Skeletal System

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52 The lambdoidal suture is located between the A. frontal and parietal bones. B. parietal and temporal bones. C. temporal and occipital bones. D. parietal and occipital bones. E. two parietal bones.

parietal and occipital bones

99 A fractured coxa is more commonly called a fractured A. arm. B. wrist. C. knee. D. pelvis. E. ankle


6. The connective tissue sheath of cartilage is called the A. matrix. B. chondrocyte. C. ligamentous cord. D. lacuna. E. perichondrium.


11. Which of the following membranes covers the surface of a mature bone? A. perimysium B. perichondrium C. peritendineum D. peritoneum E. periosteum


137. The joint between the head of the radius and the proximal end of the ulna is a _____ joint. A. plane B. saddle C. hinge D. pivot E. ball and socket


130. A joint that consists of two opposed flat surfaces of approximately equal size is a _____ joint. A. plane B. saddle C. hinge D. pivot E. ellipsoid


134. The joint between the articular processes of adjacent vertebrae is a _____ joint. A. plane B. saddle C. hinge D. pivot E. ball and socket


141. Standing on one's toes is an example of a movement called A. dorsiflexion. B. plantar flexion. C. depression. D. opposition. E. elevation.

plantar flexion

1. Important functions of the skeletal system include A. protection of the brain and soft organs. B. storage of water. C. production of Vitamin E. D. regulation of acid-base balance. E. integration of other systems.

protection of the brain and soft organs

125. The function of a bursa is to A. provide support for a weak joint. B. provide a fluid-filled cushion. C. increase the articulating surface at a joint. D. bind ligaments to bones. E. produce fluid.

provide a fluid-filled cushion

90 If you break the lateral bone of your forearm, you have fractured your A. ulna. B. radius. C. humerus. D. olecranon. E. carpals.


129. A pivot joint A. is a modified ball and socket joint. B. restricts movement to rotation. C. is a biaxial joint. D. allows gliding movement. E. is between the atlas and the occipital bone.

restricts movement to rotation

42 Which of the following bones is part of the axial skeleton? A. rib B. radius C. clavicle D. scapula E. coxa


74 The dens or odontoid process is on the A. first cervical vertebra. B. second cervical vertebra. C. first thoracic vertebra. D. second lumbar vertebra. E. coccyx.

second cervical vertebra

62 The pituitary gland (hypophysis) rests in the A. crista galli. B. cribriform plate. C. sella turcica (hypophyseal fossa). D. pterygoid canal. E. foramen magnum.

sella turcica (hypophyseal fossa)

30. The growth spurt seen in puberty is triggered by A. parathyroid hormone. B. sex hormones. C. growth hormone. D. thyroid hormone. E. calcitonin.

sex hormones

9. Which of the following is correctly matched? A. short bone - carpal bone B. long bone - vertebra C. irregular bone - femur D. flat bone - phalanges of the toes E. short bone - humerus

short bone - carpal bone

144. A tennis player goes to the doctor and is told he has a torn rotator cuff. He has injured his A. neck. B. shoulder. C. hip. D. knee. E. elbow.


145. The glenoid labrum is part of the _____ joint while the acetabular labrum is part of the _____ joint. A. elbow, knee B. shoulder, hip C. shoulder, knee D. elbow, hip E. shoulder, elbow

shoulder, hip

80 The anterior boundary of the "rib cage" is the A. ribs. B. sternum. C. costal cartilages. D. thoracic vertebrae. E. skin.


83 Manubrium, body, and xiphoid process are all parts of the A. pelvis. B. scapula. C. clavicle. D. sternum. E. sacrum


12. Some marrow of long bones is termed "yellow" marrow under normal conditions. The function of yellow marrow is to A. manufacture blood cells. B. manufacture tissue cells for the skin. C. store adipose tissue. D. store bone forming cells. E. make vitamin D.

store adipose tissue

113 Joints are classified according to the A. bones that are united at the joint. B. structure of the joint. C. size of the joint. D. shape of the joint. E. type of fluid in the joint.

