewage and other sanitation reforms


region consisting of laos, vietnam, and cambodia that France controlled

military institutions policy role

relied upon by generals and developed mobilization plans to deploy men quickly

barbed wire

strong wire with barbs at regular intervals used to prevent passage. Used in WW1 to hold attackers in place, making them targets for mass shootings

Russian nationalists/superpatriots

strongly supported russia after the expansion movement

Frank Lloyd Wright

student of Louis H Sullivan who built radically modern houses with open interiors and mass produced building materials

Crisis of production

sub crisis of the great depression that saw world output of goods fall 38 percent and saw countries look to isolationism to solve their problems

old physics

supported western society's optimistic worldview by being based in hard reliable facts


the belief that human life is without purpose

Nazi Party

the political party founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power by Hitler in 1933. Stirred up a myth that Germany never actually lost WW1 and instead was backstabbed by pacifists and socialists


the popular appeal of military institutions and their values. Became widespread and made people more and more accepting of war as a part of diplomacy

financal agent, moneylender, peddler

traditional jewish jobs that became less profitable after free market reforms

construction of churches

was not fast enough to keep pace with urban population growth and thus made church attendance and donations go into decline

guest worker primary demographic

young unskilled singles who were supposed to return to their origin country but sometimes didn't

Josephine butler

(1828-1906) English reformer who challenged the Contagious Diseases Acts in order to protect the livelihood and rights of women.

Mexican-American War

(1846-1848) The war between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired Texas and a lot of western coastal states. Sparked an even bigger debate over wether slavery should be extended to these areas

Rudyard Kipling

(1864-1936) English writer and poet; defined the "white man's burden" as the duty of European and Euro-American peoples to bring order and enlightenment to distant lands

Boris pasternak

(1890-1960) Russian author of Dr. Zhivago, a novel condemning the brutality of the Stalin era.


(Night of the Broken Glass) November 9, 1938, when mobs throughout Germany destroyed Jewish property and terrorized Jews.

Second Russian industrial surge

1890-1900 Lead By Sergei Witte. Railways get doubled and factory boom in western russia. Leads to a modernized steel and coal industry


1910.A movement in modern art that grew out of cubism. Artists used implied motion by shifting planes and having multiple viewpoints of the subject. They strived to show mechanical as well as natural motion and speed. The beginning of the machine age is what inspired these artists. Frank Stella and Giacomo Balla were futurists.

first balkan war

1912 -Serbia joined Greece and Bulgaria to attack the Ottoman Empire and then quarreled with Bulgaria over the spoils of victory--a dispute that led in 1913 to the Second Balkan War

French occupation of the Ruhr

1923 french response to germany resisting war payments. Created the most serious crisis of the 1920s

nuremberg laws

1935 laws defining the status of Jews and withdrawing citizenship from persons of non-German blood.


1937 alliance of Italy, Germany, and japan that fought together during ww2

Yalta Conference

1945 Meeting with US president FDR, British Prime Minister(PM) Winston Churchill, and and Soviet Leader Stalin during WWII to plan for post-war. They agree to divide germany into 4 zones and stalin declares war on Japan.

Truman Doctrine

1947, President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology in order to preserve noncommunism, mainly helped Greece and Turkey

Death of Stalin

1953 death that set leaders down a path of decreased terror and new methods of economic growth

East berlin revolt

1953 strike in east berlin over increased work quotas and poor wages. Lead to the death of at least 55 and the arrest of 5,000

Hungarian revolt

1956 - Hungary tried to overthrow the Communist government, partly encouraged by the U.S. The rebellion was quickly crushed.

Body damage issue

10 million soldiers came home physically disfigured and govts didn't have enough money to care for them and they were discriminated against by employers

Marshall Plan statistics

13 billion in dollars(at the current inflation value) donated


19th century development that was needed to treat some diseases 18th century doctors tried to treat

brtish unemployment

2.2 million in this country had this problem and it was the biggest postwar problem the country faced.

Battle of the Somme

A 1916 WWI (1914-1918) battle between German and British forces. Ending in a stalemate, the bitter three-month conflict is notable for the high number of casualties- 1.25 million men killed or wounded - and the first use of tanks in warfare.

Balfour Declaration

A 1917 British statement that declared British support of a National Home for the Jewish People in Palestine.

Lateran Agreement

A 1929 agreement that recognized the Vatican as an independent state, with Mussolini agreeing to give the church heavy financial support in return for public support from the pope.

National Socialism

A movement and political party driven by extreme nationalism and racism, led by Adolf Hitler; its adherents ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945 and forced Europe into World War II. More restrictive than italian fascism


A movement characterized by extreme, often expansionist nationalism, anti-socialism, a dynamic and violent leader, and glorification of war and the military.


A movement dedicated to building a Jewish national homeland in Palestine, started by Theodor Herzl. Particularly popular in russia, where jew conditions were the worst


A movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions. Humans accepted its emphasis on reason up until WW1 where they abandoned it

hundred days of reform

A series of Western-style reforms launched in 1898 by the Chinese government in an attempt to meet the foreign challenge.

Nuremberg Trials

A series of court proceedings held in Nuremberg, Germany, after World War II, in which Nazi leaders were tried for aggression, violations of the rules of war, and crimes against humanity.


A set of reforms introduced by liberal ottoman statesmen designed to remake the Ottoman Empire on a western European model

popular front

A short-lived New Deal-inspired alliance in France led by Leon Blum that encouraged the union movement and launched a far-reaching program of social reform

international style

A style of 20th-century architecture associated with Le Corbusier, whose elegance of design came to influence the look of modern office buildings and skyscrapers.


A style of art in which the subject matter is portrayed by geometric forms, especially cubes

Leon Gambetta

A successful politician in France, he was a moderate republican who helped stabilize government

German european territory loss

Alsace Lorraine and ethnic polish territories that prussia gained from Poland's partition and Danzig

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Austrian logical positivist who immigrated to and taught at england. Believed that "of what one cannot speak, of that one must keep silent"

Henry mcmahon

British high commissioner in Egypt (1914-1916), who sent Hussein a vague declaration of support for arab independence

French Indochina

Colony of present day Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia that japan conquered

Dutch east indies

Colony that is present day indonesia that was owned by the dutch until Japan conquered it during WW2. Afterwards the dutch took it back but indonesians gained their independence and were nonaligned

Ho Chi Minh

Communist leader of North Vietnam who won independence for a northern communist vietnam

Rosa Luxemberg

Communist women who along with Karl Liebknecht, tried to hold a radical socialist uprising to replace the moderates in charge of the Weimar republic

Yugoslavian resistance

Communists and royalists attacking each other and the Nazi regime at the same time

Communist upbringing in czechoslovakia

Communists win in free elections and get to stalinize the country without totalitarianism

Industrial Revolution

Revolution that transformed how goods are produced for a society and the way people obtain food, clothing, and shelter. Amplified the importance and poor conditions of cities

Rule of Effective Occupation

Rule in the berlin conference stating that european nations had to proved they held a strong rule over a territory before it was recognized as theirs. Meant that no one power would be able to claim the entire continent as theirs

Pyotr Stolypin

Russian Prime minister who helped rework the Duma to be conservative and encouraged economic growth by reforming education and banking

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Russian author who after de-stalinization, wrote One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich to portray in detail life in stalinist concentration camps

Vladimir lenin

Russian bolshevik who took the country ever and died without a successor, paving the way for stalin

Sergei Eisenstein

Russian film maker who pioneered the use of montage and is considered among the most influential film makers in the history of motion pictures. Used his films to indoctrinate russians with a dramatic communist view of russian history (1898-1948)

Vladimir Lenin

Russian leader who before overthrowing the Russian Monarchy, argued that imperialism was the highest stage of capitalist monopolies and signaled the end of capitalism

Leo Tolstoy

Russian novelist who wrote depressing novels with the central message that love trust and family are life's enduring values

Peoples Will

Russian radical terrorist group that assassinated Alexander II and stopped his reforms

Leon Trotsky

Russian revolutionary and Communist theorist who helped Lenin and built up the red army. Later competed with stalin for control of the soviet union but lost


Secret army organization of pieds noirs and army leaders formed after De Gaulle began to give algeria independence. Almost launched a coup in the capital but was driven out by loyal french army members.

engagement rules

Secret engagements eventually went public, couples are chaperoned in delicate situations, sexual behaviors can only be done in secret

Russian Marxist throught

Set up the events of 1905 and took hold as the proletariat grew


Settler colonies with established populations of Europeans, such as North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Latin America, where Europe found outlets for population growth and its most profitable investment opportunities in the nineteenth century.

Kapp Putsch

Short lived right wing military takeover of Germany

Reclaiming of vienna

Shortly after subduing Italy, artillery fire wins back vienna from the workers and students for the conservatives

Reasons for poor living conditions

Slow establishment of building codes and slow advance of useful science, blocking of meaningful reform by elites, ignorance of basic hygiene, long tradition of housing being terrible and people accepting it

Cuban Missle Crisis (1962)

Standoff between John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in October 1962 over Soviet plans to install nuclear weapons in Cuba. Although the crisis was ultimately settled in America's favor and represented a foreign-policy triumph for Kennedy, it brought the world superpowers perilously close to the brink of nuclear confrontation. Brought Khrushchev's fall out of office

Harry Truman

The 33rd U.S. president, who succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt upon Roosevelt's death in April 1945. . After the war, Truman was crucial in the implementation of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, which greatly accelerated Western Europe's economic recovery.

baby boomers

The 78 million people born during the baby boom, following World War II and lasting until the early 1960s. Brought a new youth culture and generation gap with them

Triple alliance

The alliance of Austria, Germany, and Italy. Italy left the alliance when war broke out in 1914 on the grounds that Austria had launched a war of aggression.

War Communism

The application of centralized state control during the Russian civil war, in which the Bolsheviks seized grain from peasants, introduced rationing, nationalized all banks and industry, and required everyone to work.

Gavrilo Princip

The assassin of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria, a member of the Black Hand

Mood of 1914

The attitudes and convictions of Europeans around 1914 - They all thought that a war would be a quick and painless test of nations that will and should happen

national workshops

Compromise between moderates and radicals that devolved into an unsatisfactory public works program

Munich conference

Conference where Britain and France agree to let hitler Annex the Sudetenland on the supposed condition he doesn't annex anywhere else

Japanese imperialism

Conquered korea and won the Russo Japanese war, taking Port arthur in the process

French conquest of algeria

Conquest done under charles X to try and gain the support of the french. Marked rebirth of French colonial expansion

Soren Kierkegaard

Danish Christian existentialist who believed ordinary individuals couldn't prove the existence of god but argued in his written works that they had to take a "leap of faith"

Soren Kierkegaard, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers

Danish, Russian, German, and also german philosophers(in order of being written) who spread existentialism on the nations they inhabited


Death squad that followed German army regimens and systematically moved from town to town shooting jews. Killed 2 million

French front debate

Debate at the tehran conference over whether to open a front in france or the balkans. US and USSR vote to open one in france but Britain wants to open one in the balkans to indirect attack germany through italy

Russian ottoman war

Declared during the greek revolution and ended with russia gaining a protectorate over modern romania

Clemenceau's Germany solution

Demilitarize them, create a buffer state, and demand reparations

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Democratic president who created the New Deal to counter the effects of the Great Depression. Ran on the promise of the new deal and took the U.S off the gold standard

French Middle class liberals

Denounced Napoleon III's Rule immediately upon getting the opportunity


Descendants of the Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony in southern Africa


Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer- large early computer used by the U.S

Polish underground press

Emerged along with underground classes to combat nazis banning universities and national newspapers in poland

Romantic lifestyle

Emotionally dramatized day to day life featuring sucicide, duels to the death, and extremely serious love affairs.

Louis Napoleon

Emperor elected to France in 1848 who lead France in the direction of authoritarianism

Napoleon III

Emperor of France who used his Napoleonic ancestry to win the election. Ran on the belief that the government should represent the people and help them economically. Later got voted as emperor. Wanted to gain territory for France by reorganizing Europe on the principle of nationality

Franz Joseph

Emperor of austria after the liberal revolutions who controlled every area except hungary

Franz Joseph

Emperor of austria hungary who tried to centralize his empire and germanize the many different cultures living in it


Emperor who under the influence of Tojo, made japan fascist in the years leading up to world war 2.

Mussolini's overthrow

End of fascism in Italy forced by coup d'etat during the allied invasion of Italy. Hitler took northern and central Italy as a response and Mussolini set up a puppet government there

Charles Darwin

English naturalist who, after collecting fossils and observing animals in the galapagos, concluded that earth and the first life on earth were both old and that life had gradually evolved from a common ancestor

Joseph lister

English surgeon who connected bacteria in the air with wound infections and came up with the antiseptic principle to solve his problem

Battle of britain

Entirely air based battle fought for control of the air. Reached a winner when hitler ordered civilian bombing and as a result British factories outproduced him and won the war

Tractatus logico philosophicus

Essay by Ludwig Wittgenstein. Argued that philosophy was the only logical clarification of the thoughts, and that God/freedom/morality were senseless and merely reflected personal preferences.


The process of heating a substance up enough to kill harmful bacteria present in the substance

Island hopping

The process of the us and Australia conquering island after island in a string to move closer to japan

Cause of 1800s revolutions and successes

Determination of common people going against powerful

colossus computer

Developed by British to break German codes during WWII.

Allied full takeover of italy

Didn't happen until 1945 but resulted in Mussolini's execution

Uneven industrial development

Didn't provide enough jobs or boost income and thus made socialism an appealing option for the working classes

Suez crisis

Diplomatic and almost military crisis where britain, france, and israel invade egypt because they nationalized the suez canal company. The americans and the soviets joined together to force britain and france to stop

European radio ownership

Directly controlled and funded by governments

Lin Zexu

Distinguished Chinese official charged with stamping out opium trade in southern China; ordered blockade of European trading areas in Canton and confiscation of opium; sent into exile following the Opium War


Diverse territory of austria in which people demanded national autonomy, universal suffrage, and full civil liberty in march 1848, beginning austrian revolutions.

October Manifesto

Document issued after the current govt was forced into capitulation- granted full civil rights and put legislative power in a parliament

Tzu hsi

Dowager empress of china who revitalized the bureaucracy, and eventually took over the government again after her first period of rule and declared a reactionary war against foreign powers to try and stop the boxer rebellion

1850 paris

Due to ineffective planning, the city was dense and the streets were dark and narrow with compact living quarters

Louis Phillipe

Duke of orleans who the middle class put on the throne in place of something more radical and socialist. Adopted the constitutional charter and tricolor but didn't answer to other popular reform demands


Durkheim's book where he argues that suicide was caused by a feeling of rootlessness and that this problem needed to be solved with a new moral order

Sergei Witte

Finance minister of Russia who correctly believed Russia needed to industrialize to stay a great power. He doubled the amount of state railways, tariffed foreign goods, put russia on the gold standard, and successfully encouraged westerners to build factories in southern russia.

