Social Psychology Quiz 1: Practice Problems

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A ____ is an explicit, testable prediction about the conditions under which an event will occur. a. hypothesis b. theory c. corollary d. construct


According to Markus and Conner, culture is made up of four I's: ____. a. ideas, institutions, interactions, and individuals b. individualism, inter-individualism, intra-culturalism, and inter-culturalism c. institutions, individuals, interrelationships, and introspection d. insisting, inspecting, introspecting, and invoicing


According to _____ theory, impressions are based on perceiver dispositions and a weighted average of a target person's traits. a. information integration b. two-factor c. fundamental attribution d. social calculus


According to _____ theory, people try to determine from an action whether that act reflects an enduring personal trait of the actor. a. correspondent inference b. covariation c. counterfactual thinking d. attribution error


An individual who assumes that there is a greater similarity among members of out-groups than among members of his or her own group is demonstrating the _____ effect. a. out-group homogeneity b. in-group heterogeneity c. in-group homogeneity d. out-group heterogeneity


Franz Kafka's words, "I have the true feeling of myself only when I am unbearably unhappy," reflects ____. a. the self-awareness trap b. narcissism c. sociometer d. self-perception


In laboratories all over the world, results show that people are about _____ accurate in judging truth and deception. a. 54% b. 64% c. 74% d. 84%


Michael is shy, feels socially inept, and thinks no one likes him. As a result, he is often tense and abrupt in social situations, resulting in an increased likelihood that he will be socially rejected. Michael is trapped by a _____. a. self-fulfilling prophecy b. negative expectancy bias c. false-consensus effect d. base-rate distortion


Research using ____ has found that people overestimate the strength and duration of their emotional reactions, a phenomenon called ____. a. affective forecasting; impact bias b. emotional projection; indulgence bias c. emotional schemas; protective bias d. affective prediction; reliability bias


The experience of concern about being evaluated based on negative stereotypes about one's group is referred to as _____. a. stereotype threat b. self-stigmatizing c. meta stereotyping d. reverse bias


The experiment shows that exertion tends to weaken subsequent self-control and explain this as due to a.blood sugar levels falling with exertion. b.weak moral character. c.failure to practice self-control in other settings. d.all of these are explanations of how exertion tends to weaken subsequent self-control.


The nonverbal cues that animate and clarify live interactions of the face in social communication is demonstrated by the _____. a. use of emoticons and emojis in online communication b. lack of cultural similarities in facial expressions of emotion c. occurrence of activation throughout the brain in response to viewing faces d. nearly universal accuracy in the perception of facial expression of emotions


The tendency for recently used or perceived words or ideas to come to mind easily and influence the interpretation of new information is consistent with the idea of _________. a. priming b. target c. contextual d. central traits


When the ____ technique is used, participants are led to believe that their responses will be verified by an infallible lie detector, and they report facts about themselves more accurately and endorse socially unacceptable opinions more frequently. a. bogus pipeline b. deceptive machine c. false flag d. circumstantial pressure


Which discipline would be most likely to study prejudice by testing various therapies for people with antisocial personalities who exhibit great degrees of prejudice? a. Clinical psychology b. Social psychology c. Cognitive psychology d. Personality psychology


Which researcher is conducting basic research? a. Harlan, who is testing a theory about the development of prejudice b. Elsie, who wants to know how to reduce bullying at day care centers c. Shayna, who is looking at how people use social media when they have cancer d. Debra, who wants to understand the role of social networks in finding new jobs


Whose research not only was inspired by the destructive obedience demonstrated by Nazi officers and ordinary citizens in World War II but also looked ahead to the civil disobedience that was beginning to challenge institutions in many parts of the world? a. Stanley Milgram b. Muzafer Sherif c. Leon Festinger d. Gordon Allport


_________refers to how much freedom and opportunity a society affords individuals to form new social ties and break old ones based on personal preference that can shape our attributional tendency. a. Relational mobility b. Dispositional attribution c. Counterfactual thinking d. Covariation


