Sir Gawain and The Green Knight

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What does a "romance" mean in this context?

- a narrative set in a world of pure wish fulfillment - superhuman heroes fight and almost always conquer the forces of evil - the hero undertakes a hard journey in search of something valuable (a QUEST)

What are the 6 characteristics of chivalry?

- fair play - nobility - valor - honor - courtesy - loyalty

What do legends feature?

- heroic figures and memorable deeds - quests, or searches for something important; contests; and tests - patterns, such as events repeated three times

Chivalry provides a valuable set of ideals toward which to strive, but a person must do what?

Above all, remain conscious of his or her own mortality and weakness

Who is Queen Guinevere?

Arthur's wife and queen

What is the lesson that Gawain learns as a result of the Green Knight's challenge?

At a basic level, he is just a physical being who is concerned above all else with his own life

King Arthur is the legendary king of where?


Loyal & shows chivalry for he doesn't know the terms but fights for his king

Characterize Gawain when he volunteers to play the game for Arthur

Doesn't have chivalry because he promised to exchange information and objects but he doesn't tell the lord of the house about the green girdle

Characterize Sir Gawain when he takes the green girdle

Direct & to the point

Characterize the Green Knight in the very beginning of the story (personality wise)

Where do the ideas of chivalry come from?

Christian concept of mortality

What does Arthur's court depend heavily on?

Code of chivalry

What shapes the values and actions of Sir Gawain and other characters in the poem?

Code of chivalry

Extremely sharp and has a ribbon (its used for beheading) (DANISH AXE)

Describe the axe that the person is holding when he comes out of the gloom when SG calls out for the GK (in the green chapel)

The Green Knight describes the soldiers in the court as being beardless while he is described as having a full beard which represents maturity

Explain the comparison of beards and what it represent

King Arthur is the husband to who?


What is Sir Gawain's flaw?

He loves his life so much that he will lie to protect it (obviously breaking the code)

Finds the GK's words disrespectful and shameful but also finds his court not accepting the challenge is shameful (humiliating)

How does Arthur feel about the GK words and when none of his soldiers volunteer for the game?

He says he didn't resist when SG decapitated him but now that it's SG's turn, that he is afraid

How does GK compare himself to SG?

Views himself as weak because he compares himself to his uncle (King Arthur)

How does Gawain view himself as (in Arthur's court)

Even though the GK looks like a supernatural being, Arthur shows chivalry by welcoming him with courtesy

How does King Arthur treat the Green Knight when the GK enters?

He feels guilty & shameful because of his lack of chivalry

How does SG feel after GK tells him about the test he set up?

He calls them arrogant/cowards so he mocks them

How does the GK describe the court of Camelot when no one accepts the challenge of the beheading game?

In literative verse

How is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight written?

As a cave

How was the Green Chapel described?

Describe the Green Knight

Huge guy with big muscles and carries a huge axe

Who are the three main characters?

King Arthur, Sir Gawain, the Green Knight

Teasing/taunting/mocking SG SG: tells GK to stop teasing & just get it over with

On the 2nd try for decapitating SG, how did GK speak to SG? How does SG respond?

GK only knicks SG neck so SG thinks GK is still teasing

On the second try for decapitating SG, what happens?

What does the lady of the castle try to do to Gawain?

Seduce him every day he's there

King Arthur is the uncle of whom?

Sir Gawain

What does the way that Arthur is introduced to us indicate?

That people are ranked in this court according to their mastery of a certain code of behavior and good manners

The Green Knight says he comes in friendship but proposes what?

That someone should step forward to play the "beheading game"

How is Arthur introduced to us as?

The "most courteous of all"

GK: chivalry/strong/courageous SG: scared/cowardice/ain't-chivalry

The comparison of GK and SG in class (when GK compares)

What does Sir Gawain and the Green Knight gently criticize?

The fact that chivalry values appearance and symbols over truth

What are the other three important characters in the poem?

The lord and lady of the castle where Gawain stays for Christmas and Queen Guinevere

Instead of the members of the court revealing their true feelings, what do they do?

They choose to seem beautiful, courteous, and fair-spoken

What does Gawain's faults throughout the poem teach him?

Though he may be the most chivalrous knight in the land, he is nevertheless human and capable of error

What does the Green Knight expect of the knights?

To be courageous and step forward to play the "beheading game"

What elements did medieval writers add to legends used in romances?

Vivid descriptions, plot twists, and accounts of the reactions and motives of characters

What is the world of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight governed by?

