SOCI 1101 Chapter 6

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T/F: A secondary group may have specific goals, but it is impersonal and offers less intimacy among the members.


T/F: According to Weber's model of bureaucracy, bureaucrats (people who work in a bureaucracy) are likely to have special training and competency for the office they hold.


T/F: In primary groups, people's identities are determined more on personal characteristics; in secondary groups, identities are more a matter of what people do.


T/F: Many people tend to think that only government agencies are bureaucracies, but most large private corporations are bureaucracies as well.


T/F: The smallest group is a dyad.


In gemeinschaft and gesellschaft, Tonnies was most concerned with the change from

rural society to urban society

Strangers waiting in line to buy movie tickets constitute what sociologists call a

social aggregate

According to Tischler, the large increase in the percentage of women working outside the home led to a change in

social organization

T/F: A reference group is a purposefully created special-interest group that has clearly defined goals and official ways of doing things.


T/F: According to Tischler, a group can usually get along quite well without expressive leadership.


T/F: An aggregate is a group of people with close emotional ties and long-term relationships.


T/F: Because they share a particular characteristic common to only them, left-handed people constitute what sociologists would classify as a social group.


T/F: Cooley called primary groups the nursery of human nature because they are effective only during early childhood.


T/F: Decades of research show that people in small groups are more likely to have specific and clearly spelled-out tasks than are people in large groups.


T/F: For something to be a social institution it must have a specifically designated building or group of buildings.


T/F: In Tonnie's view, we can expect to find more individualism and less of a cooperative spirit in gemeinschaft than in gesellschaft.


T/F: In bureaucracies that resemble Weber's ideal type, workers are especially likely to give special favorable treatment to their friends and family members but not to strangers.


T/F: In nearly all groups, the function of instrumental leadership and the function of expressive leadership are fulfilled by the same person.


T/F: In the ideal-type bureaucracy as outlined by Weber, workers frequently bend or break the rules to make their work more interesting.


T/F: Instrumental leadership is not necessary in an acapella singing group.


T/F: Primary groups are more likely than secondary groups to rely on formal procedures and sanctions as a means of social control.


T/F: Social groups and social aggregates both cease to exist when members are apart from one another.


Which of the following would most likely be a secondary group?

a college club

One advantage of the division of labor in bureaucracy is that it allows for

a high level of specialization and expertise

Some adults fear that youths might choose "gangsta" rap artists as role models, dressing and talking like them, displaying the attitudes promoted in rap music, and even asking themselves, "What would Jay-Z do?" as a guide to behavior. Such youths would be using rappers as

a reference group

After an African American church was destroyed by arson, the reverend said, "They didn't burn down the church. They burned down the building." His remark illustrates the concept of the church as

an institution

"Why do I have to go to Uncle Mike's party? I barely know him and I don't really like him," says a youngster. "Because you're a member of this family," answers his parent. What essential function of groups is the parent invoking in her reasoning?

defining boundaries

"Boy, did I get the runaround in the administration building. They kept sending me from one office to the next till I finally found someone who knew how to solve my problem." The problem referred to here is caused by what aspect of bureaucracy?

division of labor

Tischler says that by performing tasks, members can also increase their commitment to one another and to the group. This function of increasing commitment would be classified as


During jury deliberations, two members get into an angry argument about a piece of evidence. The jury foreman says, "I think tempers are a bit short; lets take a ten minute break, cool off, and discuss this calmly." The foreman is exhibiting

expressive leadership

The most important characteristic of primary groups that is missing in secondary groups it


Which of the following is not a fundamental characteristic of social groups?

members do not have to follow any norms of behavior

Which of the following is not an essential aspect of bureaucracy as outlined in Weber's ideal type?

personalized service

A good example of a gemeinschaft-like society in the United States is

the Amish

Three students always study together. This group is a


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