Karlsbad decree and german confederation reinstation

Forced by Austria and Russia in 1850 to prevent German unification. Lead to most German states having conservative constitutions and unrepresentative parliaments

Nazi "colonial taxes"

Forcing conquered territories to pay for the war, stealing from Jews, setting favorable exchange rates, encouraging soldiers to purchase goods at cheap exchange rates and send them back to Germany

Henri Phillipe petain

Former French WW1 general who ruled Vichy france

id, ego, and superego

Freudian terms to describe the three parts of the self and the basis of human behavior, which Freud saw as basically irrational

civilization and its discontents

Freuds book where he argues that civilization was only possible when humans renounced their rational instincts and that civilization inherently led to widespread unhappiness

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Gave farmers money to reduce crop size to reduce production and bring up the value of crops

soviet atomic bomb (1949)

Gave the USSR equal atomic power along with its larger military size over the USA and prompted an arms race/ even more serious cold war

Third reform bill of 1884

Gave the vote in England to almost every adult male.

Chiang Kai shek

General and leader of Nationalist China after 1925. Although he succeeded Sun Yat-sen as head of the Guomindang, he became a military dictator whose major goal was to crush the communist movement led by Mao Zedong.

French Commonwealth

General de Gaulle offered African leaders in 1958 the choice to associate with France as independent nations; leaders agreed for French culture/aid

on germany

Germaine de staels work where she praises the spontaneity and enthusiasm of german writers as compared to french writers. Broke through and started the romantic impulse in France

Gustav Stresemann

German Foreign Minister who assumed leadership of government and got the French to move out of the Ruhr by calling off passive resistance

auxillary service law

German Law that requires all males between seventeen and sixty to work only at jobs considered critical to the war effort.

Heinrich Himmler

German Nazi who grew the SS to take over the concentration camps and political police

Fredrick Nietzsche

German Philosopher who believed enlightenment ideas were outworn social constructs that stifled self-realization and wrote works that became influential only after his death when others adapted them for their needs


German battleships that challenged Britain's naval superiority and made them insist that "Germany is deliberately planning to destroy the British Empire.:

Universal film company

German film company that worked in Babelsberg studios and made nosferatu(expressionist vampire film) and metropolis(working class revolt)

Paul von hindenburg and Eric von Ludendorff

German generals who ousted Bethmann-Hollweg and created a totalitarian military dictatorship

Heinrich von Treitschke

German nationalist historian, works reflected the growing aggressiveness of European imperialism. Stated that all strong nations have to be imperial and colonize non-imperial nations

Albert Einstein

German physicist who build of of Curie and Planck's studies to develop the theory of special relativity

Max Planck

German physicist who developed the quanta and called into question the distinction between matter and energy

Heinrich von Treitschke

German professor at the university of Humboldt who taught that germans were superior

Weimar republic

German republic founded after the WWI and the downfall of the German Empire's monarchy.

Weimar Republic

German republic founded after the WWI and the downfall of the German Empire's monarchy. Made up of moderate social democrats who often directly opposed radical socialists

Caspar David Friedrich

German romantic who generally painted somber paintings that showed off natures divine presence and unmatched power

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

German romantics who recovered old german fairy tales on the verge of being forgotten

Ferdinand Tonnies

German social scientist who argued that western civilization went from a "community" to a "society" where rationalized self interest had replaced traditional values

germany's blank check

Germany sends this to Austria-Hungary on July 5th, 1914 basically saying that they will back them if they go to war

Private firm taxation failure

Germany's failure to tax private firms heavily, a mov e which would've helped them prevent future inflation and black market growth

Final solution of the Jewish question

Germany's new mechanism of concentration camps, factory complexes, and railways designed to exploit for labor and then kill mass numbers of Jews and others deemed undesirable

Romantics contribution to french election

Glorified Napoleon III

On the inequality of the human races

Gobineau's bookwhere he divides humanity into 3 races, white, black, and yellow. Of these the whites were known as aryans and had superior qualities

new imperialism

Historians' term for the late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century wave of conquests by European powers, the United States, and Japan, which were followed by the development and exploitation of the newly conquered territories.

German invasion of soviets

Hitler breaks nonaggression pact and conquers Ukraine and surrounds/besieged Leningrad/Moscow early on

Rite of spring

Igor Stravinsky opera with intentionally discordant sounds and on-stage lovemaking

Fashoda incident

In 1898 England and France almost came to war over Fashoda, located in Sudan. The area was of no economic or political importance. This incident illustrated the dangers of imperialism, in that European nations were willing to fight over useless territory. France only surrenders because of the Dreyfus affair


In 1915 one of the german subs sunk this passenger ship, killing many Americans.

Beer Hall Putsch

In 1923 the Nazis attempted to overthrow the government in Munich. It was a total failure, and Hitler received a brief prison sentence during which time he wrote Mein Kampf. Concluded from this event he needed to come to power through politics rather than violence

social market economy

In Germany, a postwar economic system that combines a highly productive market economy with an extensive and generous welfare state, as well as unusually active involvement of both business and labor in economic policy

socialism in one country

Joseph Stalin's concept of Russian communism based solely on the Soviet Union rather than the Leninist concept of international revolution; by cutting off the Soviet Union from other economies, the USSR avoided worst consequences of the Great Depression. More appealing to russians

Potsdam Conference

July 26, 1945 - Allied leaders Truman, Stalin and Churchill met in Germany to set up zones of control and to inform the Japanese that if they refused to surrender at once, they would face total destruction. Stalin denies the right to free elections in Soviet-influenced europe

The castle

Kafka novel where individuals get crushed by enemies who are hostile for no real reason

the metamorphosis

Kafka novel where the main character turns to a giant insect

Wilhelm II

Kaiser of Germany who repealed the anti-socialist laws and forced bismarck to resign

Wilhelm II

Kaiser of germany who dismissed bismarck and developed the schlieffen plan as a part of his involvement during WW1

secret speech

Khrushchev revealed the existence of a letter written by Lenin that was very critical of Stalin; used to denounce Stalin's rules & practices

sickness unto death

Kierkegaard's book where he writes that humans had to accept the existence of god even though they themselves couldn't prove it

King Leopold II

King of Belgium (r. 1865-1909). He was active in encouraging the exploration of Central Africa and became the infamous ruler of the Congo Free State (to 1908).

Victor emmanuel III

King of Italy who gave Mussolini legitimacy as dictator

Victor Emmanuel II

King of Sardinia Piedmont who was a key part of the "third alternative" to unify Italy supported by most Italians

Wilhelm I

King of prussia and later of germany who, realizing that war with france and austria was possible, expanded prussia's army

Danube Provinces, Greece, Serbia, Algeria

Lands that the ottoman empire eventually lost

Liberate women from women's liberation reversal

Late 1930s boom in jobs for women that occurred because the nazis faced labor shortages.

Revised poor law of 1834

Law that put edwin chadwick in charge of the administration of relief to paupers

Anti socialist laws

Laws barely pushed through parliament that banned Social democratic associations, meetings and publications.

towards a new architecture

Le Corbusier's work where he lays out guidelines for revolutionary building design that he argued architects should follow

General Louis Cavaignac

Lead the republican army in the June Days in order to diminish the working class revolt

Inadequate sanitation

Lead to sewage on the streets and poor bathroom facilities/excrement management

Winston churchill

Leader of Britain during ww2. Much more tenacious and aggressive towards Germany than chamberlain

Muhammad ali

Leader of Egyptian modernization in the early nineteenth century. He ruled Egypt as an Ottoman governor, but had imperial ambitions. His descendants ruled Egypt until overthrown in 1952.

William Gladstone

Liberal prime minister of great britain who introduced bills that would give ireland self government

Charles X defeat

Liberals and middle class business men encourage everybody to launch an insurrection in the capital

French National Assembly

Main legislative body of France. Majority of conservatives

Space race

Many scientists and military leaders believed that control of space would be very important. Consequently, the USA and USSR invested billions of dollars in developing satellites, space stations, rockets, etc. This investment led to great scientific advances, but also caused friction and insecurities.


Movies with sound. Permitted a global film industry revival

black shirts

Mussolini's private militia that destroyed socialist newspapers, union halls, and Socialist Party headquarters, eventually pushing Socialists out of the city governments of northern Italy.

Historian view of Nazi regime

NOT a social revolution but did bring about economic growth and generally succeeded in gaining the people's support


Nation that lost norway to a national independence movement in the late 19th century

German Labor Front

National Socialist trade union organization which replaced the various trade unions of the Weimar Republic after Adolf Hitler's rise to power.

Napoleon III lasting impression

Nationalism and Authoritarianism are compatible

Romantic text recovery

Nationalism leads some romantics to transcribe old folk songs, stories, and proverbs of their people that the enlightenment tried to sweep under the rug

Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, france

Nations Germany conquered soon after Poland in spring 1940

Spain and sweden

Nations that were neutral all through ww2

League of German women

Nazi Women's organization made to spread naziism to women

Albert speer

Nazi armaments minister who put war prisoners to work in a final push to win the war. Lead to production tripling


Nazi process of converting mostly Jewish areas into districts for Germans to move into

Mercy killing

Nazi program that involved systematically murdering germans with chronic disabilities

Liberate women from women's liberation

Nazi promise which involved relegating women to their traditional roles. Involved outlawing abortion and using propaganda to encourage separate spheres mentality

Vichy france

Nazi puppet government in southeast France that followed along with national socialist ideology


Nazi word for a peoples community for racially pure germans

Hitler youth

Nazi youth organization made to indoctrinate people at a young age. Made mandatory by Nazi law

Reichstag elections of 1930 and 1932

Nazis first gain 6.5 million votes and then 14.5 million, giving them 38% of the seats in the Reichstag

European coal and steel community

Organized by Jean Monnet (1888-1979) it called for an integration of the coal and steel industries of France and West Germany. It finally added Italy and the Benelux states

1905 discontent from factory workers

Organized themselves in supposedly illegal labor movements

U.S Film quotas

Quotas on imported us films placed by european powers in order to secure american films europeans wanted

Nazi public works program

Program that involved building of superhighways, offices, stadiums, and housing. Instilled national pride and helped create jobs

Napoleon III italian withdrawal

Prompted by worries he would be criticized for supporting a declared enemy of the pope. Made a compromise peace with Austria and stopped supporting Cavour

corn law initial reaction

Protests and demonstrations by laborers and radicals. Strengthened by war weariness

remembrance of things past

Proust novel where he recalls memories of his childhood to discover their meaning

German empire federal system

Prussia and 24 smaller states bound by a strong national government with a chancellor

Syllabus of errors

Publication by Pope Pius IX denouncing rationallism, socialism, religious liberty, and the separation of church and state

Germany administrative takeover

Put nazis in top bureaucracy positions, established nazi party organizations with overlapping roles. Lack of unity but strong sense of competition

"man is condemned to be free"

Quote by Sartre that represents the belief that people have to define themselves through their actions and create their own meaning in life; most people escape this by creating universal social norms in "bad faith"

Arthur de Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain

Racial theorists of the 19th Century

Irish republican brotherhood

Radical revolutionaries in ireland who engaged in violent campaigns against british rule and got arrested as a result

vincent van gogh

impressionist who built on impressionist motifs but added psychological elements to his paintings

Muhammad Ali economic reforms

improved bureaucracy and communication networks, and "modernizing" egypts agriculture by giving it to landlords who made peanants tenant farmers but sped up innovation

Expansion of universities

in 1950 only 3 to 4 percent of western european students attend university but in 1960 the number triples

Post WW1 US(diplomatic situation)

increasingly looked towards isolationism and not influencing european affairs

pre cold war middle class model

independent and self employed individual either engaged in a liberal profession or an entrepeneurial endeavor

Russian legal system changes

independent courts and equality under the law established

Women 1960s job increase industry reason

industry shifts away from heavy industries dominated by men.

NY Artistic rise to power

influx of immigrants fleeing europe as WW2 was beginning

fireside chats

informal talks given by FDR and Stanley Baldwin over the radio; sat by White House fireplace; gained the confidence of the people

India economic expansion

jute and tea plantations, irrigation projects, insanely large railroad network, all get created by brits and serve to benefit the state not the people

Napoleonic wars Prussian effect

kickstarted Prussian desires for a constitutional monarchy

Italian unification problems

language barrier. 2% of people spoke what would become official italian

Social democrats(sweden-norway)

largets party: passed social reform legislation and believed in non revolutionary socialism that encouraged cooperation between capitalists and labor leaders

old general trench warfare response

launching massive offensives designed to achieve massive breakthroughs which didn't work due to the defensive nature of trench warfate

Napoleonic code

law code in france in which women were subordinate to men and had few legal rights regarding property and divorce

Nazi Sterilization Law

law forcing nazi doctors to sterilize "hereditary il" and "asocials" as to "keep the german race pure"

First public health law

law passed by britain which created a national health board and gave cities authority to build modern sanitation systems

fundamental laws of themodynamics

laws based around thermodynamics that got applied to many different fields such as engineering and chemistry

fundamental laws

laws issued in 1906. The duma had an upper house was indirectly elected by universal male suffrage which could pass laws but all laws passed could be vetoed by the Tsar. The Tsar also appointed all the ministers

expropriation laws

laws that allowed the majority of owners of a given quarter of land to impose better sanitation improvements

1912 chinese uprising

lead to a weak republic being declared and the Qings being topples

Louis blanc executive committee removal

lead to an uprising on may 15th in which artisans and unskilled workers invaded the constituent assembly and tried to proclaim a revolutionary state. Crushed by national guard

Austro-Prussian war peace terms payoff

lead to austria being neutral when Prussia invaded France

Greek classical culture

lead to intellectuals from wester europe and the U.S Supporting greece when they revolted

United states(engineering)

leader of architecture due to no building tradition and rapid urban growth

Ahmed Arabi

leader of the egyptian nationalist party who lead a revolt when the british bombed alexandria

Robert peel

leader of the tory party who joined with the whigs and some tories to repeal the corn laws after the irish potato famine

ussr spoken propaganda

lectures from party activists in factories and extensive coverage from newspaper, film, and radio.

French Industrialization

less prevalent than in other countries which meant a later but long lasting economic depression

compulsory education and nationalism

levels out language tradition and teaches children about different national traditions

common currency nationalism and nationalism

levels out regional differences and nationalist imagery can be put on currency

Constitutional charter

liberal constitution in france that protected economic and social gains made by the middle class and peasantry, permitted some intellectual and artistic freedom, and had a parliament with upper and lower houses

Simon Beauvior

lifelong intellectual partner of sartre who believed that there is no god to help humans and existence itself is an absurdity

Bohemian life

lifestyle where one wears long uncombed hair and rejecting polite society's values and standards, supposedly under the justification of individualism.

Edward said

literary scholar who coined the term orientalism and believed it was impossible for westerners to actually understand and not stereotype non-western cultures

Postcolonial migrant challenges

live in separate communities and didn't adapt to european lifestyles. Faced employment and housing discrimination as well as rhetoric from xenophobic politicians

the human comedy

long series portraying over 2,000 characters that ultimately portrays urban society as amoral and brutal


long straight streets lined with trees that were the main feature of rebuilt Paris. Prevented easy building of revolutionary barricades, allowed for smoother traffic flow, and generally allowed some of the worst slums to be replaced with quality housing

Italian emigration

low industry in Italy caused many Italians to immigrate to places like Canada, U.S., and Latin America until 1914 where emigration rates dropped

the great Spring Offensive of 1918

ludendorff's final attempted assault on the french military

craft elimination by factories

made semiskilled factory workers replace skilled artisans and caused upheaval in the working classes

French parliament

made up of uncooperative political parties and unstable coalition cabinets

Standard of living rise

made workers after 1850 much less feverent in pursuing their goals

Hussein Ibn-Ali

magistrate of mecca and arabian nationalist who launched successful guerrilla rebellions against the ottomans for arabian independence

semiskilled worker groups

main group that emerged in the new working classes. Developed a different culture and lifestyle than both unskilled and skilled workers, putting a wedge between and dividing the working class

Lack of opportunity and hunger

main impacts of overpopulation that made people seek out new lands with more opportunities

Horse drawn streetcar

main instrument of public transportation in pre 1890 europe. Private companies could get authorized to use streetcars moved by horses to transport people


main practice that divided and defined america ideologically and geographically in the mid-late 1850s

Existentialism popularity

mainly during and after world war II and particularly strong in France

skilled vs unskilled worker distinction

major element of the working class that broke down and divided the working class into non-unified subsects

chinese silver

major source of chinese wealth that was being used to pay for british opium and therefore being taken from china

German worker ideological split

majority loyal to social democrats

Suez and Panama Canals

man-made waterways constructed in Egypt and Panama, which facilitated the travel of ships around the world and decreased the cost of foreign trade

Civil years war lasting effect

manifest destiny and nationalism in america get a nice boost

marriage rules

marriage only if one can support a wife, children, and servant.

preindustrial work pattern

men and women share wage work and household duties

scientific justification for the sexual double standard

men were easily aroused and couldn't control biological drives whereas women didn't have these biological drives.

