SOCI 3263 Final- Jackson

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The activity of raising a child.

Gender Division of Labor

The allocation of work between men and women in society.

Half-Sibling (half-brother/ half-sister)

The biological child of one's parent and another person.

Stepsibiling (stepbrother/ stepsister)

The child (son/daughter) of one's stepparent.


The child of one's spouse or committed partner.

Social Diversity

The condition of difference in experiences or characteristics of people in a population.


The number of children born in a society or among a particular group.

Total Fertility Rate

The number of children born to the average woman in her lifetime.

Which of the following is the most common reason why intimate partner violent crime is not reported to the police?

The victim fears reprisal or getting the offender in trouble

protective factors to help prevent negative effects

coping skills, interpersonal skill, and self-confidence

While the use of mobile phones and other technological gadgets can clearly enhance children's ability to communicate freely and express themselves, the tracking devices on smart phones also provide parents with a tool to __________ their children, which is another new trend in modern parenting.


What was the impact of welfare reform during the 1990s on single-parent homes that were experiencing poverty?

It reduced the number of families receiving aid but the poverty rate of those families increased.

Adoptive Parents

Parents to a child they did not produce biologically.

post-divorce outcomes

permanent emotional changes

For-profit online dating sites have had success catering to people like Susan, who is

40, divorced, college-educated, and employed in a professional field.

Which of the following is an example of the most common type of relationship a woman has with her attacker in the case of rape?

A woman is assaulted by her boyfriend of nine years whom she was engaged to.

Which of these is an example of occupational gender segregation?

Employment data shows women make up a large percentage of the teaching profession.

Which of the following would be an example of a demographic change that is thought to be related to the decline in the marriage rate?

high rates of incarceration among Black men

Figure 11.3 shows that for women having their first child, the intensive child-care period has __________ over the past 40 years while the employment period has __________.

narrowed; expanded

Research shows that in regard to happiness, married people are generally happier than unmarried people. One likely reason for this is that

happier people may be more attractive marriage partners.

A spike in birth rates in the United States during the post-World War II baby boom era caused an imbalance in available marriage partners for women 25 years later, thus lowering their marriage rates and delaying their marriages. This can be understood as an example of a

marriage squeeze

The decline of religious endogamy has mostly been the result of changes in

the marrying behavior of liberal and moderate Protestants.

Which of the following are trends identified by the textbook that will help us confront the challenge of needing a larger workforce to support the increasing elderly population? Chose all that apply.

-longer life expectancies so people work longer -the rising labor force participation of women

Which of the following aspects of family life have become more diverse in the last half century? Chose all that apply.

-religious preference -age at marriage -racial ethnicity -family living arrangements

The official recognition of romantic relationships reflects the intersections of the social institutions of the state and family. Such legal and political processes make family forms

a matter of public debate and personal preference

stressful aspects of the divorce process

witnessing or being part of conflicts such as arguing or shouting

When comparing amounts of paid and unpaid leave for two-parent families, how does the United States compare to other wealthy countries?

The United States is ranked almost at the bottom in regard to both paid and unpaid leave.

Child Abuse and Neglect

The act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in (or puts children at imminent risk for) physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation

Biological Parents

The adults whose bodies—including the father's sperm and the mother's egg—produce a child.


The adults whose bodies—including the father's sperm and the mother's egg—produce a child.

Work-Family Conflict

The conflict that occurs when the time demands, strains, or obligations of work or family roles make it difficult to fulfill obligations in either role.

Marital Dissolution

The end of a marriage through permanent separation or divorce


The exertion of effort to produce or accomplish something.

In the last few decades, how has the college dating scene changed?

The existence of more women than men now means men get more dates.


The failure of a couple to have a successful pregnancy despite deliberately having sex without contraception

Male Provider Ideal

The father as an economic provider and authority figure for his children

Involved Father Ideal

The father as an emotional, nurturing companion who bonds with his children as well as providing for them


The formal or informal separation of married spouses into different households

Which of the following statements reflects the feminist perspective regarding rape and the frequency of rape?

The frequency of rape is enough that it constitutes a structural part of male domination.

Demographic Transition

The historical change from a society with low life expectancy and high birth rates to one with high life expectancy and low birth rates.


The legal dissolution of marriage according to the laws of the state.

Romantic Love

The passionate devotion and attraction one person feels for another

Elder Abuse

The physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of old people by someone with whom they share an intimate or caring relationship

Utilitarian love

The practical, rational dedication of one person to another based on shared understanding and emotional commitment

Opportunity Cost

The price one pays for choosing the less lucrative of the available options.


