Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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The lady is the eve that tempts Gawain, our Adam figure, first was the Green knight as the serpent but now our Eve character tempts him with the apple or in this case a sash which he gives into and commits sin or breaks the code here.

How do Christian/biblical influences come into play in this section?

He takes the sash but didn't tell the lord; that's lying, breaking of the code. Major point: back then he's never broken it, it is serious and dishonorable to do so. A major choice for him to make. He chose to break it.

How does Gawain bend the chivalrous code at the end of this section?

Gawain is stone cold, he is ready for the axe. That he has pride and doesn't like being a mockery.

How does Gawain change with the second strike? What does it say about his character?

Heartbroken, he threw away everything. His honor, loyalty is all taken away since the knight knows that he broke the code.

How does Gawain react to his own downfall?

First strike was that he was honest on the first day he was at the castle Second strike was that he was honest on the second day he was at the castle Third strike was that he was not honest so he cut him

How does The Green Knight explain his three strikes?

They are supposed to be polite but this shows them to be skittish something unknightly.

How does everyone in the court react when they see the decapitated head speaking?

He mocks King Arthur and his court and says it in front of everyone so he persuades him so he is not seen as a coward.

How does he ultimately persuade King Arthur to take the challenge?

He's seen as majestic. He is not seen as a threat more as someone who is respected. He looks noble so people take him seriously.

How is the Green knight portrayed at first?

The Green knight

Huge guy with big muscles/carries a huge axe. Says he comes in friendship but proposes that someone step forward to play the "beheading game." Expects the knights to be courageous and step forward to play.

more freedom. If you have no choice than do it or if it is gonna help the cause and you to following the code than doing it.

In the Code of Chivalry, Some say "never" while others say "avoid". The avoids give what?

King Arthur

Legendary king of Britain in late 5th and early 6th centuries. Uncle to Gawain. Brave,courageous, chivalrous

Middle English

Like the Pardoners tale it is written in

The Green knight absolves him from his sins(penance). Garden of eden: Camelot Adam: Gawain 1st tempter(serpent): Green Knight 2nd tempter(eve): the lady The apple: the sash/girdle

Look at The Green Knight's (a.k.a The Lord) words from 366 to 371, how does they tie into the Christian narrative we've been following?

He is well dressed, looks almost regal, noble or majestic. His horse is adorned in gold and has a beautiful mane and tail.

Pay close attention to how The Green Knight is described in lines 1-25. Why do King Arthur and his subjects take him seriously?

Alliteration: which makes things sound pretty, pleasing. Makes the gory scene pretty rolling the Chivalry code in a way.

Take a look at lines 153-156. What literary device are you noticing here?

For example, you can kill someone as long as they have a sword too, fight fair—good form.

The Code of Chivalry are limitations that strip your free will. How?

Chaucer, the author of the Pardoners Tale

The Gawain Poet is from the second half of the 14th century making him a contemporary of who?

An axe and a holly branch Axe: he still ready for a fight, is a warrior. He may be there in peace but he is a threat Holly branch: that he comes in peace like a olive branch He says he is unarmed which today armed means having a weapon back then it means that he is wearing armor so being unarmed he has no armor.

The Green Knight is holding two things when he encounters King Arthur. What are they and what do they signify?


The Green knight is a supernatural being like what character from Beowulf?

Values and actions

The code of chivalry, in particular, shapes the ________________ of Sir Gawain and other characters in the poems


The mythical past of King Arthur's court (sometime after Rome's fall, but before recorded history)

He just can't volunteer, he must ask the court for approval of his wish to take on the game in Arthur's place. He basically apologizes and puts himself down grasping for approval.

Read lines 120-138. How is he following the Code of Chivalry?

you can take life but you still give a proper burial even if they were your enemy.

According to the Code of Chivalry you can take like but you also must still respect it. How would you do this?

King Arthur due to being called a coward in front of everyone

After being mocked who is the first to accept the challenge? Why?

Sir Gawain

Arthur's nephew and one of the most loyal, brave knights § Follows the chivalrous code (humility, piety, integrity, loyalty, honesty)

Queen Guinevere

Arthur's wife and queen, aunt to Gawain

(No free will) Chivalry has taken over society that every little thing must be asked for permission. Approval is needed and you must apologize for everything. You can't do anything without

At this point in the poem, do you think chivalry takes away from free will? Why or why not?

A mockery, and calls him a coward and says how he never flinched when Gawain cut his head

Describe The Green Knight's reaction to Gawain after the first strike.

He is both human and supernatural. The supernatural is obviously the talking head while it is served but he is human due to his physiology being so similar to that of a mortal.

Describe how The Green Knight is both mortal and supernatural simultaneously.

Stay there for three days: the lord says that he is a hunter and that they will share what they get so -Gawain reports what goes on at the castle -lord reports stories, and whatever he hunts

Describe the agreement Sir Gawain has with the lord.