African Fever

mentality concerning africa often compared to the gold rush, for it encouraged Europeans to fervently pursue african land at all costs


methods of pregnancy prevention that saw more use as couples sought to limit how many babies they were having


middle class profession that expanded as large corporations came into control of more and more workers and machines

SPD free corps militas

militias Hired by the Weimar republic to put down and arrest those involved in socialist rebellions

Croats and Romanians

minorities living in hungary that opposed magyar as the official language of school and govt

White collar workers

mixed group of small business owners, bookkeepers, traveling merchants, clerks, and store managers who comprised the lower middle class. Didn't earn much more than well paid skilled workers but held on to the middle class value of upward social mobility and set themselves apart from the upper working class.

Economic mixture

mixture of government planned economy and free market capitalism that all leaders accepted as a framework for good government and that allowed them to promote economic growth up until the 1970s

business elite

new elite class composed of extremely successful business families that was second only to the traditional aristocracy


new entertainment area that became friendly to workers and often replaced traditional drinking. Also became a center of political activity

War Labor Board and War Industries Board

new federal boards in the US that regulated industry, labor relations and agricultural production

race theorists

new group of intellectuals who theorized about race and claimed all their ideas were based on science and undisputable facts

emerging manufacturing and commercial groups in britain

new groups who tried to gain political power and prestige with their newly acquired wealth

Missiles, nuclear submarines, spy sattelites

new important weapons of the cold war era made possible by big science


new invention of the british that allowed them to detect enemy aircraft

industrial breakthrough science contribution

new inventions like the steam engine and blast furnace give scientists new machines to study and questions to answer


new issue caused by coal use in factories that went mostly unsolved

unified italy

new kingdom which didn't originally have but shortly gained venice and rome. Had a small voting population, large geographical economic differences, and a big social gap upon founding

Advice literature

new literature that encouraged women to buy more appliances for their housed

transoceanic telegraph cables

new method of communication that allowed major economic powers and financial centers to communicate and allowed prices to be conveyed much quicker

managers and civil servants

new model groups for the middle class concerned with efficient and practical solutions to problems


new muslim nation formed when inda got its independence and muslims didn't want to live in the predominantly hindu state

Reichstag election of 1933

The reichstag gets burnt down and hitler blames communists. Then the nazis win 44% of the vote and hitler outlaws the communist party

Big science

The unprecedented combination of theoretical science and complex engineering under government sponsorship.

Gunboat Diplomacy

The use or threat of military force to coerce a government into economic or political agreements.

Nicholas II

Tsar of russia who ignored Japan's diplomatic complaints, initiating the russo-Japanese Warkimj n

Tsar Nicholas II

Tsar of russia who ordered full mobilization against austria and germany, thus bringing russia and france into the war

Nicholas I

Tsar who sent troops to Hungary to subdue revolts in that territory


Turkish city where greeks launched an invasion of turkey on british ships

British economic reorientation

Turned to national markets, tariffs and off of gold standard, automobile and electric product growth, housing boom.

Pro-Unification Italian mass revolt

Tuscany and other areas overthrow their princes and call for Unity with S-P during the enthusiasm. Eventually all these territories get voted into Sardinia Piedmont.

opium wars

Two mid-nineteenth-century conflicts between China and Great Britain over the British trade in opium, which was designed to "open" China to European free trade. In defeat, China gave European traders and missionaries increased protection and concessions.

Herbert hoover

U.S president during the beginning of the great depression. He did nothing for a while hoping the issue would solve itself but it didn't

Britain's new alliances

U.S, Japan, and France

five year plan statistics

favored industry over basic necessities and thus industry created 4 times as much

serving the establishment

fear that universities were merely turning out technocrats with not much personality or individuality

Federation of German Women's Association

feminist group in germany that united regional feminist groups. Particularly needed due to women not being able to become fully registered students

Diplomatic imperial/militarism

a tactic used by governing elites to make sure that all groups, mainly socialists, who could rise against the govt, were patriotic and supported the nation

income taxes

a tax on income that was universally nonexistent or light in europe and thus didn't impact income equality when it could've

primary producers

a term for Primarily Asian, African, and Latin american states who shipped off raw goods to europe where they were made to goods.

talking cure

a therapy in the form of discussion of psychological distress with a trained professional, leading to the elimination of distressing symptoms

Nietzsche's "way out" of nihilism

accept that life is meaningless and use that as a source of personal integrity.

conservative reaction to darwin

accused him of being an anti christian and mocked the idea that humans could've descended from apes

Professional civil service restoration act

act passed by the nazis which banned jews from working for the government

Ten Hours Act of 1847

act passed by tories that limited the workday of young men and all women to 10 hours in an attempt to gain the support of the working class

Hindenburg emergency acts

acts hitler convinced president Hindenburg to pass that abolished freedom of speech and personal liberties

exclusionary acts

acts passed by the U.S and Australia designed to keep Asians from entering a country

British Contagious Disease Acts

acts that forced registered prostitutes to undergo biweekly medical exams to check for STDs. If they had one they were forced to to to a "lock hospital" to get treated

New middle class house plans

adapted to the notion of separate spheres by having separate bedrooms for every family member of the house. Also included parlors for entertainment, and as opulent as possible furniture

Christian democrat economics

advocated for free market but also established education subsidies, public transportation, housing alllowances, and public health insurance

Sir herbert kitchener

english general who built a railroad down the nile to sudan and lead to english to victory on that front. Later served as governor of india and argued that since Europeans were superior to all other nations, Hindus could never receive better social status than europeans

German colonial loss

all of their african and asian colonies given to either the france, britain, or japan

Collective ownership

all the land is now owned collectively by villages, which are in charge of making payments for every family in the city. Makes it difficult for peasants to leave villages or introduce better ways of farming

installment purchasing

allowed people to buy on credit; ordinary people were increasingly willing to take on debt, and banks offered loans for consumer purchases on easy terms

Public transportation housing impact

allowed people to live in houses beyond the city center, uncongesting most cities.

Elections for socialists

allowed them to actually win benefits and encouraged them to vote rather than revolt

whigs vs tories

allowed working class to get what they wanted by temporary allying to either different grouped

Steam engine

an engine that uses the expansion or rapid condensation of steam to generate power. Allowed factories to be moved to urban areas

Influenza epidemic

an epidemic caused by the H1N1 influenza virus; lasted from 1918 to 1920; resulted in 50 to 100 million deaths, ranking it one of the most deadliest natural disasters in human history


an example of a field heavily impacted by the increased demand for specialized knowledge. Became a full profession with established criteria for advanced training and certification and organizations of engineers to defend engineer interests

Eastern Europe

area where jews had it the worst, suffering social prejudice, almost always being in poverty, and being used by Russia to channel discontent away from the government


area where romanticism never completely dominated and realism took hold first

socialist feminists

argued that marxist revolution and liberation of the entire working class was the only way to free up working women

Aristocracy-Business elite cooperation

aristocracy often traded aristocratic luxuries for hard cash. American Heiresses are usually involved in the best bargains


armed belgian partisans that slowed the schlieffen plan down by defending belgium but propagated german fears so much they committed the "rape of belgium"

trench warfare origin

armies barricading themselves from machine gun fire

Ottoman free trade reforms

as a result of pressure from europeans that sponsored the crimean war, ottoman leaders remove foreign tariffs and permit foreign merchants to operate freely in the empire

asian labor limit

asians flee harsh working conditions almost immediately upon entry

Working class separate spheres adoption

attempted around 1900 but not fully realized because more working class than middle class women made monetary contributions to the household and were sometimes unable to provide good meals, leading men to spend more time at places like pubs than the household

Berlin Currency reform

attempted currency replacement in western germany by the west that violated the allied peace settlement and made stalin fearful to the point where he occupied berlin

Franz schubert

austrian composer who proclaimed the importance of imagination, which had been shrouded by the enlightenments emphasis on facts

Franz Joseph

austrian emperor and symbol of unity who was assassinated


autocratic prince of egypt who modernized egypt in ways such as promoting irrigation networks and making arabic the official language, and giving cairo boulevards and hotels. Failed by driving egypt into debt with expensive project, meaning Britain and France could force him into appointing ministers who drained money from him

Early nationalism

averse idea to autocratic government and a tool liberals used to challenge monarchies and give minorities independence

Bosnia and Herzegovina

balkan state Austria Hungary annexed to stop serbian expansion. Made tensions between them stronger by including more serbs in the austria empire


balkan state which tried to build a nation state of ethnic serbs, thus challenging austria-hungary and the ottomans. Formed Yugoslavia after the war was over

Catholics italian political involvement

banned previously from participating but the ban got lifted, meaning a new conservative catholic party emerged

battle of sedan

battle where prussia decisively defeats france and napoleon III gets captured and humiliated

Second battle of the marne

battle where the U.S stops Germany's spring offensive and puts the allies in a winning position

Battle of tannenberg and battle of the masurian lakes

battles where germany won significant victories against russia, making up for Austria Hungary's failures

WW1 in literature

became a notably horrifying experience that artists tried really hard to capture in their works

house life transformation

became increasingly reliant upon and organized around the use of modern appliances

WW1 class distinctions

became weaker due to less poverty being present due to the job increases of the time

Labor union WW1 status increase

because work is more needed they get to bargain with war-governments over rights and decision authority


becomes neutral citing austrias "war of agression" and then turns to the entente in order to take austrian territory

classical liberalism

belief in basic liberal tenets of freedom of speech, individual rights, and limited state power. Stood for everything totalitarianism stood against

Modern consumerism religious criticism

belief that consumer culture created an overpowering sense of individualism that was replacing spirituality

Post WW1 France(diplomatic situation)

betrayed by all of its allies and relatively isolated

Appeals of domestic servitude

better Marriage prospects, better wages than agriculture, cities are a good source of interesting life experiences

idemnity bill

bill that pre-approved all of the Prussian govt's spending between 1862 and 1866 and ended the prussian constitutional crisis.

Compromise home rule bill

billl introduced by the house of lords that gave southern ireland, but not the ulsterites, independence. Rejected in favor of the original home rule bill because irish nationalists felt betrayed

Thomas Hardy: tess of the d'urbervilles and the return of the natice

english novelist who wrote about ordinary people angered by social prejudice, puritanism, and bad luck

Thomas Malthus

english philosopher whose idea about population growth outpacing resource availability heavily influenced Charles Darwin's ideas on evolution

Herbert spencer

english race theorist who saw the human race as being driven forward by constant economic struggle


entertainment medium that replaced cinema as the primary entertainment of the masses after ww2

cholera epidemic

epidemic that struck london in 1848, underscoring the need for better sanitation

Terror in Totalitarian State

essential part of totalitarianism because totalitarianism supposedly had to fight some sort of enemy, real or made up

port facilities

essential parts of harbors that made loading and unloading cargo faster and cheaper through different improvements during imperialism

Post WW1 germany(diplomatic situation)

bitter and hateful over the treaty of versailles

British Blockade of germany

blockade that prompted german submarine warfare and staved 750,000 germans and meant everyday food was rationed

Otto von Bismarck

blonde nazi communist/Prussian Prime minister(originally skilled diplomat) who pulled strings until he was prime minister of a unified Germany

Imperialsm novel

book written by J.A hobson where he argues that the need to appease a capitalist economy is the reason why imperialism was as strong as it was

improved transportation and nationalism

boosted the growth of national markets and solved rural isolation

national self-determination conflict(prewar)

border conflicts get exacerbated

opponents of Louis phillipe

bourgeois merchants, opposition deputies, liberal thinkers, shopkeepers, artisans, working class

textile industry

britain exported 50 percent of its output in this industry and indians were forced to buy, leaving some unemployed who had jobs in this industry

The battle of the somme movie

british movie about the battle of the somme that exemplified how countries used movies to satisfy political motives

Cavour reform program

built highways and railroads, increased civil liberties and decreased clerical privilege to win the support of northern Italians.

anti-slavic military bureaucracy

bureaucracy Germany instated to govern conquered slavic lands. Used war prisoners and refugees as forced labor and gave their crops to german homelands, causing 1/3d of the population to die/emigrate

Improved transportation trade impact

called for new jobs and made more economic opportunities. Allowed for intercontinental shipment of low priced gods

peoples charter of 1838

called for suffrage for all men and annual Parliament elections

russian protest movements

came from radical Marxists(wanted socialism) and Middle class intellectuals(wanted liberal state) due to russias extremely slow modernization

homosexual/asocial concentration camps

camps where nazis supposedly re-educated the targeted groups


capital of sudan where sudanese massacred a british standing army regiment and that britain eventually conquered

Russian expansion

catalyzed by industrial development and using railroads to colonize. Stronger control gained over Chinese-Siberian border, Central asia north of Afghanistan, northeast border with ottoman empire

White collar workers

category of workers employed in offices, sales, or professional positions that became the new main group in the middle class during the cold war era

Potato demographic impact

caused population growth in ireland even though everyone was poor

1929 stock market crash

caused the Great Depression, happened because the economic system was built on "borrowed money" and there was a stock price bubble

art's radical mission

change the world by bringing attention to how bankrupt mainstream society was

russian territorial gains

chinas outlying provinces and area in northern iran present day

Christian existentialists

christians who believed in existentialism's loneliness but also emphasized humans' sinful nature and need for faith in god

church political involvement

churches are increasingly seen as conservative political organizations that are not in line with worker interests, thus turning workers away

Devastated cities

cities after WW2 that were almost entirely destroyed. Namely Leningrad, Warsaw, Vienna, Budapest, Rotterdam, and coventry

Basra and Baghdad

cities in Iraq that the british captured in WW1 when first invading the ottomans


cities that grew to be known for their radical artistic undergrounds


city where britain, france, and russia defeated the ottoman navy

spanish civil war

civil war in spain which further tore france apart. Communists demanded support for the republican faction and conservatives supported fascism. Almost drove france to civil war

The netherlands

civilization who sent the boers to cape town originally and ruled over all of indonesia

British landowning aristocracy

class that dominated society but was not closed out and was accessible to successful people

French modernization commissions

commissions of planned economy that social democrats used to industrialize

Matthew perry

commodore of the US Navy who opened up Japan with the Treaty of Kanagawa

rented houses

common among middle classmen and allowed them to own seasonal houses

favoring defense

common theme among every modern weapon used in WW1

middle class lifestyle preferences

common trend among middle class members of living wealthy semi-extravagant lifestyles that united them and set them apart from the working class

mixed age marriages

common trend of women marrying much older men that occurred under the system of needing financial autonomy before marriage

Romanticism political compatibility

compatible with all beliefs as exemplified by the eventually conservative woodsworth and eventually liberal victor hugo

Stalins wife

complained about the famine in ukraine which caused stalin to bully her into committing suicide

Proper Burial struggles

conditions such as a large number of dead, battlefield dangers, and inconvenient death locations that made proper body identification and burial almost impossible

German communists vs social democrats

conflict that kept the left from banding together to stop hitlers political dominance

General syrian congress

congregation of arab nationalists who declared syria as an independent kingdom in an attempt to gain political independence


conservative party controlled by the landed aristocracy

Third republic first election

conservatives and monarchists

Scandanavian cold war economics

consistently social democratic and tolerant but indifferent to the ongoing cold war

lasting state of the middle east

constant state of periodic anti-imperial riots and arab-jewish conflicts

hungary constitution of 1848

constitution Magyar nobles used to surpress magyar peasants and minorities

East bloc consumer revolution

consumer revolution under Khrushchev that was slightly more limited than in the west but allowed for an increase in consumption of some of the same goods

National accounts

contrived accounts of national history taken from folk traditions and shared customs that weren't usually accurate but popularized by the classroom and press

Britain and germany vs france

countries with bodies buried in foreign cemeteries vs countries where bodies were buried in domestic cemeteries


country that began the era of imperialism as a closed off feudal state with a strong protected culture and ended it as the only asian nation able to stand with the european powers.