The principle by which similar people have more of a given kind of contact than dissimilar people

Selection Effect

The problem that occurs when the cause being studied has already been determined by the outcome that is under investigation

Mate Selection

The process by which people choose each other for sexual or romantic relationships

When Blacks and Whites in similar social settings are compared, what has research shown regarding the rate of domestic violence in the two groups?

The rates are virtually the same.

Age Structure

The relative number of people of each age in a population.

Boundary Ambiguity

The situation in which family members do not know or do not agree on who is in the family and what role each person plays.

Marriage Market

The social space in which people search for potential marriage partners


The spouse or committed partner of one's biological or adoptive parent

According to the federal government's National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey of 2010, how prevalent is rape among men and women in the U.S. population?

The survey found that 18 percent of women and 1 percent of men reported being raped.

What does Figure 10.3 indicate about the relationship between the age at marriage and the likelihood of divorce?

Those who marry before the age of 20 are about twice as likely to divorce as those who marry after the age of 25.

The singular ideal position referred to in the textbook promotes __________.


Why was forcible sex between husband and wife not considered to be rape until very recently?

Wives were presumed to have consented to sex for their entire lives at the moment of their marriage.

According to the textbook, which of the following are important factors in explaining the decline in the amount of within-family inequality over the past 50 years?

Women have increased the amount of income they earn and men have had no real wage increases.

Figure 11.11: Which of the following does this figure suggest about education and how women resolve the work-family conflict during their first birth?

Women with higher levels of education are much more likely to have paid leave available.

Research on the independence effect of women's employment on the divorce rate indicates which of these conclusions?

Women's employment increases the likelihood of divorce, but only for women who are unhappy in their marriage.

Market Work

Work done by employees for pay.

Care Work

Work performed face-to-face for the purpose of enhancing the capabilities of another person


Work to maintain a household's functions.

protective factors to help prevent negative effects

attentive parenting, diminished conflict, and continued involvement of both parents

Public opinion regarding spanking children can be understood as being shaped by both traditional beliefs as well as __________, which are influenced by the advice of experts such as doctors, teachers, and social scientists.

contemporary attitudes

Rosa finds high heels uncomfortable and does not like the way they limit her mobility, yet she wears them because she does not feel that she has a choice at work and she thinks they make her attractive when she is out socializing. This is an example of

gender socialization and inequality.

Figure 9.10 shows that the number of children living with a grandparent and __________ has increased during the past 20 years, although the number of those living with a grandparent and __________ has stayed fairly similar during the same time period.

neither parents or both parents; a father only

A large study of college students found that the majority reported hooking up __________ times.

3 or fewer

Intensive Motherhood

Cultural pressure on women to devote more time, energy, and money to raising their children

Hooking Up

A casual sexual or romantic encounter without explicit commitment or exclusivity.

One problem with using Becker's market principles to understand marriage choices is that

people often make bad decisions when they are in love, so we cannot assume that these decisions are rational.

The term defamilialization refers to

policies providing support to people, which in turn allow them to be free from family dependency.

Tori and Jamil are a married couple who receive aid from the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. In the late 1990s, their social worker encouraged them to sign up for "marriage and relationship training" classes funded by the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative. Both the TANF program and the classes are examples of the

politics of marriage.

Which of the following is true about the Convention on the Rights of the Child? Choose all that apply.

-It is the world's most widely accepted human rights treaty. -Opposition to it shows how definitions of child abuse have evolved over time and across cultures. -The United States and Somalia are the only UN members that have not ratified it.

According to the textbook, which of the following is an example of rape? Choose all that apply.

-A man has intercourse with a woman who is incapacitated by alcohol or drugs. -A male child has sex with a female teacher but he says that the sex was not against his will.

Which of the following is an example of a work-based reform that would help ease the some of the problems caused by the work-family conflict? Choose all that apply.

-A mother is allowed more flexible work hours so she can more easily accommodate child care. -A company gives employees paid time off when they need to take a child to the doctor.

Which of the following situations are examples of intimate partner violence? Choose all that apply.

-A teenage boy threatens to hit his girlfriend during an argument at school but does not hit her. -A wife slaps her husband when she finds out he has been unfaithful to her. -A boyfriend follows his ex-girlfriend without her knowledge when she goes for a walk

Social Script

A commonly understood pattern of interaction that serves as a model of behavior in familiar situations


Forced vaginal, anal, or oral penetration or attempted penetration of a person without his or her consent.

Data on child abuse and neglect cases show that the majority of cases, the perpetrator is

the victim's mother

Which of the following is an example of how work can involve the overlap of two or more institutional settings? Choose all that apply.

