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Identify the factors that make it difficult for the poor to advance economically in the United States today.

Factor(s): the falling minimum wage. increases in the number of single-parent families

The social process by which individuals are sorted into jobs and how those jobs are---is known as the---.The two major perspectives on social class, consensus and---differ in their explanation of the causes and consequences of this process.

rewarded division of labor conflict

When babies are born, they are identified by their---as male or female. As they grow, most children come to---this identification. Regardless of whether they do, once old enough, children will express their---through their---.

sex internalize gender identity gender expression

Select the area in the figure that represents consensus theorists' view of inequality.

Click Left side

Place the following scenarios in order from those that would produce the weakest to the strongest class identity.

1. A society in which members of different classes live near one another and frequently marry one another. Intergenerational movement between social classes is high. 2. A society in which members of different classes live near one another and occasionally marry one another. Intergenerational movement between social classes is moderate 3. A society in which social classes rarely mix, but members have some opportunities for intergenerational movement between social classes. 4. A society in which members of different social classes rarely come into contact and almost never change social classes.

In the early 1970s, among young adults ages 25 to 34, there were---women for every 100 men with college degrees. By 2019 this proportion shifted significantly:---women held college degrees for every 100 men. Currently, women account for about---of the PhD degrees awarded in the United States, though a gendered division into separate spheres still exists with respect to academic fields.

70 116 half

Place the following racial/ethnic groups in order from highest to lowest poverty rate.

American Indian Latino Asian White

Identify the factors that contribute to high-income families spending more hands-on time with their children.

Contributing Factor(s): High-income families are more likely to have one parent who spends fewer hours at work. High-income families are more likely to have two parents in the home. High-income families tend to have fewer children than low-income families.

Which of the following claims about the family are central to feminist theory?

Correct Answer(s): *Family experiences for men and women differ according to race/ethnicity and social class. *Gender inequality is central to family life.

Identify each statement as either more likely true of a high-income, high-education family, or of a low-income, low-education family.

High-income, High-education Family: Household has reliable, fast internet connectivity. Family gained access to the internet early in the 1990s.

Which statement about family structure and poverty is supported by the following figure?

Individuals living in single mother families comprise a large number, but not a majority, of poor individuals at most time points

Egan and Perry (2001) studied patterns in boys' and girls' activities by asking children to describe how well they do various activities. Their responses are represented in the graphs below. Which of the following conclusions can the authors reasonably draw from this study?

Reasonable Conclusion(s): *There is considerable overlap between what boys and girls consider themselves good at. *Girls and boys rate themselves as being good at different types of activities. *Some girls like to fish or hunt, but in general this is a more typical preference for boys.

Identify the examples of social mobility.

Social Mobility: Calvin grew up poor, attended college on a scholarship, and eventually became a surgeon. Anita grew up in the middle class but dropped out of high school and worked in a string of low-wage jobs. Patricia earned very little as a waitress in Los Angeles during her early 20s, but she was eventually cast in a film, which led to more roles and high pay.

A woman recalled, "In 1969 I even started to wear trousers to work (as a social worker). At the time this was certainly frowned on, yet two years later social workers were roaming the inner city in torn jeans, gym shoes, and bra-less T-shirts." What concept does this anecdote exemplify?

Societal expectations placed on gender expression change over time and across place.

For a society in which there was greater --- (marriage across different social classes), this figure would have ---dotted pink lines.

*exogamy *more

In 2018, a family of two adults and two children was considered poor if their combined income was less than ---. This is the official poverty line, defined by the ---. This definition is based on a formula that multiplied a family --- times three.

$25,465 federal government "economy food plan"

Matthew Desmond, the author of Evicted, reported that millions of families are evicted from their homes each year. According to Desmond's findings, identify the factors that contributed to this high rate of eviction.

*landlords force out tenants they don't want *the high cost of housing

In this mobility table, numbers above 1.0 (shown in green) indicate that sons are more likely to be in the occupational category listed above if their fathers are in the category listed on the left; numbers below 1.0 (shown in yellow) mean that the outcome is less likely for sons. Place the labels on the figure to complete the mobility table.

0.8 2.0 1.6

Which of the following methods have parents used to select the sex of their children in the womb?

Method(s) Used: *selective abortions *in vitro fertilization

Based on the example and budget provided in the "Working and Poor" Workshop box, identify the reasons why two-parent families are less likely to be poor than single-parent families.

NOT REASON: *Two adults in a household can budget their money better. *Two adults in a household can choose more interesting jobs.

The United States uses the practice known as --- when taxing --- requiring the ---to pay a higher percentage compared with the middle class.

*progressive taxation *income *wealthy

Place the family types in order from highest to lowest poverty rate.

*unmarried female-headed families *unrelated individuals *unmarried male-headed families *married-couple families

Place each example in the correct context of gender socialization.

*Cultural Context-At the toy store, the "for girls" aisle is filled with dolls and family-oriented board games while the "for boys" aisle is filled with toy guns and battle games. *Local Context-On the playground at Green Elementary School, the third-grade girls play house near the school while the boys play tag on the lawn. *Family-Shondra's aunt buys her a toy makeup kit for her 5th birthday

The United States has seen rising income inequality for several decades. In 1980 the richest 1 percent of individuals earned---percent of all income; by 2016 that share going to the richest 1 percent had increased to---percent. The bottom 50 percent of all earners now pull in only---percent of all income.

11 21 13

According to Annette Lareau's research on social class and parenting, identify the statements that apply to either accomplishment of natural growth or concerted cultivation.