structure of the joint

64 Which of the following bony features is mismatched with its description? A. crista galli - point of attachment of one of the meninges B. occipital condyles - articulation points between the skull and vertebral column C. alveolar process - ridge containing the teeth D. styloid process - point of articulation of mandible with skull E. mandibular fossa - point of articulation of mandible with skull

styloid process - point of articulation of mandible with skull

118 Most of the joints in the appendicular skeleton are _____ joints. A. fibrous B. immovable C. synovial D. cartilaginous E. inarticulate


123. Which of the following joints is most movable? A. suture B. syndesmosis C. symphysis D. synovial E. synchondrosis


122. The inability to produce the fluid that keeps most joints moist indicates a disorder of the A. cruciate ligament. B. synovial membrane. C. articular cartilage. D. bursae. E. mucus membrane.

synovial membrane

107 The tarsal bone that articulates with the tibia and the fibula is the A. talus. B. cuboid. C. navicular. D. calcaneus. E. patella.


46 Which of the following bones is paired? A. vomer B. temporal C. sphenoid D. mandible E. maxilla


54 A person who has cerebrospinal fluid draining from the ear probably has a fracture of the A. frontal bone. B. temporal bone. C. zygomatic bone. D. parietal bone. E. occipital bone

temporal bone

2. A band of connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone is a(n) A. aponeurosis. B. ligament. C. bursa. D. epimysium. E. tendon.


78 The loss of height that occurs with aging is due to compression of A. the pelvic girdle. B. the vertebral arches. C. the vertebral bodies. D. the vertebral foramen. E. the intervertebral discs

the intervertebral discs

73 The coccyx is A. absent in humans. B. also called the coxa. C. located in the upper lumbar region. D. the most inferior portion of the vertebral column. E. the bottom of the spinal cord.

the most inferior portion of the vertebral column

86 Another name for the shoulder blade is A. the sternum. B. the clavicle. C. the scapula. D. the acromion. E. the xiphoid process.

the scapula

63 The foramen magnum is a large opening in the base of the skull for A. the optic nerve. B. the carotid arteries. C. internal jugular veins. D. the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves. E. the spinal cord.

the spinal cord

10. An example of a long bone would be A. the sternum. B. a rib. C. a carpal bone. D. the tibia. E. the clavicle.

the tibia

58 The maxilla forms A. the roof of the orbit. B. the floor of the orbit. C. the lateral wall of the orbit. D. the medial wall of the orbit. E. the posterior wall of the orbit.

the floor of the orbit

76 Articular facets on the transverse processes are characteristic of _____ vertebrae. A. cervical B. thoracic C. lumbar D. sacral E. coccygeal


79 The ribs articulate with the _____ vertebrae. A. sacral B. lumbar C. thoracic D. cervical E. coccygeal


51 The sagittal suture is located between the A. two parietal bones. B. frontal and parietal bones. C. parietal and temporal bones. D. parietal and occipital bones. E. frontal and temporal bones

two parietal bones.

92 The olecranon process is found on the A. ulna. B. radius. C. scapula. D. humerus. E. clavicle.


116 Cartilaginous joints A. are common in the skull. B. unite two bones by means of fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage. C. allow the most movement between bones. D. are found in the lower leg. E. are not found in the pelvic region.

unite two bones by means of fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage

140. Which of the following movements is an example of extension? A. bending forward at the waist B. kneeling C. raising your arm D. using your finger to point out an area on a map E. shrugging your shoulders

using your finger to point out an area on a map

82 Those ribs that attach directly to the sternum are referred to as _____ ribs. A. false B. vertebral C. vertebrosternal D. vertebrochondral E. floating


60 Which of the following bones forms the nasal septum? A. inferior nasal conchae and lacrimal bones B. vomer and ethmoid C. maxilla and vomer D. ethmoid and sphenoid E. nasal and vomer

vomer and ethmoid

149. Osteoarthritis usually is caused by A. wear and tear of the joint. B. increased uric acid in the blood. C. an autoimmune disorder. D. a bacterial infection in the joint. E. bursitis.

wear and tear of the joint

70 A traumatic hyperextension of the cervical vertebrae is referred to as A. whiplash. B. a fracture. C. scoliosis. D. a herniated disc. E. spina bifida.