New womens birth statistics

decline in birth rates picks up again in 1960s and after 1970 50% of western women have their last baby at 26, meaning women had more time to devote to not being a mother and holding jobs instead

Imperial Rescript of 1856

decree released by Abdul Mejid after the Crimean war that established equality under the law regardless of religion, modernized the administration and the army, and established private ownership of land


defined by existentialism as being aware of ones responsibility for their actions. Placed stress on having a good role in the world

Imperialism critic demands

demanded decolonization to give actual freedom to african nations

Balkan independence demands

demands by balkan territories in the A-H Empire for independence that further dragged Austria hungary down

Irish early marriage

demographic trend that arose because potatoes made it easy to survive and two(more in the event of childbirth) people managed poverty better than one

cause of greek revolution opposition

desire to keep the ottomans strong enough to check Russia

imperialism distinct groups motive

different groups all have their own specific reasons(more land, subsidies, converts, and more) for wanting imperialism, thus creating widespread support

racial degenerates

ethnic groups hitler deemed lesser than the aryan race that didn't deserve as much rights/deserved poor treatment. Primarily slavs and jews were in this group

Czechs, Poles, and Slavs

ethnic groups that made germans in austria feel like their dominance was threatened

National Self determination flawed execution

europeans pretended it didn't exist with colonies and borders were drawn across ethnicities and religions and make weak states

Royal weddings

events that brought people together at a happy education to celebrate their leader. Standout examples include Victoria's golden jubilee

World Wars(colonialism)

events that weakened colonial powers to the point where colonized nations seeking national self determination had an opportunity to rise up

Second IR public impact

everyday people start to realize the importance of science

Biased Editorials of WW1

example of how nationalism and propaganda emerged in writing during ww!

Shipbuilders and Railway engineers

examples of new skilled labor opportunities opened up by the increased specialization of advanced industrial life

Capital, flag, military uniform, national anthem

examples of symbols and traits of every nation that made nationalism accessible to the people

centralized institutions

expanded during the late 19th century and made the common person more likely to have national loyalty. Most notable example is forced conscription, where the job of a soldier involves patriotism

demanding rules

expectations from father to son of the son surpassing the father eventually

Rise of nazi party

exploited anger of veterans after the great depression when they lost their benefits

Middle class behavior code

extremely strict and involved a high emphasis on hard work, self discipline, and personal achievement. Bolstered by christian morality being preached by religious leaders and politicians

industrial housing

extremely unsanitary and compact yet still took up so much space there was little room for anything else

Great depression political impact

extremism on both sides of the political spectrum

irish potato famine

famine where irish sufffered through malnutrition and britain didn't respond. Fueled Irish revolutionary movements later in the 19th century

East vs west Europe agriculture

farming is still trendy in the east and working class members get to hire farm hands. In the west, nowhere are more than 50% employed in agriculture and most working class holds a city job

Mussolini restrictive orders

fascists put in charge of schools, labor unions outlawed, political opponents arrested

National person

fictional characters such as John Bull(england), republican Marianne(France), uncle sam(America), and solid Michel(Germany) that embodied a nations national characteristics and government

Prussian Parliament post 1848

filled with wealthy middle class liberals who wanted to establish that the parliament had political power and control of the army, not the king.

scandanavian welfare capitalism

funded old age pensions, unemployment insurance, subsidized housing, and maternity allowances by taxing the rich and later on everybody else

Hall of mirrors

hall in versailles where the franco prussian war peace treaty was singed and Wilhelm I was proclaimed emperor of Germany

Music halls

halls for songs and musicals that were accessible and popular amongst working classes. Included many dark jokes that working-classmen found relatable

Freudian popularity rise

happened after post ww2 people(particularly middle class women) equated freud's id with an excuse to have more sex

German synthetic dye boom

happened because of increased research into chemistry and allowed coal tar to be turned into synthetic dyes, which let Germany dominate the dye market

British gold standard withdrawal

happened in a response to the production crisis to make its goods cheaper and lead to other nations going off the gold standard soon after

Communist-fascist relations

hated each other and brought about clash of ideologies

Stalin NEP view

he gained support by being willing to revoke it, which young party militants liked

Hitler middle class appeal

he turned to de-emphasize anticapitalist elements of national socialism and vowed to fight communism

Pablo picasso

head figure in establishing cubism

Official language of austria

heated contention point in governmential debate because of all the minorities living in austria. Made ethnic tensions so severe that majorities in parliament were basically never obtained

Japanese scientific catchup

hired foreign experts and replaced them with japanese as soon as they learned the technology

national rebirth

hitler's political promise which allowed hitler to gan the support of a lot of different categories of middle and lower class citizens

collectivization statistics

horses, cattle, sheep, and goats in ussr halved. Grain output barely increases

nazi special hospitals

hospitals where nazis sent people with mental health disorders


houseworker that became a commonplace feature of almost every middle class home and allowed women to enhance the house for their husbands

ussr women new work demand

husband can't be the "breadwinner" and so women do difficult low paying labor.

German Hyperinflation of 1923

hyperinflation of german currency caused by french occupation of the ruhr. betrayed old values of thrift and self reliance and prompted people to blame western governments, the weimar republic, jews, and leftists.


hypernationalist military nobility that the shogun used to assert power over Japan

Greece turkish interests

hypernationalists want to recreate a byzantium-modeled greek empire

European moral superiority

idea that europeans were racially, spiritually, and morally superior to their colonized nations that was undermined by the world wars

Basis of nazi politics

dynamism, racial aggression, territorial expansion

Russian history rewrite

early great leaders portrayed as forerunners to stalin: russia's "greatest" historical figure

New hindu elite

elite of traditionally high caste west-influenced Hindus that was created after secondary education was installed. Worked with british to promote economic growth and eventually tried to win independence for india

Prussian conservative clique

emerged in response to Friedrich Wilhelm IV's liberal decrees and urged him to counter-revolt

Ottoman Empire

empire in turkey that covered a lot of the mediterranean but was loosing territory and power

Russia and the Ottoman Empire

empires both built on traditions of military conquest, authoritatianism, and minority surpression

child rearing popular literature

encouraged the instillment of self control, self fulfillment, and christian morality, values that often put pressure on a child's life

Alfred Marshall

english economist who argued that science was being used during the 19th century to enhance industry

Frankfurt Parliament

new national parilament of the German confederation who had state officials, lawyers, professors, and businessmen of the social elite as the Primary demographic. Enacted basic liberal policies but ignored more socialist demands

professoriate diversification

new occurrence that lead to new academic departments being created

british parliament new liberal demands

new police force, rights for catholics and dissenters, reform of Poor Laws to provide aid for low-paid workers

Central powers

new version of the triple alliance with italy substituted for bulgaria and the ottoman empire

Bismarcks "state socialism"

new welfare measures to support the GSPD that included sickness insurance, accident insurance, old age pensions, and retirement benefits. Paid for by compulsory contributions from workers and grants from the state. Did not stop GSPD growth


newly mass produced good that allowed for greater mobility and travel for the average person

servant keeping classes

nickname for the middle class that they got by sometimes using servants to make themselves distinct from the middle class and help run the household/fancy events

Bourgeois Monarchy

nickname given to louis phillipe's reign because it served the wealthy elite and was characterized by complacency in the face of demand for reform

inter-european migration

occured a noticeable amount: Primarily with jews and irish protestants immigrating to britain, russians and poles immigrating to germany, and iberians and italians immigrating to france

Ukranian independence calls

occured after WW1 and seen as unnaceptable anti-soviet nationalism by stalin

Decline in childbirth rates

occurred after 1940 so that couples could give good commodities and education to the children they did have, with the hope of always raising a child who had it better than they did

British takeover of egypt

occurred after Arabi's revolt and lasted until 1956, although a facade of autonomy was maintained. Tax reforms introduced benefited peasants but nationalists were damaged. Provided a model for the rest of europe to follow

Paris workshop dissolution

occurred june 22nd and made paris workers either go to country workshops or join the army. Catalyzed the June Days

Asian-local conflict

occurred when asians left mines and plantations in search of better jobs and lead to a large increase in anti-asian sentiments

Religious conversion in africa

occurs as europeans established peace and built mission schools to spread their organized religion and was generally effective


often built up in "dunghills" due to inadequate sanitation and was sold as fertilizer at times

National holidays

often created during the late 1800s to bring people together and make them happy to be a part of their civilization

Wartime crude propaganda

often state-sponsored propaganda that depicted war happenings by other nations as more cruel than they normally were in an attempt to garner support

communist practical benefits

old age pensions, free medical services, free education, daycare centers, universal employment

Migration chain

one important person leaves and then everyone else follows

Ideological battle for colonies

one of communisms main goals was colonial liberation and so they helped colonies liberate themselves. The US responded by also encouraging and funding decolonization so that the newly decolonized nations wouldn't turn communist

the Ibo

one of the most hight christianized african tribes upon increased missionary presence

Irish peasant conditions

one room mud cabins, inability to afford shoes, basically the worst in all of europe

German military limit

only allowed 100,000 soldiers

US intervention promise

only hope of the allies after the war had taken its toll on them

Women's work in WW1

opened up to basically every job while demand was high but shrunk back to standard jobs once the war ended

communist optimism

optimism and feeling that came with the USSR being the first communist society and capitalist western nations struggling

Romantic universe view

organic and dynamic and discoverable by looking at history. Anti-deist

Factory, Sewing machine, department store

organizations that allowed the middle class to care a great deal about owning good clothing

Mussolini's rise to power

organized bands of ww1 veterans into groups of fascists, violently assaulted socialists to gain popularity, demanded resignation of the existing government after gaining the military's support


ottoman territory of modern day palestine, lebanon, jordan, israel, and the syrian country whch the british captured

working classes

people who earned a living through physically demanding tasks. Comprised 4/5 of Europe's population

Martinius Bjornson and Spokesman of kiev

people who expressed the discontent of many in their country when they made statements about immigrating for political freedom


period in history thats relatively far off by this point and saw countries outside of making real economic progress

the golden age of silent film

period of time corresponding to the 1920s where film became a mass medium

corn law repeal - WW1

period of time where Britain was the worlds dominant economic power


placed in public areas and depicted heroic events and people. Notable examples include Victor Emannuel II statue or Monument to the battle of Nations in germany commemorating victories in the napoleonic wars

European legal system marriage laws

placed property ownership in the hands of the husband, signifying that the husband was almost always the dominant figure in marriages and the one expected to take on responsibility

Spain and Italy

places where anarchism rather than marxism was the radical problem that needed to be worried about

absentee landowners and pale of settlement

policies that disincentivized immigrant irish and russian jews respectively from repatriating

"Acceptable" ethnicity policy

policies that gave certain ethnicities better treatment in a given area and largely swayed where migrants went

labour party

political party in britain that rose to power as britain solved its umeployment problem. Became the new main challenge to conservatives. Moved slowly in the direction of socialism

Karl Marx

political philosopher who during the late 19th century, helped lead and unite socialists in organizations


prussian/german customs union that included every german state but austria and gave prussia an advantage over austria

shell shock

psychological disturbance caused by prolonged exposure to active warfare, especially being under bombardment. Was cast off by doctors of the time as people being cowardly, which got them denied veterans benefits

courtship rules

public made sure a courting couple didn't have premarital sex, most young couples under watch until engagement

French education laws

public tax-supported school system gets expanded and compulsory education becomes free and done in secular non-catholic schools

Separate spheres criticism

put restrictions on what a woman could do and how much education she could get

Serving a big corporation

quality of a middle class person that replaced traditional family ties as the main determining factor of a middle class citizen

1870s race ideas

races are a product of heredity and there are scientifically different and better races

J.A hobson

radical english economist who got enraged after the boer war an wrote works that influenced lenin

Paris commune

radical government proclaimed by traumatized parisians that mainly wanted radical feminism, separation of church and state, press censorship, and workplace reform

mass entertainment

radios and movies in the 1920's became popular as people had more money and leisure time

Napoleon III worker pleasers

regulation of pawnshops, support of credit unions, better working class housing, right to unionize and go on strike

New deal shift in attitudes

relieved traditional stress on family support and community responsibility

Second IR philosophical impact

removes the possibility of divine intervention or extreme human will

De-stalinization responses

resistance in east germany and rebellions in hungary and poland

Strikes and protests

response to the strain of war that began to spread in europe after 1916

Christian revival

revival of Christianity after WW1 that happened people no longer were committed to enlightenment ideas and thus were more open to religion

industrial revolution

revolution in production and consumption that gave europe enough of an economic/technological advantage over the rest of the world for them to begin imperialism

British wealth distribution

rich south and poorer less developed north

second republic new laws

right to vote for every male ,workplace reforms, free slaves, abolished death penalty

Britain political integration limit

right to vote refused to women and suffrage movement takes hold

English Concessions to ireland

rights for peasants and abolition of anglican church privileges

habeas corpus and peaceable assembly

rights the tories took away in response to corn laws protest

British-German Rivalry

rivalry between Britain and Germany that resulted from germany becoming more industrialized, further pursuing colonies, and expanding its navy

father-child relationships

seen as more troubling than with mothers because fathers saw their children less due to being at work. Amplified in wealthy families where tutors and maids did most child raising

Unions during industrialization

seen as subversive bodies to be crushed: an idea which fueled socialism

Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic republic

separate western and eastern german states created during the cold war during a tense diplomatic crisis concerning germany

scientific revolution

series of scientific breakthroughs that provided excellent groundwork for future discoveries but didn't result in many practical benefits

family plots

small plots that peasants in the soviet union preserved the right to run that were the main source of their food

Austro Prussian war territorial gains

small states north of the Main river that were catholic but allied to prussia. These WEREN'T owned by Austria

British merchant opium plot

smuggled it from india into china and used it to get rich quick and demand a british colony

dinner party

social occasion that middle classmen held a lot, usually involved a good deal of meat and was a way for the middle class to flex food money


social process of liberalizing the USSR and neutralizing the influence of Joseph Stalin by revising his policies and removing monuments dedicated to him and renaming places named in his honor


social process of removing Nazis from official positions and giving up any allegiance to Nazism

