Sentences 1-4 English Quiz:

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At any Italian restaurant, spaghetti and meatballs _______ what my parents order.


In addition to September 11, 2001, what other war-related dates are remembered by Americans, especially by those who lived through World War II?

Neither is correct

The snowstorms came one after another, yet the fires burned brightly in the cabin, where Josie read Mark Twain's novels to her favorite uncle.

independent clause

When I was a child, we played outside all year round, and my parents took us ice skating and camping and swimming, whereas nowadays children are too often glued to TVs or video games.

independent clause

What's the difference between psychology and psychiatry? The former studies mental processes and behavior, the latter is a branch of medicine specializing in mental illness.

What's the difference between psychology and psychiatry? The former studies mental processes and behavior; the latter is a branch of medicine specializing in mental illness.

Dino and his wife Maria are finally empty-nesters because their last child has gone off to college, but the freedom is bittersweet because they miss having their children at home.

subordinate clause

In clinical psychology, the therapist tries to treat mental disturbances without prescribing drugs therefore this branch of psychology often carries the label talk therapy.

In clinical psychology, the therapist tries to treat mental disturbances without prescribing drugs; therefore, this branch of psychology often carries the label talk therapy.

Modern psychology began with the work of Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), who set up a laboratory in Germany for the study of the mind, about the same time, William James (1842-1910), a Harvard professor, published Principles of Psychology. Both men taught many students, who continued their work.

Modern psychology began with the work of Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), who set up a laboratory in Germany for the study of the mind, and of William James (1842-1910), a Harvard professor, who published Principles of Psychology. Both men taught many students, who continued their work.

People with anorexia nervosa may refuse to eat. People with bulimia nervosa may go on an eating binge and then induce vomiting.

People with anorexia nervosa may refuse to eat, whereas people with bulimia nervosa may go on an eating binge and then induce vomiting.

The role of the emperor was sung by Placido Domingo.

Placido Domingo; sang

The earliest canals were dug around 6000 BC in the Middle East. They were used for irrigation.

The earliest canals, which were dug around 6000 BC in the Middle East, were used for irrigation.

Since the day I broke my leg, either my sisters or my brother _______ me wherever I go.


My sisters and my brother _______ over who should take me to the dentist.


Select the answer that contains neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence.

A pop artist, Jasper Johns (born 1930) has used flags, beer cans, and targets in his sculpture and paintings; he finds meaning in everyday objects.

Select the answer that contains neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence.

The most famous of Flemish artists and a leading baroque figure, Peter Paul Rubens created material that demonstrated his energy and enthusiasm for his work. He turned out such masterpieces as The Raising of the Cross (1610-1611) and The Judgment of Paris (1638-1639).

Select the answer that contains neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) possessed many talents; two of his most famous paintings are The Last Supper (1495-1498) and the Mona Lisa (1503-1506).

Our human ancestors broke rocks to create sharp edges about 2.5 million years ago. It took another million years for them to devise the two-edged hand ax.

Our human ancestors broke rocks to create sharp edges about 2.5 million years ago, yet it took another million years for them to devise the two-edged hand ax.

It was pledged by the chief of police that drug dealers would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

chief; pledged

My cousin Pedro and my friend Jane _______ better than to ask me for a loan.


Long before the Europeans arrived, rich cultures and languages had been developed by Native American tribes.

tribes; had developed

By whom is the bride traditionally "given away"?

who; "gives away"

People first wrote on clay tablets and on papyrus. Parchment came along around 250 BC. It is made of treated animal skin

People first wrote on clay tablets and on papyrus until parchment, made of treated animal skin, came along around 250 BC.

Select the answer that contains neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence.

Robert Indiana (born 1928) produces pop paintings and sculptures, such as his Love series, that sometimes call to mind large signs.

On the night of the 1968 California presidential primary, which was a close race, Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan

Sirhan Bishara Sirhan; assassinated

The major figure in early psychology was Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), who had been practicing neurology, he observed that some patients who had symptoms of ailments but no physical problems seemed to get better simply by talking. This observation led to Freud's interest in the unconscious mind.

The major figure in early psychology was Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), who had been practicing neurology. He observed that some patients who had symptoms of ailments but no physical problems seemed to get better simply by talking, and this observation led to Freud's interest in the unconscious mind.

Bobby Thompson's 1951 pennant-winning walk-off home run was heard by American soldiers listening to radios in Korea.

soldiers; heard

The film was made by someone you never heard of.

someone; made

In the event that Congress passes the immigration bill, what are the chances that the president will veto it?

subordinate clause

Marching in unison through the middle of town, the crowd _______ the warnings of the police.


In the morning, Juliana scrubbed the kitchen floor and vacuumed the carpet, but later in the day she relaxed in the hammock, had a glass of lemonade, and read a good novel.

independent clause

Driving and texting all too often _______ to automobile accidents.


The fate of the English settlers on Roanoke Island is not know.

no one; knows

Ancient people placed great value on salt for improving the flavor of food. They also used salt as a preservative.

Ancient people not only placed great value on salt for improving the flavor of food but also used salt as a preservative.

Another early contributor to psychology was Hermann Ebbinghaus (1850-1909), who developed a system for studying memory, as part of his approach, he asked subjects to memorize nonsense syllables, which had no meaning for them.

Another early contributor to psychology was Hermann Ebbinghaus (1850-1909), who developed a system for studying memory; as part of his approach, he asked subjects to memorize nonsense syllables, which had no meaning for them.