56 The cheek bone is also known as the A. frontal bone. B. zygomatic bone. C. maxilla. D. sphenoid bone. E. ethmoid bone

zygomatic bone

127. Pain in a synovial joint such as the hip can occur because of irritation of the nerves in the A. fibrous capsule of the joint. B. articular cartilage of the femur. C. synovial fluid. D. joint cavity. E. bone.

fibrous capsule of the joint

24. The flat bones of the skull develop from A. hyaline cartilage. B. areolar tissue. C. compact bone. D. fibrous connective tissue. E. fibrocartilage.

fibrous connective tissue

114 A joint that has no joint cavity and exhibits little or no movement would be classified as a A. fibrous joint. B. synovial joint. C. complex joint. D. cartilaginous joint. E. partial joint.

fibrous joint

106 A patient in a skiing accident is told that the lateral side of the ankle joint has been crushed. The bone that has been injured is the A. femur. B. tibia. C. fibula. D. calcaneus. E. talus.


139. Bowing the head is an example of A. rotation. B. pronation. C. flexion. D. lateral excursion. E. hyperextension.


103 When comparing the female pelvis with the male pelvis, which of the following statements is false? A. The female pelvis is heavier. B. The ilium is more flared in the female pelvis. C. The ischial spines are further apart in the female pelvis. D. The subpubic angle is 90 degrees or greater in the female pelvis. E. The female pelvis is broader.

The female pelvis is heavier

143. Which of the following statements regarding the temporomandibular (TMJ) joint is correct? A. The joint is divided into lateral and medial cavities by an articular disc of cartilage. B. The joint has a cartilage capsule. C. The joint is a combination plane and ellipsoidal joint. D. The joint allows rotation. E. The joint is located between the maxilla and the mandible.

The joint is a combination plane and ellipsoidal joint

69 Which of the following statements is true? A. The cervical curve develops before birth. B. The adult vertebral column has three curvatures. C. Scoliosis is the term applied to normal curvature of the spine. D. An exaggerated thoracic curvature of the vertebral column is called kyphosis. E. Lordosis is an exaggeration of the cervical curvature.

An exaggerated thoracic curvature of the vertebral column is called kyphosis

104 Which of the following statements about the femur is TRUE? A. The head of the femur articulates with the tibia. B. The medial condyle articulates with the acetabulum. C. Both the greater and lesser trochanters are attachment sites for muscles. D. The distal end of the tibia articulates with the femur. E. The proximal end of the femur articulates with the tibia.

Both the greater and lesser trochanters are attachment sites for muscles

66 Which of the following statements concerning the maxilla is false? A. The maxilla contains a large sinus. B. The maxilla forms part of the orbit. C. The maxilla forms part of the hard palate. D. The maxilla articulates with the mastoid process. E. The maxilla forms the upper jaw.

The maxilla articulates with the mastoid process

115 Which of the following statements concerning sutures is false? A. They may become completely immovable in adults. B. The opposing bones in the joint interdigitate for stability. C. The tissue between the bones is hyaline cartilage. D. The periosteum of adjacent bones is continuous over the joint. E. Membranes, called fontanels, are present in some sutures at birth.

The tissue between the bones is hyaline cartilage

126. Which of the following statements concerning bursae is true? A. They are filled with air. B. They are a cellular cushion. C. They carry blood vessels to joints. D. They are formed by an extension of the synovial membrane. E. They bind tendons to ligaments.

They are formed by an extension of the synovial membrane

72 Which of the following statements is true? A. The first cervical vertebra is called the axis. B. The spinal cord protects the vertebral column. C. Thoracic vertebrae have long, thin spinous processes. D. The sacral vertebrae are superior to the lumbar vertebrae. E. Lumbar vertebrae are generally smaller than thoracic vertebrae.

Thoracic vertebrae have long, thin spinous processes

25. Which of the following statements about bone growth is TRUE? A. Most growth in long bones results from interstitial growth. B. Appositional bone growth results in increased bone length. C. Endochondral growth in long bones occurs at the epiphyseal plate. D. In the epiphyseal plate, osteoblasts degenerate to form chondrocytes. E. Bones can not grow by appositional growth.

Endochondral growth in long bones occurs at the epiphyseal plate

33 Which of the following statements about bone remodeling and repair is correct? A. Bone remodeling involves removal of old bone by osteoblasts. B. As a long bone increases in diameter, the size of the marrow cavity decreases. C. The rate of bone remodeling increases in the elderly. D. Exposure of a bone to increased stress can lead to bone remodeling. E. Bone remodeling does not involve the activity of the osteoclasts and the osteoblasts.

