SOCI exam 1

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Park felt that intergroup relations go through a predictable set of phases that he called: A "rational" cycle of inter-group relations A "conflictual and competitive cycle" The cycle of "interpenetration and fusion" A "race relations cycle" "Modernization and urbanization"

A "race relations cycle"

Affirmative action is becoming: A more acceptable means of redressing past grievances A generally unacceptable means of attempting to redress past grievances Unnecessary as balance is achieved in many segments of society None of the above

A generally unacceptable means of attempting to redress past grievances

Which intermarriage best illustrates Kennedy's concept of the "triple melting pot"? A marriage between an Irish Catholic woman and a Russian Jewish man An interracial marriage between an African American man and a European American woman A marriage between an Irish Catholic man and an Irish Protestant woman A marriage between a Native American woman and a French Protestant man A marriage between a Polish Jewish man and a Russian Jewish woman

A marriage between a Polish Jewish man and a Russian Jewish woman

"Disparate impact" means: A practice has unequal results; federal policy and court precedents tend to assume that the practice is racially biased Using race as a way to employ more whites Limiting the number of people who work full-time Reducing the negative impact on whites from affirmative action programs

A practice has unequal results; federal policy and court precedents tend to assume that the practice is racially biased

According to Marxism, the capitalist class in the early twentieth century controlled the racially mixed working class by: A strategy of divide and conquer Urging higher priced labor to exclude cheaper labor Reducing wages Manipulating individual personalities Encouraging unions

A strategy of divide and conquer

Common patterns in the process of assimilation followed by European immigrants and their descendants include: Assimilation by generation Ethnic succession Structural mobility Individual effort leading to mobility A, B, and C

A, B, and C

The creation of slavery is best understood by the concept(s) of: Institutional discrimination Power Inequality A and C only A, B, and C

A, B, and C

The movement to abolish slavery in the United States was called: Mutual ethnocentrism Quakerism Humanitarianism Abolitionism Revolution


In Milton Gordon's theory of assimilation, the crucial step is from: Integration to acculturation Acculturation to integration Assimilation to pluralism Anglo-conformity to the melting pot Integration to intermarriage

Acculturation to integration

The ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870 extended the right to vote to: Women European immigrants African American men African American men and women Native Americans

African American men

During slavery, which group would be in "double jeopardy"? African American men African American men over 65 years old African American children African American women European American women

African American women

A study of Princeton University undergraduates provided the following perspectives on the content of American stereotypes: Negative and positive stereotypes can be applied to the same group. Willingness to stereotype seems to decline over the years. The attribution of some traits actually increased in the years between 1933 and 1967. All of the above None of the above

All of the above

Blauner's continuum of minority groups includes: Immigrant groups Slaves Enclave minorities All of the above Only A and C

All of the above

Melting pot is a term for: The traditional perspective on assimilation How diverse peoples helped to construct U.S. society Assimilation as egalitarian and benign A process that emphasizes sharing and inclusion All of the above

All of the above

To be successful, the plantation system needed which of the following: A cheap labor force Farming in volume Keeping the production costs low All of the above None of the above

All of the above

What factor(s) affected the pathways of entry for different groups of immigrants from Europe? Culture Class Country of origin Time of arrival All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is an example of modern institutional discrimination? Basing hiring on education, when a minority group has had less opportunity to go to college Banks using strict economic criteria denying low-income minority loans in formerly segregated housing The principle of seniority, in which the last hired is the first fired, when minorities were not eligible for earlier positions When businesses move out of the central city to reduce their overhead costs All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is an example of modern institutional discrimination? Companies moving from inner-city areas to suburbs to reduce their expenses Putting minority members at a disadvantage by basing hiring decisions on education Denying home loans to minorities who live in "rundown" areas Colleges basing entrance decisions on standardized tests alone All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is an example of selective perception? Seeing a Native American who is drinking in a bar, but not noticing the Native American who is neatly dressed in a three-piece Armani suit Seeing the old man who pulls out on a freeway at 35 miles an hour while ignoring the good driver who happens to be elderly Not presuming that an NFL football player could be gay Assuming that the female doctor is really a nurse All of the above

All of the above

The intensity, strength, and popularity of anti-black Southern racism actually reached its height: Almost 200 years after slavery began to emerge Shortly before the Africans first arrived in America During the Civil War All of the above None of the above

Almost 200 years after slavery began to emerge

A major point in Gunnar Myrdal's An American Dilemma is that: Americans learn norms of fairness and justice along with norms that condone or demand unequal treatment based on group membership Even close siblings may have different levels of prejudice Studies show little familial effect on prejudiced beliefs None of the above

