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How do we decide when to display situational ethnicity?

We do a cost-benefit analysis.

According to conflict theory women contributes to family life are devalued bc

As a social group men benefit from maintains their dominant status

In the 1960s many sociologist notice that economic obstacles alone were insufficient in exhaling disparities in the educational attainment of children from different social classes which concept was introduced to explain these disparities

Cultural capital

Blank is are the taste habits and expections that children inherit or learn from their parents help them achieve matierl success in life

Culture capital

The phenomenon on women being more likely than men to live in property is called

Fem of property

Blank is the belief in the social political economic inequality of the sexes


A three year old boy scrapes his knee while playing in the backyard and immediately begins to cry. A responsive father walks over him and says don't be a sissy, boys don't cry. This is an example of

Gender role socialization

A same-sex couple holding hands or kissing in public may receive disapproving looks or even abusive comments from the people this is an example of


Although like marries like Blank is more common for heterosexual women whereas blank is more common for heterosexual men when class boundaries are crossed in marriage

Hyper hypo

Which term is used to describe a person who's chromosome or sex characteristics are exclusively male or female


social mobility that occurs over an individuals lifetime is called blank mobility


In the United States blank would have the most freedom choosing whether or not to display the race or ethnicity


Symbolic Interaction stress the way we make snap judgments about the people's class statuses. We often pay close attention to what is being displayed by we are aware of other people are judging us. Given this why did Paul fusses decide to measure class status with a loving room scale rather than assessing some other part of the house

It's where we receive guests

A state is called blank when whites are less than half the population

Majority minority state

Some news papers, magazines, and other media tend to use gender inappropriate names or pronouns as well as other language that trans people find insensitive or offensive when declaring transgender people. This is example of

Micro aggressions

Which term describe the slight insults and misperspectives directed at a member or members at a minority group that play out everyday interactions

Micro aggressions

Most American claim they are

Middle class

A transgender women a person who does identify as male or female and a person who usually identifies man who sometimes identifies as a women are all

Non binary

Sociologist who study gender in rural areas have noticed that only person is called the farmer. Even though everyone in the family has to work on the farm. The farmer is usually male and has more prestige than the other family members working on the farm. This is example of


Sociologist often point out that systems of stratication in the unites states systematically favor white men, people sometimes contest this by referencing wealthy and power black women like Oprah, a valid counter point to this argument is that

Shut up vacation as a Kara stick of a society rather than the reflection of an individual's differences

A young person from Southern California has four German grandparents. She lived in Los Angeles all her life before accepting a job in Milwaukee. She's never really thought about her German heritage, but in Milwaukee she discovers many other people with similar ancestries and starts using her ethnicity as a way to develop social and professional relationships. What is this an example of?

Situational ethnicity

Blank is a system of stratication commonly used in a modern capitalist society

Social class

What time describes an equal distribution of wealth power or prestige among members of a society

Social inequality

According to parideure blank is the tendency of social class to be passed down from one generation to the next and consequently remain relatively stable over time

Social reproduction

What term describes society into groups arranged into a social heirachy

Social stratifictaion

Doctors and parents are quick to seek a surgical fix for babies who are born inter sex because

The prospect of an ambiguous solely gendered person seems threatening and disturbing

How does social class relate to race ethnicity gender and age in the unites states today

These multiple dimensions of status and equality intersect to shape who we are and how we live

The textbook example of third genders like two spirtit people demonstrates that

They defy the western type

Which social class categories comprise the people who live in property conditions who typically earn fifteen thousand dollars or less per year


The criteria used by social class system to stratified its members include

Access to wealth property power and prestige

Regarding racial categories modern scienctists determine that

Biologically there is no such thing as a pure race

Apartheid is a specific example of what system of social stratication


You are observing children on an elementary playground why might you find some girls playing sports with boys but almost no boys playing jump rope with girls

Children are mocked for crossing gender lines

Going away to college is often the first time young adults make friends with people with substantially different class statues. This sometimes leads to tension when the wealthier member of a friend ship is oblivious to their friends class status and suggest activities beyond the friends means. This tension results from a lack of

Class consciousness

Barack Obama became the first black president in 2009. Some people felt that this election discriminate that racism is a thing of the past. This way of thinking is typical of


Blank is an actions or behavior that results in the unequal treatment in an individual because of a membership in a racial ethnic group


According to Carl max the social relations that matter most in a capitalist system are

Economic relations

Sociologist define ethnicity

Ethnicity is based on a group of people who share basic cultural features people who identify with each other based on common social cultural and national experiences

Pablo lives in the United States, where most people assume that he is Arab until they learn his name and hear his accent. They are surprised when Pablo tells them that he is from Spain and identifies as white, not Hispanic. Some even tell Pablo that he isn't really white. What does this suggest about race?

Race is socially defined and the criteria used to determine a person's race varies.

The fact that immigrants from eastern euproe Asia and Latin America

Racial differences are socially constructed and not genetic

What is it called when individuals live as if they were members of a different racial category than the one they were born in

Racial passing

The issue associated with race and ethnicity that Chris rocks driving while black selfies represent is

Racial profiling

The practice of refusing morgatages for the purchase of a house in poor and minority neighborhoods is called


Plantation owners argued that the enslaves Africans were better off by they did not have the mental capacity to run their own lives. Today this seems both rascist and idiotic. How could such fascist beliefs flourish

Search beliefs justify social arrangement between dominant and minority groups that benefit those who accept them

For most sociologist what is the difference between sex and gender

Sex is biological, gender is social

Texas has never had a Hispanic governor and the percentage of Hispanic Americans in Texas state government is low. However, many Hispanic Americans live in Texas. In 2012, they made up nearly 40 percent of the state's population. Would a sociologist in Texas call Hispanic Americans a minority group?

Yes, because they are denied access to power and resources.

What is it called when a minority group is absorbed into the dominant group


Alice came to the realization that she is attracted to other girls her age. Now that she's started her sophomore year in high school, she wants to ask out girls without being afraid of the consequences. She tests her friends' acceptance of these feelings first by mentioning a hypothetical friend at another high school who just came out as a lesbian. Alice's friends overwhelmingly believe that homosexuality is wrong and that anyone who is not heterosexual is a deviant. What concept do the opinions of Alice's friends exemplify?


What metaphor best describes cultures that have embraced multiculturalism and pluralism?

salad bowl

From an interactionist perspective, what is the MOST important way that schools socialize children into their gender identities?

through interactions between teachers and students

An accountant with a college degree and a license from the state accounting board works for the Department of Defense as a senior auditor. He makes about $100,000 a year and will soon retire with benefits and a pension. What class would you expect him to belong to?

upper middle class

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