Social and Economic Reforms of Industrial Revolution and Imperialism in Asia and Africa (WHH) - MILLER

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What are the three elements of a free market?

- supply and demand - self-interest - competition for consumer money

What is an economic system?

A system used by every society that answers three questions: - What to produce - How to produce - For whom to produce

Which key historical intellectual movement did Adam Smith participate in?

Adam Smith participated in the Scottish Enlightenment of the 18th century, which was a period of intellectual and scientific accomplishments.

Who wrote "The Wealth of Nations?" (Laissez-Faire Economics)

Adam Smith.

What does Adam Smith argue are the impacts of division of labor on the worker?

Adam argues that the impacts of division of labor on the worker are very simple. He basically means that it takes very little to understand their role because the roles are so divided.

Who attended the Berlin Conference? Who was not invited to attend the Berlin Conference? Why were they not invited?

All European nations fighting for land attended. No African people were invited.

What did Thomas Malthus write?

An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798)

What is the one commonality between capitalism and mercantilism?

As Great Britain began to industrialize during the Industrial Revolution, ideas about wealth changed. Theorists like Adam Smith argued that there was not a fixed amount of wealth, rather, he argued that wealth could be created.

how does the invisible hand keep the economy running effectively?

By having consumers compete to earn more money.

how are Diderot's aims of sharing information similar to Adam Smith's aims?

Diderot's aims of sharing information were similar to Adam Smith's aims by both using books to share their ideas and get them out into the world.

The Division of Labor

Division of work into a number of separate tasks to be performed by different workers

What impact did the unions reform movement have?

Economic conditions improved and the foundations of a powerful trade union movement were established and membership rose to about a million by 1874.

European Imperialism in South Africa

European nations were fighting over territories in Africa during the 18th to 20th centuries. To solve this issue, they met together under Otto von Bismarck for the Berlin conference, yet no Africans were actually invited. Then, the Boer wars occured but they were defeated by the British who took control of their territory, diamonds, and gold.

Who did Marx work closely with to develop his ideas?

Friedrich Engels

When did Karl Marx become interested in social change?

He became interested in 1843. At this time, he started formulating his theories.

What did Marx believe history was made of?

He believed that "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle".

If you were a European, American, or Japanese merchant, what might your point of view be concerning the unequal treaties with China?

I would be happy knowing that I was able to have more ports opened for trade, more territory, and the right of extraterritoriality.

If you were a Chinese person, what might your point of view be concerning the unequal treaties and the Chinese government that signed them?

I would feel manipulated as well as betrayed that other nations were abusing our tolerance of their presence.

How does Smith's idea of the government's role compare to John Locke's ideas about the government?

It is different from John Locke because Locke believed in the splitting of government into three factions. It compares because they both benefit the people and stop the abuse of power by government.

How did the Industrial Revolution in England change British interest in India?

It sparked a new desire for colonies to supply raw materials for British factories.

Why was the Berlin Conference organized?

It was organized because of all the competition that European nations faced gaining land in Africa.

What was the Scramble for Africa?

It was the period of time when European nations competed for control in Africa.

Who created Utilitarianism?

Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill.

What were mercantilism and capitalism!s main goal?


Under laissez faire economics, what are the three responsibilities of the government?

Protect society from invasion, defend its citizens from injustice, and keep up public works projects like roads and canals.

What were the goals of the growth of public education movement?

Reformers believed that they needed to have a literate workforce and that education should be available to everyone, even the poor.

Who were the two European powers fighting over control of Southern Africa?

The Boers and British

How were the British initially treated by the Mughal government in India?

The Mughal government preferred to work with the British than the Portuguese. They were given rights to live and build trading forts in Indian coastal cities.

How did Adam Smith produce The Wealth of Nations?

The Wealth of Nations was produced using seventeen years of notes, observations and conversations with economists during the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution.

