smartbook chapter 15

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Each aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase present in a cell recognizes __________ of the 20 common amino acids. For credit, please answer with a number.


How many codons are possible with four types of bases in mRNA, and a genetic code containing three bases in a codon?


With four types of bases in mRNA, and a genetic code containing three bases in a codon ________different codons can be specified.


What term refers to a point mutation that results in the replacement of one base pair for another in DNA?

A base substitution mutation

Which of the following statements accurately describes a frameshift mutation?

A mutation that changes the reading frame of a sequence

Alternative splicing allows...

A single transcript can produce different mRNAs.

The enzymes that catalyze the attachment of amino acids to tRNA molecules are known as which of the following?

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases

Which of the following describes mRNA?

An RNA transcript that contains information for making a polypeptide

For proteins that are targeted to the ER, where is the signal sequence usually located?

At the beginning of the protein (first several amino acids added during translation)

The universality of the genetic code is evidence for which of the following?

Common evolutionary heritage


Control of gene expression

The transcript of eukaryotes is protected from degradation by the addition of which of the following?

GTP to the 5' PO4 group

Which of the following best describes a major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic mRNA transcription?

In eukaryotes, a primary transcript is first synthesized which is modified to become the mature mRNA.


Intermediate form of information of DNA that can be transported out of nucleus

what are the two functions of the AUG codon

It encodes the amino acid methionine, it acts as a start codon

What are the two main roles of the 5' cap of a eukaryotic mRNA?

It participates in translation, it protects the mRNA from degradation.

What is the function of the poly-A tail of a eukaryotic mRNA?

It protects the mRNA from degradation.


Part of the ribosome

What type of mutation happens when a single base in DNA is substituted with another base, for example, an A becomes a G?


Which of the following statements accurately describes the level of alternative splicing in mammalian genomes?

The average estimated number of transcripts per gene can vary widely from as high as 10 to as low as 1.5 per gene.

Scientists have successfully transferred and expressed genes from jellyfish into mammals. What makes that possible?

The genetic code is the same in almost all living things.

Which of the following describes how proteins are targeted for translation to the rough ER?

The initial amino acid sequence of these proteins serves as a signal sequence that targets them to the rough ER.


The intermediary adapter between mRNA and amino acids

Which of the following are differences in the way mitochondria interpret the genetic code?

The stop codon UGA codes for an amino acid in mitochondria, mitochondria use some atypical stop codons such as AGA.

How do eukaryotic transcription factors help form the initiation complex?

They recruit RNA polymerase to the promoter

What is the main function of the promoter in a bacterial transcription unit?

To form a recognition and binding site for RNA polymerase

Identify the three stop codons of the genetic code.


Each of the three eukaryotic polymerases is able to begin transcription by recognizing ______

a different promoter sequence

Prokaryotes have

a single RNA polymerase

Most mature eukaryotic mRNAs have a string of nucleotides referred to as a poly- ______ tail

adenylated or adenine

The proteome of a cell consists of ______

all of the proteins produced by it

The phenomenon called_________ __________ enables a single primary transcript to be modified to encode two or more proteins.

alternative splicing

The enzymes that catalyze the attachment of ________ _______ to tRNA molecules are known as aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases or activating enzymes.

amino acids

Peptidyl transferase catalyzes the formation of a peptide bond between an amino group in the _________ site and the carboxyl group of the growing chain.


The enzyme activity responsible for making peptide bonds between amino acids is found on

an rRNA located in the large subunit of the ribosome

The enzyme activity responsible for making peptide bonds between amino acids is found on ______.

an rRNA located in the large subunit of the ribosome

The template strand of DNA during transcription is also known as the ______

antisense strand

RNA polymerase I promoters _____

are specific for each species

The poly-A tail of most mature eukaryotic mRNAs is found ______

at the 3' end of the transcript

Which of the following can exhibit deviations from the universal genetic code?

chloroplasts and mitochondria

The sequence TATA (known as the TATA box) has been found upstream of the start site in some eukaryotic genes. That sequence is part of eukaryotic ______

core promoters

The current view of RNA polymerase II promoters in eukaryotes is that they contain a __________promoter and other controlling elements that could act in tissue or developmental ___________-specific manner.

core, time

In 1958, who first proposed the central dogma of transcription and translation?


The central dogma of gene expression at the molecular level was first proposed by Francis ______


n eukaryotes, translation can be carried out by ribosomes located (1) in the _______, or (2) on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER).