-A woman receives a paycheck for market work that has been taxed by the government. -A teenager has a part-time job at a nursing home providing care work. -A mother and father divide up household chores unequally because the father has a job. -A mother makes breakfast for her children and feeds it to them.

The steep decline in the rate of family violence since the 1990s may be explained in part by which of the following? Choose all that apply.

-An increase in shelters and hotlines made it easier for women to gain protection from abuse. -Women's increased economic independence made it easier for them to leave an abuser. -The greater acceptance of divorce has made it easier for women to leave abusers. -There are fewer cohabitating and married adults, which has reduced the number of people exposed to abusers.

Jasmine and Anthony are a married couple with one child. Anthony works 8 hours a day at his paid job and does 1 hour of housework or care work when he gets home. Jasmine does not have a paid job, but she spends 9 hours a day on housework or care work in the home. Although they both work about the same amount of total hours, why might Jasmine still be considered at a disadvantage? Choose all that apply.

-Because Anthony's work provides monetary earnings that allows for control of more resources, he will likely also have more decision-making power in the relationship. -If they were to divorce, Jasmine's abilities as a homemaker would not provide her with a lot of compensation in the labor market, so she is taking a greater economic risk in their marriage.

Which group(s) of women are more likely to have unintended pregnancies as well as abortions? Choose all that apply.

-Black women -low-income women -single women

How does the faster shift toward single-mother families for African-American children represent evidence of inequality? (Choose all that apply.)

-Children in single-parent homes are more likely to experience disruptive family transitions. -Single-parent families have much lower incomes compared to two-parent families.

Research shows that which of the following groups of children are most likely to experience child abuse? Choose all that apply.

-Children who have a weak support network. -Children who live with parents with mental health problems. -Children who live in poor families or poor neighborhoods.

Which of the following conclusions can be made from the research that has been done on divorce and adults' happiness? Choose all that apply.

-Divorce provides some stress relief to unhappy couples. -Unhappy people are more likely to get divorced. -Divorced people experience a stigmatized status that can increase unhappiness. -The process of divorce increases the odds of those involved experiencing unhappiness.

Which of the following is an example of one of the limitations of the Family and Medical Leave Act? Choose all that apply.

-Due to restrictions, only about half of the workforce is actually covered under this act. -Some workers feel pressured not to take leave for fear of angering their employer. -There is no paid leave available under this act so many cannot afford to use it.

Jacob and Ashley are a young couple in their early 20s who have been together for two years and are contemplating marriage. Which of the following is a likely reason why they may choose to get married despite the fact that marriage rates are in decline? (Choose all that apply.)

-Family members, religious leaders, and others may pressure them to marry. -Although there are alternatives to marriage, most couples imitate common behavior patterns. -There are a variety of government and market incentives for them to marry.

What are the reasons for the relatively high fertility rate among Latinos? Choose all that apply.

-Groups that tend to have lower than average education levels, such as Latinos, tend to have higher fertility rates. -Many Latinos are recent immigrants from Latin America where having many children is a cultural expectation. -The immigrant Latino population includes many young healthy adults, and young healthy adults also tend to have large families

Figure 11.6 shows the results of a time-use study in 2010 and suggests which of the following regarding gender and work? Choose all that apply.

-Men spend more time on average at their paid job than women do. -Overall women spend more time working than men do. -Women spend twice as much time on housework and cooking than men do.

How might the existence of boundary ambiguities cause difficulties for the members of a blended family? Choose all that apply.

-Older children are less likely to see their new stepparent as a true parent in a blended family. -Fluid living arrangements can undermine the physical sense of family that is normally present. -Family members can have a difficult time knowing what their specific role in the family is.

Our modern identities now include an institutionalized expectation of choice in family life, that is, we have no choice about having a choice. Which of the following is a major consequence of this expected usage of choice as noted by the textbook? Chose all that apply.

-People now feel compelled to actively investigate and justify the choices they make. -A large diversity of lifestyle choices has become available. -A popular attitude has developed that the law should not restrict such choices.

Why does the feminist perspective on the causes of violence against women suggest that male domination is the most important thing to consider? Choose all that apply.

-Research has shown that the more unequal women are compared to men in a society the more likely men are to be violent toward women -Research has shown that men are more likely to use violence when their partners are economically dependent on them. -Because men have more power in the economy, the political system, and the family, they are able to commit violence against women to achieve their ends.

The textbook lists which of the following as consequences in a society that has experienced a change in age structure due to a demographic transition? Chose all that apply.

-Society will start to invest more in each child. -There will eventually be an increase in the number of elderly people.