Why might Smith describe division of labor as "constant and severe?"

because once a person was old enough to work, they went straight to find a job. This job often took so much time that there was little time left for other things like education. The job was often called severe because while it was physically demanding on the body, but it was also simple to do for the mind which meant it taught little skills.

What does the metaphor of the invisible hand mean?

A self-regulating economy where people get what they need by pursuing their own self-interests.

What is a "sphere of influence"?

A sphere of influence is a country or an area of a country that another country has the power to affect what happens there.

What did Marx believe would led to the demise or end of capitalism?

He believed that a classless society would lead to the demise of capitalism.

What are the individual freedoms in capitalism?

Individuals have freedom and opportunity to create wealth by making choices based on self-interest.

What do you think changed in Africa from the 18th to 20th centuries?

Outside nations owned new portions of Africa.

Who won the Opium Wars? Why were they victorious?

The British won the Opium Wars, they were victorious due to their Western military weapons that included percussion lock muskets, heavy artillery, and paddlewheel gunboats. These were far superior to Chinese weapons.

What were actions taken by the government to change economic policy?

- 1833 - Parliament passed a Factory Act, which forbade nearly all textile mills from employing children under eleven years, and prohibited children between eleven and thirteen from working more than forty-eight hours a week, or nine in a single day. It also prohibited youths between the ages of thirteen and eighteen from working more than sixty-nine hours a week, or twelve in a single day. These work periods were to include an hour and a half for meals. Children under thirteen were required to have two hours of schooling per day. - 1847 - The Ten Hours Act limited the workday to ten hours for women and children who worked in factories. - 1880 - The first Employers' Liability Act granted compensation to workers for on-the job injuries not their own fault.

What is the difference between a reform movement and a revolutionary movement?

A reform movement is a type of social movement that aims to gradually change or improve certain aspects of society such as education or healthcare. A reform movement does not encourage rapid or fundamental changes. On the other hand, revolutionary movements seek to change the entire society.

How did capitalists believe we should attain wealth?

Capitalist believe that wealth can grow, therefore capitalist competition and innovation will increase efficiency and grow wealth

How are products traded in capitalism?

Capitalists support free trade with anyone and do not heavily tax the import of foreign goods.

How are prices set in capitalism?

Competition: Producers compete for consumer money by lowering their prices or introducing new products.

Why did Diderot create the Encyclopédie? How does this exemplify Enlightenment principles?

Diderot wanted to incorporate all of the world's knowledge into the Encyclopedie. This exemplifies Enlightenment principles because this information would be shared to the public, spreading knowledge.

What did Marx hope would be the impact of his revolutionary ideas?

He hoped that he could transform the existing economic structures, and create a society in which property, particularly the means of production would no longer be held privately.

What did Thomas Malthus believe? (Laissez-Faire)

If the rate of population growth continues to exceed the growth in the food supply, there will not be enough food for all of the people. However, we can "check" or control population growth more effectively by marrying later, using contraceptives, emigrating, infanticide (killing an infant) as well as tolerating poverty, warfare and famine. We should oppose the Poor Laws which provided aid to the poor because they increase population pressures. The government should not intervene, provide handouts or administer vaccinations.

(RM) What impact did the suffrage movement have?

In February 1918, women over the age of thirty were granted the right to vote. Suffrage rights for men and women were later equalized later, in 1928.

What are the individual freedoms in mercantilism?

Individuals do not have freedom to make economic decisions. Instead, there is heavy regulation.

From who's ideas was communism derived from?

Karl Marx's ideas

What rights did King Charles grant the British East India Company in the 1670s? How did this change the Company's role in India?

King Charles gave them rights to run their territories, mint money, command troops, for, alliances, and enforce laws. Companies with this power raised their own armed forces and acted like their own nations.

What impact did the Berlin Conference have on Africa?

Land in Africa was split between European nations.

(RM) What opposition did the women in the suffrage movement face?