Another early contributor to psychology was Max Wertheimer (1880-1943) he helped develop gestalt psychology. This branch of psychology dealt with human perception.

Another early contributor to psychology was Max Wertheimer (1880-1943), who helped develop gestalt psychology. This branch of psychology dealt with human perception.

Select the answer that contains neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence.

Art historians refer to Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669) as a master of the Dutch school; he painted and drew approximately six hundred works.

Select the answer that contains neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence.

Known for glass-covered boxes filled with enigmatically arranged found objects and collages, Joseph Cornell (1903-1972) was a product of surrealism, which relied on irrational juxtaposition.

Social psychologists observe people during experiments or in day-to-day life, the goal is to learn how people interact. Sometimes the observers do not make themselves known to the participants.

Social psychologists observe people during experiments or in day-to-day life. The goal is to learn how people interact. Sometimes the observers do not make themselves known to the participants.

Even though there are many ways to lose weight, they all come down to two basic principles: eat less and exercise more

subordinate clause

According to the American Psychiatric Association, more than three hundred mental disorders, such as phobias, plague more than forty million U.S. adults each year. Cognitive disorders, such as dementia, trouble millions of others.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, more than three hundred mental disorders, such as phobias, plague more than forty million U.S. adults each year; in addition, cognitive disorders, such as dementia, trouble millions of others.

As the curtain falls, the audience _______ the actors a standing ovation.


The jury _______ order their lunches from various take-out restaurants nearby.

have to

Select the answer that contains neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence.

Feminist artist Judy Chicago (born 1939) creates multimedia projects. Her best-known work is The Dinner Party, which explores women's history.

For thousands of years, humans spun flax, wool, cotton, and silk fibers into yarn. Then they wove the yarn into cloth. Humans developed plastics—rayon, nylon, Dacron, and polyester—as the basis for cloth.

For thousands of years, humans spun flax, wool, cotton, and silk fibers into yarn and then wove the yarn into cloth; finally, humans developed plastics—rayon, nylon, Dacron, and polyester—as the basis for cloth.

Select the answer that contains neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence.

Henri Rousseau (1844-1910) was a self-taught practitioner, and he produced colorful paintings, frequently of jungle scenes.

In golf, a birdie is a score of one stroke under par. Par is the standard number of strokes for the hole. An eagle is a score of two strokes under par.

In golf, a birdie is a score of one stroke under par (the standard number of strokes for the hole), and an eagle is a score of two strokes under par.

Select the answer that contains neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence.

One of the best-known paintings by Thomas Eakins (1844-1916), The Gross Clinic, captures a surgical operation, a subject considered inappropriate at the time. Eakins lost an academic position because he used nude models in mixed classes.

Previous treatments for mental illness included drilling a hole in the patient's head. This treatment was supposed to release evil spirits. Three treatments replaced the hole drilling. These were organic treatment, psychotherapy, and drug therapy.

Previous treatments for mental illness included drilling a hole in the patient's head to release evil spirits; eventually, three treatments replaced the hole drilling: organic treatment, psychotherapy, and drug therapy.

Hillary Clinton's husband and staunch supporter _______ former President Bill Clinton.


Peanut butter and jelly _______ a popular American sandwich filling.


Whenever the band practices, neither the drummer nor the saxophonists _______ time to the music.


A dictionary or thesaurus _______ a long-lasting graduation gift.


Having limited authority, the university's parking committee only _______ recommendations to the administration.


Cognitive psychology is yet another branch of psychology. Researchers in cognitive psychology look at how people learn, how people solve problems, and how brains store information.

no change

Lightner Witmer (1867-1956) was the father of clinical psychology and set up the first psychological clinic. Alfred Binet (1851-1911) designed the first intelligence test.

no change

The field of developmental psychology deals with changes in mental and behavioral performance over time, the field began with a focus on child psychology, it has grown to track changes throughout a lifetime.

The field of developmental psychology deals with changes in mental and behavioral performance over time. Although the field began with a focus on child psychology, it has grown to track changes throughout a lifetime.

Select the answer that contains neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence.

The paintings of Barnett Newman (1905-1971) range from abstract expressionism to the color-field movement. He developed a unique geometric style that became his trademark.

Despite all of the problems with the oldest daughter, the family _______ to get along with one another.

have tried

Snow and sleet _______ likely tonight.


Su-ling longed to return to her homeland and see her mother and father; at the same time, she cherished the life she had made with her husband and children in England.

independent clause

You must come to your brother's graduation regardless of the anger you have toward him, which is certainly justified.

subordinate clause

Side effects of antidepressant drugs range from dizziness to sexual dysfunction. These drugs can save lives.

Although the side effects of antidepressant drugs range from dizziness to sexual dysfunction, these drugs can save lives.

Heading in all directions, a flock of birds _______ toward the evergreens surrounding our house.


The jury _______ the judge for a redefinition of "beyond a reasonable doubt."

has asked

Tired of arguing over new arrangements, the rock band _______ to their various homes.

have gone

Although Louisiana takes its name from France's King Louis XIV, its nickname (Pelican State) has nothing to do with royalty.

independent clause

Do you think Professor Sullivan will ask for detailed information about Woodrow Wilson on the final, or do you think he'll focus on World War I and the Treaty of Versailles?

independent clause

Select the verb that belongs in the blank. Every Tuesday during May, the senior class _______ for the graduation ceremony.


After years of tight races between the New York Yankees and other teams, the World Series was finally won by the Boson Red Sox in 2004

Neither is correct.

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