Social Psych Ch. 7

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What are the two components of attitude certainty?

Attitude clarity & attitude correctness

The theory of planned behavior contends that our behavioral intentions are determined in part by what three factors?

Attitudes toward the behavior; subjective norms; & perceived behavioral control

Why does ego depletion occur?

Because it undermines our ability to engage in self-regulation

Quentin is a devout religious follower. The holy books of the religion Quentin subscribes to strongly advocate helping the poor. However, Quentin believes that the poor simply need to work harder, and he refuses to offer them any assistance. Quentin's reaction to the poor is a form of ___.

Cognitive dissonance

What communicator characteristics are most persuasive in changing attitudes?

Credibility or expertise, argue against self-interests, attractiveness, who we know (eWOM), no forewarning, & if messages are positively framed

Which exerts stronger effects on our behavior---attitudes formed on the basis of direct or indirect experience with the object about which we hold a particular attitude?

Direct experience

What two factors make some people more resistant to persuasive efforts?

Engagement in conscious counter arguing & bolstering one's initial attitude position

One study employing the IAT suggests that the gender gap in wages may be linked to implicit attitudes. We would expect reaction times to be faster or slower for associations between men & wealth


Patty is a politician running for public office. At a town hall meeting, she claims that she has always fought for and will continue to fight for the LGBT community. At this, a person who does not support Patty stands up and claims that Patty only began to support marriage equality after the majority of U.S. states had legalized same-sex marriage. this person is trying to generate feelings of ____.


A form of learning in which responses that lead to positive outcomes, or which permit avoidance of negative outcomes, are strengthened.

Instrumental Conditioning

Arlene was always averse to physical contact with pigs because she thought pigs were essentially dirty animals. Despite her concerns, she was induced to kiss a clean-looking pig on the snout for $2.00 while appearing on the television game show. As a result, Arlene has become a staunch advocate of pigs, and she soon plans to have one as a pet. the most probable explanation for this change in attitude is the ___.

Less-leads-to-more effect

What two factors determine whether we engage in effortful or effortless processing of information?

Our capacity to process information & motivation level

Marlon is a liberal. When he wants to watch the news on TV, he only watches MSNBC. On the Internet, he only views popular liberal sites such as The Nation, Salon, and Slate. When he's using Facebook, if any of his friends posts links with conservative viewpoints, he hides these from his feed. Marlon is resting persuasion through the use of ____

Selective avoidance

Irene considers herself to be an environmentalist, and she wants to reduce her carbon footprint. One day, her husband comes home and says that he sold their electric lawn mower and used the money, plus some savings, to buy a new, powerful gas powered mower. Irene is shocked, but when she uses the mower she decides that she really likes it. This makes her feel uneasy, so she reminds herself of all the good environmental work she has done in the past. Irene is engaging in ____.


What is the main factor which influences the strength of a message's persuasion?


Attitudes can be automatically activated & influence behavior by shaping interpretation of the situation, which in turn dictates behavior. This perspective is known as what?

The attitude-to-behavior process model

Having not met any members of a new social group, you hear a person expressing negative views of that group. Your attitude toward the new group would not be likely influenced by hearing this negative message if ____

The person expressing the attitude is someone you dislike and see as dissimilar to yourself

Whistle-blowers generally blow the whistle on corporate misbehavior because of what three attributes?

Their attitude is extreme, certain, and derives from personal experience

Cultures in which people are expected to conform to important social norms are referred to as what?

Tight cultures

Theresa owns and operates a craft beer brewery in her hometown in upstate New York. Recently, there has been a legislative proposal to increase the drinking age in New York from 21to 23. Theresa is fervently opposed to this proposal. The strength of Theresa's opposition likely stems from _____

Vested Interest

When doesn't forewarning prevent persuasion

When people are distracted

If Billy tells his friend that he intends to vote for a certain candidate, then Billy's intentions reflect


A film studio pairs with a brewery and exclusively includes scenes of people drinking this beer or the beer standing in the background of scenes throughout many of its summers blockbusters. Sales of the brewery line of beers skyrocket. The increased sales were likely due to


Simone feels somewhat ambivalent about premarital sex. However, most of her friends seem to be unambiguously in favor of sexual activity before marriage. As a result, in a recent group discussion in her health class, Simone expressed fairly strong opinions in favor of premarital sex and avoided voting her real concerns about the topic. Simone's actions are most likely due to _____

Pluralistic Ignorance

Bethany has been listening to a political speaker who is encouraging people to support a law that would require all people to recycle aluminum cans, and severely penalize those who do not recycle. The speaker is giving strong arguments in favor of this proposed law and is couching his appeal in moral and ethical language. As a result, Bethany is becoming increasingly annoyed and resentful of the speaker and his arguments. She may be experiencing ________.


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