SOC 323 Online Midterm

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When was the international slave trade abolished?


When sociologist speak of a minority group, they are referring to ____.

A group that has less than their proportionate share of societies goods and resources

Which of the following is NOT on of the reasons Africans were originally enslaved in the New World.

Africans were enslaved due to anti-black racism

Which of the following groups of Americans were at one time considered to be non-white?

All of the above

Women played significant roles in the organized activism of which of the following post World War II minority protest movements?

All of the above

Which of the following racial/ethnic minority groups did NOT engage in organized activism during the 1960s and 1970s to fight for their full political and civil rights.

All of the above engaged in activism during this era

Which of the following is NOT an example of African American resistance to racism, discrimination, and Jim Crow segregation.

An embrace of segregation as a form of black empowerment.

This term refers to Mexican Americans and originated out of their activism in the post-World War II era.


Which of the following immigrant groups faced anti-immigrant hostility in the form of being targeted for race riots, lynchings, additional taxes, and, ultimately, immigration restriction legislation?

Chinese immigrants

SNCC activists engaged in a strategy referred to as ______, the practice of refusing to obey discriminatory laws and engaging in nonviolent activism.

Civil Disobedience

Capitalism is an economic system emerged in conjunction with ____, the European contact with and exploitation and domination of the native peoples of Africa, Asia, and the Americas.


The current reigning racial ideology in the United States is that of ______.


______ refers to the discrimination that darker-skinned Latinos and African Americans face within their own group compared to lighter-skinned group members.


Which of the following theoretical perspectives on race and braces in activist agenda instead of objectively and emphasizes narrative and storytelling as a method of knowledge production?

Critical race theory

Many Native American activists engaged in ______, which refers to fighting for the freedom to live their Native cultures and participate in traditional ceremonies; fighting for more racially inclusive education; and learning and preserving native languages.

Cultural activism

Which of the following is NOT one of the social and cultural conditions that contributed to minority group activism in the post WW II era?

Economic growth

____ refers to The belief that one's own culture or group's way of doing things are superior to others and is one of the necessary conditions for racial/ethnic inequality to emerge.


"Oriental" is an appropriate term to use when describing an Asian American.


During the first half of the twentieth century, sociological research focused on race at the expense of ethnicity.


Impoverished white people do not have white privilege, as race and class privilege or independent.


Most labor unions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were racially integrated, adhering to the belief that a united labor force was a more powerful challenge to capitalism.


______ refers to the expectations about appropriate behavior for males and females that vary along racial lines.

Gendered racism

_______ refers to the everyday business practices and policies which disadvantage minorities and offer advantages to dominant group members; it is often written off as "just the way things are."

Institutional racism

_______ theory emphasizes the distinction between voluntary immigrants, known as immigrant minorities, and involuntary immigrants, known as colonized minorities.

Internal colonialism theory

______ refers to anxiety, self-doubt, and in extreme cases, self-hatred felt by some members of stigmatized groups because of the pervasiveness of derogatory stereotypes, ethnocentrism and other forms of racism.

Internalized racism

Which of the following groups of Americans 'became white' with the assistance of the democratic party.

Irish Americans

Which of the following groups would NOT be considered a colonized minority according to Blauner's theory of internal colonialism.

Irish Americans

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of white privilege?

It only operates in conjunction with class privilege

During the civil rights movement, which state was considered to be a close state and thus was targeted by activists for massive voter registration drives and education in the form of freedom schools, in a campaign known as Freedom Summer (1964)?


Which of the following groups of Americans were subjected to systematic attempts at forced assimilation by the US government?

Native Americans

In the current era, which of the following terms are used to refer to black people is no longer considered acceptable?


This sociologist argued that American racism, particularly in the south, was created by white capitalists because it benefited them: they could exploit black workers and keep white workers from realizing their potential solidarity with the black working class. Such a divide and conquer strategy benefits capitalists in that a divided workforce holds less leverage against capitalists in the labor market

Oliver Cromwell Cox

Which sociologist(s) emphasize(s) The role of the US government in shaping race, citing, for example, the fact that the US Constitution originally declared slaves to be 3/5 of a person and ignored women completely, and that for most of its history, the United States has operated as a racial dictatorship, marginalizing most racial minorities and women from the political process.

Omi and Winant

This term refers to a now defunct branch of science that compared the skull sizes of various racial groups and used that data to try to determine group intelligence, social and cultural characteristics, and the presumed innate group differences between the races.


Which of the following Supreme Court cases declared segregation constitutionally protected, as long as separate but equal facilities were provided.

Plessy v. Ferguson

Sociologists Howard Winant and Michael Omi introduced a new theoretical perspective on race called ______, which emphasizes the ways racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed over time, and the ways race plays out structurally in our everyday, lived experience, becoming "common sense" or a way of making sense of our world.

Racial formation perspective

People of color experience ______ explicitly, meaning they are taught in their families, in schools, and through the media that their race matters, whereas for white people it is more subtle.

Racial socialization

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the development of "race" and the racial hierarchy.


______ refers to using science to prove the innate inferiority of some racial groups and the innate superiority of others.

Scientific racism

______ refer(s) to organized activism that is intended to be engaged in for a long period of time and works to change some aspect of society.

Social movements

This organization, initially a local organization called the Montgomery Improvement Association, emerged out of the Montgomery bus boycott and became the leading civil rights organization of the era. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the first president of this organization.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

The ______ perspective on racial/ethnic inequality emphasizes that white workers fuel antagonisms between racial groups in the labor force which ultimately benefit them as white workers.

Split labor market

Cultural ideologies are fueled through _______, which are exaggerated and/or simplified portrayals of an entire group of people, based upon misinformation or mischaracterizations


Which sociological perspective on race/ethnic relations is concerned with race/ethnic identity development?

Symbolic interactionism

A weakness of the Marxist explanation for racial/ethnic inequality is that _______.

The exaggerates the benefits capitalists gain from a racially divided workforce and downplay the benefits individual white workers gain from such racial divisions

Laws supported the rights of white Americans to own homes and businesses while banks and lending institutions provided them the necessary capital to do so, while prior to the 1960s laws explicitly excluded people of color from obtaining business loans in many places.


Race varies tremendously between societies and has changed a great deal over time.


Racial hierarchies are not static; instead they are constantly responding to changing social and historical conditions, as well as to challenges from subordinate groups.


_____ coined the term 'psychological wage' to describe non monetary, intangible benefits white workers had in the labor market over black workers.

W.E.B. DuBois

Sociologist Joe Feagin identified the theoretical perspective known as_____, a worldview that includes racial beliefs, racially loaded terms, racialized images, verbal connotations, racialized emotions and interpretations as well as discriminatory actions that helped justify ongoing racism while simultaneously helping us make sense of our world by structuring our thinking in influencing what we see, or feel to see, in our daily lives.

White racial frame

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