Soc Final

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population pyramid

A Graphic representation of the distribution of a population by sex and age is a

social movement

A Social Group with Leadership, organization and an ideological commitment to promote or resist social change

public goods dilemma

A type of social dilemma in which individuals must incur a cost to contribute to a collective resource

norm of non-involvement/diffusion of responsibility

A woman has her screams for help go unnoticed in a large city with multiple groups of people in the streets. What do sociologists use to explain this phenomenon.

social integration

Durkheim referred to the ties that people have to their social groups

Play Stage

In which of George Herbert Mead's stages of self does a child first develop the sense of their own selves?

contagion theory

Individuals who join a crowd or mob become "infected" by a mob mentality and lose the ability to reason.

alternative movements

Movements that seek limited change in some aspect of people's behavior

resistance movements

Movements that seek to prevent change or to undo change that has already occurred

social class

One's economic position in the stratification system, especially one's occupation,


Our shared knowledge, language, material objects and behavior are known collectively as:

total institution

Resocialization, where a person unlearns what they have known in the past to learn new way of living is best achieved in an institution where everyone is under the same situation, where authorities determine all activity with their consultation.


Robert Merton's two types of functions are ______, or positive consequences brought about intentionally, and ________ that are unintended positive consequences.

social loaction

Sociologists often group people into categories used on characteristics such as age, gender, educational level, and income

Johann is studying the effects of access to social programs on different races. Because he wants to make sure he has a representative sample from each of the racial groups, he will most likely use

Stratified sample

Convergence Theory

The Shared emotions, goals and beliefs that many people bring to crowd behavior

The continuous process of individual creation of structural realities and the constraint and coercion exercised by those structures is known as

The Social construction of reality


The Study of the size, composition, distribution, and changes in human population

Malthus Theorem

The _____ stated that at some point in the future, people would far outnumber the available land and food sources. This is because population grows multiplicatively/exponentially and food grows mathematically/additively.

culture shock

The feelings of disorientation, uncertainty, and even fear that are experienced when people encounter cultural practices different from their own


The process of taking new objects and putting them together in a new way is referred to as?


The shift of large segments of the population away from the urban core and toward the edge of cities is known as

Alisha is a sociologist. When doing research, she generally follows the scientific method.


What is meant by the Second demographic transition

We are seeing many countries in the post industrial age having their fertility rates further decline resulting in a decreased population


What is the term for a cluster of highly populated cities that can stretch over great distances

concentric zone model

Which model of urban growth explains that the city has a a nucleus around which all other areas revolve. The center of which is the central business, and the last being the commuter.

multiple nuclei model

Which model of urban growth indicates that similar activities group together and that other land uses are not compatible with one another

Sector Model

Which model of urban growth is explained as a central business area that then has an invasion and succession cycle where poorer individuals move into middle class areas, and then the middle class moves to a different area.


Which term is most closely related to real estate capital being reinvested in blighted inner-city areas to refurbish

Sociologists study population and issues related to population which of the following concepts are NOT one that sociologists of population (demographers) might explore? Select one: a. Childhood obesity b. All of these are subjects that demographers would explore c. infant mortality rate d. life expectancy e. Mortality rate



a highly rational and efficient organization.

Class consciousness

a term which refers to awareness the proletariats has about the features of capitalism and their relationship to one another as well as to the capitalist.

Conflict theory

a theory that sees society as held together by coercion and focuses on its negative aspects.


a traditional society characterized by face-to-face relations

Riots are often motivated by frustrations over various kinds of abuses and the inability to do much about them under normal circumstances. Thus, riots are most likely to be spawned by ___ Select one or more: a. police brutality b. racism and ethnocentrism c. disasters d. unjust economic policies


When individuals are confused and unsure of the norms to follow, they fit with Durkheim's definition of experiencing



any action, belief, or human characteristic that is considered a violation of group norms by a large number of members of a society or a social group and for which the violator is likely to be censured or punished.

Which of the following is likely to have more of a positive impact on environmental concerns? a. changes in human behaviors b. technological scientific remedies


Which of the following would be an example of downward mobility? Select one: a. getting an inheritance b. getting divorced c. getting a raise d. changing jobs at the same level

b) getting divorced

Which of the following are ways that urbanization impacts the natural enviornment a. Destruction of the natural habitat b. Concrete heat retention


Which of the following is an example of Weber's concept of an ideal type? Select one: a. bureaucracy b. The enlightenment c. the invention of the steam engine d. Industrial Revolution


Karl Marx argued that the _____ enriched themselves through the exploitation of the __________

capitalist; proletariat


characterized by impersonal, distant, and limited social relationships.

Protestant ethic

coined by Max Weber, best describes a belief in hard work, frugality, and good work as means to achieve both economic success and heavenly salvation

Juan believes in the American dream and thinks that the only right way to achieve success is through legitimate means, such as going to college. According to Robert Merton, Juan is most likely a(n)


Demography is a subfield of sociology that examines Select one: a. population size b. population composition c. population distribution d. All of the above


social stratficiation

describes hierarchical differences not only in economic positions but also in other important areas, such as status or social honor, and power.