How have custody outcomes changed in the last several decades due to a new appreciation of the challenges families now face after divorce? Choose all that apply.

-States and local governments have increased their enforcement of child support orders. -Shared custody and father-only custody decisions by judges have become more common. -Judges are more often likely to initially presume that joint custody is the best outcome.

Why is the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church a good example for understanding how male domination contributes to sexual abuse? Choose all that apply.

-The abuse took place inside of a male-dominated institution that had assumed caring responsibility for many of the victims. -The religious authority of the perpetrators, who must be male, was used to maintain power over victims. -It shows the institutional nature of sexual violence and how an institution reacts to protect itself instead of involving state and legal authorities.

Which of the following is an example of religious identity impacting families? Chose all that apply.

-The corporal punishment of children as according to religious beliefs of conservative Christians. -The choice a woman makes to only marry within her religious group. -Relatives turning to religious authority for help during a funeral. -The traditional Jewish practice of circumcision of newborn males in a synagogue.

Which of the following is true about multigenerational families living in extended households? Choose all that apply.

-There has been an increased number of them in the past few decades. -A larger proportion of this population is now composed of adult children living with their parents.

Figure 10.10 shows us percentage information for the people getting remarried in the United States in 2011. Which of the following does this suggest about remarriage during that year? Choose all that apply.

-Twice as many men remarried during this year compared to women. -African Americans had the lowest rate of remarriage during this year. -Younger people were more likely to remarry than older people.

Figure 11.2 shows that during the past three decades after 1960, labor force participation increased for which groups of women? Choose all that apply.

-Women with children under age 5 in the home. -Women with children in the home. -Women who dropped out of high school. -Women with a college education.

Economic instability has become pronounced among young adults without college degrees, especially young men. As a result, which of the following is true. Select all that apply.

-Young adults have a greater tendency to delay marriage, perhaps in favor of a less committed cohabitation relationship. -Especially as they reach their 30s, the marriage prospects of economically insecure men grow bleaker.

What trends in single-parenting have been found to be associated with the overall increase in unmarried parents since the 1980s? Choose all that apply.

-Young adults who are not ready to marry are bearing children. -Divorced parents in new non-marital relationships are bearing children. -Older women who are single by choice are bearing children. -Gay and lesbian couples who cannot get married because the law prohibits it are bearing or adopting children.

The dramatic increase in divorce rates in the late twentieth century, often referred to as the divorce revolution, can be understood as the result of __________. Choose all that apply.

-a continued increase of divorce rates that were already on the rise -baby boomers' different attitudes regarding divorce and family commitments -the liberalization of family law across the country, which made it much easier to divorce

Who of the following can qualify as parents, according to the textbook definition? Choose all that apply.

-adoptive mothers and fathers -same-sex couple where only one parent is biological -stepfather of a child -biological mother and father of a child

Research shows that relationship dynamics play a role in the cause of divorce; specifically, couples are more likely to divorce when they do which of the following? Choose all that apply.

-describe themselves as unhappy in their marriages -have heated arguments, shout at, or hit each other -disagree frequently about money, time together, sex, and their in-laws

In addition to physical violence, child abuse and neglect can also occur when parents __________. Choose all that apply.

-fail to take their children to the doctor -leave their young children unattended -fail to take their children to school.

While adoptions have become more open in the last 50 years, they have also become much more uncommon. This can be understood as a result of the __________. Choose all that apply.

-growing availability of birth control -legality of abortion -declining stigma associated with unmarried motherhood -growing availability of fertility treatments

Which of the following has limited the marriage options for many African-American women? Choose all that apply.

-incarceration -mortality -unemployment

Figure 8.7 shows that in recent years a gap in the growth of cohabitation rates for women has emerged based on education levels. This gap suggests that (choose all that apply)

-people with less education are more likely to live together. -cohabitation has become part of the social class divide. -women who have at least some college education are less likely to cohabitate

The divorce-marriage ratio is used in order to __________. Choose all that apply.

-provide a number that directly indicates a country's divorce rate -directly compare the frequency of divorces to that of new marriages for a given year -estimate what the odds are that a couple who marry today will end up getting divorced

According to the textbook, what does the future of American racial and ethnic diversity depend on? Choose all that apply.

-the frequency of intermarriage between ethnic groups -the economic and health conditions immigrants experience in the United States -whether immigrant fertility rates begin to equalize with American ones -the politics and policies of the government with regard to immigration

Married people attend religious services more often than single people; however, __________ has weakened the traditional religious presence within marriage. (Choose all that apply.)

-the trend toward men's and women's employment equality -the growing independence of spouses

According to your textbook, research shows which of the following to be a major risk factor for experiencing intimate partner violence? Choose all that apply.

