skin vocab

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What are the three phases of the hair growth cycle?

Anagen, catagen, and telogen


Associated with hair follicles over much of the skin


Axillary, anal, areolar, and pubic regions

Since there are no blood vessels in the epidermis, where does its supply of nutrients come from?

Blood vessels in dermis

Visual identification

Color and density of hairs of scalp


Distributed throughout body

Which are functions of the subcutaneous layer?

Energy reservoir Protection Thermal insulation


External acoustic meatus

Sensory reception

Hair root plexuses

Excessive hair growth is called?


Which best describes the differences between sensible and insensible perspirations produced by sweat glands in the skin?

Insensible is in the form of water vapor and cannot be seen while sensible contains water and salts and can be seen.

______ cuts to the lines of cleavage often results in slow healing and increased scarring.



Scalp hair covers the scalp and shields it from sunburn and injury.

Which layer is the most superficial in the epidermis?

Stratum corneum

_____ hair is the type of hair that grows on the scalp, and is also the hair of eyebrows and pubic region. In men, it also grows on the face.


______ skin contains the following accessories: nails, hair follicles, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands. Multiple choice question.


Nails and hair are components of the integumentary system. True false question.


True or false: The epidermis exhibits variations among different body regions within a single individual, as well as differences between individuals.


True or false: The nail root is embedded in skin.


The nail matrix is the ______.

actively growing part of the nail

Hair loss that is normally the result of aging is called ______.


Scientifically, thinning of the hair on the scalp is called


After the telogen phase, hair follicles enter the ______ phase.


The active growing phase of the hair growth cycle is called the ______ phase.


The two types of connective tissue in the dermis are ______.

areolar and dense irregular

Extending from the dermal papillae to the mid-region of the hair follicles are thin ribbons of smooth muscle that are collectively called the ______ muscles.

arrector pili

Extending from the hair follicle to dermal papillae are muscles called _____.

arrector pili

There are no blood vessels in the epidermis. The term for lack of blood vessels is ______.


A hemangioma is a congenital anomaly that results in skin discoloration due to ______ that proliferate and form a benign tumor.

blood vessels

In the nails, the lunula appears whitish because a thickened underlying stratum basale obscures the underlying ______.

blood vessels

Each nail plate consists of a pinkish nail ______ and a distal whitish free ______.

body, edge



The three recognizable zones along the length of a hair are ______.

bulb, root, shaft

Lines of cleavage (or tension lines) in the skin relate to the predominant orientation of ______ fiber bundles.


The main structural components of the reticular layer is primarily a network of ______ fibers that extend internally from the reticular layer of the dermis into the underlying subcutaneous layer.


The specific orientation of ______ fiber bundles in the dermis is a result of the direction of applied ______ during routine movements.

collagen, stress

Nails are derived from the same type of cells that produce the stratum ______ layer of the epidermis.


Another name for the skin is the ______ membrane.


The root and shaft of a hair consist of ______ epithelial cells, while the hair bulb contains ______ epithelial cells.

dead, living

The reticular layer of the dermis is ______.

deep to the papillary layer

The connective tissue root sheath of hair originates from the ______.


Nerve fibers in the skin monitor sensory receptors in the ______.

dermis and epidermis

Epidermal accessory organs are located in the ______ and may project through the ______ to the surface of skin.

dermis, epidermis

The skin is made up of two distinct layers, the _____ and the _____.

epidermis, dermis

There are two types of melanin, _________ and pheomelanin, together they produce various ratios of yellow, reddish, tan, brown, and black shades.


A function of cerumen is to lubricate the ______.

external acoustic meatus

Ceruminous glands are modified sweat glands located only in the _______.

external ear canal

Friction ridges on the tips of fingers are known as ______.


Nerve fibers in skin control ______.

gland secretion rates blood flow

Sebaceous glands are classified as ______ glands that discharge an oily, waxy secretion called ______.

holocrine, sebum

The subcutaneous layer is also known as the ______ or superficial fascia.


In the catagen phase, the follicle undergoes _______ and shrinks toward the scalp surface.


