Social Media Midterm

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What are the steps in social media marketing strategic planning?

***Conduct situation analysis & identify key opportunities*** Situational Analysis: - Internal Environment: refers to the strengths and weaknesses of the organization-- the controllable elements inside a firm that influence how well the firm operates -External Environment: consists of those elements outside the organization--the organizations opportunities and threats -SWOT Analysis: highlight relevant aspects of the firm's internal and external environment that could affect the organization's choices, capabilities, and resources

What is engagement in social media? Explain it from a customer's/consumer's perspective, from a brand managers perspectives. What might be the motivations of consumers when they engage online with a brand? (Hint page 147-148)

***Engagement: Engagement is the very essence of social media, without it social media might as well be television. Engagement is taking participation one step further. (Participation= liking someone's photo on a social media platform. Engagement= commenting on someone's photo)*** - Customer's/consumer's perspective: Engagement means customers' behavioral manifestation toward a brand or firm, beyond purchase, resulting from motivational drivers. They may exhibit positive word-of-mouth behaviors, provide recommendations, help others make decisions, blog; in other words, they become brand ambassadors. - Brand managers perspective: Encourage people to become brand fans. Brands can develop fans by helping them move from lower levels of engagement to higher ones. The higher the engagement the more positive outcomes for the brand in terms of positive word-of-mouth, enhanced perceptions of brand equity, and possibly sales. - Motivations of consumers: get help to manage their life, life-style inspiration

Where does social media marketing planning fit into an organization's overall planning framework?

- A marketing plan is a written formalized plan that details the product, pricing, distribution, and promotional strategies that will enable the brand in question to accomplish specific marketing objectives. - Social media marketing should be a part of an organization's marketing plan. Like integrated marketing communication plans, organizations may also develop stand-alone plans offering greater social media marketing

Explain and give one example for earned, paid media and owned media in social networks? Or explain in what ways brands utilize social networking communities for branding and promotion?

- Earned media: "listen,engage, respond" Seeded content, networks, blogs, communities and forums - Paid media: "create awareness, persuade" Paid ad placements, paid partnerships in games, networks, forums, blogs, sales promotions - Owned media: corporate websites, corporate blogs, direct messaging

How do the 4 zones of social media relate to each other?

- Link wheels (increases the number of links back to a site more known as one post, which exists in all zones) - Crowd sourcing ***they are all apart of our social footprint and act as a trail we leave behind. Which then, in return, impacts our digital identities***

Which bases of segmentation are relevant to target wired consumers in as social media context? (try to name the 6 of them)

- Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market into groups that have common needs and characteristics. - Geographic segmentation is segmenting markets by region, country, market size, market density, and climate. - Demographic segmentation when marketers utilize common characteristics such as age, gender, income, ethnic background, education, family life cycle, and occupation. - Psychographic segmentation is based on personality, motives, lifestyles, and attitudes and opinions. - Benefit segmentation groups individuals according to the benefits they seek from the products available in the market. - Behavioral segmentation how people act with brands or a product category

What are the key components of an organizational social media policy, and why is it important to have such a policy in place?

- Standards for conduct - Disclosure requirements - Standards for posting intellectual property - Financial info - Copyrighted info

What are the phases of social media marketing maturity? How does social media marketing change for companies as they shift from the trial phase to the transition phase and eventually move into the strategic phase?

- Trial: first phase of the adoption cycle. Organizations in the trial phase test out social media platforms if they don't really consider how social media can play a role in the overall marketing plan. In these early days most groups focus on learning to use a new form of communication and exploring the potential of social media as a venue - Transition: as organizations mature in their use of social media marketing they enter a transition phase. During this phase social media activities still occur somewhat randomly or haphazardly more but a more systematic way of thinking starts to develop within the organization - Strategic: When an organization enters the final strategic phase it utilizes a formal process to plan social media marketing activities with clear objectives and metrics. Social media are now integrated as a key component of the organization's overall marketing plan

Name and Describe the seven types of people characterized by social techno-graphics ladder.

1.) Creators: -Publish a blog -Publish your own webpages -Upload video you created -Upload audio/music you created -Write articles or stories and post them 2.) Conversationalists: -Update status on a social networking site -Post updates on Twitter 3.) Critics: -Post ratings/reviews of products or services -Comment on someone else's blog -Contribute to online forums -Contribute to/edit articles in a wiki 4.) Collectors: -Use RSS feeds -Vote for websites online -Add "tags" to Web pages or photos 5.) Joiners -Maintain profile on social networking sites -Visit social networking sites 6.) Spectators -Read blogs & online forums -Listen to podcasts -Watch videos from other users -Read customer ratings & reviews -Read tweets 7.) Inactives -None of the above - they are online, but not social participants

What is the meaning of crowd-sourcing? Give an example of a social media site that crowd sources.