Many opposers believed that women were too emotional to vote responsibly and others believed that women belong in the home, not in the government.

How are products traded in mercantilism?

Mercantilists export more than import and heavily tax the import of foreign goods

How are prices set in mercantilism?

Monopoly: There is no competition. Instead, there is complete control of a product or business by one person or group who set the prices.

Was the government involved in capitalism?


What is opium? Why was it valuable for the British?

Opium is an addictive drug that comes from the poppy plant and is usually smoked. It was valuable because the British wanted to increase the trade.

Who organized the Berlin Conference?

Otto von Bismarck

According to Adam Smith, how does allowing people to freely pursue their self-interest benefit society?

People would make things that feed their self-interests of increasing their wealth and profit. This would benefit society because people need what they make.

Why does Flora Tristan emphasize the need for equal rights between men and women?

She emphasized this need because he believed it to be the only means of unifying mankind

Why is Adam Smith an important historical figure?

Smith published what is considered the "bible of capitalism," called The Wealth of Nations. It is one of the world's first collected descriptions of what builds a nation's wealth.

Flora Tristan

Socialist and feminist who called for working women's social and political rights (1803-1844)

What was the British East India Company? What was their goal in India? What did they trade?

The British East India Company was allowed to trade with India and the surrounding areas because of a contract made by Queen Elizabeth I of England. Their goal was to make money for the company's shareholders. THey traded cotton, silk, indigo, saltpeter, and tea.

What was the outcome of the Boer war for the British? What was the outcome of the Boer War for the Boers? What was the outcome of the Boer War for indigenous Africans and the slaves imported from Dutch colonies?

The British took control of the former Boer lands and took all of the diamonds and gold. The British then created the Union of South Africa which gave some Africans the right to vote.

What did David Ricardo believe? (Laissez-Faire Economics)

The best cure for poverty is the free market, not government interference. Individuals can improve their life through hard work, smaller families, and saving more money.

What caused the Boer War?

The discovery of diamonds and gold on Boer land.

What did Adam Smith believe? (Laissez-Faire Economics)

The free market, or the unregulated exchange of goods and services will help everyone, not just the rich.

What did Jeremy Bentham believe?

The goal of society is utilitarianism, or the idea that the goal of society should be "the greatest happiness for the greatest number" of people. Everyone should have individual rights and the government should get involved in specific circumstances.

What were the goals of the union reform movement?

The goal was to equalize wage, work hours, and working conditions of workers who wanted to protect their rights.

How did the Chinese government respond to the British opium trade?

The government debated whether to legalize the drug through a government monopoly, hoping to barter Chinese goods in return for opium. However, the Chinese outlawed the drug by 1838.

What impact did the growth of public education movement have?

The government passed the Factory Act, granted money to charities for schools, created schools specifically for the poor, and created the Education Act. Additionally, the creation of new colleges and universities was thanks to this reform movement

What did John Stuart Mill believe?

The government should get involved to help the working class. Everyone is entitled to their happiness, however, the government should get involved if the increased happiness on one class of society jeopardizes the happiness of another. Mill encouraged voting rights for workers and women.

According to utilitarianism, should the government interfere in the economy?

The government should interfere in the economy because everyone should have individual rights and the government should get involved in specific circumstances.

What is extraterritoriality?

The state of being exempt from local laws.

How did mercantilists believe we should attain wealth?

They believed in a FIXED amount of wealth, so they believed in the increase their overseas colonies and accumulation of as much gold and silver as possible.

Identify three ways the British benefited from the Treaty of Nanjing.

They gained possession of the island of Hong Kong, several Chinese cities were forced to trade with British merchants, and the Chinese had to pay the British 21 million ounces of silver.

what is the main concern of the factory owner?

They only cared about making Money and the efficiency of their workers, instead of caring for their safety or their comfort

What were Marx's early revolutionary ideas concerned with?

They were concerned with the liberation of wage workers or laborers from the capitalist societies of nineteenth century Europe.

