Soc in the Fam Chapter 11: Parenting

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Mothering as an Identity

"Good Mother"=Definition depends on the elements of Social Construction Identity-What it means to be a mother

Absent Father


Father as the Moral Teacher


Results of Each Style of Parenting

Authoritarian- Dependent, Conformist Children More common among working class, racial, ethnic, and immigrant families Authoritative- Independent in child; Creative-for solving problems; Low likelihood of delinquent behavior; More common among working class, racial, ethnic, and immigrant families Permissive- Children being immature and irresponsible Indifferent- Higher likelihood of impulsive , delinquent children Divorce can change the parenting style

Which parenting style is the best for children? Worst for children?

Authoritative is the best for child development Indifferent is the worst type of parenting

Father as a Gender Role Model for Children

Both Boys and Girls

Parenting Styles:Parental Control/Limit

Disciplining; overall parental expectations towards kids

How is Fatherhood a Social Construct

Elements: Society-India-baby is put at the foot of the father; if baby was picked up-father was genetically the father; if not the baby would be rejected Historical Changes- Next Slide Social Location-Based on Race; Ethnicity & Social Class

Aloof and Distracted Father

Emotionally Distant- Distracted Father by Work

Parental Roles: Social Construction

Expectations of who is a good mother or father Social Construction=Good Mother or Good Father


Expectations related to mothering- Always Changing Influenced by the concept of=Motherhood Mystique Motherhood-Idealized Blood Mothers; Other Mothers-not birth mothers--a significant person relevant as a birth mother- a grandmother *This is seen in African American and Latino families Providing as a part of mothering-Working Class-Economically Providing Motherhood as a symbol of Power-Native American families

Father as the Breadwinner

Extra hours at work

Social Location

Groups within a society; A good mother is based on Race, Ethnicity, Social Class

Consequences of Motherhood Mystique

Guilt among mothers - Ex.When having to work or take care of business Does not match the relaity of mothers lives Mothers blamed for everything that goes wrong Helps mantian women's traditional gender roles Women are choosing to drop out of work=sustains the social expectations of traditional women

Historical Changes of Father

Historical Changes-Role has changed historically Earliest Notions Pre-Industrialization-Father=Teacher Since Industrialization- Instrumental Role-Task and Goal Oriented and Provider Role

Historical Times

In 1800s, upper class women used wet nurses and did not breastfeed. Female infanticides hired a servant to breast feed the child

Father as an Active, Nurturing Parent

Increase in fulltime dads -Job of a mother -Doing the activity of "mothering:


India infanticides (death of a child) that the mother did is looked at as good thing and considered being a good mother Females are not very fond of society

Ambiguous Loss: Who experiences it ?

Mass Incarceration- Extreme increased rates of imprisonment Ambiguous (in-between) loss of father and children African Americans

How does family instability impact children? Positively or Negative?

Negative Impact Family Instability-Increased cohabitation, divorce, single parent households

Parenting Styles: Parental Support

Nurturing; How willing is the parent to listen to their child

Is the sexuality of the child being raised in a gay and lesbian family influenced by thier family?

Overall issues, very similar to heterosexual parents Have to deal with homophobia in society Children being raised in gay & lesbian families and no different from children in heterosexual families Does not impact the sexuality of children

Parenting Style: Permissive "Lots of Love" No limits or control

Parental Support: High Parental Control: Low Examples: You can borrow the car whenever

Pareting Style: Authoritarian "Dictatorian"

Parental Support: Low Parental Control:High Examples:Rules and Controls "Tough Love" You cannot borrow the car

Parenting Style: Indifferent

Parental Support: Low Parental Control:Low Examples: I dont care what you do just don't bother me

Pareting Style: Authoritative "Democracy" "Limits and Supports"

Parental Support:High Parental Control:High Examples:Lots of rule but a lot of support A lot of negotiation You can borrow the car after you go pick up your brother

Assumptions of Motherhood Mystique

Ultimate fulfillment of women is through motherhood- Accomoplished after giving birth or having the role of a mother Mothers are the best providers, for all needs of their child Exclusive attention of a mother is good for the child

Social Factors that Prevent Parents from Doing their Job

Unemployment- Increased Depression, Emotional Distress Mass Incarceration- Extreme increased rates of imprisonment Ambiguous (in-between) loss of father and children African Americans Time Apart- Not a complete loss of father Family Instability-Increased cohabitation, divorce Diverse family forms existing today Single parent households US & Sweden

Movie:Our House

Yes it does show how good parenting has changed It supports Social Construction of Parental (good mother; good father)

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