A process that harnesses the collective knowledge of a large group of people to solve problems & complete tasks. Requires engagement and participation (you post something then someone re-posts, likes, comments, shares) Ex. Wikipedia, Tripadvisor

How do we generate earned media?

By offering a quality product that people like, sharing on social media for others to then reshare

How can organizations structure themselves to support social media marketing?

Centralized → Functions at a senior level that reports to CMO or media may not be adequately represented Decentralized → (organic) No one person owns social media, all employees rep the brand...can lead to mixed messages Hub and Spoke → Team of people who are cross-functionally trained run the social media accounts Dandelion → Multi-layered hub and spoke model Holistic → (least used) All employees are empowered to use social media

What is the difference between communities and social networks? Give Examples.

Communities are centered around similar interests or activities, guided by community policies, & are supported by internet access Ex: Google + Social Networks is a set of nodes connected by one or more relations Social networks are more often people that you know Ex: Twitter **Networks can exist in communities & communities can exist in networks***

What are the principal activities in social community zone? Give 3 examples.

Conversation and collaboration through sharing, socializing, and conversing

Why do some organizations enter the trial phase without planning and research? Is there value in getting social media experience before social media marketing becomes part of the marcom plan?

During this stage of maturity in social media marketing, it isn't always advantageous for an organization to be completely definitive in their approaches and business behaviors. This is an exploratory period in a company's development. Experimentation can be very beneficial in learning what works and what doesn't. This may be a crucial factor in understanding what it takes to be successful

What behaviors are exhibited by people participating in the four zones of social media?

Four Social Zones: ***can exist in multiple zones at once*** - Community: connecting, share, engage, participate with others (example: Facebook page/twitter feed) - Publishing: putting out own content (example: Youtube/VSCO photostream) - Entertainment: for enjoyment (example: Gaming, watching videos) - Commerce: buying products online (example: LuLu, Poshmark, maybe Pinterest)

What are the differences between vertical and horizontal networks? Give an example to each and provide 3 differences with respect to concepts presence, conversations, democracy, open access sites, and standards of behavior.

Horizontal networks: - Everyone has a say and information does not have to come from a higher authority - Horizontal communication is the transmission of information between people, divisions, departments or units within the same level of organizational hierarchy - Horizontal targets many different industries Vertical networks: - Sites designed around object sociality - Object Sociality- the extent to which users can share an object in social media, clearly relates to audience's unique interests - Transmission of information between different levels of the organizational hierarchy. - Vertical specializes in one type of industry

How are social networks structured?

Online communities are built on foundations of networks. These networks are made up of nodes connected by ties. The nodes experience interactions and flows of resources, information, and influence occur between nodes. Some nodes are more influential than others. Some ties are stronger than others. Some information flows more deeply and widely.

What are social media? How are social media similar to traditional media?

Social media are the online means of communication, conveyance, collaboration, and cultivation among interconnected and interdependent networks of people, communities, and organizations enhanced by technological capabilities and mobilities Example: instagram, facebook, twitter, linkedin, youtube, tumblr. Similar to traditional media bc both a way to communicate and reach a target audience

What are the characteristics of a social networking site?

Vary in terms of: -Audience and degree of specialization(ex. Facebook contains multi-media, Snapchat is brief messages and content) -Social objects that mediate relationships among members -Degree of decentralization or openness (ex. Instagram can be more private so you can only see posts belonging to people you "follow" or private accounts)

Identify the characteristics of Web 2.0. How does Web 2.0 add value to Web 1.0?

Web 2.0: The current version that allows users to interact w/ senders, Moved from one-way communications device to an interactive social system thats available to most of us 24/7 Web 2.0 Characteristics: Participation, interactive, accessibility, web as a platform, perpetual beta, etc (Web 1.0: Enabled us to reach information, but did not let us interact)

What are the four zones of social media? Give Examples of each.

Zone 1 = Social Community. Example: Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google Plus Zone 2 = Social Publishing.-- creating content-- Example: Blogger, Youtube, Picasa, Slideshare Zone 3 = Social Entertainment. Example: MySpace, Second Life, uGame, Instagram, Snapchat Zone 4 = Social Commerce. Example: Facebook, Groupon, Tripadvisor, Link to Old Navy Website from Facebook

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