Exposure of a bone to increased stress can lead to bone remodeling

101 Which of the following situations could interfere with normal child birth? A. small ischial spines B. a small pelvic outlet C. an enlarged iliac crest D. a wide, circular pelvic inlet E. widely spaced ischial spines

a small pelvic outlet

84 The upper limb and its girdle are attached rather loosely to the rest of the body. This arrangement A. results in a disjointed appearance. B. limits fine coordination of the hands. C. allows a wide range of movements. D. restricts the amount of weight the upper limb can support. E. results in a limited range of motion.

allows a wide range of movements

133. Ellipsoid joints A. are multiaxial joints. B. are found between adjacent vertebra. C. are actually modified ball and socket joints. D. allow free rotation. E. are modified pivot joints.

are actually modified ball and socket joints

119. Synovial joints are different from both fibrous and cartilaginous joints because synovial joints A. use fibrous connective tissue to hold the bones in the joint together. B. are enclosed by a joint capsule. C. are only temporary; they are replaced in the adult. D. generally have both bones in the joint fused together. E. are not freely moveable

are enclosed by a joint capsule

21. Haversian systems or osteons A. are found in spongy bone tissue. B. lack concentric lamellae. C. are the basic units in compact bone tissue. D. do not contain osteocytes. E. are avascular.

are the basic units in compact bone tissue

36 Bone remodeling may occur A. as bones grow. B. as bones adjust to stress. C. as fractures heal. D. constantly during a person's lifetime. E. All of these choices are correct.

as bones adjust to stress

131. This type of joint is multiaxial allowing a wide range of movement. A. saddle B. hinge C. pivot D. plane E. ball and socket

ball and socket

138. Which of the following joints is most movable? A. plane B. saddle C. hinge D. pivot E. ball and socket

ball and socket

77 Which of the following vertebral parts is most anterior in location? A. body B. lamina C. spinous process D. transverse process E. vertebral arch


3. Ligaments attach A. muscle to muscle. B. bone to bone. C. muscle to bone. D. nerve to bone. E. nerve to muscle.

bone to bone

37 When a fractured bone is cast, it is important to leave some tension on the bone so that the A. fractured pieces will align properly. B. bone will heal faster. C. osteoclast activity increases. D. muscle will not become weak. E. All of these choices are correct.

bone will heal faster

110 The thumb and big toe are similar in that A. both contain carpal bones. B. each have three metatarsals. C. both are composed of sesamoid bones. D. both have two rather than three phalanges. E. both have three rather than two phalanges.

both have two rather than three phalanges

93 In a farm accident, a man has his arm severed midway between his wrist and his elbow. Which of the following bones was severed? A. radius B. humerus C. clavicle D. ulna E. both the radius and the ulna

both the radius and the ulna

108 The heel of the foot is formed by the A. talus. B. patella. C. cuboid bone. D. navicular bone. E. calcaneus.


28. Normal bone growth requires adequate amounts of _____, _____, and _____ in the diet. A. sodium, calcium, and vitamin E B. potassium, calcium, and vitamin D C. calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D D. vitamin D, phosphate, and chloride E. vitamin E, vitamin B, and vitamin A

calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D

20. A passageway connecting neighboring osteocytes in an osteon is a A. central canal. B. lamella. C. canaliculus. D. lacuna. E. osteocanal.


94 The wrist is composed of eight A. tarsal bones. B. carpal bones. C. metacarpal bones. D. metatarsal bones. E. digits.

carpal bones

135. An example of a saddle joint is the A. shoulder joint. B. elbow joint. C. atlanto-occipital joint. D. carpometacarpal joint. E. atlantoaxial joint.

carpometacarpal joint

4. Chondroblasts produce A. ligaments. B. cartilage matrix. C. bone tissue. D. blood cells. E. synovial fluid.

cartilage matrix

23. The locations where ossification begins in intramembranous ossification are known as A. secondary ossification centers. B. membranous ossification centers. C. centers of ossification. D. medullary cavity ossification centers. E. epiphyseal ossification centers.