-women in cohabitating relationships -a couple with a low amount of economic security. -a relationship that involves drug and alcohol abuse. -women who have just left an abusive relationship

Match each of the following solutions to the work-family conflict by the type of solution. 1. A grandparent moves in with a family to help out with housework and care work. 2. An employer allows a father to take paid time off from work to take his child to the doctor. 3. Payroll taxes from an employee's paycheck are used to cover paid time off for childbirth. 4. A country reduces working time hours for its citizens by shortening the workweek. 5. A mother and father take alternate work shifts so that someone is always home to perform child care.

1. family solution 2. work solution 3. government solution 4. government solution 5. family solution

Given what research has shown about types of couples and the division of household labor, match the following couple profiles with the associated type of unpaid labor division in the home they are likely to have. 1. Hispanic couple 2. gay couple 3. Black couple 4. conservative Christian couple 5. couple with equal earnings in the paid labor

1. less equal division of unpaid labor in the home 2. more equal division of unpaid labor in the home 3. more equal division of unpaid labor in the home 4. less equal division of unpaid labor in the home 5. more equal division of unpaid labor in the home

Match each of the following family-related policy recommendations with the perspective that best fits it according to your textbook. 1. changing the law on marriage to include recognition of same-sex relationships 2. providing financial assistance to low income single-parents 3. providing financial assistance to low-income couples who are married 4. modifying the law on divorce so that neither spouse has to be at fault in the relationship

1. liberal 2. liberal 3. critical 4. conservative


A deep affection and concern for another, with whom one feels a strong emotional bond

Annulment of Marriage

A legal or religious determination that the marriage was never valid.


A type of relationship in which people love or at least know each other very well and interact in private

Dominique is a recently divorced woman in her 30s who experienced some intimate partner violence during her previous marriage. According to research, what might Dominique's experiences with future intimate relationships be like after experiencing intimate partner violence?

After experiencing abuse, her odds of establishing a long-term stable relationship are lower.

Figure 10.7 shows which of the following effects of divorce on a family's economic status?

After the divorce the income of the children decreases if they live with their mother.

Figure 8.6 shows racial-ethnic patterns of marriage from 2009 to 2011. This figure suggests that in regard to intermarriage, the group that has the highest intermarriage rate is __________, while the group that has the lowest intermarriage rate is __________.

American Indians; Whites

Figure 13.6 shows the living arrangements of Americans age 65 and older in 2011. Which of the following does this figure suggest about living arrangements for elderly Americans?

Among those 85 and older, women are much more likely to live in an institution.

Blended Family

Any family that includes stepparents, stepsiblings, or half-siblings.

Which of the following is true, according to time use surveys, about the amount of time men and women spend with on child care now compared to the 1960s?

Both men and women have increased the total amount of time spent on child care.

Figure 9.7 shows infertility for 12 months by race-ethnicity and education level of married women. This chart shows that while infertility is a problem for all types of married women, __________ women are the most likely to experience it.


Which of the following is a reason for lower rates of marriage among African Americans?

Black men have problems becoming employed due to a shrinking manufacturing industry.

An examination of physical traits that are commonly viewed as attractive in modern society seems to indicate that __________, rather than __________, play(s) a significant role in influencing mate selection.

Cultural Norms; Reproductive Fitness

__________ is a type of work that is performed face-to-face in order to enhance the capabilities of another person.

Care Work

How does the experience of living together with a partner (cohabitation) impact the likelihood that a couple will later divorce?

Cohabitation does not affect the chance of divorcing if the couple eventually marries.

In sociology, what are social scripts?

Commonly understood patterns of interaction used in familiar situations

In regard to social mobility, what do the latest trends suggest about the social class of children currently in the United States compared to other nations?

Compared to children in other advanced democratic countries, they are more likely to end up in the same social class position.

According to contemporary polling on attitudes regarding divorce, how is the pattern of support for divorce related to a person's political views?

Conservatives tend to be less approving of divorce because they fear it causes harm to children and weakens families.

Which of the following are key changes in how relationships are begun and built that make it more difficult to know which script to follow? Choose all that apply.

Dating is no longer the dominant stage of relationship formation. Increasing acceptance of living together as a common stage in relationships. More divorced and older singles are part of the dating pool.

According to data on U.S. divorces in 2012, what is the relationship between education and the divorce rate?

Divorces are the least common for college graduates compared to everyone else.

According to data on U.S. divorces in 2012, what is the relationship between racial-ethnic groups and the divorce rate?

Divorces are the most common among American Indians and African Americans.

