SOC Smartbook Chapter 15

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According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about ______% of the U.S population lives in rural communities.


The United States consumes about ______% of the world's resources.


On average, about how many minutes a day do U.S. workers spend traveling to and from work?


Which of the following statements about urbanization in a globalized era are true?

A small handful of national and international corporate chains dominate the market. The movement of capital abroad has helped fuel the development of cities in China, Mexico, and India.

The--- environment is the physical surroundings that humans create, including buildings, roads, dams, homes, and consumer products.


Where was Hull House founded?


Which of the following statements about today's suburbs are true?

Exurbs sometimes have no real neighborhoods at all. Older suburbs have developed many of the same social problems as cities. Modern technology has helped overcome the social isolation of the suburbs.

True or false: Health is limited to clinical interventions.


True or false: In the twenty-first century, industrialization and urbanization are becoming largely concentrated in North America and Europe.


True or false: The layer of the atmosphere that protects the earth from the sun's ultraviolet radiation is known as the stratosphere.


The study of the links between the physical environment—natural and built—and social life is known as ecology.


Which of the following statements about gentrification are true?

It transforms inexpensive properties into more desirable housing. It is highly profitable for investors. It often displaces middle- and low-income residents.

Which of the following people was a cofounder of Hull House (in 1889)?

Jane Addams

Which of the following statements about rural life are true?

Local agricultural and meat-processing jobs often attract new immigrants. Cities depend upon rural areas for a variety of resources.

The earliest "cities" appeared in which part of the world?

Middle East

In ______ communities, men and women typically do different kinds of work but live as social equals.


List in chronological order the four periods that have characterized the approach to improve health outcomes in the United States, with the earliest period at the top. social and economic factors health behavior sanitation and environmental health health care

Sanitation and environmental health Health care Heath Behavior Social Economic factors

The----environment is the cultural context and patterns of relationships within which humans live.


Which of the following statements about recent environmental policy in the United States are true?

Some conservative groups and corporations have attempted to discredit scientific studies on environmental issues. The environmental movement has stalled since the 1970s.

A balance between resource protection and consumption that can be maintained indefinitely is known as .


Which of the following statements best characterizes the fundamental insight upon which the concept of human ecology is based?

The physical environment influences the social life that takes place within it.

Which of the following have resulted from the establishment of doctors as a powerful professional authority?

Their influence now extends beyond medical advice. Citizens now look to them for treatment when ill.

Which of the following is an example of how doctors act as gatekeepers?

They control access to prescription drugs.

Resource depletion and increased waste and pollution due to promotion of growth by the state is known as

Treadmill of production

True or false: Doctors can act as gatekeepers.


Who introduced the concepts of gemeinschaft and gesellschaft into the study of traditional rural and modern urban life?


The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to which of the following?

an increase in the atmosphere's average temperature

Which of the following are characteristics of certain neighborhoods that research suggests can lead to various health issues?

crime traffic problems reduced physical activity

Which of the following are characteristics of the rural communities that began to replace nomadic communities?

cultivation of crops specialization of labor built environment

Which of the following tactics contributed to the downward spiral of some minority neighborhoods?

denying home improvement loans in minority neighborhoods refusing to show homes in areas deemed off-limits to minorities ignoring the financial status of minority loan applicants

"E-waste" refers to

discarded electronic devices, such as computers and cellphones.

Persistent patterns of inequality in health are referred to as health


Evidence suggests that many who say they are concerned about the environment

do not voluntarily change their consumer behavior.

The study of the interaction between social life and the natural world is known as--- Sociology


The prevention of harmful practices that unfairly burden low-income people and racial minorities with disproportionate exposure to environmental hazards is called

environmental justice.

Often, people with less income and education than those in middle- and upper-income households

experience more illness.

Agricultural runoff includes which of the following?

fertilizers pesticides

Sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies used the word ______ to refer to a social organization in which most relationships are based upon the long-term personal ties of collective kinship, common tradition, and shared values.


The process of rehabilitation and development that typically attracts new higher-income residents and displaces current middle- and low-income residents is known as


An increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere is called

global warming.

The aspects of illness and disease that result from environmental factors are known as environmental


Small groups of humans who forage the natural environment for subsistence are known as

hunters and gatherers.

In 2008, for the first time in human history, a majority of people worldwide

lived in urban areas

New urban sociology is an approach to studying cities that focuses on the interaction of politics and economics and

locates them in the context of the global economy.

The foundation of the industrial revolution was a massive capacity to

manufacture consumer goods.

Social cohesion based on shared experience, personal ties, and a limited sense of individuality (rather than interdependence) is called ______ solidarity.


The ______ environment is the land, water, air, vegetation, and organisms that make up the physical world.


Which of the following sociological approaches focuses on the interaction of politics and economics in a city and locates them in the larger context of the global economy?

new urban

For Durkheim, social solidarity called ______ solidarity was a new form of social cohesion based on interdependence.


By giving up nomadic life and establishing rural communities, humans were able to devote time and effort to which of the following?

plowing farmland building homes digging irrigation canals

Legitimate power to define the terms of discussion within a specific field is known as ______ authority.


Which of the following were benefits offered by early cities?

protection from enemies higher standard of living more commerce

Governments and corporations are more likely to place environmentally hazardous materials near

racial minorities and people with lower incomes.

The use of discriminatory practices in the sale or rental of housing to minorities is known as


New suburbs that emphasize dense developments for living, working, and shopping have followed which principle?

smart growth

Which of the following are associated with modern urbanization?

social problems opportunity diversity

refers to low-density development that disperses people over a wide area, separates homes from workplaces and stores, and depends heavily on cars for transportation.


The issue that underlies most environmental crises is a lack of


Which of the following developments made cities increasingly unattractive in the decades after World War II?

the loss of urban manufacturing jobs media images of urban rioters the impression that the inner city was dangerous and crime ridden

Which of the following are reasons transnational companies have moved manufacturing jobs from the United States to other countries?

to have fewer regulations to pay lower wages

A term that refers to the way capital-intensive industries and the modern state have led to increasing resource depletion and worsening pollution is the ---of production.


In the United States today, about ______ of the population lives in the suburbs.


The ozone layer protects humans from

ultraviolet radiation. skin cancer.

"Greenwashing" refers to the process of

using the label "environmentally friendly" as a marketing ploy.

A fast-growing form of garbage composed of electronic devices is known as e-


Industrial pollutants include which of the following?

waste oil dumped into the ocean industrial waste dumped into rivers chemicals used in fracking

Which of the following issues do environmental sociologists focus on?

why societies produce daunting environmental problems how people come to recognize and understand environmental problems how changes in social structure and behavior can help address environmental problems

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