Social Physique Anxiety, Physical Self-Concept, and Body Image

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high levels of appearance impression motivation

and low levels of perceived physcai lattarction yield high levels of social physique anxiety

lowest level of appearance impression motivation

and low levels of perceived physique attraction yield hte lowest level of social physique anxiety

Social physique anxiety

anxiety that people experience when they perceive that other people evaluate their physiques negatively. May feel that others evaluate them as too thin, fat etc.

exercise self-presentation efficacy

conceptualised as a person's confidence in his ability to create the public impression of himself as being physically fit, coordinated and physically attractive. Developed to measure the exercise self presentation efficacy construct

drive for muscularity

desire to achieve an idealised, muscular body type. Drive towards muscularity in both male and female athletes may be measured using the drive for muscularity attitude questionnaire

social physique anxiety

deterrent to individuals to be physically active in the presence of other people. Thus it is important to learn as much as possible. Increases in social physique anxiety are predictive of reductions in the three aspects of self determination theory that lead to hte development of intrinsic motivation.

negative body size discrepancy

ideal body size is smaller than perceived personal body size.

body image

images or mental pictures that people have about their own bodies. Powerful influence on how people feel about themselves. Measured using the multidimensional body self relations questionnaire. Measures satisfaction with body appearance, fitness, and health as well as orientation with body appearance, fitness and health.

perceived physical attraction

increases, social physique anxiety decreases

positive body size discrepancy

indicates the ideal body size is greater than perceived personal body size

SPA is low

leads to increased psychological need satisfaction, increased intrinsic motivaiton and ultimately increased exercise behaviour.

appearance impression motivation

level of motivaiton that an individual has to present their appearance in a positive way. moderates the predictive relationship between perceived physical attraction and social physique anxiety.

physical self-concept

perception that people have about themselves relative to the physical self. Closely tied to the notion that an individual's feeling of self worth and self estem is related to how he perceives himself within his body. Measured by the physical self preception profiel. Meausres perceived body attractiveness, along with perceptions about physical competence, physical strength and physical conditioning.

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