centers of ossification

68 The _____ region of the vertebral column is located in the neck. A. sacral B. cervical C. lumbar D. thoracic E. coccygeal


75 Transverse foramina are found in _____ vertebrae. A. cervical B. thoracic C. lumbar D. sacral E. antebrachial


85 The collar bone is the A. sternum. B. clavicle. C. scapula. D. humerus. E. atlas.


65 Failure of the palatine processes of the maxilla to fuse properly during development results in a A. cleft lip. B. cleft chin. C. cleft palate. D. deviated septum. E. clogged sinus.

cleft palate

22. The type of lamellae found in osteons (Haversian systems) is A. circumferential. B. concentric. C. interstitial. D. appositional. E. oppositional.


18. Osteoblasts involved in bone growth in length come primarily from A. chondrocytes. B. endothelium of blood vessels. C. osteocytes. D. periosteum. E. connective tissue surrounding blood vessels from the endosteum.

connective tissue surrounding blood vessels from the endosteum

7. Cartilage A. is composed of osteons. B. is surrounded by a membrane called the periosteum. C. contains chondrocytes located in lacunae. D. does not need nutrients and oxygen so it has no blood vessels. E. is well vascularized.

contains chondrocytes located in lacunae

55 The mastoid process is A. part of the zygomatic arch. B. located anterior to the external auditory meatus. C. contains mastoid air cells. D. the point of attachment of the temporalis muscle. E. is a sinus.

contains mastoid air cells

124. Articular cartilage A. attaches tendons to bones. B. produces red blood cells. C. forms bursal fluid. D. covers the ends of bones in synovial joints. E. is formed at the epiphyseal plate.

covers the ends of bones in synovial joints

98 The obturator foramen is found in the A. skull. B. scapula. C. sacrum. D. coxa. E. vertebrae.


111 A woman who drops something on her foot might injure which of the following bones? A. vomer B. pisiform C. lunate D. cuneiform E. metacarpals


121. Synovial fluid A. lacks cells. B. is found between all bony junctions. C. increases friction between bones. D. is produced by articular cartilage. E. decreases friction between bones.

decreases friction between bones

148. The three arches of the foot A. transfer weight from the tibia to the femur. B. distribute the weight of the body during standing and walking. C. form a hinge joint. D. are highest on the lateral side of the foot. E. form after birth.

distribute the weight of the body during standing and walking

96 A woman pinched her phalange. She hurt her A. ear. B. toe. C. cheek. D. finger. E. either her toe or her finger.

either her toe or her finger

142. Shrugging the shoulders is an example A. elevation. B. adduction. C. supination. D. extension. E. pronation.


128. Which of the following types of joints is mismatched with its location? A. saddle - thumb B. ball and socket - between humerus and scapula C. ellipsoid - between femur and tibia D. plane - between carpal bones E. hinge - cubital

ellipsoid - between femur and tibia

27. Long bones grow in length at the A. epiphyseal plate. B. articular cartilage. C. center of the shaft. D. endosteum-periosteum junction. E. in the center of the epiphysis.

epiphyseal plate

102The large bone in the thigh is the A. tibia. B. femur. C. fibula. D. ischium. E. coxa.


97 The bone that articulates with the acetabulum is the A. femur. B. tibia. C. fibula. D. humerus. E. pubis.


44 Which of the following anatomical features of bones is correctly matched with its function? A. tubercle - lining of a joint B. body - attachment point for a tendon or ligament C. foramen - a hole for a blood vessel D. sinus - a tunnel in a bone E. foramen - a depression in a bone

foramen - a hole for a blood vessel

88 The acromion process A. is part of the clavicle. B. articulates with the coracoid process. C. forms the most inferior part of the glenoid fossa. D. has no function. E. forms a protective cover for the shoulder joint.

forms a protective cover for the shoulder joint

105 The medial malleolus A. is the proximal portion of the tibia. B. forms the medial side of the ankle joint. C. articulates with the calcaneus. D. is part of the arch of the foot. E. is on the lateral side of the leg.

forms the medial side of the ankle joint

41 The most common bone disease is osteoporosis. The most common consequence of this disease is A. fractures. B. bone thickening. C. luxations and subluxations. D. fusion of bones. E. remodeling of bone.