The genetic code is said to be ________ because more than one codon can specify the same amino acid.


Similar to the 5' cap, the poly-A tail of a eukaryotic mRNA protects it from ______


The central dogma describes information flow in cells as ____ to ____ to ____

dna, rna, protein

The three stages of translation are initiation, _____, and termination.


Which have three different RNA polymerases?


In RNA splicing, the noncoding DNA is removed, and the coding DNA sequences, called ______, are expressed.


The coding DNA sequences of a eukaryotic gene are called ______


The ribosome uses the ________ AUG (methionine) codon it encounters in an mRNA as a start codon.


Functions of the ribosome.

forming peptide bonds, decoding the transcribed message

The association of transcription factors and RNA polymerase II at the eukaryotic promoter is called the _____ complex


Eukaryotic genes may contain non-coding regions known as _________ because they interrupt the sequence of a gene.


The noncoding DNA sequences in a gene are termed which of the following?


What are the two main roles of the 5' cap of a eukaryotic mRNA?

it participates in translation, it protects the mRNA from degradation

The two subunits that make up any ribosome are called the _______ subunit and the _________ subunit.

large, small

An RNA transcript that contains information that can be used by the ribosome to make a polypeptide is called a _________ RNA


How many aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are present for each of the 20 common amino acids?


The enzyme peptidyl transferase is required in the formation of _______ bonds by the ribosome.


__________ __________ catalyzes the formation of a peptide bond between the amino group of the amino acid in the A site of the ribosome and the carboxyl group of the growing chain

peptidyl transferase

The transcription bubble contains the RNA ______, the DNA template, and the growing RNA transcript.


Which of these is not one of the three sites where RNA binds to the ribosome?

polypeptide site

The RNA synthesized by RNA polymerase II is known as the ________ transcript


Each of the three RNA polymerases in eukaryotic cells recognizes a different ______structure


In a bacterial transcription unit, the role of the ________ is to form a recognition and binding site for the RNA polymerase.


Which RNA is the structural component of the ribosome?


The peptidyl transferase activity of the ribosome is carried out by a(n) _________ molecule located in the _________ ribosomal subunit.

rRNA, large

What class of viruses can convert their RNA genome into a DNA copy using reverse transcriptase?


Retroviruses can convert their RNA genome into a DNA copy using the enzyme _________

reverse transcriptase

The promoters for which RNA polymerase appear to be species-specific?

rna polymerase I

Identify the RNA polymerase responsible for transcribing the mRNA from eukaryotic structural genes.

rna polymerase II

Select the components of the eukaryotic initiation complex.

rna polymerase II, promoter, and transcription factors

Which of the eukaryotic RNA polymerases requires promoters that are internal to the gene itself?

rna polymerase III

Before it can bind to the promoter, a eukaryotic RNA polymerase II has to be recruited by ______

several transcription factors

When a base substitution mutation does not result in a change in the amino acid sequence of a protein (due to the degeneracy of the genetic code), we say that this mutation is:


The decoding function of the ribosome is performed by the______ ribosomal subunit.


A large complex called a(n) ________ removes noncoding sequences from a eukaryotic pre-mRNA.


The AUG codon has a dual function. It serves as the ______ codon and it encodes the amino acid ______

start, methionine

Which RNA functions as a mediator molecule that interacts both with RNA and amino acids during translation?


What sequence signals the location on a gene where transcription should stop?

terminator sequence

In transcription, the DNA strand that is not copied is called which of the following?

the coding strand

Choose the three sites where RNAs bind to the ribosome.

the exit site, the peptidyl site, and the aminoacyl site

What defines the reading frame of an mRNA?

the first codon that is read

Which ribosomal subunit contains the enzyme activity required to build peptide bonds?

the large subunit

The first codon defines _____

the reading frame of an mRNA.

How many nucleotide bases are in one codon?


rna polymerase II

transcribes mRNA

rna polymerase I

transcribes rRNA

rna polymerase III

transcribes tRNA

What is the name of the process that makes an RNA copy of DNA?


_______ is the process during which an RNA copy of DNA is made


The region containing the RNA polymerase, the DNA template, and the growing RNA transcript is called the _______ _______

transcription bubble

The sum of all the RNAs produced from a genome is known as the _________


In the central dogma, the RNA-to-protein step is termed ______


Like transcription, the process of _______ in ribosomes occurs in three stages called initiation, elongation, and termination.


What is the function of transfer RNA in the synthesis of polypeptides from information contained in mRNA?


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