Second international

socialist association founded by marxists to maintain their goal of proletarian solidarity. Had a permanent executive and met every three years to interpret marxist doctrine and plan coordinated action towards Marx's goal

Labour party

socialist but not marxist party in Britain that was formally committed to gradual reform not revolution

Karl Marx

socialist philosopher whose theory about class war between two huge classes proved to be wrong

Deradicalization of socialism

socialists look less and less towards revolution and increasingly towards gradual chang and workplace reforms. Joined unions a lot and worked within the govts political structure

home sweet home

song that became popular in the 1900s, demonstrating the pride women took in housekeeping

Red army

soviet army that defeated the germans, appearing as communist liberators

party congress of 1927

soviet congress who condemned deviation from stalin's general party line, signifying his final triumph in securing power

Yalta conference political compromise

soviet influenced europe is "friendly" to the USSR but has free elections

spectrum of imperialism responses

spectrum with traditionalism, or expulsion of foreigners on one end and westernization, the complete adaptation of western technology, on the other end, which responses to nations fell under. Traditionalism was initially more popular but over time westernization won out in most areas


spurt that subatomic energy is emitted in. Made by max Planck

Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, stans

ssrs that the transcaucasian ssr was divided into

Return to protectionism

started by Bismarck trying to appease the Catholic center party and junkers. Bismarck enacts tariffs on cheap grain from U.S,Canada, and Russia and everybody else follows suit in some way. Good response to foreign competition but also prompted trade wars

women's right in ussr

started off getting better(e.g abortion and divorce rights) and then got reversed by stalin

1850s family main change

started to stabilize after industrial upheaval

Russia ans Austria Hungary(political views)

states where socialism was the most radical

steel in stalin's age

steel mills across the country built to create machinery for development

1850s russian economy

still mostly subsistence farming and serfdom. No real industrialization

1905 discontent from peasants

still suffered from poverty and overpopulation

stock market crash of 1873

stock market crash that revitalized anti-semitism. Lead to french anti semites claiming that jewish "blood" was a biological threat to christians

1926 coal miner strike

strike in great britain that lead to an eventually tamed general strike

Middle classes

subdivisions of the "middle class" who had by this point grown different enough to be more accurately represented as a series of subdivisions. All engaged in activities that required mental and not physical skill

Causes of Greek revolt

surviving culture combined with more intense general national aspirations. Initially leads to secret societies before open revolts are held

USSR passport system

system used to send workers anywhere they were needed and control where workers went. Allowed factory workers to basically "order" peasants to labor on their factories

weapons of the weak

tactics imperialized farmers used such as lying about how much they harvested or resisting increased labor. Stopped short of open revolt

scorched earth and concentration camps

tactics used by britain in the boer war, which when discovered by people actually on the british isles, provoked liberal outrage

Radicalism in germany

talked about revolution but practiced reformism

Armenian genocide

the Turkish government organized the deportment of the armenians in the Ottoman Empire and over a million were murdered or starved - one of the first genocides of the 20th centuries

Horizontal Collaboration

the act of having sex with a Nazi soldier during french occupation. 25,000 were tried for it


the act of returning to the country of origin. Common among balkan territories


the analysis of social groups throughout history. Leading social science that was focused on

Independent south africa

the apartheid driven south african state after independence from britain. Known for running off of institutionalized racism

double burden

the contradictory ideals of working and raising a child that women dealt with during the 60s

"build socialism"

the demand of workers to perform near superhuman labor and endure hardships for ideological reasons

Nazi conviction

the effort by the victorious allies to punish Nazis difficulty of Nazi atrocities. Lead to 100,000 total being convicted

Maxim Machine gun

the first automatic machine gun; invention that allowed rapid conquest of the interior of Africa

Patrice Lumumba

the first prime minister of the Congo and also helped the Congo gain independence from Belgium; he was liked by the Congolese but not by the U.S. and the government and he was quickly imprisoned and murdered

Modern consumerism temporary end

the great depression of 1929

West bloc

the group of countries in Europe under western capitalist influence

separate spheres defense

the husband can earn money and because the woman focuses on the house the benefit of a high wage gets maximized

Social darwinism

the idea of "survival of the fittest" when applied to human civilization and competition between races and ethnicities. Bolstered scientific racism

european nation

the idea of a union amongst european countries that could bring about economic growth

uncertainty principle

the idea put forth by Werner Heisenberg in 1927 that the behavior of subatomic particles is uncertain, suggesting that all of the physical laws governing the universe are based on uncertainty


the idea that life naturally selects for certain traits and animals with that trait survive better than others

Pacifist backlash

the idea that those against war(socialist, pacifist, feminist mainly) were enemies of the nation and their antiwar sentiments betrayed the country


the ideology and policies adopted by Stalin, based on centralization, totalitarianism, and the pursuit of communism by violent means and anything other means necessary.

Indian ethnic transfers

the interchanging of 10 million muslims and hindus across the borders of india and pakistan. 1 million died in the process

law of conservation of energy

the law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be changed from one form to another

Family business loss

the lost profitability of family business that forced small business owners to become salaried employees

mau mau rebellion

the massacre of 1,700 Africans and about 10 European settlers and missionaries by native Kenyan tribes, especially the Kikuyu, who resented British intrusion

Bismarck impression of Prussia in 1848

the middle class can be made to want a unified but not necessarily liberal germany

1958 East-West Berlin migration

the migration of hundreds of thousands of east berlin workers to west berlin under Khrushchev's rule

European Middle east independence surpression

the military action taken by europeans in Iraq and Syria to stop independence movements from being realized


the most persecuted and targeted minority by nationalism

Race theorists view of nationalism

the nation is supposed to be racially pure and that could mean persecuting or expelling minorities


the nazi policy of forcing all instutions to conform to national socialist ideology and censoring publications against it. Involved controlling and replacing various organizations

mussolini new parliamentary law

the party that wins the most votes gets 2/3 of the representatives. Allowed fascists to win overwhelming majorities in parliament and thus pass laws

fragmented economic nationalism

the patter of nations quarantining their economies by raising tariffs and going of the gold standard. make economic growth more difficult

breast feeding

the practice of feeding a baby with one's own breast milk. Increased in popularity during the 19th century due to less alternatives and less reliance on wet nursing

miasmatic theory of disease

the theory that disease was transmitted by smelling or being in the presence of bad odors and other filth. Guided most sanitation policy until the more accurate germ theory

shift in viewpoints

the transition of writers from telling their story as an all knowing narrator to telling their story as a character in the story with limited knowledge. Reflective of the general uncertainty and harshness of the time period

WW1 end outcome

the triple entente wins and Germany takes most of the blame

Whig view

the view that great britain in the late nineteenth century was an example of smooth and successful political evolution and transition from classical liberalism to democracy. Described by the textbook as "incomplete"

Harsh turkish peace terms

turkey partially partitioned amongst britain, france, italy, and greece

Mustafa kemal

turkish nationalist movement leader who repulsed foreign nations trying to take turkish land

collectivization in ukraine

turned into an assault on ukranians of all social status. Forced excessively high grain quotas and no relief offers - lead to a 3-3.5 million life loss

militarism and nationalism political promotion

used by politicians to gather the support of their people during times of domestic troubles or low patriotism

emigrant demographic

usually a not-impoverished farmer or craftsmen trying to not fall into poverty by finding a profitable job

us vs them

view of foreign peoples that stressed hostility and competition between nations and made others think of the orient as potentially mysterious and romantic

Balfour declaration opposition

violates ottoman traditions of religious equality and gives supreme power to a minority

Income inequality

wage gap between social classes that reflected the social status of different groups during the 19th century. The richest 20% own 50% of the wealth

real wages

wages as compared to the cost of living. Rose for workers of the world up until 1914

1905 discontent from businessmen

wanted russia to have a more liberal govt

Austro-Prussian war

war initiated by Bismarck to gain control of all northern protestant portions of the german confederation. Lasted 7 weeks because of fast use of railroads and better rifles

Russo-Turkish war

war where the Ottomans lost territory in the caucasus, Romania, Montenegro, and Serbia win independence, and the loss of former balkan lands and a semi autonomous bulgaria

japanese military reforms

western professional army with 3 years service required for all men and modernized navy

collapse in world prices

widespread price drop catalyzed by us businesses dumping industrial goods and agricultural commodities

feminist argument for work(widow)

women without a partner need the ability to find a good job

European women imperialism role

women work as teachers and nurses after being encouraged to serve and oversee servants in colonial estates

Lyrical ballads

work published by Woodsworth and Coleridge where they rejected classicism's ordinary traditions and used lofty language to describe basically everything

German french occupation resistance

worker strikes in the ruhr that leave 10 percent of all germans unemployed. Led to the french regulating how much food got in to the rhineland

Napoleon III election involvement

would encourage and sponsor candidates they wanted in office and used officials in the govt as a campaigning tool. Worked initially but gradually lost its effectiveness

The Elementary Forms of Religious life

written-by Emile Durkheim 1. religion as a major source of solidarity 2. emphasizes social importance of religion still a "classic of social scientific thought"

Mary ann evans

wrote under the pen name George Eliot, brilliantly achieved a more deeply felt, less sensational kind of realism. Wrote MIDDLEMARCH; A STUDY OF PROVINCIAL LIFE

1862-1868 liberal surge

years where in response to Bismarcks forceful taxation and military budget enforcement, voters continuously sent liberal majorities to the prussian Parliament

Automobile industry expansion

5 million(1948) to 44 million(1965) cars were in western europe and cars could be owned by workers

5 weeks of balkan intensity

5 weeks after Franz Ferdinand's assassination where intense diplomatic moves were made in the balkans that lead to world war 1

ww2 deaths

50 million total. 20 million soviets. 6 million jews. 5 Million germans. 400,000 US soldiers, 350,000 french soldiers and 6 million jews(3 million of them polish)

women in the workforce statistics

50% of employed population and 30 to 60 percent of married women employed by the 1970s

Holocaust statistics

6 million Jews dead and 5 million others

great purge statistics

6 million arrested and 1 to 2 million never return from prison/labor camps

ussr female doctors

75% of all doctors due to education being opened for women

collectivization ideological victory

93 percent of peasant households moved to collective farms and become no longer threatening

Francisco franco

Fascist Spaniard who took power during the Spanish civil war with help from Germany and Italy

Benito Mussolini

Fascist dictator of Italy who bullied his way to power and was the first to establish fascism (1922-1943). He led Italy to conquer Ethiopia (1935), joined Germany in the Axis pact (1936), and allied Italy with Germany in World War II. He was overthrown in 1943 when the Allies invaded Italy.

Fransisco Franco

Fascist general whose rebel forces defeated the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War He ruled as dictator of Spain until his death in 1975

Ladies national association

Feminist group that pressured Parliament into repealing the contagious disease acts

Young Turks

Fervent patriots who seized power in a 1908 coup in the Ottoman Empire, forcing the conservative sultan to implement reforms. Paved the way for secular post WWI turkey

heart of darkness

Novel written by Joseph Conrad that describes a voyage up the Congo River to the Congo Free State. The work is based in part on the author's experience during his travels in Africa. The main character turns from civil scholar to savage brute

Socialist international working men's association

Organization founded by marx that he used to hold meeting where he could spread his revolutionary doctrine. Fell to internal tensions in 1876

new physics

Pioneered by the Curies, Plank and Einstein, a new view of physics that shattered the perfect world of Newtonian physics and made the world seem much more random and not as much certainty.


Policies and beliefs, often influenced by nationalism, scientific racism, and mass migration, that give preferential treatment to established inhabitants over immigrants.


Policy of postcolonial governments to remain neutral in the Cold War and play both the United States and the Soviet Union for what they could get.

Joseph Conrad

Polish author who castigated europeans for being selfish and dictatorial in his novel heart of darkness

japanese order of 1825

"drive out all vessels without second thought"

Woodsworth view of poetry

"spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling [which] takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility"

Metternichs France quip

"when france sneezes, all of europe catches cold". Proved accurate after 1848 as revolution spread to german lands

Mein Kampf

'My Struggle' by hitler, later became the basic book of nazi goals and ideology, reflected obsession

Sino-Japanese War

(1894-1895) Japan's imperialistic war against China to gain control of natural resources and markets for their goods. It ended with the Treaty of Portsmouth which granted Japan Chinese port city trading rights, control of Manchuria, the annexation of the island of Sakhalin, and Korea became its protectorate. Underscored how weak china was at the time

Russo-Japanese War

(1904-1905) War between Russia and Japan over control of north korea. Japan emerges victorious and the war prompts upset groups in russia to collectively revolt

great purge

(1934), Stalin cracked down on Old Bolsheviks, his net soon widened to target army heroes, industrial managers, writers and citizens, they were charged with a wide range of crimes, from plots to failure to not meeting production quotas.

Increasing literacy and nationalism

Allowed more people to read, exposing them to politics and national history

Croats, Serbs, Romanians

3 ethnic groups in Hungary that made hungarian leaders fail to unify all their provinces into a unified Hungarian nation

Vincenzo Gioberti

A catholic priest who called for a federation of existing states under the presidency of a progressive pope in Italy.

Crimean war

A conflict fought between 1853 and 1856 over Russian desires to expand into Ottoman territory; Russia was defeated by France, Britain, and the Ottomans, underscoring the need for reform in the Russian empire. Artillery played a key role

second balkan war

A conflict that broke out when Bulgaria, unsatisfied with its gained territory, attacked its neighbors, Serbia and Greece, after the First Balkan War. During the conflict, Romania entered the conflict and the Ottoman Empire was able to regain some of their lost territory.

sexual double standard

A cultural code that gives men greater sexual freedom than women. Specifically, society expects males to want to have intercourse and expects females to remain virgins until they marry and to be more interested in relationships than in having sex. Reveals overemphasis on women's virginity

Spanish diplomacy opportunity

A distant relative of Wilhelm I is about to become king of Spain. Bismarck Uses this to pressure France into declaring war

Dreyfus Affair

A divisive case in which Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army, was falsely accused and convicted of treason. The Catholic Church sided with the anti-Semites against Dreyfus; after Dreyfus was declared innocent, the French government severed all ties between the state and the church.

Charles De Gualle

A general in WWII, he organized a government in exile immediately after the collapse of France and believed himself to be the true representative of France. He resigned and then got re elected


A term coined by literary scholar Edward Said to describe the way Westerners misunderstood and described colonial subjects and cultures.

Locarno agreement

A treaty whereby germany and france pledged to accept their common border, britain and italy would fight whichever of the two(germany and france) declared war on the other, and germany agreed to peacefully settle border disputes with poland and czechoslovakia

British commonwealth

A voluntary association of former british colonies

Berlin Wall

A wall built by Khrushchev separating East and West Berlin built by East Germany in 1961 to keep citizens from escaping to the West

Air raids on germany

Allied air strikes in German cities meant to hurt industrial output and morale. Destroyed Dresden, Hamburg, and cologne


Allied amphibious invasion where 2,000,000+ vehicles made it onto French soil and pushed inland

battle of gallipoli

Also known as the Gallipoli campaign, it took place at the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey from April-January 1915-1916. It was a joint British and French operation meant to capture the capital city Constantinople and Dardanelles. Noted for failing and heavy involvement from australia and new zealand

American Isolationism

America's renunciation of international obligations that took the form of not joining the leauge of nations and cancelling their defensive alliance with france

Woodrow Wilson

American President during WW1 and member of the big three. Challenged England and France's desire to punish Germany and had the league of nations founded although the U.S never actually joined

Charles G. Dawes

American banker and diplomat who negotiated a loan repayment plan with France, Britain, and Germany

Dwight Eisenhower

American general who directed allied troops during d-day and moved gradually rather than going straight for berlin

Homestead Act

An American law enacted during the Civil War that gave western land to settlers, reinforcing the concept of free labor in a market economy.

cult of the duce

An Italian media campaign of newspapers, radio, and film that portrayed Mussolini as a powerful strongman who embodied of the best qualities of the Italian people.