Americans learn norms of fairness and justice along with norms that condone or demand unequal treatment based on group membership

The process of assimilation could be illustrated by: Immigrants celebrating the holidays of their native country The great grandson of an immigrant changing his name back to the original spelling A minority group member being expelled from high school because of fighting An immigrant learning the language of her new country An immigrant refusing to speak English with her family

An immigrant learning the language of her new country

Most scholars agree that: Anti-black prejudice was an important cause of American slavery Anti-black prejudice was basically a result of American slavery Intense anti-black prejudice and racism existed in England before the start of the slave trade Anti-black prejudice actually declined as slavery began to take shape in colonial times Anti-black prejudice was based on the mutual ethnocentrism between colonialists and Africans

Anti-black prejudice was basically a result of American slavery

Explanations for the persistence of prejudice through time stress: Competition Culture Socialization All of the above B and C

B and C

In The American Dilemma, Dr. Gunnar Myrdal suggests that there is a basic conflict (or dissonance) between: The projection hypothesis and the scapegoat hypothesis The emotional functions of projection Authoritarian personality theory and the Noel hypothesis Basically egalitarian values and the discriminatory behaviors simultaneously found in U.S. culture The social distance between relatives and friends

Basically egalitarian values and the discriminatory behaviors simultaneously found in U.S. culture

One problem with Park's theory of assimilation is that: With no time frame specified, the theory is untestable He ignored the impact of industrialization on minority groups He argued that assimilation could never be complete He does not describe the nature of the assimilation process in much detail Both A and D above

Both A and D above

The traditional views of assimilation appear not to have explained: The ethnic revival of the 1960s Increasing equality for all minority groups The decline of multiculturalism Increasing immigration and consequent social diversity Both A and D above

Both A and D above

The process of acculturation that took place under slavery could best be described as: A melting pot Cultural pluralism Coercive Anglo-conformity Repressive Africanization Integration

Coercive Anglo-conformity

The Robber's Cave experiment supports the idea that prejudice can be caused by: Lax supervision of young people Extremely strict rules and regulations Conflict situations between groups Too much assimilation Conflict between individuals

Conflict situations between groups

According to the text, the most important factor in the creation of minority group status is the: Contact situation Creation of black slavery Labor supply problem A and C None of the above

Contact situation

The Amish (sometimes called the Pennsylvania Dutch) are committed to a way of life organized around farming. They maintain a culture and an institutional life that is separate from the dominant culture. The kind of pluralism that best describes them is: Cultural pluralism Structural pluralism Generational pluralism Fluid competitive pluralism Intergenerational pluralism

Cultural pluralism

The Bogardus scale of social distance suggests that prejudice is based in: Competition Culture The distinction between thought and action All of the above None of the above


One problem with the scapegoat hypothesis is that it: Explains discrimination but not prejudice Fails to take the emotional state of the individual into account Deemphasizes the economic, political, and social forces that shape behavior Ignores the process of displacement Explains everything in terms of personality types

Deemphasizes the economic, political, and social forces that shape behavior

It is common in sociology to separate the social structure into primary and secondary sectors. Which of the following categories is considered part of the primary sector? Businesses Schools Families Bureaucracies Labor unions


A criticism of the authoritarian personality theory of prejudice is that it: Explains individual prejudice Does not consider the social settings in which an individual is acting Takes family into consideration B and C None of the above

Does not consider the social settings in which an individual is acting

Marxism also explains group competition and prejudice by suggesting: Elites control the means of production and also the ideas and intellectual activity in a society Elites have no control over the competition of minority groups Poor people place themselves in situations where they are to blame for group competition for the scarce resources None of the above

Elites control the means of production and also the ideas and intellectual activity in a society

In split labor market theory, there are three actors in the economic sector of an industrial society. These actors are: Elites, dominant race workers, and ethnic workers Elites, higher-priced labor, and women Elites, costly labor, and service sector workers Elites, higher-priced labor, and cheaper labor Owners of production, workers, slaves

Elites, higher-priced labor, and cheaper labor

Gordon argued that the most significant structural unit within U.S. society was defined by the intersection of the religious/ethnic and social class boundaries. He called this the: Religious ethnic connection Socio-ethnic class Socio-religious connection Socio-ethnic convergence Ethclass


_________________ is the tendency to judge other groups, societies, or lifestyles by the standards of one's own culture. Assimilation Socialization Discrimination Ethnocentrism None of the above


Which of the following would not typically be found in a paternalistic system of group relations? A caste system A rural agricultural economy Forced acceptance of the dominant group culture Extensive residential segregation Nearly total power by law and custom over the minority group

