Skull #1-68

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Jugular Foramen

"Kidney bean" shaped space located posterior to the carotid canal

Coronoid Process

Anterior, pointed projection of the ramus

Foramen Rotundum

Anterior, round-shaped space of the greater wings

Greater Wings of Sphenoid Bone

Anterolateral base of cranium from a superior view

Sphenoid Bone

Bone forming middle and base of cranium

Occipital Bone

Bone forming the posterior and base of cranium

Alveolar Process of Mandible

Bumpy, ridge-like projections where the teeth are held

Alveolar Process of Maxillae

Bumpy, ridge-like projections where the teeth are held

Internal Auditory (acoustic) Meatus

Canal connecting the posterior cranial fossa to the inner ear cavity

Mandibular (glenoid) Fossa

Depression inferior and posterior to zygomatic process


H-shaped formation of sutures that unites the frontal, parietal, sphenoid (greater wing), and temporal bones

Mental Foramen

Hole on the anterior surface of the body

Mandibular Foramen

Hole on the medial surface of the ramus

Palatine Bones

Horizontal bone forming the posterior part of the hard palate

Palatine Process

Horizontal process forming the anterior three-quarters of the hard palate and floor of nasal cavity

Body of Mandible

Horizontal, U-shaped part of the mandible

Cribiform Plate

Horizontal, depressed bony plate on either side of the crista galli

Coronal Suture

Joint between frontal and parietal bones

Lambdoid Suture

Joint between the parietal and occipital bones

Squamous Suture

Joint between the temporal and parietal bones

Angle of Mandible

Junction of the horizontal body and vertical ramus of the mandible

Sphenoidal Sinuses

Kidney bean shaped space within the sphenoid bone

Foramen Magnum

Largest, round space in base of skull


Lower jaw bone

Foramen Lacerum

Medial, irregularly shaped space formed by the sphenoid, temporal, and occipital bones

Olfactory Foramina

Microscopic spaces within the cribiform plate

Foramen Ovale

Middle, oval-shaped space of the greater wings

Sagittal Suture

Midline joint between the paired parietal bones

Anterior (frontal) Fontanel

Midline soft spot between the frontal and parietal bones

Posterior (occipital) Fontanel

Midline soft spot between the parietal and occipital bones

Incisive Foramen

Midline space in the palatine process located posterior to incisor teeth

Carotid Canal

Narrow, irregular shaped space found from an inferior view only

Superior Orbital Fissure

Oblique, narrow opening between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone

Parietal Bones

Paired bones forming the lateral sides of the cranium

Temporal Bones

Paired bones that form lateral and inferior portions of the cranium

Anterolateral (sphenoidal) Fontanel

Paired, anterior, lateral soft spots between the frontal, parietal, and sphenoid bones

Occipital Condyles

Paired, oval process on the base of the skull adjacent to the foramen magnum

Posterolateral (mastoid) Fontanel

Paired, posterior, lateral soft spots between the parietal, temporal, and occipital bones

Condylar (mandibular) Process

Posterior, blunt projection of the ramus

Foramen Spinosum

Posterior, smallest space of the greater wings

Zygomatic Process

Projection extending anterior to form the posterior aspect of the zygomatic arch

Temporal Process

Projection extending posterior to form anterior aspect of the zygomatic arch

Zygomatic Bones

Prominence forming the upper face and inferior part of the eye socket

Zygomatic Arch

Ridge of bone extending from the temporal to the zygomatic bone

Optic Foramen (canal)

Round space at medial end of the lesser wings and anterior to sella turica

Sella Turica

Saddle-shaped depression between the greater wings from a superior view

Supraorbital Foramen (notch)

Small space directly above the eye socket

Nasal Bones

Small, anterior paired bones that form roof of the nasal cavity

Ethmoid Sinus (air cells)

Small, multiple spaces within the ethmoid bone

Ethmoid Bone

Small, porous bone separating the cranium from nasal cavity

Middle Nasal Conchae

Small, scroll-shaped projection on the lateral walls of nasal cavity

Superior Nasal Conchae

Small, scroll-shaped projection on the lateral walls of nasal cavity

Inferior Nasal Conchae

Small, scroll-shaped projection on the lateral walls of the nasal cavity


Small, suspended U-shaped bone of the anterior neck

Mastoid Process

Smooth, rounded projection pointing inferiorly

External Auditory (acoustic) Meatus

Space most lateral that forms a passageway to inside the cranium

Maxillary Sinuses

Spaces lateral to the nasal cavity and inferior to orbit within the maxillae

Hypoglossal Canal

Spaces nearest foramen magnum from a superior view

Frontal Sinuses

Spaces within the frontal bone

Lesser Wings of Sphenoid Bone

Thin ridge of bone superior to greater wings form superior view


Thin, plow-shaped bone that forms the posterior and inferior part of the nasal septum

Styloid Process

Thin, pointed process projecting inferiorly

Lacrimal Bones

Thin, teardrop sized bones lateral to the nasal bones

Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid

Thin, vertical projection of bone in the nasal cavity forming the superior aspect of the nasal septum

Crista Galli

Triangular process projecting superiorly from the cribiform plate

Frontal Bone

Unpaired bone forming forehead


Upper jaw bone

Ramus of Mandible

Vertical part of mandible

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