SOCI 268 Ch. 10

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Assume a member of the Kodak Corporation's board of directors also serves on the boards of other camera manufacturers, such as Nikon and Fuji. This pattern would illustrate the operation of

interlocking directorate

Which concept refers to networks of people who serve as directors of several corporations at the same time?

interlocking directorate

The French term laissez-faire, sometimes used to describe a free-market environment of capitalism, literally means

leave it alone

Which political position calls for reforms based on the claim that our political and economic systems benefit some more than others?


Which concept refers to the efforts of special-interest groups and their representatives to influence government officials?


One important reason that voter turnout in many other high-income nations is higher than in the United States is that

the political parties of other nations are further apart on a wider political spectrum.

According to Scottish economist Adam Smith,

the pursuit of self-interest has widespread benefits by producing the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

According to Robert Dahl's pluralist model, organizations expect to realize some of their own goals, but mostly they work to keep their opponents from achieving their goals. Therefore, organizations operate as

veto groups

In Western European nations, including Italy, France, and Sweden, which political and economic system is common?

welfare capitalism

In 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution extended the vote to


About what share of registered voters actually voted in the 2008 presidential election?


For radicals on the left, the solution to capitalism's concentration of wealth and power is

bring an end to capitalism itself.


A formal organization that directs the political life of a society.

Welfare state

A range of policies and programs that transfer wealth from the rich to the poor and provide benefits to needy members of society.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Both conservatives and liberals try to use the power of government, but for different goals.


Businesses with a legal existence, including rights and liabilities, separate from that of their members.

Power elite model

C. Write Mills. Analysis of political system that sees power as concentrated among members of a small elite.

Welfare capitalism

(france, sweden, italy) production carried out by privately owned companies, but extensive government welfare programs funded by high taxes.

African American men were granted the right to vote in


Although 80 percent of people earning more than $100,000 per year reported voting in the 2008 presidential election, what share of people earning less than $10,000 did the same?


Who was the economist who claimed that the pursuit of self-interest has widespread benefits by producing the greatest good for the greatest number of people?

Adam Smith

Pluralist Model

An analysis of the political system that sees power widely distributed among various groups and organizations in a society.

Marxist political-economy model

An analysis that sees the concentration of wealth and power in society as resulting from capitalism.


An economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are collectively owned.

The system called "state capitalism" is common in which global region?



Domination of a market by a few companies.


Domination of an entire market by a single company.


Economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are privately owned.


Efforts of special interest groups and their representatives to influence government officials (AARP, NRA, ACLU)

Military industrial complex

Eisenhower. Close association of the federal government, military, and defense industries.


Giant corporation composed of many similar corporations (PepsiCo, Frito-Lay)

State capitalism

Involves government working closely with large privately owned companies.

The political economy model is primarily connected with the work of

Karl Marx

Which political model is an analysis that sees the concentration of wealth and power in society as resulting from capitalism?

Marxist political-economy model

Political Action Committees (PACs)

Organizations formed by special interest groups to raise and spend money in support of political goals.

Special Interest groups

Political alliances of people interested in same economic or social issue.


Political system in which a single family rules from generation to generation.


Political system in which power is exercised by the people as a whole.


Political system that denies popular participation in government.

Which scholar helped develop the pluralist model of power?

Robert Dahl

Which of the following countries is currently ruled by a monarchy?

Saudi Arabia

Interlocking directorates

Social networks made up of people who serve as directors of several corporations at the same time.

A 2010 Supreme Court decision (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission) paved the way for the creation of

Super PACs

In which of the following states has voter turnout been below 50 percent of eligible voters?

Texas, largest Hispanic population


The social institution that guides societys decision making about how to live


The social institution that organizes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

The world's largest corporate retailer is


According to the pluralist model,

almost all people and almost all organizations have at least some political voice.

Because Iran and Saudi Arabia offer their people little voice in politics, their political systems are correctly characterized as


According to Karl Marx,

capitalism's private ownership of productive property allows an elite to dominate society.

Which political position claims that U.S. society is largely democratic?


Which political position claims that our system provides important rights to almost everyone and has increased the share of the population involved in politics for more than two centuries?


Which of the following categories of people face legal barriers to voting?

convicted felons

Which concept refers to businesses with a legal existence, including rights and liabilities apart from those of their members?


Which concept refers to a political system in which power is exercised by the people as a whole?


Which of the following concepts refers to the close association of the federal government, the military, and defense industries?

military industrial complex

The domination of an entire market by a single company is referred to as


Which concept refers to the domination of a market by a few companies?


Which political model is an analysis of the political system that sees power as widely distributed among various groups and organizations in a society?

pluralist model

Which political model sees power as concentrated among a small elite?

power elite model

Capitalism is an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are

privately owned

Which type of economic system places natural all resources and the means of producing goods and services under collective ownership?


Which concept refers to political alliances of people interested in some economic or social issue?

special interest group

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and the National Rifle Association (NRA) are both examples of

special-interest groups

Political economy

the closely linked economic and political life of a nation or world region.

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