What does the phrase, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest" mean?

This means that the butcher, brewer, and baker serve us well so that we will come back to the diner and they'll earn more money in the end. Their accommodations are purely in self-interest.

"The proletarians [workers] have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE!" means?

This means that with this new method, without the division of power, workers are 'free'. It is implying that although they are still supporting each other, there isn't as stressful of a demand to complete your task.

(RM) Why did the suffrage movement begin?

This reform began because many middle-class women disliked the idea that a perfect woman was one that stayed home, taking care of her husband and kids.

(RM) Why did the Growth of Public Education movement begin?

This reform movement began because education had grown scarce, expensive, and restricted to males. Additionally, the only formal education provided to British children were religious based schools.

(RM) Why did the Unions reform movement begin?

This reform movement began because workers wanted to protect their rights as well as get equal pay, work hours, and working conditions.

What did Marx believe about the relationship between the rich and poor?

To him, feudal lords, land owners, and capitalists were pitted against the ruled working class.

Which turning point shifted European ideas around economic systems?

When Great Britain began to industrialize during the Industrial Revolution, ideas about wealth changed. Theoresist like Adam Smith argued that there was not a fixed amount of wealth, rather, he argued that wealth could be created.

What did Marx do while an editor for Rheinische Zeitung? How was he treated?

While an editor he championed the rights of peasants against the Prussian government in an editorial column. This led to many accusing him of being a communist and to him being ostracized.

(RM) What were the tactics of the women's suffrage movement?

Women in the Women's Social and Political Union heckled politicians, practiced civil disobedience, or refusal to obey laws.

(RM) What were the goals of the suffrage movement?

Women wanted to destroy the view that women were never meant to have a role outside the home. Women also wanted the right to vote.

What were the tactics of the unions reform movement?

Workers banded together so that the government could realize that this wasn't just going to die down, something had to be done.

Was the government involved in mercantilism?



a political and economic theory that advocates for the people as a whole rather than private individuals to own and operate the means of production [farms, factories, and other large businesses].


advocates for a class war between the rich [bourgeoisie] and the poor [proletariat], leading to a classless society where all means of production would be owned by the community.

In what ways is division of labor "simple and uniform?"

because it requires little education in order to do it. It is described that the workers have little time to spare for education, and that as soon as they can, they must work. Therefore they make the work "simple and uniform" so that heavy education isn't needed in order to do it.

What is laissez faire economics?

idea that government should keep out of business and that prices should be determined by supply and demand in a free market

What opposition did the unions reform movement face?

labor leaders begged to differ with the workers and it opposed new difficulties and challenges for the workers to overcome as well as the Combination Acts being passed as a response to unionization and striking.

how does technology increase productivity?

technology increases productivity because of the fast and efficient work it does to increase productivity.

What were the effects of the Sepoy Rebellion?

the British government took control of the Company's lands which led India to be a part of Great Britain's colony. The British government banished the last Mughal emperor and killed his sons. Cultural and religious centers were closed down, properties and estates that took part in the rebellion were seized. The British turned the colonial government to a British model, the attitudes of British toward Indians altered to relative openness to racism, and the British families and their servants lived in military homes that were far away from Indian settlements. The British were focused on agriculture and was controlling on what and how much was produced for their benefit at the cost of Indian workers and farmers.

According to laissez-faire economics, should the government interfere in the economy?

the government should not interfere in the economy, it would just create more problems and aide the population growth.

What is economics?

the study of how people make choices about how they use their limited resources to meet their wants and needs.

Based on the situation in Bengal, what effects did British East India Company rule have on Indians?

they were able to expand through military conquest. Plus they earn all most the money from the places they conquer.

Why did Adam Smith write The Wealth of Nations?

to help explain strategies and methods for gaining wealth. He also did this to offer insight into the changes he saw in the economy and practical guidelines that could replace less relevant mercantilist economic ideas.

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