SOCI 122 Chap 3

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symbolic ethnicity

(Gans 1979): white ethnics celebrated their ethnic heritage, as long as it didn't challenge their white middle class status

genome geography

-Where portions of a genetic sequence are associated with specific geographic locations -SNIPS (single nucleic...); population geneticists have said these are concentrated in certain parts of the world

ethnic revival

-a situation in which racial and ethnic groups clamor for political autonomy and sometimes demand independence -ethnic enclaves helped with this

colonized minority

-also known as involuntary minorities, members of groups that are forced to participate in another society Ex. Africa, Native, and Mexican Americans -Assaults on cultural traditions, struggle with limited housing options, and are targets of racist steroetypes and ideologies

immigrant minority

-also known as voluntary minorities, members of subordinate groups who willingly choose to immigrate to a country. Ex. irish and german immigrants -Face less discrimination, oppresion, and marginalization

symbolic interactionism

-argues that we can understand society and social structures through a focus on small-scale human interactions, the use of symbols in interaction, and the meanings we assign to symbols -ex. cracker, boy

Conflict perspective

-emerges out of Marxist thought and emphasizes conflict between dominant and subordinate groups over scarce and valued resources in a society -don't necessarily think conflict is bad. -social institutions such as the media perpetuate the ideologies of the ruling class and that these beliefs reinforce their dominance and justify the social order

functionalist perspective

-emphasizes social order over conflict: the value of consensus, harmony, and stability for a society, and the interdependence of social systems -assimilation = lessen conflict -how something with benefit society

split labor market theory

-emphasizes the ways both race and class contribute to inequality;, split labor believe workers can be divided into two classes: higher-paid workers and lower-paid workers -Challenge the idea that only wealthy white create and benefit from racial tensions in the labor force

Compulsory sterilization laws

-forcibly sterilize a person considered unfit to procreate

marxist theories

-generally view the world as stratified along class lines; when marxists look at racial inequality, they see it as an extension of capitalist exploitation; says workers re most powerful when they are united -focus on the division between workers and owners

Melting pot

-the idea that diverse streams of immigrants come to American and eventually merge into another distinct group, that of the "American" -However the melting pot is about anglo conformity

Critical Race Theory (CRT)

-the most significant interdisciplinary development in racial theorizing; argues that ideologies of assimilation and color-blindness actually help perpetuate white dominance rather than eliminate it

racial formation perspective

-the ways racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed over time

Manifest destiny

A notion held by a nineteenth-century Americans that the United States was destined to rule the continent, from the Atlantic the Pacific.

Racial genomics

Race and the Human Genome Project (2003) Humans were 99.9% similar

Extinction thesis

This thesis ignores structural inequalities and discrimination arguing that the demise of certain racial groups is inevitable

model minority

a minority group that has succeeded in American society, specifically evidences by their success in educational institutions


a now defunct brand of science that compared the skull sizes of various racial groups and used those data to try and determine group intelligence, social and cultural characteristics, and the presumed innate group differences between the races

white racial frame

a worldview that includes racial beliefs, racially loaded terms, racialized images, verbal connotations, and racialized emotions and interpretations, as well as discriminatory actions that help justify ongoing racism


another significant contribution of CRT; focuses on the interactions between different systems of oppression (gender and race for example)

internal colonialism (blauner)

argues that colonialism, which is the process through which one country dominates another by stripping it of its human and economic resources, can actually take place within one country. In other words, dominant racial groups establish a system of oppression and exploitation of subordinate racial groups within their own nation in ways that benefit them


arguing that the healthiest and ablest should be encouraged to have more children for the betterment of society -This was racist because healthiest really meant white upper-middle class people

status inequality

differences in prestige and honor - which are not necessarily related to one's economic status

President Roosevelt's fear of 'race suicide'

fear that the white race will be overtaken my minority groups

assimilationist paradigm

he idea that ethnic minorities should eventually give up their ties to their home countries and become part of the dominant, Anglo American culture of the US


is a branch of pharmacology that operates on the assumption that there are differences in the ways we respond to drugs based on our race


means that instead of becoming a melting pot, in which all groups come together and forge a new identity, all groups coming to the US are expected to drop their cultural identities in favor of an Anglo-American culture

Racialized medicine

race is treated as a genetic fact for medical purposes

Scientific racism

refers to using science to prove the innate racial inferiority of some groups and the superiority of other -(used to justify wrongdoings)

cultural pluralism

the idea that numerous ethnicities are capable of coexisting without threatening the dominant culture

Forced sterilization

the process of permanently ending someone's ability to reproduce without his or her consent -African Americans, Natives Americans, and Puerto Ricans were most targeted Mostly women but some men -misinformed

ethnicity paradigm

viewed race as part of ethnicity-but as a less important factor in people's lives than ethnicity -and equated ethnicity with culture

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