Extensive residential segregation

What are two general stereotypes of minority groups? Extreme inferiority and social class Extreme inferiority and power and status differences Ethnic differences and exploitation Exaggerated fear of higher intellect and physicality

Extreme inferiority and power and status differences

Robert LaPiere demonstrated that people's actions match their beliefs. True False


The great migration of blacks from the South during the early twentieth century was possible because of one option available after emancipation. That option was: Freedom riders Freedom of movement Freedom of speech None of the above All of the above

Freedom of movement

Most recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions have Supported the use of Affirmative Action programs especially in educational settings Generally rejected the use of Affirmative Action as a decision making tool. Allowed one type of discrimination to correct another type of discrimination Have not addressed the issue of affirmative action in any meaningful way

Generally rejected the use of Affirmative Action as a decision making tool.

Pluralism exists when: Some groups in society may be assimilating Groups remain separate, and their cultural and social differences persist over time Groups live in urban areas and speak only their native languages Some members work to revive and save native cultures None of the above

Groups remain separate, and their cultural and social differences persist over time

One of the first to support pluralism, newspaper editor _________ argued in The Nation in 1915 that the existence of separate ethnic groups-even with separate cultures, religions, and languages-could be quite consistent with a democratic political system. Robert Park Milton Gordon Horace Kallen Stephen Steinberg Karl Marx

Horace Kallen

Which of the following theories argues that status attainment is a direct result of educational levels, personal values, and skills? Human capital theory Multiculturalism Marital assimilation Acculturation None of the above

Human capital theory

According to Milton Gordon, integration in the secondary sector will lead to: Acculturation Pluralism Integration in the primary sector Further declines in societal unity Full integration into the society

Integration in the primary sector

A third type of pluralism that reversed Gordon's first two stages would be: Acculturation without pluralism Acculturation without separatism Integration without acculturation Integration without equality Separatism without integration

Integration without acculturation

Social structure is divided into primary and secondary sectors. Primary sector; refers to: Networks of social relationships, groups, organizations, stratification systems, communities, and families Organizing the work of the society Interpersonal relationships that are intimate and personal such as families and friendship groups Large organizations including factories, schools, and bureaucracies None of the above

Interpersonal relationships that are intimate and personal such as families and friendship groups

Affirmative action: Is a group of programs that attempt to reduce the effects of past discrimination or increase diversity in the workplace or in schools Has helped black males more than any other program in history Has limited the number of Asian Americans hired to work in upper management Applies only to racial minorities, not women

Is a group of programs that attempt to reduce the effects of past discrimination or increase diversity in the workplace or in schools

Sociologist Stanley Lieberson argues that the great migration of blacks to the North had which of the following effects on white immigrants? It improved the status of white immigrants by providing a comparison that made immigrant whites seem less undesirable. It created unbearable tension between immigrant groups and newly arriving blacks. It created a multicultural community of immigrant whites and newly arriving blacks-who struggled together against the dominant group. According to Lieberson, all of the above are correct. According to Lieberson, A and C are correct.

It improved the status of white immigrants by providing a comparison that made immigrant whites seem less undesirable.

Which of the following is not typical of jobs within the primary market labor market? Jobs in the service sector with little chance of promotion Jobs with opportunity for advancement Jobs with entry requirements of college degrees Jobs that provide security and good benefits Jobs that are usually in large, bureaucratic organizations

Jobs in the service sector with little chance of promotion

The nature of dominant-minority group relations at any point in time is: Largely a function of the characteristics of the society as a whole The types of minority groups present The male to female ratio of the dominant group All of the above None of the above

Largely a function of the characteristics of the society as a whole

Which of the following best exemplifies de jure segregation? Whites and blacks choosing to attend different churches Whites and blacks choosing to live in different neighborhoods Customs suggesting that blacks should act deferentially to whites Laws requiring blacks to use different water fountains from whites All of the above

Laws requiring blacks to use different water fountains from whites

Which of the following consequences was frequently imposed on black Southerners who did not conform to the Jim Crow system? Lynching Banishment to northern cities Disenfranchisement Removal of one's constitutional rights


_____ was born in Jamaica and advocated a return to Africa for black Americans. Jim Crow Booker T. Washington W. E. B. DuBois Marcus Garvey A. Philip Randolph

Marcus Garvey

"The elite segments of American society are using prejudice and racism to manipulate the thoughts and ideas of minority groups and to brainwash them into accepting their position in society." This statement is most consistent with: Marxist analysis The scapegoat hypothesis Split labor market theory Attribution theory Social distance scale