A good band, with a stone pole a star and is worth a kings randsom

Describe the ring that sir Gawain was offered?

He cuts him not really with his full force

Describe the third (and final) strike.

The Green Knight is decapitated, the knight picks up the head and the head starts talking while it is severed.

Describe what happens when Gawain takes his shot at The Green Knight.

The Garden of Eden is perfect place with Adam and Eve. The serpent(usually Green) tempts them to have an apple that makes the paradise stripped away and no longer is perfect. Gawain is Adam in Arthur's kingdom(Camelot) who is tempted to break from Chivalry by the Green knight.

Discuss the Christian influences. How might this story be inspired by the Bible. (Garden of Eden, serpent, etc.)

Chivalrous: he respects the rules of Chivalry and is respectful when he arrives. Rude: after putting his challenge forth and he mocks them after no one accepts the challenge. He goes after them, but he is being rude to goat them into playing.

Explain how The Green Knight is both chivalrous and rude.

They don't exchange pleasantries like they are supposed to.

Gawain and The Green Knight haven't seen each other in a year and a day. What's weird about their first encounter?

The sash he could use to survive the bargain he made a year ago but in doing so he must break the code of Chivalry and not tell the lord and keep it for himself. So lying and secrets which are so unknightly.


We don't know: ppl. could say that it was Not the sash that keeps him alive but because the Green knight doesn't intend to hurt him. We don't know if sash has magical power

Was it the sash that saved Gawain?

the Green knight shall let whomever takes his challenge to have his gisarme(axe) to throw a blow at him. You may keep the axe as if it were your own, take it as a gift However, in one year the tables will be turned and the Green knight shall take a blow at you.

What are the terms of the knights game?

He had to much fun already. Even though you forgave me I'm upset and ashamed of his actions that he is not worthy to party with the knight.

What does Gawain give as the reason he won't join The Lord at the castle for a New Year's celebration?

He says he broke, loyalty, Being selfish, Lying, Stealing, Covetous and abandonment of his own kind, Cowardice

What does Gawain say he broke from the code of Chivalry ?

Axe: he is a threat, not to be trifled with Holly: he comes in peace

What does the Green knight have in his hand when he is first seen? What do they represent?

A beautiful sash Athabaskan was made of green silk, marked with gleaming gold.

What does the lady offer instead of the ring?

Gawain flinches, that he is not as chivalrous as he once said because he is supposed to be brave and strong

What happens the first time The Knight strikes?

He loves his life so much he would lie to protect it

What is Gawain's fatal flaw?

loves his life so much that he will lie to protect it (obviously breaking the code)

What is Gawain's one flaw?

He is weak compared to Arthur and he says that King Arthur is more important compared to him.

What is Sir Gawain's reasoning for accepting the challenge?

Gawain poet or the Pearl Poet

What is the author refered to?

A ring, he says it is too expansive and he couldn't pay her back so he can't take it.

What is the item the lady wants GAWAIN to take? Why does he refuse

Whomever was wearing it could not be harmed by anyone under heaven

What power did the sash have?

First and second swings he could've hit him with full force but didn't and the third time nothing but a cut.

What was significant about the three times the knight swung?

He feels like he has paid his part of the deal. He reaches for his armor.

What's Gawain's reaction after realizing he survived the third strike? What does he pick up immediately?

Gawain says that he is: he seeks honor He is the weakest out of many hardy, and worthy barons He is physically weka and his wit is also the most weak He would be the least missed He has very little virtue

When Sir Gawain takes Arthur's place how does he depict himself?

About 1340-1400 A.D. in England

When was it written?

Christian concept and morality

Where do the ideals of chivalry come from?

A castle with a lady and a lord

Where does Gawain stop on his quest to find The Green Knight?

King Arthur

Who presides over the famous Knights of the Round Table at Camelot?

King Arthur's court has the best of the best. The strongest people, the hospitality of the people. He wants a fair fight with the best of the best which by spreading of word is king Arthur's court. Is superior to all others.

Why did he choose King Arthur with his game?

He wants a challenge and they have the best reputation. He wants a fair fight and he heard that Arthur's court has the best of the best.

Why has The Green Knight chosen King Arthur's court among all other kingdoms?

He is a knight; the Chivalry Code forces his hand. Plus, it was done in front of people so now he must to prove himself. Go to the Green Chapel, to find him just ask someone which makes it known that he is also pretty well known.

Why is The Green Knight confident that Gawain will come find him? How will Gawain know where to go?

Because he is not a man under heaven but it says it was said to be on earth. Thus, there may be a chance. Look at Macbeth and his prophecy and how is confidence brought about his downfall.

Why might the sash not help him against the Green knight?


a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

Medieval romance

is a dramatic verse or prose narrative that usually involves adventurous heroes, idealized love, exotic places, and supernatural events.

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