Sleep Disorders

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Sleep Disorder facts: -40 million Americans suffer from a chronicle, long term sleep disorder -20 million people report having sleeping problems -sleep disorders can be caused by stress and anxiety -characterized by abnormal sleep patterns

Sleep apnea definition: A sleep disorder where the person stops breathing and starts breathing repeatedly when they are sleeping.

Sleep apnea symptoms: -loud snoring -episodes where you stop breathing -gasping for air during sleep - awakening with dry mouth -headache in the morning -difficulty staying asleep -daytime sleepiness -difficulty paying attention -irritability

Sleep apnea treatments: -dental appliances that preposition the jaw -surgery -self care -CPAP machine -Supportive care -Specialists

Complex sleep apnea syndrome: a special type of sleep apnea where it is repeated apnea for 5 or more hours and is a combination of obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. Also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea.

5 main sleep disorders: -Insomnia -Sleep Apnea -Narcolepsy -Restless Legs Syndrome -REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

Acute insomnia: is when a person experiences insomnia over a short period of time, from one night to a few weeks. This can be caused by life circumstances (for example, when you can't fall asleep the night before an exam, or after receiving stressful or bad news).

Central sleep apnea: a type of sleep apnea with periods of interrupted breathing due to a disruption in signals sent from the brain that regulate breathing. this is usually caused by other conditions, such as heart failure and stroke but may be caused by sleeping at a high altitude. Also less common than obstructive sleep apnea.

Chronic insomnia: is when a person experiences insomnia for at least 3 nights a week and for 3 months. This can be caused by change in environment, shift i work, disorders, sleep habits and medications. Chronic insomnia can be linked to other medical or psychiatric issue.

Insomnia Symptoms: -fatigue -low energy -difficulty concentrating -mood swings -decreased performance in work or school -forgetfulness -depression -accidents when at work or school or driving -troubles in relationships

Insomnia definition: Insomnia is a sleep disorder when the person has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep even if they have the chance. They also may wake up too early in the morning and waking up often in the middle of the night.

Insomnia facts: -most common sleep disorder -more than half of the people polled have associated symptoms of insomnia at least a few nights a week -30% people say they have symptoms every night -63% of woman V.S. 54% of men experience symptoms -68% of adults from 18-29 have symptoms -59% of adults from 30-64 -44% over the age of 65 -more parents have insomnia V.S. adults with no kids

Insomnia treatment: -Medications are tailored -behavior therapy -hypnosis -sleep restriction -stimulus control -relaxation techniques -change in diet like avoiding caffeine and alcohol -self care -light therapy

Narcolepsy Symptoms: -Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) -Cataplexy or loss of muscle movement -Sleep paralysis -Hallucinations -Fragmented sleep and insomnia -sleep episodes -Memory problems -Disturbed nighttime sleep

Narcolepsy definition: affects the brain ability to control sleep cycles. People who have narcolepsy feel very sleepy through out the day. Also characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks. The sufferer may lapse directly into REM sleep, often at inopportune times.

Narcolepsy facts: -often starts at childhood or adolescences (ages 7 to 25) but could start any time -effects both females and males equally -estimated that around 135,000 to 200,000 people in the US have narcolepsy -often is undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with other conditions -3 million people worldwide -lifelong disorder -most cases not genetic -people who have narcolepsy sleep the same amount as those who don't -causes: >Immune system problem >hormonal changes >change in sleep patterns >having the flu vaccine >Etc... -Narcolepsy comes in 2 types: >Narcolepsy type 1 >Narcolepsy type 2

Narcolepsy treatments: -drugs that stimulate the central nervous system to help patients stay awake -Tricyclic antidepressants which help with cataplexy but have many side effects -Sodium oxybate (Xyrem) which is highly effect for cataplexy -Therapies -Specialists

Narcolepsy type 1: This type of Narcolepsy is a combination of both excessive daytime sleepiness with either cataplexy and or low or no CSF hypocretin.

Narcolepsy type 2: This type of Narcolepsy is when you have excessive daytime sleepiness with no cataplexy.

Obstructive sleep apnea: your airway becomes blocked because of your tongue falls back and you will stop breathing when your asleep. When this happens you may start to make choking or snoring noises which may induce you to waking because lack of oxygen. Also the most common type of sleep apnea.

REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Symptoms: -movement while sleeping -noises whiles sleeping like talking, laughing shouting and even crying -Being able to recall the dream -paralysis of your arms and legs -breathing becomes irregular -blood pressure rises -The brain highly active

REM sleep behavior disorder: When a person physically act outs a vivid and often unpleasant dreams. With violent arm and leg movements.

Restless Legs Syndrome definition: An urge to move legs also usually accompanied by unpleasant sensation in legs

Restless Legs Syndrome facts: -Restless legs Syndrome or also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease -Restless legs syndrome can lead to a 20 percent decrease in work productivity -can contribute to depression and anxiety -7-10 percent of the U.S. population may have RLS -occurs in both man and woman but woman are more likely to have it -this syndrome typically become more frequent and last longer with age -80% of people with this syndrome also may have periodic limb movement of sleep -Cause may be: >end-stage renal disease and hemodialysis >iron deficiency >use of alcohol, drugs, and caffeine >certain medications >pregnancy >neuropathy(nerve damage)

Restless Legs Syndrome symptoms: -sensation when resting -relief with movement -worsening of the symptoms at night -nighttime leg twitching -sensation include: >Crawling >Creeping >Pulling >Throbbing >Aching >Itching

Restless legs syndrome treatments: -self care which includes no caffeine, exercise, quit smoking, relaxation techniques -Therapies -iron supplements -Anti-seizure drugs -Opioids -Benzodiazepines -Specialists

Sleep apnea facts: -more than 22 million Americans have sleep apnea -80% of sleep apnea goes undiagnosed -snoring doesn't always mean someone has sleep apnea -some individuals may wake up up to 30 times per night -being male you have a higher risk -woman are 8 times less likely to receive a diagnosis -4% of children have sleep apnea -untreated it can increase the risk of serious health problems -risk factors: >Excess weight >thicker Neck circumference >A narrowed airway >Being male >Being older >Family history >Alcohol & smoking >Nasal congestion -There are different types of sleep apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea, Central sleep apnea and Complex sleep apnea syndrome

Sleep disorder definition: is a problem with the amount, timing and quality of sleep which can cause problems. Sleep disorder can be linked to physical emotional and metal problems which can contribute to health conditions.

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