Marxist analysis

When two groups who are in contact with one another each feel that their culture and way of life is superior, judging the other culture by their own standards, this is called: Racism Selective perception Mutual ethnocentrism Prejudice Discrimination

Mutual ethnocentrism

During the Jim Crow era, whites and blacks were separated by extreme segregation. While the free black electorate threatened the political and economic dominance of elite white society, whites still wanted-and needed-black labor. Which theory best explains segregation under these conditions? Blauner hypothesis Noel hypothesis Culture of poverty theory Lieberson hypothesis Marxist theory

Noel hypothesis

According to a public opinion survey conducted in 2000, affirmative action programs are strongly supported by a majority of: Black respondents Native American respondents Women respondents White respondents None of the above

None of the above

In Sherif's Robber's Cave experiment: Cooperation increased prejudice All intergroup contact reduced prejudice Competition was isolated to games only Prejudice caused rejection, attacks, and competition None of the above

None of the above

Social distance ranking indicate that group rankings were stable from the 1920 to 2011. Which group was listed in the top ranks? Northern European Muslims Japanese Poles

Northern European

Which of the following are examples of service (or tertiary) occupations? Farmer, miner Farmer, secretary Factory worker, cab driver Nurse, teacher Farmer, cab driver

Nurse, teacher

A society with a small elite class and a plantation-based economy will often develop a form of minority relations called: Split labor market Socialism Paternalism All of the above None of the above


Will Herberg explored the connection between which of the following in regards to American assimilation? Religion and ethnicity Religion and race Ethnicity and class Race and class Race, ethnicity, religion, and class

Religion and ethnicity

During the nineteenth century, an anti-elitist movement attempted to unite poor whites and blacks in the rural South against the traditional elite classes. This movement was called: Maquiladoras movement Populism (or the populist movement) Paternalism (or the paternalistic movement) Poor people's movement Reconstruction revolution

Populism (or the populist movement)

Past-in-present institutional discrimination involves practices in the present that have discriminatory consequences because of some pattern of discrimination or exclusion in the past. One example of this is: Principle of seniority in the workforce Educational requirements for jobs Affirmative Action Overt discrimination

Principle of seniority in the workforce

Sociologist Ruby Kennedy studied multicultural intermarriage and described a phenomenon she called a "triple melting pot," referring to the multicultural intermarriage within three separate groups: African Americans, European Americans, and Jews Native Americans, Hispanics, and African Americans Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists Protestants, Catholics, and Jews Mormons, Jews, and Catholics

Protestants, Catholics, and Jews

Your book details Americans' social distance scores from 1926 to 2001. Which of the following was not found in that research? Racial minorities such as African Americans ranked below groups with origins in northern and western Europe, even though African Americans are U.S. citizens. Racial minorities such as African Americans ranked above groups with origins in northern and western Europe. The actual scores generally decrease from decade to decade, indicating less social distance and presumably a decline in prejudice over the years. The rankings of the various groups, however, tend to be the same year after year. Prejudice exists apart from individuals and is passed from generation to generation.

Racial minorities such as African Americans ranked above groups with origins in northern and western Europe.

A politician states in a campaign speech that "it is inevitable that our group differences will disappear as we grow and mature as a society." This statement echoes the thinking of: Robert Park Milton Gordon Andrew Greeley Robert Blauner Karl Marx

Robert Park

Germany lost World War I and experienced severe problems with economic recession, unemployment, and horrific inflation during the 1920s. Which theory/theories best explains the rise of the Nazi party in Germany in the 1930s? Scapegoat theories Culture-based theories Marxist analysis Social distance theories Split labor market theory

Scapegoat theories

According to the Noel hypothesis, if two groups came together and the contact situation featured ethnocentrism, competition between groups, and a differential in power, the result of the contact would be: Assimilation Some system of inequality between the groups Some conflict followed by cultural pluralism Integration without acculturation Warfare

Some system of inequality between the groups

You hear someone say that "all women are bad drivers," "all Asians are smart," and "all Latinos drive low-riders." These are examples of: Prejudice Discrimination Stereotypes Scapegoating Cognition


_________ assimilation occurs when a minority group enters the secondary sector of the larger society and occupies the same public institutions such as churches, clubs, schools, and workplaces. Cultural Structural Generational Fluid competitive Intergenerational


The concept of multiculturalism includes: The idea of mutual respect for all groups and heritages The ultimate goal that we will all be one nationality-Americans The intermarriage of Protestants, Catholics, and Jews Segregation from people who are "racially inferior" to you Being tolerant of people who are less accomplished than you