Enabling act

An act pushed through the Reichstag by the Nazis that gave Hitler absolute dictatorial power for four years.

Sykes-Picot Agreement

An agreement between the british and the french. France gets Syria and Lebanon, and Britain gets Iraq, Palestine, and Transjordan. Betrayed the promises of the Hussein-McMahon correspondence

Warsaw Pact

An alliance between the Soviet Union and other Eastern European nations. This was in response to the NATO

War Guilt Clause

An article in the Treaty of Versailles that declared that Germany (with Austria) was solely responsible for the war and had to pay reparations equal to all civilian damages caused by the fighting.

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON)

An economic organization of Communist states meant to help rebuild East Bloc countries under Soviet auspices.


An effort by moderate socialists to update Marxist doctrines to reflect the realities of the time.

European Economic Community

An international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members.

socialist realism

Artistic movement that followed the dictates of Communist ideals, enforced by state control in the Soviet Union and East Bloc countries in the 1950s and 1960s.

Joseph Stalin

Bolshevik revolutionary, head of the Soviet Communists after 1924, and dictator of the Soviet Union from 1928 to 1953. He led the Soviet Union with an iron fist, using Five-Year Plans to increase industrial production and terror to crush opposition

Untimely Meditations

Book by Nietzsche where he argues that europeans have always overemphasized rationality and undermined the animalistic passions that drove human creativity and activity

Doctor Zhivago

Boris Pasternak novel that tells the story of a poet that rejects the violence of stalinism

cecil rhodes

Born in 1853, played a major political and economic role in colonial South Africa. He was a financier, statesman, and empire builder with a philosophy of mystical imperialism.

systematic R&D

Born in the late 19th century after the successful application of scientific research in the fast growing electrical and organic chemical industries.

mass unemployment

Britain averaged 18% unemployment between 1930-35. Germany, far worse, had one in three workers jobless.Mass unemployment created great social problems. Referred to as "a social powderkeg waiting to explode"

Schlieffen Plan august backfire

Britain declares war on germany for violating belgian neutrality

British-French alliance dissolution

Britain's using of the U.S as an excuse to cut off its post WW1 alliance with france

T.E. Lawrence

British Liaison officer who aided hussein in launching successful revolutions

John Maynard Keynes

British economist who made arguments in his book the economic consequences of the peace that created sympathy for germany among english speakers

Corn laws

British laws governing the import and export of grain, which were revised in 1815 to prohibit the importation of foreign grain unless the price at home rose to improbable levels, thus benefiting the aristocracy but making food prices high for working people.

British Ministry of Munitions

British ministry that organized private industry to produce for the war, allocated labor, set wage and price rates, and settled labor disputes

Whig Party

British political party that was more responsive to middle-class commercial and manufacturing interests than the tories

Lord Byron

British romantic poet who fought as a soldier for greece to win their independence

Labour party

British social democratic party that once again dominated after WW2 and had its reforms kept by conservative parties afterward

Battle of Omdurman

British victory over the Mahdi in the Sudan in 1898. General Kitchener led a mixed force of British and Egyptian troops armed with rapid-firing rifles and machine guns.

british broadcasting corporation

Broadcasting network set up by Parliament. Instead of being directly controlled by the government, it was supported through licensing fees.

Council of Europe

Brought about by the Marshall Plan in 1948 as an attempt to evolve into a Parliament yet became only a multinational debating society.

Adolf hitler early life

Childhood spent in austria. Dropped out of art school at age 14 and moved to vienna. In vienna he develops his beliefs of a german master race and the inevitability of racial conflict.


Capital of prussia which experienced a rebellion against the monarchy between working and middle classes

Napoleon III revolts

Caused by his illegal coup. Spread across paris and southern countryside. Put down by army and restoration of universal male suffrage

Savoy and Nice

Cavour cedes these two territories to France in early 1860s in order to gain Napoleon III's support.

Christian democrats

Center-right political parties that rose to power in western Europe after the Second World War.

Archduchess sophia

Conservative Bavarian princess who rallied the nobility in a conspiracy to subdue the austrian revolutions

Post-Deadlock Duma reform

Conservative classes have more power and a majority in the Duma. Used the majority to break down collective village ownership to encourage enterprising peasants

Charles X

Conservative king of france who tried to revoke the constitutional charter but was ultimately stopped

Abdulhamid II

Conservative sultan who turned away from european liberalism but failed to stop foreign powers from taking ottoman territory


Country who during the cold war era, remained as a neutral state due to Khrushchev's negotiation

Joseph stalin main political goal

Create large soviet buffer zone to prevent something similar to Nazi germany from happenning and expand communism.

ottoman Religious freedom backfire

Creates tensions between social liberals and religious conservatives rather than making people get along. Europeans exacerbated this to try and gain an excuse to invade

1905 discontent from minorities

Cries for self rule grew louder and louder

Franz Kafka

Czech writer who portrayed an alienating world that was similar to the one the Nazis created

race mixing

European men Marrying indigenous women- a process stopped by white women moving to the colonies

Reasons for qing comeback

Europeans had stopped messing with china after achieving their goals and effective leaders were put into power

Two schools of thought(imperialism beginning)

Europeans used science and tech to create wealth and use that power to their advantage vs europeans used their power to steal the riches of the world. Both compatible


Europeans who had permanently settled in algeria. Fought throughout Algerias independence movement to keep power but were eventually forced out.

March on rome

Event in 1922 that displaces King Victor Emmaneul and establishes Mussolini as leader of Italy

Revolutionary etude and Funeral March

Examples of musical compositions that stood along paintings as capable of emotionally moving the observer(revolutionary etude is invigorating and funeral march is supposedly sad)

Traditional anti Semitism and heightened peer pressure

Factors historians attribute to the willingness of Germans to kill during the holocaust

Schlieffen Plan

Failed German plan calling for a lightning attack through neutral Belgium and a quick defeat of France before turning on Russia.

Religious conversion in asia

Failed because of pre-established, organized, and popular religions present in the area

Warsaw home army uprising

Failed revolt by the home army that tried to establish an independent polish state as Germany was being defeated. Failed because the red army never entered Warsaw and so allowed Germans to crush the rebellion instead


France's first colony in north africa. Got them started on conquering north africa

Le Corbusier

Franco Swiss modernist architect driven by the idea that"a house is a machine for living in"


French Beach where Germany trapped all of Britain's army, allowing them to capture france

Jean-Paul Sartre

French Existentialist who argued that there are no god given truths and that people have to define their essence themselves after they are born.

Raymond Poincare

French Prime Minister who rejected Germany's proposed moratorium and moved and occupied into the Ruhr to collect war reparations

George sand

French Romantic poet who was actually a woman named Amandine Aurore Lucile Dudevant

French Section of the workers international

French Socialist Party that united many different socialist groups

Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman

French Statesman; the architects of the principle that the best way to start the European bonding process was by developing economic ties

Gustave flaubert

French author who wrote Madame Bovary

Louis Pasteur

French chemist who developed a test brewers could use to keep track of fermentation and figured out it was because of living organisms that could be killed with fire.

Henri-Philippe Petain

French general who restored order by executing rebels and promising soldiers that there would be no more extreme offensives like the 1917 one that failed

Jules michelet

French historian and Nationalist who authored "The People" in 1846. Believed in nationalist harmony and an eventual global superstate created by nationalism.

Jules Ferry

French imperialist who worked with germany to stop british expansion and organize the berlin conference

Victor Hugo

French lyric poet who was a conservative but came to equate literary freedom with freedom in politics and society, with both of these things being good. Wrote diverse poems that showed the romantic fascination with deep characters, historical settings, and extreme emotions

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

French naturalist who believed all forms of life had arisen through constant adjustment to the environment. Flawed in that he believed that children inherited their parents' characteristics

Marcel proust

French novelist who lived like a hermit for ten years in order to write remembrance of things past

Honore de Balzac

French novelist who wrote the human comedy and father goriot

Gabriel Marcel

French philosopher who denounced anti-semitism and tried to bring catholics and non-catholics closer together

Alexis de Tocqueville

French political writer who explained that few socialists were elected due to a sense of fraternity between all those who owned private property

Jean Juares

French revisionist who formally repudiated revisionism to establish a unified socialist party.

Eugene Delacroix

French romantic who painted dramatic colorful scenes of exotic subjects

Gustav le bon

French sociologist who thought a strong charismatic leader had the power to turn that masses into a revolutionary mob In the current state of affairs. Was correct

summer 1923 test of wills

French try everything but can't get reparations but germany and its economy are paralyzed

Germaine de stael

French woman during the Napoleonic era who wrote encouraging people to ditch classicism for Romanticism

Franco-Prussian war peace terms lasting effect

French-German relations are terrible for a long time

the interpretation of dreams

Freud's book where he explains his theories about human behavior

National Recovery Administration

Government agency that was part of the New Deal and dealt with the industrial sector of the economy. It allowed industries to create fair competition which were intended to reduce destructive competition and to help workers by setting minimum wages and maximum weekly hours. Declared unconstitutional and was never fully realized

guest worker programs

Government-run programs in western Europe designed to recruit labor for the booming postwar economy.

Austrian revolution beginning

Governments hesitate on delivering liberal reforms and so urban workers and students take to the streets

Allied invasion of italy

Gradual invasion of Italy by the allies in 1943 which started in Sicily and managed to neutralize southern Italy

1870 french constitution

Granted by Napoleon III and had a hereditary emperor as chief of state with a very powerful parliament regime

Imperialism economic motives

Great britain faces competition and after seeing other nations imperialize, follows suit so it doesn't get devastatingly tariffed

American ww2 production

Greater than everybody else's combined by 1943

Franz List

Greatest pianist of romanticism who served as an example of the new adoration musicians could get

Romantic greece support

Greece's nationalism and rebellion plays right into the romantic impulse writers and artists of their time felt

Alexander ypsilanti

Greek nationalist who lead the open greek revolt against the ottomans

French Catholics and Nationalists

Groups who opposed and criticized Napoleon III after upheaval in Prussia and Italy

Church leaders and families

Groups who spoke out against the first Nazi mercy killing campaign

Christian and Jewish businessmen

Groups who were able to prosper after the Ottomans enacted free trade reforms and westernized banking and insurance

Soviet AK47

Gun that communists gave to guerilla independence fighters

the crowd

Gustav le bons's book where he argues that alienated masses were prone to forming violent uncontrolled mobs

Madame Bovary

Gustave Flaubert novel where a middle class housewife commits adultery and gets betrayed by the person she adulted with. Known for its depth of insight

Ferdinand I

Habsburg emperor who capitulated, promised a liberal constitution, and exiled Metternich to London

Gamal Abdel Nasser

He led the coup which toppled the monarchy of King Farouk and started a new period of modernization and socialist reform in Egypt

Alphonse de lamartine

He was the romantic poet who led the liberal opposition in France and organized a provisional government.


Hitler's expansionist theory based on a drive to acquire "living space" for the German people by expanding eastward to conquer "racial degenerates"

master race

Hitler's idea that German Arayans were the superior race and had a "pure blood" that needed defending


Hitler's personal guards who eliminated the SA and then rapidly grew in power

Nazi Blame debate

Hitlers administration vs an aware and willing German population


Hitlers annexation of Austria. Accomplished by threatening the chancellor and then matching troops in unopposed


Hitlers idea of a leader who would lead germany to victory and embody the will of the german people. A title he later bestowed upon himself

Remilitarization of the rhineland

Hitlers marching of his troops into the Rhineland, a violation of Locarno and the TOV that Britain and France did nothing about, prompting hitler to become more aggresive

New order

Hitlers program based on racial imperialism, which gave preferential treatment to the "Nordic" peoples; the French, an "inferior" Latin people, occupied the middle position;and Slavs and Jews were treated harshly as "subhumans"


Hitlers strategy of lightning war using lots of planes and tanks. Able to conquer Poland In only 4 weeks.

Imre Nagy

Hungarian Communist Party leader who attempted to end association with the USSR which lead to the 1956 Hungarian revolt.

Duma initial makeup and use

Middle class leaders used it to stop popular uprisings and maintain a constitutional Monarchy

fundamental laws response

Middle class liberals in the Duma look at it as a step backward and political deadlock occurs. Ended by the Tsar dismissing the Duma

French guards against germany in TOV

Militarizing the Rhineland for 15 years and defensive alliances with the US and Britain

Western europe denazification

Military courts that tried nazis at first but became inactive after a need for political stability combined with german opposition and too many nazis to prosecute

works progress administration

New Deal agency that helped create jobs for those that needed them. It created around 9 million jobs working on bridges, roads, and buildings and employed 1/5 of the U.S labor force

May Day celebrations and nuremberg conventions

New mass rallies in the Nazi state

Prostitute registration

New practice where certain countries would license brothels and register individual prostitutes


New word for young people, coined in the 1940s. Because young people now had more leisure time, they began to be different to their own parents for the first time.

Stolypin's necktie

Noose the state used to execute revolutionaries and people who showed extreme discontent with Russian laws

Franco-Prussian War

Patriotic War between France and Prussia Declared by Bismarck to get the southern german states under his control. During the war, he enlisted the help of the southern German states and upon defeat of france, they joined the German empire

revolutionary coalition divider

People who wanted to stop at universal male suffrage vs socialists

Eduard Bernstein Evolutionary Socialism

Philosopher who argued in his publication that in order to adapt to the changing times, socialists should combine with other progressive forces to win gains via legislation, unions, and economic development, a view initially denounced by the GSPD and 2nd international.

Marie Curie and Pierre Curie

Physicist couple who discovered that radium constantly emits subatomic particles and thus does not have a constant atomic weight

Weiner Heisenberg

Physicist who expressed the uncertainty of the world when he formed the uncertainty principle

James Dean and Marlon Brando

Popular actors who dramatized youthful rebellion and spread it to europe

Port Arthur

Port where the Japanese started the Russo-Japanese war by launching a successful surprise attack

displaced persons

Postwar refugees, including 13 million Germans, former Nazi prisoners and forced laborers, and orphaned children.

Abraham Lincoln

President of the U.S who the confederacy was formed under. Held the north together and took back the south

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

President of the United States during ww2 who helped the us recover from the depression and lead them into war against japan

Charles X 1830 decrees

Press censored, voting rights taken from wealthy middle class.

