Sentence Transformations
Cut down on
I didn't mean all the thing i said
I take back what
I used to
I was forever....-ing
Is harder to use
Is not as easy as
We were surprised
It came as a surprise
I don't really mind
It doesn't matter to me
I suddenly thought
It struck me that
It's highly likely
There's a strong likelihood
To look after
To take care of
To regret doing sth
To wish you hadn't done it
The need for extra publicity was gradually accepted There was ..................... of need for extra publicity
a gradual acceptance
2 Susan picked the baby up gently, because she didn't want to wake him. TO Susan picked the baby up gently so.............................. him.
as not to wake
News programmes should not be allowed show disturbing images in the evening. PREVENTED News programmes should __________________________________ disturbing images in the early evening.
be prevented from showing
Not know
be unaware of
3. You can't blame Sam for breaking the window because he wasn't even here this morning. BEEN It .............................. broke the window because he wasn't here this morning.
can't have been Sam who
George felt a sense of pride in the achievements of the family business. PROUD George _________________________________ the family business had achieved.
felt proud of what
0 I've never been at all interested in learning to play a musical instrument. SLIGHTEST I've never .............................. learning to play a musical instrument
had the slightest interest in
5 Despite improving his performance, Smith is still not in the top three for the 10,000 metres. LED The improvement in Smith's performance the top three for the 10,000 metres.
has not led him to being
7 You should make the sauce thicker if you want to improve the fl avour. THICKEN You'll ..............................order to improve the fl avour.
have to thicken the sauce in
They could tell she was nervous from her voice .....................showed in her voice
her nervousness
The reliability of the Internet as a source of information is sometimes difficult to determine. HOW It is sometimes difficult to know _____________________________ as a source of information.
how reliable the internet is
2.We are sure that the government's new policy will successfully reduce unemployment. BOUND We think that the government's new policy unemployment.
is bound to be successful
There needs to be tighter control than there is at present over what happens in reality TV programmes. TIGHTLY Reality TV programmes should be ________________________________ than they are at present.
more tightly controlled
I don't intend to stay in my present job very much longer. NO I have............................... in my present job very much longer
no intention of staying
It is not likely that the effects of global warming can be reversed. LIKELIHOOD There is .............................. reversing the effects of global warming.
no likelihood of
8 After several years, heavy traffi c caused the bridge to collapse. DUE The collapse.............................. several years of heavy traffi c.
of the bridge was due to
3 They were able to creep away unobserved because it was very dark. OWING They were able to creep away unobserved was very dark.
owing to the fact
The people who owned the house previously had left the place in a mess The previous ..................... had left the place in a mess
He persuaded everyone with his arguments His arguments were.....................
The employees suggested some improvements to the computer system which would make it easier to use. FORWARD The employees ________________________________ improving the computer system to make it easier to use.
put forward their suggestions for
4 The car was redesigned and, as a result, sales rose rapidly. RESULTED The successful redesigning of the car.............................. in sales.
resulted in an increase
It seems to be impossible to get them to speak clearly Getting them speak clearly is a.....................task
seemingly impossible
I eventually managed to persuade Louisa that I was telling the truth. SUCCEDED I eventually ___________________________________ Louisa that I was telling the truth.
succeeded in persuading
I'd like a job somewhere locally i'd like a job somewhere in.....................
the area
His quietness today was out of character He was..................... today
uncharacteristically quiet
Some people tend to do better in a pressurised working environment. CONSTANT Some people work better when they
under constant pressure at
The dress she wore was very much in fashion She wore a.....................
very fashionable dress
5. I gave up the job at the hotel because there were too few challenges. ENOUGH I gave up the job at the hotel because it............................ me.
wasn't challenging enough for
Unless the director gets the actor he wants for the main part, the film will be cancelled. MEAN If the director does not get the actor he wants for the main part, it _________________________ the film.
will mean the cancellation of