The idea of mutual respect for all groups and heritages

Robert Blauner presents a theory of dominant-minority relations that stresses the importance of: The initial contact situation Prejudice and racist ideology People's attitudes and willingness to get along Education Mutual ethnocentrism

The initial contact situation

Which program excluded black Americans from homeownership? The New Deal Occupational Specialization Affirmative Action The Americans with Disabilities Act

The New Deal

The concept of social distance best reflects: Stereotypes Prejudice Economic factors How close we stand to a person from another culture The degree of intimacy we are willing to permit

The degree of intimacy we are willing to permit

The creation of minority group status largely depends on: The size of the dominant group The nature of the contact situation Whether the dominant group is assimilationist or pluralistic The degree of industrialization in the larger society The degree of mutual ethnocentrism

The nature of the contact situation

Which of the following theories focuses on the emotional aspect of prejudice? The theory of stereotyping Selective perception The theory of the authoritarian personality Anti-miscegenation

The theory of the authoritarian personality

In colonial America, American Indians were not enslaved. According to the Noel hypothesis, this was because: There was little power differential between colonists and the American Indians There was no competition between colonists and American Indians The colonists felt no ethnocentrism against American Indians The colonists were, by and large, opposed to slavery The colonists preferred the white indentured servants, who were more available and reliable

There was little power differential between colonists and the American Indians

How did slave owners use Christianity to brainwash slaves into accepting their status? They stressed obedience and the rewards of the next life. They emphasized the importance of black inferiority to the succession of the human race. They demanded that blacks focus on the misery and injustice of life in order to promote hard work. They educated blacks about the bible and took them to church.

They stressed obedience and the rewards of the next life.

Which of the following were false regarding slave women's experiences? Women tended to work in sex-segregated groups more often than male slaves. Women tended to work fewer hours than male slaves. Women experienced more subordination due to their gender. Women induced abortions rather than bring more children into bondage. All of the above are true regarding slave women's experiences.

Women tended to work fewer hours than male slaves.

Emory Bogardus specified a total of seven degrees of social distance. Which of the following is not one of them? To close kinship by marriage To my church as fellow parishioners To employment in my occupation To citizenship in my country Would exclude from my country

To my church as fellow parishioners

A key factor in preserving racial stratification in the present is racial residential segregation. True False


Which factors are intimately interlinked with (such that they mutually cause each other) European immigration to the United States? U.S. industrialization only U.S. capital intensive production only U.S. global prominence and militarization U.S. industrialization and rise to global prominence Pluralism and World War II

U.S. industrialization and rise to global prominence

In the case of Schuette v. BAMN, the Supreme Court Upheld an Michigan Constitutional Amendment which banned the use of race as a factor in admissions and hiring decisions in state universities and agencies Rejected a Michigan constitutional amendment which banned the use of race as a factor in admissions and hiring decisions in state universities and agencies Allowed a quota system to exist for admissions to state universities None of the above

Upheld an Michigan Constitutional Amendment which banned the use of race as a factor in admissions and hiring decisions in state universities and agencies

Who helped found the NAACP and advocated immediate pursuit of racial equality and a direct assault on de jure segregation? W. E. B. DuBois Jim Crow Booker T. Washington Marcus Garvey Stanley Lieberson

W. E. B. DuBois

_____ was a primary opponent of Booker T. Washington and helped to found the NAACP. Jim Crow George Washington Carver W. E. B. DuBois Marcus Garvey A. Philip Randolph

W. E. B. DuBois

All of the following are ways racial residential segregation has been preserved today except black customers are required to furnish greater down payments. blacks are charged higher interest rates. black customers are told that a unit is already sold or rented. black housing applications are blatantly denied when gatekeepers see their race.

black housing applications are blatantly denied when gatekeepers see their race.

Accent, dialect, and home address are all racial characteristics. characteristics associated with race. innate characteristics. characteristics of equality.

characteristics associated with race.

Herber Blumer says prejudice _____. occurs normally in all societies is a result of the government benefits is activated when groups feel that they are threatened by groups they see as beneath them is a reaction to progress of the dominant group

is activated when groups feel that they are threatened by groups they see as beneath them

Personnel policies based on seniority and racial differences in home ownership are examples of __________ discrimination. past-in-present institutional racial terminal historical

past-in-present institutional

In the 19th century, African Americans were predominantly a(n) __________ group. ethnic atheist rural flourishing


When the goal of a minority group is to sever all ties with the larger society, this is called ________. separatism pluralism revolution expulsion extermination


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