Methods of holocaust resistance

Pretending to be Christian, going underground, joining rural partisans

Ramsay MacDonald

Prime Minister, leader of labour party of Britain, made Moderate Reforms for workers, healthcare, retirement, welfare programs

Neville chamberlain

Prime minister of Britain who apeeased hitler up until he invaded poland

Count Camillo Benso di Cavour

Prime minister of Sardinia Piedmont who unified Northern Italy and Later stopped Garibaldi from invading rome and Helped secure all of Italy's unification

Principle of unconditional surrender

Principle that committed the grand alliance to defeating the axis which meant hitler could not divide them

DP repatriation disincentives

Prison terms and gulag in the USSR(supposedly because of political unreliability). Jewish DPs have their families destroyed


Process adopted by russians where they would try to culturally assimilate poles and czechs


Process applied by prussians to supposedly threatening poles that involved cultural assimilation

second republic

Proclaimed after the common people refuse to accept Louis Philippe's abdication in favor of his grandson. Was intended to be headed by a ten-man executive committee

Muhammad Ali

Sultan of ottoman egypt who successfully modernized their agriculture, military, and industry, making it more powerful than turkey and a challenge to the Sultan

Mahmud II

Sultan of the ottoman empire who had to get European support to defend against Muhammad Ali and Ibrahim. Gave Europe an opportunity to keep the ottomans weak and dependent rather than strong under Muhammad Ali

Abdul Mejid

Sultan who issued the Imperial rescript of 1856 and had to borrow 55 million francs from france after free trade policies destroyed the ottoman economy, leading to the ottomans becoming bankrupt in the 1870s

Pre Napoleon III politics

Supposedly full of corrupt parties and parliament controlled by special interest groups.

Central Comittee

Supposedly the most important body in a communist party; stalin controlled it and used it to gather support for his eventual leadership of the communist party

Greek orthodoxy

Surviving greek religion that kept greece united by culture and won Russia to their side when they revolted against the ottomans

The Phillipines

Territory in Asia owned by the U.S that held a failed revolt after people on the island realized the U.S had no intentions of granting them independence


Territory south of egypt that Muhammad Ali conquered for the ottomans


Territory that before 1850 was constantly made up of battling city states. Passed off as a "geographical expression" by Metternich. Sought unification after 1848

Great Rebellion

The 1857 and 1858 insurrection by Muslim and Hindu mercenaries in the British army that spread throughout northern and central India before finally being crushed.

Treaty of Lausanne

The 1923 treaty that ended the Turkish war and recognized the territorial integrity of a truly independent Turkey.

Europe first

The agreement in the grand alliance to only launch an all out attack on japan after Germany was defeated

Nazi storm troopers

The SA, a quasi-military band which fought Jews and communists, and eventually took over the army. Became much too radical upon hitler taking power

Mass settlement space program

The SS's program of destroying cities and factories and stealing crops in Eastern Europe to force existing ethnicities to die out so German peasants could move there


The better-off peasants who were stripped of land and livestock under Stalin and were generally not permitted to join collective farms; many of them starved or were deported to forced-labor camps for "re-education."

Second industrial revolution

The burst of industrial creativity and technological innovation that promoted strong economic growth in the last third of the nineteenth century

Korean War

The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea.

Arnold Schoenberg

The creator of the twelve-tone system of atonal music.

generation gap

The cultural seperation between children and their parents - particularly strong and worrisome during the baby boomer era

Common market

The european economic community, created by six western and central european countries in the west bloc in 1957 as part of a larger search for european unity

East bloc political assimilation

The process of existing communist leaders in east bloc countries being ousted by stalinists loyal to moscow

collectivization of agriculture

The forcible consolidation of individual peasant farms into large state-controlled enterprises in the Soviet Union under Stalin.

Red shirts

The guerrilla army of Giuseppe Garibaldi, who invaded Sicily in 1860 in an attempt to liberate it, winning the hearts of the Sicilian peasantry.

labor aristocracy

The highly skilled workers, such as factory foremen and construction bosses, who made up about 15 percent of the working classes from about 1850 to 1914. Also included non-industrialized skilled jobs like printers, jewelers, and cabinet makers. Adopted middle class morality

White Man's Burden

The idea that Europeans could and should civilize more primitive nonwhite peoples and that imperialism would eventually provide nonwhites with modern achievements and higher standards of living.

Germ theory

The idea that disease was caused by the spread of living organisms that could be controlled.

social darwinism

The idea that people and societies compete for survival with the fit becoming wealthy and successful while the weak struggle to survive. Used by imperialists to justify white supremacy and the conquest of "lesser" peoples


The idea, applied by thinkers in many fields, that stresses gradual change and continuous adjustment.

global mass migration

The mass movement of people from Europe in the nineteenth century; one reason that the West's impact on the world was so powerful and many-sided.

national self-determination

The notion that peoples should be able to choose their own national governments through democratic majority-rule elections and live free from outside interference in nation-states with clearly defined borders.

national self-determination

The notion that peoples should be able to choose their own national governments through democratic majority-rule elections and live free from outside interference in nation-states with clearly defined borders. Wilsons driving idea

German Workers Party

The party that Hitler joined in 1919, which then changed it's name to the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. Promised a "peoples community"

social scientists

The people who study the world in which humans live. New group of scientists that emerged during the 19th century

Mandate System

The plan to allow Britain and France to administer former Ottoman territories, put into place after the end of the First World War.


The popularly elected lower house of government of the new German Empire after 1871.

postcolonial migration

The postwar movement of people from former colonies and the developing world into Europe.


The postwar reversal of Europe's overseas expansion caused by the rising demand of the colonized peoples themselves, the declining power of European nations, and the freedoms promised by U.S. and Soviet ideals.


The principle that buildings, like industrial products, should serve as well as possible the purpose for which they were made, without excessive ornamentation.

Great famine

The result of four years of potato crop failure in the late 1840s in Ireland, a country that had grown dependent on potatoes as a dietary staple.

Cold War

The rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States that divided much of Europe into a Soviet-aligned Communist bloc and a U.S.-aligned capitalist bloc between 1945 and 1989.


The systematic effort of the Nazi state to exterminate all European Jews and other groups deemed racially inferior during the second world war

Keynesian economics

Theory based on the principles of John Maynard Keynes, stating that government spending should increase during business slumps and be curbed during booms. Used by Europeans to promote the economic miracle

Popular Republican Movement

This, (known as the MRP), essentially a Catholic progressive party like the Christian Democrats found across the continent following WWII, but more progressive than most of the others, founded a provisional coalition government in France with the Socialists and Communists following WWII, gaining their power since the right was associated with Petain and the Vichy government. The constitution of the Fourth Republic, created by the Constituent Assembly ran by the coalition, was essentially the same as the constitution of the Third Republic in which the parliament would be all powerful and there would be no powerful executive. De Gaulle resigned the Presidency in disgust. By 1947 the Communists were kicked out of the cabinet at the height of Cold War tensions.

Britain ,France, and Russia

Three nations that caved to popular demand and supported Greece's revolution

Napoleon III conservatism transition

Took the vote from poor people, gave the Catholic church education power, eventually dismissed the legislature and took power in a coup d'etat

1820s Tory appeasement

Tories give in to liberal demands and provide better urban administration, more economic liberalism, civil equality for catholics, cheaper foreign grain. Encourages Middle classes to keep going so they get more of a say in govt

Late nationalism

Transformed by conservatives as a justification for scientific racism

Friedrich lesser germany attempt

Tried to get voted emperor of all the smaller german states but failed.

French Radicalism

Tried to have revolution with a radical yet weak trade union movement

Joseph Mobutu

US backed corrupt general leader of the kongo who ruled until 1997 and kept kongo poor while he himself got richer

international crisis spread

US bankers recall loans to foreign businesses

US-Japan conflicts

US needs to secure the safety of american sailors and americans felt destined to play a greater role in the pacific, which they lined with opening Japans ports

Great Patriotic War of the Fatherland

USSR's name for WWII. Powerful unifying force for the Soviet people that made police terror relax due to increased patriotism

Ernest Renan

Unpopular french philosopher who suggested that national identity was base more on peoples desire for a "common life" and contrived heroic past than actual historical experiences

Georges Haussmann

Urban Planner appointed by Napoleon III to redesign paris razed old buildings and poor slums to the ground and accomplished his goal mainly through the use of boulevards

The hunchback of notre dame

Victor Hugo work set in 15th century paris where the hero is a deformed "human gargoyle" who rings the cathedral bell

End of the great depression



Walled off urban districts with inadequate work and sustenance that Hitler forced Jews into


Walter scott novel that was set in 12th century england and popular among romantics, showing their interest in historical novels

Dawes Plan

War reparations agreement that reduced Germany's yearly payments, made payment dependent on economic prosperity, and granted large U.S. loans to promote recovery.

Giacomo Matteotti

Was a leading noncommunist, socialist leader and member of Parliament that the fascists murdered. Had frequently criticized Mussolini and had exposed the criminality of the fascist movement. Deputies that were against the murder withdrew from parliament and were not given readmission. This gave Mussolini more freedom to do as he wished.

Chicago School of Architecture

Was led by Louis H. Sullivan. It used cheap steel, reinforced concrete, and electric elevators to build skyscrapers and office buildings lacking of any exterior ornamentation. (935)

Soviet winter

Weather setback that forced Hitlers troops, prepared only for summer, to retreat

african british commonwealth

african countries such as ghana, nigeria, and tanzania that gained independence peacefully and joined the british commonwealth

Berlin Airlift

airlift in 1948 that supplied food and fuel to citizens of west Berlin when the Russians closed off land access to Berlin. Succeeded in making the soviets reopen berlin

East bloc collectivization

collectivization of agriculture in every east bloc country except for poland, where private agriculture was tolerated

trading posts

colonial institutions dating back to the age of exploration that gave europeans a basis that they could use to imperialize with

imperialism political motives

colonies help with bolstering military manpower as well as providing safety for the navy

Neutralization of russia and france

diplomatic move by bismarck that allowed the austro-prussian war to happen

1947 jewish state solution

divide israel into two states - one jewish and one arab

The protocols of the elders of zion

document published in russia that was a falsified account of a meeting held at the first zionist congress of basel. Popularized the idea that jewish elders planned to dominate the globe

USSR military position

dominant by the end of the war and germany's surrender. Paved the way for their fure position in central europe during the cold war

Muhammad Ali army development

drafted the peasantry and hired french and italians to train new muslim officials as well as the rest of the army

william faulkner's sound of fury

drama told from the perspective of a mentally disabled man

Social drinking

drinking between married couples in public places. Became acceptable and contributed to widespread acceptance of alcohol in society


drug used to control malaria which allowed europeans to disregard the disease

What it took to tame the city

full-scale efforts of the govt combined with knowledgable city planners and scientists

Hitler's first exposure to jews

first exposed to poor jews in eastern europe and took on anti-semitism. Lead him to develop and early claim that Jews were using marxist socialism and finance capitalism to wage war against german culture

Italian invasion of Ethiopia

first faced strong setbacks but eventually worked and allowed italy to proclaim itself imperial

Neo-Europe construction negative

first step in conquest of native and subjected native tribes to new diseases and weapons

economic specialization

focusing on one product or service. Responsible for the creation of many different subclasses rather than big unified income based classes


food from the colonies that grew well in irelands bogs and could sustain an entire family if planted enough of

french underlying unity

force that france eventually lost which had held the country together despite an unstable parliament

women existing discrimination

got paid less, still had less job choice, and could sometimes find only part time jobs, meaning low pay and bad benefits

german worker strikes

forced employers to bargain over rights which resulted in over 10,000 bargaining agreements benefiting workers being signed

Conservative Authoritarianism

form of antidemocratic government adopted before fascism. Absolutist and authoritarian but reliant on bureaucracies and didn't try to interfere in peoples daily lives


form of prostitution in which rather than staying at a dance hall or pub, prostitutes roamed the streets. Left them more susceptible to violence and rape from passerby and police as well as disease, but gave them more financial autonomy and perhaps a chance at higher profit

Hitler WW1 involvement

fought as a dispatch carrier on the western front and was convinced that jews and marxists backstabbed germany after germany lost.

bad drinking water

found by doctors to be the culprit of spreading diseases in industrial cities. Suggested that physical contact with unsanitary elements brought about diseases

feminist organizations

founded in the image of mary wollstonecraft and campaigned for education, professional employment, and the vote

RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic), Ukraine, Belorussia, Transcaucasian ssr

four SSRs that Lenin split the soviet union into

French economic crisis

franc falls to 10% of poor value due to war rebuilding inflation. Eventually stabilized at 20% of prewar value

Reasons for suspicion of france

france has a large army that was occupying the rhineland and an expansive foreign policy agenda

new Meiji reforms

freedom of movement, social equality, government stimulated industrial economy

Gustav Droz

french family reformer who encouraged parents to become emotionally attached to their children and play with them

Napoleon Bonaparte

french general who occupied Egypt and created a power vaccum that Muhammad ali eventually filled when the french withdrew from Egypt

Emile Zola

french novelist who supported Dreyfus during the dreyfus affair

Emile zola

french novelist who wrote researched stories about a diverse set of topics

Adolphine thiers

french politician and head of the national assembly who destroyed the Paris commune, which eventually gave the conservative countryside faith that the third republic could be moderate/conservative

Georges Clemenceau

french prime minister who established a totalitarian dictatorship of imprisoning strikers and those who suggested compromise peace with germany. During the TOV drafting, he advocated for permanently crippling punishment for germany

Gustave Courbet, Jean Francois Millet, and Honore daumier

french realist artists who were known for painting simple but somber scenes of work life. Daumier got arrested for making a caricature of Louis Phillipe

Emile Durkheim

french sociologist who wrote a wide range of works with relevant ideas

National Liberation Front

front in algeria that initially revolted against the french government

Women 1960s job increase demand reason

general demand for labor increased meaning more jobs; women took these

Migration vs emigration vs immigration

general human movement:leaving a country:entering a country

Social responsibilities of the nation state

generally meant free education, welfare and public health. Catalyzed by increasing population of states

Southern US economy

generally non-industrial becaue of slave labor. Produced cotton and supplied it to european textile mills. Lead southerners to defend slavery at all costs

lost generation

generation of drafted peasants, unskilled workers, and sometimes aristocrats who all died in mass numbers during WW1

south to north

geographic pattern of people in poorer countries moving to the north, where things were generally more industrialized than they were in the south

Charles Lyell

geologist who disproved the idea that earth was formed from a series of cataclyzms

The balkans

geopolitical region of southeastern europe next to italy. and below austria-hungary known as the "powderkeg of europe" for its explosive ethnic politics

Walter gropius

german architect who made an extremely functionalist shoe factory and then made the bauhaus

Robert Koch

german doctor who researched many types of harmful bacteria and was able to develop effective vaccines


german provinces controlled by Denmark that gave Germany an opportunity to counteract internal anger with abroad success. both provinces were eventually captured by Bismarck

Max weber

german sociologist who argued that capitalism caged the human spirit

german 1848 aftermath

german states in a political stalemante and austria and prussia battling for more control of the german confederation

Otto Von Bismarck

german who created germany and held the berlin conference there and established protectorates over cameroon, togo, and southeast africa some time after the Berlin Conference

"rape of belgium"

germany's executing of belgians suspected to be aiding the francs tireurs and burning of the city of Louvain

Submarine warfare

germany's response to Britain and France's Naval blockade. Involved them using submarines to surprise attack civillian and military boats

Chemistry subdivision

gets divided into many different and new branches such as organic chemistry and the study of carbon compounds

WW1 colonial involvement

global support base for colony owners rather than troubling revolt centers.