__________ employ a specially trained staff that take a problem-solving approach to family violence as opposed to a more punitive one.

Domestic Violence Courts

Aisha dated Robert for five years in her mid-twenties. They discussed marriage, but Aisha's parents did not approve because Robert did not share their religion and culture. The couple broke up and Aisha ended up marrying a man with a similar cultural, religious, and economic background. This is an example of


In the mid-1950s if a college woman went on multiple dates each week and dated five different men in a month, she was viewed as

Following the norm

System of Care

How a society accomplishes the necessary care work and housework.

Research on the income effect of employment on the divorce rate indicates which of these conclusions?

If both spouses have higher education and are employed, the higher income serves as a source of stability and so they are less likely to divorce.

As a measure of social diversity, the diversity index tell us which of the following?

If we examine two people at random, it tells us the probability that they are from different groups.

Which of the following best explains the reason behind the passion of the childfree movement?

a backlash against the culture of intensive parenting

How do the contemporary debates about marriage rights today—same-sex marriage for example—differ from the debates about marriage rights in the late nineteenth century?

In the late nineteenth century, the major debate over marriage centered on whether the guilty party in a divorce should be allowed to remarry.

Figure 11.4 shows which of the following about jobs that are traditionally performed by women when done at home?

In the paid labor market these jobs are, for the most part, dominated by women.

Social and cultural changes have brought about more __________, which some argue has weakened marriage ties; however, researchers suggest that the relationships that do survive are emotionally stronger.


The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) passed by the Congress in 1993 provided what new rights for some American workers?

It provided some workers with unpaid leave if they are sick or need to care for family members.

What does research suggest about the lifetime experience of intimate partner violence for gay men and lesbians compared to heterosexuals?

Lesbian and heterosexual women are both more likely to experience intimate partner violence compared to both gay and straight men, though about one-third of lesbians report the abuse was perpetrated by a male partner


Living together as a sexual or romantic couple without being married

Maria is a 65-year-old woman who lives with and takes care of her two grandchildren. Given the current trends noted in the textbook regarding these types of families, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of their family?

Maria is caring for her grandchildren out of a sense of family loyalty.

How does the textbook suggest we can reconcile the paradox that while we still value the ideal of marriage as a lifelong commitment, contemporary culture is defined by individualism?

Marriage can be understood as the result of a social expectation that we as individuals must make choices and find success in love

Occupational Gender Segregation

Men and women having jobs in separate occupations.

Romantic Relationships

Mutually acknowledged, ongoing interactions featuring heightened affection and intensity

According to research by the dating site OK Cupid, reported in Cohen's book, what can we learn about dating compatibility from people's astrological signs?


Figure 13.7 shows attitudes regarding growing family diversity in 2010. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the figure?

People over 55, those who attend religious services more often, and people that identify as Republicans are more likely to view family diversity as a "bad thing."

Which of the following is an example of how members of a blended family may benefit from their experience in this type of a family?

Remarried adults tend to preserve their autonomy more than they did in their first marriage.


Sex between close relatives

Angela, who identifies as heterosexual, has been encouraged to invite her boyfriend to family events, and her parents were happy to pay for her prom dress. Niki, who identifies as lesbian, is unable to bring a possible romantic interest to a family dinner or to attend her high school prom with her girlfriend. This is in part a result of the __________, which makes it difficult for lesbians and gays to pursue romantic relationships.

Social Stigma

What trends have been noted in the past several decades with regards to religious diversity in the United States?

The United States became more religiously diverse due to many smaller groups growing while the two dominant groups shrank.

Which of the following statements would most likely be made by a proponent of the critical perspective toward family change?

The traditional family form exacerbates inequality and policies that free people from family dependency should be supported."

Which of the following statements is true regarding family types and income since the 1970s in the United States?

There are more families with two high earners and more families with one low earner, and this has created a large income gap between family types.

Which of the following are characteristics more common among singles than in the past? Choose all that apply.

They are older. They are never-married parents. They are divorced.

Sexual Assault

Unwanted penetration or touch, by force or threat of force, without consent.

Intimate Partner Violence

Violence between partners who are (or were) involved in a sexual or romantic relationship

Rashad and Amaya are both young children who live with their mother. Recently, due to the financial strain of single-parenthood, all three of them moved in with a grandparent. This change is referred to as __________ and can often add stress to child development, even when their situation changes for the better.

a family transition

Which of the following is an example of a policy that is based on the singular ideal perspective?

a government-funded marriage promotion program

Figure 8.12 shows the changing attitudes in regard to same-sex marriage over the last 12 years. (Shows Chart) This trend suggests that

a growing majority will probably support same-sex marriage in the future.