Which of the following stages is NOT one of the stages that social movements tend to go through? Select one: a. The movement becomes institutionalized b. The movement begins to decline c. resources are mobilized d. people organize e. All of these stages of a social movements


According to the demographic transition theory, significant population growth occurs because birth rates are relatively high, while death rates decline in which stage of economic development?

early industrial

Sidney and Juan are having a friendly debate. Sidney says American culture is superior to all cultures. Juan says that all cultures have positive and negative aspects that should be understood within their own cultural context. Sidney is arguing for ______, while Juan is arguing for ______.

ethnocentrisim; cultural relativism

According to differential association theory, genetics plays a prominent role in criminality.


Bureaucracies generally demand far more information than they need, often to protect themselves from complaints, bad publicity, and lawsuits.


C. Wright Mills argued that the sociological imagination should be used to focus on private troubles.


Social structures are defined as the dynamic and ever-changing aspects of the social world.


Kindra places her elbows on the table at a nice restaurant, and her mother whispers to her to remove them. Kindra has violated a ______, and received a ______.

folkway/negative sanction

_______ theorists view society as a system of interrelated parts while ______ theorists view society as composed of groups competing for scarce resources.



general and abstract standards defining what a group or society as a whole considers good, desirable, right, or important--in short, its ideals.


general model of the world that is accepted by most practitioners in a field.

Conflict/critical theorists argue that when it comes to deviant and criminal behavior, members of the elite

have the ability to commit deviant acts and escape penalties

Two main reasons for the higher urban growth rate in the world's less industrialized cities are _____ and _____.

high fertility rates; internal migration from rural areas

______ is the amount of money a person earns in a given year from a job, a business, or various types of assets and investments, while ______ is the total amount of a person's assets less the total of various kinds of debts.

income; wealth

The two variables in an experiment are the ______ which is manipulated by the researcher, and the _____, which is a characteristic or measurement that resulted from the manipulation


Match each revolution to the type of society that revolution ushered in Steam Engine, Plow, Microchips, Domestication of animals and plants

industrial, Agrarian, Post-Industrial, Horticultural and Pastoral

quantitative research

involves the analysis of numerical data usually derived from surveys and experiments.


involves the degree to which a given question, or another kind of measure, produces the same results time after time.


involves the degree to which a given question, or another kind of measure, produces the same results time after time.


leadership style has the tendency to encourage aggressive and/or apathetic behavior toward the leader

Which type of country has the highest fertility rates?

least industrialized countries

ideal culture

made up of norms and values that indicate what members of a society should believe in and do.

Durkheim stated that early societies where held together by ______ solidarity in which people all performed similar types of work and shared similar beliefs and values; whereas more complex societies are held together by _______ solidarity in which people are bonded by a division of labor.


Many people believe that when they get laid off from their job they are alone, but many soon come to realize that this is a result of the current recession. They are able to connect their _____ troubles to _____ issues


Stanley Milgram's (1974) laboratory study of how far people will go when they are given orders by those in authority is an example of which ethical concern?

psychological harm

Sid wanted to be a rocks Star, so he isolated his favorite bands and then looked at the lead singer's lives to serve as his role model. The singers who he choose to evaluate comprise his:

reference group

Juan is a member of his union. Juan's union is an example of a ______.

secondary group

When someone commits murder he or she goes to jail, and when someone walks around nude he or she receives strange looks. These are both examples of how societies use ______ to enforce conformity.

social control

Which of the following is a macro-level element in sociology? Select one: a. Social Structure b. an interaction c. an agency d. private trouble

social structure

Symbolic interatction

sociological perspective that focuses on the role of symbols and how their meanings are shared and understood by those involved in human interaction.

Being a student is your ________ but your professors expectations that you take your finals and complete all your assignments is your _____.


Which paradigm does the concept of children as insurance most align?

structural functionalism

______ perspective might argue that urban sprawl helps to accommodate a growing population

structural functionalist

Consider the major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theoretical perspective might investigate meanings assigned to the natural environment and the way these definitions impact how society uses it?

symbolic interactonism

social mobilitiy

the ability or inability to change one's position in the social hierarchy.


the actual level of childbearing for an individual or a population


the process by which an individual learns and generally comes to accept the ways of a group or a society of which he or she is a part.

looking-glass self

the self-image that reflects how others respond to a person, particularly as a child.

primary group

the self-image that reflects how others respond to a person, particularly as a child.

strain theory

there is a disparity between what is considered valuable and what is available, limiting the number of people who can access what is considered valuable

main focus of sociology

to study how people affect are affected by social structures and social processes

A monarch, who legitimizes his or her own power by the divine right that runs in their family line, is displaying what type of authority?


Criminals, according to Cesare Lombroso, were seen as being defective in various ways, and the goal was to scientifically study the defects and those who had them in order to deter crime.


In strain theory, rebels are similar to retreatists because they both reject traditional means and goals.


In the back stage, people feel free to express themselves in ways that are suppressed in the front stage.


Many sociologists believe that sociology involves both social science and social reform.


Subcultures are groups of people who accept much of the dominant culture but are set apart from it by one or more culturally significant characteristics


To Karl Marx, social class was defined by ownership of the means of production, or the resources necessary for production to take place, such as factories, machines, tools, and raw materials.


Which of the following research method steps would a sociologist perform first?

uncover questions in need of answers

concepts of ideal types are

used as a measuring rod to help us understand social reality

Social Facts

Émile Durkheim referred to as macro-level phenomena--social structures and cultural norms and values--that stand apart from and impose themselves on people

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