modern consumerism class distinction

goods were marketed to specific groups

Censorship offices

government offices that censored and regulated information about WWI

Soviet coalition governments

governments of combined communists, social democrats, and other leftists that eventually got purged of all noncommunists and were given power over different soviet territories

irish independence

granted in 1922 after guerilla warfare in ireland


greek who originally started the evolutionary view of biological development

Russian factory worker class

grew as Moscow and St Petersburg suburbs expanded

Unskilled workers

group at the bottom of the working classes that were where they were because they were unorganized and worked a low paying job

all white indian civil service

group of 3,500 top british who ruled over 300 million indians and had the backing of white officers and indigenous military, despite practicing social segregation and job discrimination

established construction workers

group of workers who were top amongst the 'world of hard work' below the labor aristocracy


group that was at the top of the socioeconomic order and stayed there during new urban life because they had unrivaled social prestige and political influence

Middle class

group that was much smaller than it is today during the era of late industrialization, making income inequality much more serious

Russian peasants

group who Lenin negotiated the NEP with due to being the only group capable of overthrowing his government


group who demanded universal male suffrage and got people to sign petitions to grant all men the vote. All of them failed

french republicans

group who took the majority of french parliament seats after 1879

monarchy, aristocracy, army

groups responsible for challenging and eventually putting down revolution in Austria

shopkeepers, officeworkers, proffesisonals

groups that felt threatened by jews and thus were particularly attracted to anything anti-semitic

factory workers and unmarried women

groups who made of large numbers of Europe's semiskilled workers

Republicans, Liberals, and Monarchists

groups who won the 45% of seats in the french assembly after it was made open again


institution of local government with 3 classes:townspeople, peasant villagers, and nobles, that dealt with local problems. Remained subordinate to traditional bureaucracy and nobility, dashing hopes of a national parliament being formed

cultural second revolution

intellectuals being ordered by stalin to become socialist and follow the dictates of socialist realism.

importance of preserving rome

invasion of rome = war with france

Gugliemo Marconi

inventor of experimental radio sets

Wartime economic planning

involved ditching capitalism for price controls and production goals that had to be reached

White womens burden in india

involved managing large complex households, and more often than not, bettering the lives of indian women by educating them and passing legislation that benefited them

Urban workers

most dissatisfied group in France that Napoleon III managed to win the support of

Soviet housing problem

most families have one room for all of their members because millions move into cities but the govt never built more houses

Germany's industrial status

most industrialized and unionized country by 1914. Unions, however, didn't get rights until 1869

Tradition elites in the nation state

moved into different arrangements and made to share power with pragmatic politicians

imperialism in art

movement of around 1900 where authors started focusing in on drawn out orientalist stereotypes

Working class sexual standards

much more loose than in the middle class. Premarital sex generally accepted

museums of atheism

museums that were used to convince people that religious beliefs were just superstitions.Popular in the ussr as it tried to eliminate religion

restoration of rome

mussolini's promise he made to his people and his general pattern of calling upon the roman empire's greatness for appeal

dual monarchy

new division of the austrio-hungarian empire that divides the empire into austria and hungary. Each nation shared a monarch and ministries for finance, defense, and foreign policy but they both dealt with their own minorities

Confederate States of America

nation of 11 former US states who all had slavery and wanted to keep it


nation that by the 19th century was agricultural and catholic and potato dependent

Germany unification problems

national feeling undermined because every german state just lost self government

Magyar nationalism

nationalist hungarian movement that drove Hungarians to try and declare an independent hungarian republic, which eventually got crushed by Austria and Russia. Hungary was ruled as a conquered territory for some time afterwards

Suez canal company

nationalized by Egyptian leader, Nasser, thereby prompting conflict with Britain and France

national economic policy failure

nations cut spending when they needed to raise it because economists believed balanced budgets were needed for economic growth

US, France, and Germany

nations that took after britain in focusing in on public health.

Spain, Portugal, Greece

nations that were supported by NATO but non-democratic for a very long time(1970s)

German Society for Racial Research

nazi academy that wrote studies measuring racial prejudice and presenting it as a science and enlightened practice

hereditary ill

nazi term for people with chronic mental or physical disabilities. Target for persecution

Nuclear bomb discovery

neutrons could shatter the nuclei of other atoms setting off a chain reaction

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation administration(UNRRA)

new UN organization made to give housing and food to displaced persons as they repatriate them

Polish communist party

new communist party in poland that took power after de-stalinization and gained greater autonomy from the USSR by pledging loyalty to the Warsaw Pact. It used the loyalty to keep the peasantry and catholic church around

Electric streetcar

overall superior replacement to the horse drawn streetcar that made public transportation more widespread, transporting as many as 6.7 billion per year

Second revolution economic motive

overcome traditional russian "backwardness" and immediately tackle economic agroindustrial problems

causes of urban life bad quality

overcrowding, pervasive poverty, lack of medical knowledge

feminist argument for work(livelihood)

paid work allows women to diversify their lives and find more meaning in them

The third class carriage

painting by Daumier that championed the working class's simple values and attacked the greed and ill will of the bourgeoise

Hall of Mirrors

palace in versailles where bismarck founded germany and later, where the SPD was forced to sign the treaty of versailes

constant observation

parental style adopted by the desire to instill self control on children

British Parliament

parliament under control of the upper classes and king which supported the aristocracy and industrialists at the expense of the working class

Nazi party

party lead by adolf hitler who attracted anti-semites and angry workers/veterans and gained popularity after WW1

main inhabitant of colonized lands

peasant farmers who faced the majority of the burdens of colonization and constantly fought for autonomy and disrupted government actions

stalinist peasant fear

peasants would turn to conservative capitalism and could be used instead to meet the 5 year plans goals

independence emigration motive

people living in oppressive areas leave for a liberal place with better legal conditions. Meant that emigration in liberal countries was generally low


pope who was slightly more liberal than his predecessor and made church-state conflicts less serious


popular lesiure activity among the working class that proved problematic and immoral and went into decline as the 19th century progressed

mass unemployment social impacts

poverty increase, personal tragedies increase and disrupt home life, postponed marriages, more suicides and mental illnesses


practice of forcibly drafting people into the armed services that was present everywhere in britain before WW1. Made armies massive and exposed people to further militarism

French pacifist jailing

practice of france considering those who speak against the war as criminals

Collective bargaining

practice of negotiating labor contracts recognized by the German Trade Union Congress as desirable in 1899

Enlightenment vs Romanticism conflicts

predicting the future vs nostalgia for the past, secularization vs religious inspiration, public and civic life vs supernatural affairs

France electoral situation

predominantly coalitions of moderates with well represented business interests

1923 german uprisings

provincial communist governments temporarily rise up but are put down and hitler performs the beer hall putsch but gets arrested

John F. Kennedy

president during part of the cold war and especially during the superpower rivalry and the cuban missile crisis. he was the president who went on tv and told the public about the crisis and allowed the leader of the soviet union to withdraw their missiles. other events, which were during his terms was the building of the berlin wall, the space race, and early events of the Vietnamese war.

national loyalty

pressing issue of the late 1800s that became more pressing as more people gained the vote and developed increasingly diverse political opinions

Qing dynasty

primarily conservative and anti-foreign dynasty of china who ruled when europeans imperialized and eventually capitulated in favor of a weak republic

Principle of unconditional surrender

principle that the US, Britain, and USSR would fight together until Germany's surrendered. Allowed them to maintain their alliance until the end of the war when it broke down

US radio ownership

privately owned ad-supported firms

East bloc class leveling

process of opening employment and nationalizing industry that reduced class differences in the east bloc. Lead to the average member of the east bloc receiving better pay and jobs than the west and a smaller income gap in the east bloc

1862 constitutional crisis

prussian deadlock over the military government that prompted Bismarck to tax Prussians without parliament's consent.

Italian false war promise

promised territorial expansion that the TOV never gave them.

Napoleon III IR following policies

promoted building of investment banks and railroads

government prostitution regulation lasting effect

prostitution becomes stigmatized and unacceptable again, trade of sex comes under control of pimps


protestant irishmen living in northern ireland who did not want to become part of an independent catholic ireland and instead favored rule by britain

German war guilt clause reaction

protested vigorously under the belief that they were innocent and surrounded by barbaric enemies

Post WW1 britain(diplomatic situation)

proved undependable

colonial immigrant benefit

provided home countries with people to give political power to and provided the country with jobs and therefore maximization of its land and economic potential

Romantic revolutionary inspiration

provided visions for a historical national destiny

specter of peasant revolt

rose after crimean war and made the need for serfdom reform urgent

job demand during WW1

rose due to the military's needs and thus brought unemployment down severely

Nikita Khrushchev

ruled the USSR from 1958-1964; lessened government control of soviet citizens; seeked peaceful coexistence with the West instead of confrontation

tenant system

rural Irish buy land from protestant englishman. Landlord can set rent at will and evict tenants wih ease. Used power to maximize their profit

Dimitri Mendeleev

russian chemist who codified the rules of chemistry and created the periodic table

prostitution primary demographic

sailors, soldiers, and lower class individuals

Modern consumerism conservative criticism

sapped livelihood of artisans and undermined national tratditions

agricultural cooperatives

scandanavian institutions that showed the power of individual peasant families joining together for a greater good

Cavour-Napoleon III alliance

secret alliance formed to drive austria out of Northern italy


secret society who blamed foreigners for Chinas problems and killed mainly foreigners and christians in radical action

new WWI ministries

set up by wartime governments to ration food, mobilize soldiers, and care for widows and veterans of the war


sexual self-stimulation. Extremely stigmatized for youth and lead to unhealthy family conflicts

Bavarian Republic

short lived bolshevik government that came to power in bavaria for a while before being crushed by the Free corps militias

Stalinism job opportunities

shot off as new skilled jobs and incentives to fill them were created by rapid industrialization. Created a technical elite that joined political and artistic elites to make a new upper class

Meiji government style

similar to the german empire with a constitution and legislature but significantly stronger emperor

Balkan nationalism

slowly became stronger and resulted in revolts and pressure from Austria and Russia

German unions character change

slowly focused more on immediate issues like wages, hours, and working conditions instead of trying to hold a socialist revolution.

Constitutional charter limits

small number of "notable people" can vote over who makes the laws of the nations

Great famine response

tenant system stays in place but relief is both slow and inadequate

Stalin's Second Revolution

term for stalins five year plans and the upheaval of daily life that came with them


term used to describe the United States sudden fervor for spacial expansion after the soviets launched sputnik

Lombardy and Milan area

territories Gained by Sardinia Piedmont from austria

Chinese Manchuria

territory that russia had a Sphere of influence over and got them into a conflict with Japan over north Korea

Treaty or Versailles

the 1919 peace settlement that ended war between germany and the allied powers

Austrian bank crash

the 1931 crash of austrias biggest bank:Caused by difficulty borrowing money and europeans withdrawing their savings from banks


the State Planning Commission which oversaw Stalin's series of five year plans

permanent revolution

trotsky's doctrine which stated the USSR could only succeed if socialist revolution spread all across europe


the process of women becoming more pious and religiously involved, making men less likely to support churches

Primo Levi's gray zone

the question of if terror and coercion of material rewards was more effective in getting people to support totalitarianism

Meiji Restoration

the restoration of the Japanese emperor to power in 1867, leading to the subsequent modernization of japan. Combined clearly superior western technology with Japanese culture to create a modern and still Asian empire

habeas corpus

the right of arrested people to have a trial

Women's suffrage

the right of women to vote, granted in many states after WWI due to Women's involvement in the war

consumer good competition

the rivalry between the west and east blocs over who could provide their citizens with more consumer goods, one in which the west was generally superior


the scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures. Emerged as a new academic discipline and encouraged enthusiasm with foreign cultures

Second IR prestige impact

the scientific method gains prestige


the selling of sexual services. Stigmatized job that was, for a period of time, accepted in europe due to it becoming increasingly a secondary income or temporary job, not full occupation,

veritable consumer revolution

the spread consumer revolution of the age of anxiety to a larger base of people during the cold war era. Started by the % of money spent on food and housing declining

Chinese irishman

unnamed by the textbook but reorganized china's customs office

New subjects targeted by realism

the working class, darker subjects such as sex, labor strikes, violence, and alcoholism

German war payments

they made one and then declared being unable to make more after political assassinations and inflation

Bolshevik threat

threat of violent communist revolution that made a hasty peace seem necessary

French fascist riots

threats by fascist to take over the french republic inspired by mussollini and hitler

Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Filipinos

three primary asian groups who emigrated to different areas

british budget

tightly controlled and inadequate for providing workers with welfare

public memorials

times where europeans came together to honor those who died in WW1, often on important war dates such as november 11(war ends) or july 1(battle of the somme)

French reasons for Harsh TOV

took most of the damage during the war and had ridiculous payments to make from reconstructions and U.S debt and so tried to get large reparations from germany

Salvic romantics

translated peasant fairy tales into modern languages that their slavic peoples spoke

treaty of naking

treaty that ended the first opium war and forced china to give britain 100 million dollars and hong kong

Bad harvests

trend amongst all of europe around 1848 that made revolts much likelier

war-and social revolution

trend of war and class upheaval going together that the elites of the time didn't believe in, instead choosing to promote war.

Zulus and Xhosa

tribes that were invaded and existed during the great trek and british occupation of south africa

Danish King of 1848

tried and failed to centralize and fully incorporate Schleswig-Holstein into his kingdom of Denmark

french and british offensives of 1915

two assaults that only gained 3 miles, demonstrating the incompetence of offensive pushes in trench warfare

United states and canada

two countries the Irish mainly fled to once the potato famine had occured

Swiss pre-1848 revolution

two decades of political conflict because liberals force govts to ammend their constitutions

rising standard of living and public health revolution

two factors that dropped the death rate, which in turn made the population increase by more than double

Czech and German Nationalists

two groups that fought with each other in german Austrian lands and prevented meaningful reform from happening there

Orange free state and transvaal

two independent republics made by the boers

Mass politics and growing popular loyalty

two key characteristics of nation states

Espionage and sedition acts

two laws, enacted in 1917 and 1918, that imposed harsh penalties on anyone interfering with or speaking against U.S. participation in WWI

Louis Blanc and albert

two people who represented republican socialists in the provisional government and urged the creation of government sponsored cooperative workshops as an alternative to capitalism

Prostitution vs middle class family

two practices that ran directly opposed to eachother but both wanted to exist in the same space. Eventually, the middle class family values win out and prostitution becomes targeted by social reformers

Sweden and Norway

two scandanavian countries who had the best response to the great depression

Artistic political alignments

typically on the far left

Fatherland party

ultraconservative party that helped Generals Hindenburg & Ludendorff establish a military dictatorship

Communism popularity limit

unable to win in free elections across the east bloc so soviets ban free elections and turn to totalitarianism to instill communism


underground pipe used to cheaply solve the human waste problem in english towns

Modern consumerism left criticism

undermined worker radicalism and class consciousness

brtish unemployment solution

unemployment benefits, subsidized housing, medical aid, even more old age pensions

Napoleonic wars impact in britain

union activity and hostile aristocracy

Anti-Corn Law League

union of working and middle class people who argued that cheap food and industry growth depended on the repeal of the corn laws

new model unions

unions formed after robert owen's GNCTU that won better wages and hours through compromise and negotiation. Eventually paved the way for full acceptance of unions


unit of structure/organization of a civilization where most people lived. Center of government, culture and commerce, but also congested, dirty, and unhealthy, less so as it got tamed

modern consumerism democracy impact

universal access to affordable goods broke down olds social barriers

Italian politics and problems after ww1

universal male suffrage granted but the population is generally poor and invested more in local interests. Papacy exists and runs opposed to the liberal government.

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