81 Which of the following parts of a rib articulates with the body of a vertebra? A. head B. neck C. body D. groove E. sternal end


38 The proper sequence of events in bone repair is A. callus formation, hematoma formation, callus ossification, remodeling of bone. B. remodeling of bone, callus ossification, hematoma formation, callus formation. C. hematoma formation, callus formation, callus ossification, remodeling of bone. D. callus ossification, callus formation, remodeling of bone, hematoma formation. E. hematoma formation, callus ossification, callus formation, remodeling of bone.

hematoma formation, callus formation, callus ossification, remodeling of bone

136. The cubital or elbow joint is an example of a _____ joint. A. saddle B. hinge C. pivot D. ball and socket E. plan


89 A dislocated shoulder involves separation of the __________ from the scapula. A. radius B. clavicle C. humerus D. manubrium E. sternum


87 The glenoid fossa is where the A. clavicle articulates with the scapula. B. clavicle articulates with the sternum. C. humerus articulates with the clavicle. D. humerus articulates with the scapula. E. radius articulates with humerus.

humerus articulates with the scapula

5. The type of cartilage associated with bone function and development is A. elastic cartilage. B. fibrocartilage. C. hyaline cartilage. D. interstitial cartilage. E. osteocartilage.

hyaline cartilage

48 Which of the following bones is attached to the skull by muscles and ligaments? A. ethmoid B. frontal C. sphenoid D. vomer E. hyoid


31. A young boy (10 years old) exhibited the following symptoms: advanced development of secondary sexual characteristics and rapid growth. Which of the following caused his condition? A. hypersecretion of growth hormone B. hypersecretion of testosterone C. hypersecretion of estrogen D. hyposecretion of estrogen E. hypersecretion of vitamin D

hypersecretion of growth hormone

32. A boy grew rapidly and reached a height of 6'2" by the time he was 13. He had normal body proportions and sexual development was only slightly retarded. Which of the following caused his condition? A. an adrenal tumor that secretes androgens B. hypersecretion of testosterone C. elevated vitamin D synthesis D. hypersecretion of growth hormone E. hyposecretion of growth hormone

hypersecretion of growth hormone

14. Which of the following is NOT a function of bone? A. support B. movement C. immunity D. calcium storage E. blood cell formation


35 In which of the following locations in a growing bone would the greatest osteoclast activity be found? A. diaphysis B. the endosteum C. epiphyseal plate D. articular cartilage E. in both the endosteum and the epiphyseal plate

in both the endosteum and the epiphyseal plate

53 In conduction deafness, which of the following bones might fuse together? A. incus and malleus B. tibia and fibula C. radius and ulna D. vomer and palatine E. incus and stapes

incus and malleus

59 Which of the following bones forms part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity? A. vomer B. sphenoid C. inferior nasal conchae D. frontal E. nasal

inferior nasal conchae

117 An example of a symphysis is the A. elbow joint. B. temporomandibular joint. C. costovertebral joint. D. intervertebral joint. E. sacroiliac joint.

intervertebral joint

112 Joints between the carpal bones would be named A. costocarpal joints. B. intermetacarpal joints. C. metacarpalphalangeal joints. D. intercarpal joints. E. intracarpal joints.

intracarpal joints

120. Hyaluronic acid A. contributes to the rigidity of a joint. B. is found in the synovial membrane. C. is responsible for the lubricating properties of synovial fluid. D. makes up most of the matrix of hyaline cartilage. E. makes surfaces rough.

is responsible for the lubricating properties of synovial fluid

100 A person sits on his/her A. iliac fossa. B. pelvic brim. C. pubis symphysis. D. ischial tuberosity. E. obturator foramen.

ischial tuberosity

67 A person with a fractured mandible has a broken A. back. B. neck. C. rib. D. wrist. E. jaw.


147. The medial meniscus is in the A. neck. B. shoulder. C. hip. D. knee. E. elbow.


17. The primary function of osteoblasts is to A. prevent osteocytes from forming. B. resorb bone along the epiphyseal plate. C. inhibit the growth of bone. D. stimulate bone growth. E. lay down bone matrix.

lay down bone matrix

43 The appendicular skeleton consists of the A. skull and appendages. B. rib cage and the pelvis. C. limbs and their girdles. D. rib cage and limb girdles. E. vertebral column.