The cells of the stratum corneum contain large amounts of the protein called ______.


The cells of the epidermis that produce keratin are called ______.


Which type of hair is associated with the fetus?


During our lives, we produce three kinds of hair, which are ______ and terminal hair.

lanugo, vellus

Skin is classified as either thick or thin based on two parameters. These are the number of ______ in the epidermis and the relative thickness of the epidermis, rather than the thickness of the entire integument.


The whitish semilunar area of the proximal end of the nail body is called the ______.


Gray hair results from the gradual reduction of ______ production.


The color of hair is the result of ______.

melanin production

Melanin is transferred in membrane-bound vesicles from _____ to keratinocytes in the stratum basale.


The most numerous and widely distributed sweat glands in the body are ______.

merocrine sweat glands

The two types of sweat glands in the skin are ______ sweat glands and ______ sweat glands.

merocrine, apocrine

Merocrine and apocrine sweat glands use ______ cells to release their accumulated secretions.


The nail plate covers a layer of epidermis that is called the ______.

nail bed

The accessory organs of the epidermis are hair, ______, ______ glands and sweat glands.

nails, sebaceous

Sebaceous glands produce (an) ______ material that coats hair shafts and the epidermal surface


The ______ layer of the dermis contains areolar connective tissue and dermal papillae.


In anatomy, a single hair is also called a(n) ______.


Mammary glands only become functional in ______.

pregnant females

Two major functions of hair are _____.

protection and heat retention

The secretion produced by apocrine sweat glands is viscous, cloudy, and composed of ______ that are acted upon by bacteria, producing a distinct, noticeable odor. Multiple choice question.

proteins and lipids

The apocrine sweat glands become active and produce secretory product after ______.


Hemoglobin exhibits a ______ color.


The telogen phase is the _______ phase and is usually the phase where the hair is ______.

resting, shed

The secretions of sebaceous glands, called ______ is usually deposited into a ______.

sebum, hair follicle

Hair is found almost everywhere on the body except the ______.

soles of the feet palms of the hands lips

The layer of the skin from which most new epidermal cells are derived from is the ______.

stratum basale

The secretion from merocrine sweat glands are carried to the surface of the epidermis via ______. The secretions of apocrine sweat glands are carried into __________.

sweat ducts/hair follicles

On many parts of the body, the components of the dermis include blood vessels, ______ glands, ______ glands, hair follicles, nail roots, sensory nerve endings, and smooth muscle tissue.

sweat, sebaceous

The skin houses two types of general exocrine glands, which are ________ glands and _______ glands.

sweat, sebaceous

In response to ______ nervous system stimulation, myoepithelial cells contract to squeeze the gland, causing it to discharge its accumulated secretions into the duct.


Differences in hair density are due primarily to differences in its ______ and ______.

texture, pigmentation

There are three main variations in the epidermis. These variations are ______, ______, and skin markings.

thickness, coloration

Under normal conditions, some interstitial fluids slowly escape through the epidermis via a process called ______ water loss.


At puberty, terminal hair replaces ______ hair in the armpits and pubic regions of the body.


In children, ______ is the primary human hair and is found on most of the body.


Carotene exhibits a ______ color.

yellow or orange

The epidermis of thick skin ranges from 0.4mm to ______ mm thick.


The major function of merocrine sweat glands is ______.


The dermal papillae interlock with deep projections of the epidermis called ______.

epidermal ridges

The integument accounts for about _____% of the body weight.


On a normal scalp, about _______% of follicles are in the anagen phase.


The epidermis of thin skin ranges in thickness from ______ millimeters to ______ millimeters thick

0.075, 0.150

The scalp normally loses between ______ hairs per day.


Anagen is the longest part of the growth cycle and lasts from about ______ months to as much as ______ years, depending on the genetics of the person.


Migration of a keratinocyte from the stratum basale to the stratum corneum takes about _____ weeks.


The catagen phase is a very short phase and lasts for about ______ weeks


The telogen phase of the hair growth cycle lasts for about ______ months.


Heat retention

Blanket of thick hair on scalp

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