Care Relationship

a relationship in which one person is responsible for another's care

The common assumption that if a man and a woman kiss on a first date the man will initiate it is an example of

a social script

Which of the following is an example of endogamy?

a woman who marries someone in her racial group

In regards to time spent on housework, time use surveys have shown that since the 1960s married women are doing __________ housework, while married men have ___________ theirs.

almost half as much; doubled

Kayla decides to leave her lucrative job as a financial analyst in order to have and raise a second child. The income she will be giving up in order to raise her child can be referred to as

an opportunity cost.

Monique and Tyrone are stepsiblings who live in a household with Tyrone's mother, who is Monique's stepmother, and Monique's father, who is Tyrone's stepfather. According to the textbook their family can be considered a

blended family

Elena and Kurt were both in their mid-20s and had been dating for over a year when Kurt told Elena he loved her. She responded with the same sentiment. Later, when she told her friends, Elena knew this meant something but was not sure if it meant that becoming engaged to be married would happen soon, if at all. This is an example of

changing social scripts

One major illustration of the modern changes seen in marriage patterns is that __________ has now become an expected stage in relationships for the majority of couples.


Theresa and Bill have been married for seven years. During their marriage they have had some occasional arguments that have resulted in physical violence. This situation illustrates which of the four principal patterns of violence?

common couple violence

In part because of the legal, technological, and financial burdens they must overcome, gay and lesbian parents

tend to devote larger-than-average amounts of time and energy to their children.

The historical change from a society with low life expectancy and high birth rates to one with high life expectancy and low birth rates is referred to as

demographic transition.

Asian-American women are twice as likely to marry non-Asians as are Asian men. This creates an intermarriage imbalance, which results in Asian-American men being less likely to get married at a young age. This is an example of __________ impacting marriage choices.


Which term refers to the legal dissolution of marriage according to the laws of the state?


As described by sociologist Viviana Zelizer, the transformation of American childhood during modern times can be understood as children losing their __________ value and instead achieving a newfound __________ value.

economic; emotional

A woman choosing to delay marriage longer than her mother did because she is able to support herself financially is an example of how __________ can contribute to declining marriage rates.


Research shows that 11 percent of the elderly have reported experiencing mistreatment or neglect with the most common experiences being neglect and

emotional abuse

Unlike the singular ideal perspective, the liberal perspective

favors a hands-off approach that does not interfere with family decisions of other people.

The purpose of the Hague Adoption Convention was to ensure that adoptive families are

first searched for in a child's home country.

Matt and Tracy are a married couple who both work outside of the home for pay. They have two children. While they both make about the same amount of money and work the same amount of time, Tracy still completes the majority of housework and care work in the home. When asked by a friend about the unequal allocation of work, Tracy replied that she felt it was more important for the mother to do these kinds of tasks. Tracy's response is an example of how __________, and not just economics, play a role in the division of labor in the home.

gender dynamics

If a country has a total fertility rate of more than 2.1, the population will usually__________, but if the total fertility rate is lower than 2.1, the population will instead __________.

grow; shrink

The term wedding industrial complex refers to the

high cost and large number of components of a modern-day wedding.

People of similar racial-ethnic backgrounds and social classes tend to have more contact with one another in part because they are likely to live in the same neighborhood and attend the same schools. These shared experiences may also lead them to pair up in romantic relationships. This is an example of the principle of


Rebecca's grandmother told her that when she attended college in the mid-1950s it was common for women to go on a dozen dates in a month with several different men. Rebecca wondered if today's practice of __________ is a different, yet similar, form of behavior.

hooking up

Researchers have found that within the last few decades, those with less education are increasingly delaying their first marriage due to __________.

increased economic insecurity

Figure 10.2 shows that the U.S. divorce rate __________ in the years following World War II and then __________ until the 1960s.

increased; declined

Mahir and Dalia are a recently divorced couple. Dalia was unemployed for most of their eight years of marriage but she began working at an entry-level retail job two years ago. Both spouses also had experienced varying degrees of stress and unhappiness during the last few years of their marriage. The circumstances leading up to their divorce are most indicative of which effect discussed in your textbook?

independence effect

Emilio and Ramona have been in a relationship for four years. During most of the time they have been together they have had arguments that escalate to physical violence, mostly against Ramona, as Emilio tries to control much of her life. During the last year the fights have gotten more severe and there have been a few serious injuries to Ramona as a result of this violence. Emilio belittles Ramona and threatens to hurt her if she dares leave him. This situation illustrates which of the four principle patterns of violence?

intimate terrorism

Violence within families is complicated by the relationship between victims and perpetrators. These are __________ relationships in which one person is responsible for another's __________.

intimate: care

While divorce provides a legal dissolution of a marriage according to the laws of a state, an annulment of marriage is different because

it is considered a legal or religious determination that the marriage was never valid.