Accomplishment of Natural Growth: Children spend much of their time with family and others in the neighborhood. Children may enjoy childhood more and feel less stress.

Which theorist introduced a concept to help explain the social class position of college students, who may not have an occupation or earnings?

Max Weber

What is one possible reason why inequality has increased over time, according to Joseph Stiglitz?

Over time, the wealthy gain control of more and more high-status positions and institutions and are then able to change the rules to benefit themselves.

According to Melvin Kohn's classic series of studies, how do both middle- and working-class parents' experiences with work influence their parenting?

Parents teach their children the interpersonal skills that they use in their own jobs

Identify the reasons why women have surpassed men in getting a college education.

Reason(s): *Girls may be naturally better at school than boys. *Parents now invest in both daughters and sons at the same level.

What would this curve look like in a society that has less inequality than the United States?

The curve would be less steep, with faster growth upwards on the left side of the graph and a shallower slope upwards on the right.

If asked to select the boy between these two babies, which baby would someone living in 1915 have chosen?

The picture of the baby in pink

Identify the true and false statements about androgynous parenting.

True Statement(s): -Before the twentieth century, parents routinely dressed young children alike, without regard to gender. -Parents intentionally offer their children non-gendered activities, toys, and clothing. -

Which conclusion about education level and socioeconomic status (SES) can be drawn from the following figure? Family socioeconomic status (SES) is based on the education, income, and occupation of the parents of high school sophomores in 2002; educational attainment is for those high school students 10 years later.

Young people often replicate the class background of their parents, and this is particularly true among high SES youth.

Identify the main forms of scarcity that single-mother families often face in contrast to two-parent families.

social capital, time money

Select the bold phrases that represent the kinds of scarcity that can make it more difficult for children in single-parent homes to reach the middle and upper classes.

unable to afford a house in a high-quality school district don't receive the support they would in a larger and wealthier extended family pressed for time

Identify the examples of social capital.

*Kelly Herrera has been working in finance for five years but feels stuck in her position. She reaches out to an older alumna from her college and after their conversation, the alumna invites her to interview for a better job at her company. *Two neighbors discuss their children's upcoming entry into the first grade. One parent suggests to the other that he lobbies for his daughter to be placed in Ms. Andrews's classroom based on his previous poor experience with the other first-grade teacher.

Select the area in the figure that represents individuals in a class group with little chance of mobility.

Click the right side

Identify the statements that are associated with either the consensus or conflict perspective.

Consensus Perspective: *Inequality serves an important societal function. *More difficult jobs come with greater rewards, thus creating an incentive for individuals to train and work hard to obtain those rewards.

The poverty line was established in the 1960s to define those in need of government assistance. Identify the problems with the poverty line calculation today.

PROBLEM: The price of food has risen more slowly than the price of other goods and services. The calculation of the poverty line does not take government benefits into account. The calculation of the poverty line does not take geographic area into account.

Identify the probable consequences of wealthy family networks like the one represented in this figure.

Probable Consequence(s): *Inequality widens in the United States between families like these and poor families. *Younger members of these families stand to inherit greater wealth than average Americans.

How do sociologists working from the biological perspective seek to understand human behavior?

They apply the understandings of the biological underpinnings of sex differences to common family traits and practices today.

Social mobility describes people's class --- versus their class ---. Historically, most Americans have believed that we live in a society with a --- degree of social mobility.

origin destination high

Place the following examples of young people in order from those with the highest to lowest life chances, according to Weber's definition.

*Justin Smith is the son of a successful and wealthy businessman and is graduating from Harvard this year. *Erica Jones is a college student at a large, public university in her state. Her middle-class family helps pay for some of her tuition, while scholarships and grants help pay for the remainder. *Peter Lin's family is working class, but he received generous financial aid and is about to graduate from a public university. *Katelynn Manor is a recent high school graduate from a working-class family who has been working in retail and hoping to return to school at the local community college.

Occupational gender segregation is likely due to both worker choices based on socialization and discrimination on the part of employers. Match each example to the appropriate cause: socialization or discrimination.

*Socialization* -Amber decided to pursue psychology in college because her friends told her she is a good listener. -Darrell's father taught him how to fix cars when he was growing up, and Darrell enjoyed this activity so much he decided to pursue engineering. *Discrimination* -As the head of the nursing wing, Candace preferred to hire new staff with a soft and comforting manner, including speaking at a low volume, a soft handshake, and a happy expression. -When screening applications for new employees, Jaden preferred applicants with similar backgrounds and interests as he had.

Based on the author's assessment of inequality trends, identify the policies that might slow the growth of the superrich.

Correct Answer(s): *stricter regulations against lobbying. *reductions in tax breaks for alternative income sources. *stricter regulations on the finance industry

Identify the true and false statements about women's entry into the labor force between the 1960s and the 1990s.

True Statement(s): *Married women entered the labor force in greater numbers. *Women entering the labor force brought greater change to White women than to African-American women.

In an attempt to ensure their children's social mobility, thirty-three parents, including celebrities such as Felicity Hoffman, participated in a bribery scheme. Their goal was to inflate their children's college grades in order to position them for elite graduate schools.


The United States has more social mobility than most other wealthy countries.


Identify the examples of gender socialization.

Example(s): -Alexandra is reprimanded for being too loud and told to act "like a lady." -Christopher knows that he is expected to have a strong handshake when meeting a job recruiter. -Tiffany teases her friend Patrick about wearing pink to school.

One measure of inequality is known as the ---, which ranges between 0, indicating complete ---, and 1, indicating complete ---. The United States currently rates at a --- on this measure.

Gini index equality inequality 0.45

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