Well defined codes of behavior

It was keeping the green girdle from him & SG kissing his wife

What did GK say was the more severe issue?

GK is saying that SG is supposed to be brave and accept his fate in glory but since he isn't then he is not truly chivalrous?

What does GK mean by "You are not Gawain the glorious"?

He took up Arthur's axe

What does Gawain use to take up the mantel for Arthur?

It's hinting that he might not be as brave as some of us might think it's also hinting that he's second guessing what he is doing

What does SG faking a smile mean?

References to Jesus of how he sacrificed himself to save us & how there was no one better than him to do it

What does Sir Gawain saying that there's no one better than him for this task reference? (when he volunteers for Arthur)


What does green represent in literature?

Confused fight

What does melee mean?

Challenge the knights' of Camelot pride/wants to test their skill & strength because of all the great deeds he has heard from afar

What does the GK mean to do when he wishes to play the beheading game?

Shows his wanting to come in peace

What does the Green Knight not bringing weapons to Camelot show?


What does the green girdle symbolize to SG after GK explains how everything was a test?

The Green Knight's head rolls and his body stayed upright gushing out blood. He grabbed his head and heaved himself onto his steed. His head speaks to Gawain to tell him to not forget the terms of the game

What happens when Gawain decapitates the Green Knight?

GK says he did keep his end of the terms and that other people would be glad they weren't decapitated

What is GK reaction to SG when SG complains about the terms of the game? (GK didnt decapitate SG but tried already)

Brave front

What is SG faking a smile?

The Green Knight asks where the speaker fort the court which is disrespectful since he was sitting at the throne and when traveling you should know who the king is (or at least their name)

What is disrespectful to King Arthur when the Green Knight enters?

Repetition of the original sound

What is literation?

He is not being chivalry then saying he must keep his promise

What is the irony Sir Gawain expresses with the green girdle?

Gawain has traveled for weeks but the setting is North Wales on Christmas Eve

What is the setting of the 2nd part of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?

New Year's Eve Feast in King Arthur's Court in Camelot

What is the setting of the first part Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?

The fact that he seems unbothered by the fact that he is about to be decapitated foreshadows the fact that he might have some sort of supernatural/immortal qualities

What may foreshadow the GK being a supernatural being?

Whoever steps up to strike the GK will keep the axe then the loser will be able to do the same thing the winner had done

What were the terms of the beheading game?

He says the SG is scared even though nothing has happened

When GK feigns decapitating SG what does GK?

He is impressed that SG stayed true to his vow/GK is proud of SG because of the chivalry he expresses

When GK speaks to SG when SG comes to the green chapel, what does the exchange of words show?

Green Knight

Who distinguished SG's flaw?

Sir Gawain

Who volunteers to play the beheading game in Arthur's stead?

Green Knight

Who was the lord of the house that SG stayed with?

Because GK wants SG to maintain this girdle as a reminder that he is not fully chivalry & that the other knights are not as perfect as everyone thinks they are (also to say that GK is better than the round table)

Why does GK return the green girdle back to SG after SG gave it to him?

Because he wants to redeem himself

Why does SG ask for a 2nd chance to be decapitated?

Because he wants forgiveness & doesn't like what it represents?

Why does SG return the green girdle to the GK?

He feels the only thing to gain is more respect and he thinks its best for him to fight rather than Arthur since his loss will not matter as greatly as Arthur's

Why does Sir Gawain accept the beheading game on behalf of Arthur?

She said it would protect him from harm

Why does Sir Gawain keep the green girdle the lady of the house told him to give to her husband?

It was part of the test GK set up to see how chivalry the knight of Camelot truly are

Why was the GK's wife trying to seduce SG?

When the Green Knight challenges the court, he mocks them for being so afraid of mere words. What does this suggest?

Words and appearances hold too much power over the company

request solemnly; appeal to earnestly


with physical or mental skill


What are some qualities King Arthur possesses?

brave, courageous, chivalrous

What is the main theme of the poem?


Which code does Sir Gawain follow?

code of chivalry

What kind of lover is Sir Gawain?

courtly lover

made an earnest appeal; pleaded


buried in the earth


nobility of spirit


anonymous traditional stories about the past that may have been inspired by real events and people


What kind of knight is Sir Gawain?

loyal and brave

adventure story with kings, knights, and damsels in distress

medieval romances

exposure to harm or injury


What kind of poem is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?


What does King Arthur oversee and where?

the famous Knights of the Round Table at Camelot

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