Since the Supreme Court's Windsor decision, which invalidated the Defense of Marriage Act and allowed the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies have written new rules that include same-sex married couples. These new tangible benefits are an example of the __________ of marriage.

legal status

Based on the information about dating and race at Stanford (Figure 7.3), indicate whether the following combinations of individuals are more or less likely to report dating each other than they would if people dated at random. white woman; black man white man; black woman white man; white woman Asian woman; Hispanic man Hispanic woman; Black man Black man; Black woman Hispanic man; Hispanic woman

less likely less likely more likely less likely less likely more likely more likely

The increase in women's employment and the increased diversity of family structures changed the cultural view of fathers from the __________ to the __________ ideal, which emphasizes providing both material support and emotional bonding.

male provider; involved father

Eric and Paul have been in a committed relationship for six years. Unlike some of their heterosexual friends, they are unsure of where the relationship is "going" because __________. Choose the best answer.

marriage between people of the same sex is not legal in their state

What does endogamy mean?

marrying people in the same group

While we observed the dramatic increase in women's employment rates during the past 40 years, how did men's employment rates change?

men's employment has decreased a small amount due to economic changes and retirement

Figure 9.6 shows that married women are more likely to have __________ while unmarried women are more likely to have __________.

miscarriages; abortions

Sarah and Dean are a young unmarried couple with two children They are part of the observed nationwide increase in unmarried parents that has been occurring since the 1990s. Sarah and Dean are also __________ to be poor compared to __________.

more likely; most other married parents

post-divorce outcomes

new roles and identities in the family or social environment

The population of single people looking for relationships is

older and more diverse than in the past.

stressful aspects of the divorce process

residential moves, job and school transitions, and economic hardship

A survey used to study the benefits of marriage is given to members of a community. The results show that married respondents tend to have higher levels of income and higher levels of education compared to unmarried respondents. The findings of this survey likely demonstrate a __________ because the cause (marriage) has been determined by the outcome.

selection effect

According to the textbook, the marriage of Barack and Michelle Obama, two Harvard-educated lawyers, illustrates the role __________ plays in choosing a marriage partner.


One skill or resource that parents provide (or try to provide) for their children is __________, which helps prepare them for future social situations so that they will feel less confusion and stress.


Racially segregated proms are possible because

some public schools choose not to hold official proms, thereby tacitly supporting racially segregated private proms.

Contemporary courtship in the form of dating

supports a marketplace that sells single people clothes, cosmetics, meals, movies, dating advice and more.

The overall allocation of work between men and women in society is referred to as

the gender division of labor.

What does the term second shift refer to?

the housework and care work women tend to do in addition to paid work in the labor market

Cai is a married woman in her late 20s who had her first child two years ago. She worked for several years at a financial firm before having her child and is now planning on rejoining the workforce. Research suggests that she will likely face a reduction in salary once sh

the motherhood penalty.

Utilitarian love refers to

the practical, rational dedication to another person based on shared understandings and emotional commitment.

The main difference between the crude divorce rate and the refined divorce rate for a given country is that

the refined divorce rate specifies how many divorces there are among all married couples whereas the crude divorce rate specifies the number of divorces there are relative to the total population.

Sociologist Sharon Hays considers the rise of the ideology of intensive motherhood and the pressure it puts on women to be ironic because

these days most women have less time available to them to perform this intensive motherhood.

Juanita and La'Mon, who are both divorced, are a cohabitating couple with two teenage children, one from each of their respective previous marriages. If someone were to ask them why they choose to cohabitate rather than marry, they would be most likely to say

they see cohabitation as a long-term and less risky substitute for marriage.

Figure 9.1 shows that since the late 1980s women have become far more likely to have __________ by the time they reach the age of 45 instead of __________, which was much more common prior to this time.

two children; four or more children

While the term domestic violence has been used the longest to refer to any violence in families, it is less commonly used now. Among feminists, the term __________ is now used instead to refer to intimate partner violence.

violence against women

The two assumptions required for Gary Becker's marriage market concept are that marriages must be __________ and there must be __________ for spouses.

voluntary; competition

The paradox regarding economics and marriage is illustrated by the fact that

while there has been a decline in the economic need for marriage, those with higher incomes are now more likely to marry than those with lower incomes.

A __________ occurs when the time demands, strains, or obligations of work or family roles make it difficult for people to fulfill their obligations in either role.

work-family conflict

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