limbs and their girdles

57 Which of the following is found inferior to the maxilla and has a posterior articulation with the temporal bone? A. zygomatic B. sphenoid C. parietal D. mandible E. palatine bone


13. Some marrow of long bones is termed "red" marrow. The function of red marrow is to A. manufacture blood cells. B. manufacture tissue cells for the skin. C. store adipose tissue. D. store bone forming cells. E. make vitamin D.

manufacture blood cells

47 Which of the following bones is a facial bone? A. maxilla B. incus C. hyoid D. ethmoid E. sphenoid


61 Which of the following bones contains a sinus? A. maxilla B. nasal bone C. occipital bone D. zygomatic bone E. temporal


49 Which of the following facial bones is correctly matched with its function? A. maxilla - possesses sockets for teeth B. vomer - forms the hard palate C. inferior nasal conchae - contain nasolacrimal canals D. zygomatic - provides attachment point for temporalis muscle E. temporal - is part of the orbit.

maxilla - possesses sockets for teeth

95 The knuckles of the hand are formed by the distal ends of the A. carpals. B. metacarpals. C. phalanges. D. tarsals. E. metatarsals.


109 The foot contains A. carpals. B. a patella. C. metacarpals. D. metatarsals. E. the lateral malleolus.


8. In appositional growth of cartilage, A. chondroblasts within the tissue proliferate and add more matrix from the inside. B. new chondrocytes and new matrix are added on the outside of the tissue. C. osteoblasts replace the chondroblasts. D. the tissue becomes vascularized in order to grow. E. the cartilage is replaced with another kind of connective tissue.

new chondrocytes and new matrix are added on the outside of the tissue

50 A person who gets hit on the back of the head might suffer injury to which of these bones? A. temporal B. occipital C. sphenoid D. zygomatic E. nasal


45 Which of the following bones is part of the cranial vault? A. vomer B. nasal bone C. palatine bone D. occipital bone E. mandible

occipital bone

91 The point of the elbow is the A. trochlea. B. capitulum. C. olecranon fossa. D. styloid process. E. olecranon process.

olecranon process

26. Appositional growth deposits a new layer of bone A. on the surface of the bone. B. in the epiphyseal plate of long bones. C. in the secondary ossification center of the epiphyses. D. in interstitial areas. E. on cancellous, but not compact bone.

on the surface of the bone

34.The remodeling of bone tissue is a function of A. osteoblast and osteoclast activity. B. osteoclast and osteocyte activity. C. chondroblast and osteoclast activity. D. chondrocyte and osteocyte activity. E. fibroblast and chondroblast.

osteoblast and osteoclast activity

16. Which of the following cell types is responsible for breaking down bone matrix? A. chondroclast B. osteoclast C. chondroblast D. fibroblast E. osteocyte


40 When a fracture begins to heal, one type of bone cell moves into the fracture site and tears down the damaged bone tissue. Which of the following does this? A. osteoclasts B. osteoblasts C. osteons D. matrix cells E. osteocytes


19. Which of the following is correctly matched? A. osteocytes - function in bone remodeling B. osteoclasts - responsible for resorption C. osteoblasts - break down bone tissue D. endosteum - lines central canal of the osteon E. periosteum - lines the medullary cavity

osteoclasts - responsible for resorption

15. The cell type that is responsible for maintaining bone once it has been formed is the A. osteoclast. B. osteoblast. C. chondrocyte. D. osteocyte. E. chondroblast.


39 Sam was a 60 year old man. As a result of picking up a heavy object he fractured the radius and ulna of his right arm. X-rays indicated that he had severe osteoporosis. His blood calcium levels were above normal and the pathologist found cancer cells that produced a hormone-like substance. That substance was most likely A. vitamin D. B. parathyroid hormone. C. calcitonin. D. thyroid hormone. E. growth hormone.

parathyroid hormone

29. Which of the following is mismatched? A. vitamin D - aids calcium absorption B. vitamin C - necessary for collagen synthesis C. vitamin D - obtained by synthesis or ingestion D. sex hormones - cause spurt of growth at puberty E. parathyroid hormone - increases calcium loss in the kidneys

parathyroid hormone - increases calcium loss in the kidneys

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