A(n) ____ refers to the specific procedures for manipulating or measuring a conceptual variable. a. validated method b. operational definition c. construct specification d. corollary process


According to ____, to understand a social psychological issue such as jealousy, we should ask how tendencies and reactions underlying jealousy today may have developed from the natural-selection pressures our ancestors faced. a. psychopathology b. evolutionary psychology c. behavioral genetics d. behavioral neuroscience


According to _____ theory, each of us seeks to enhance our self-esteem, which has two components: personal and collective. a. social dominance b. social identity c. system justification d. superordinate goal


An organized set of principles used to explain observed phenomena is a ____. a. hypothesis b. theory c. corollary d. construct


Applied research seeks to ____. a. use theories to generate predictions b. contribute to the solution of real-world problems c. test hypotheses that are derived from models d. develop fundamental understandings of behavior


Beliefs or associations that link whole groups of people with certain traits or characteristics are best described as _____. a. attitudes b. stereotypes c. prejudices d. discrimination


Danika intensely dislikes members of a certain ethnic group. No matter what, she seems to find articles and videos and websites that reflect her beliefs but seems impervious to those that might counter her beliefs. Her behavior is typical of _____. a. need for closure b. confirmation bias c. confirmatory testing d. just world belief


Four conditions are deemed ideal for intergroup contact to serve as a treatment for racism, including _____. a. placing the discriminated-against group in control of resources desired by the dominant group b. having social norms, defined in part by the relevant authorities, that favor intergroup interactions c. ensuring that interactions occur primarily on a group level, rather than between individuals d. creating situations in which groups must compete but start with equal amounts of resources


Gender stereotypes are distinct from virtually all other stereotypes in that they often are _____. a. inductive b. prescriptive c. deductive d. descriptive


Marita has always enjoyed playing piano and has been more than willing to practice without any urging from her parents. However, her brother Filiberto recently began piano lessons, and he is not especially happy about practicing. In order to "motivate" Filiberto to practice, his parents pay him one dollar for every 30 minutes he practices. They feel that, in order to be fair, they should pay Marita the same amount of money for the same amount of practicing. Is this a good idea? a. No, it is not a good idea. Since she has been playing longer and is thus practicing more difficult pieces, Marita should be paid more. b. No, it is not a good idea. Since Marita has been intrinsically motivated to practice, paying her may paradoxically decrease her motivation. c. Yes, it is a good idea. Perceptions of parental unfairness may severely damage sibling relationships. d. Yes, it is a good idea. Competition among siblings can often spur them on to higher achievements.


Pauline has developed a scale of relational aggression (aggression intended to harm the target's social relationships or social status) suitable for use with middle school students. She has two research assistants watch the same videos taken in a middle-school lunchroom and score the relational aggression incidents. Pauline is most likely assessing the scale's ____. a. ecological validity b. interrater reliability c. test-retest reliability d. internal validity


People belonging to collectivist cultures tend to ____. a. seize credit for success b. underestimate their roles in groups c. blame others for failure d. see themselves as crucial to success


Sociology is to ____ as social psychology is to ____. a. observational; naturalistic b. group; individuals c. naturalistic; observational d. individuals; groups


Sophia is continuously encountering physical abuse from her aggressive husband. Her friend suggests that she might be provoking her husband to be treated like that. This attitude is most consistent with _____. a. the base-rate fallacy b. the belief in a just world c. counterfactual thinking d. the false consensus effect


Stereotype threat can be reduced by _____. a. describing the task as strongly related to individual intellectual ability b. giving individuals a reason to attribute their anxiety to test-irrelevant factors c. getting individuals to think of intelligence as a fixed, immutable characteristic d. including the obvious presence of members of the more dominant group


The study of how we perceive, remember, and interpret information about ourselves and others is called ____. a. intrapersonal psychology b. social cognition c. interpersonal cognition d. self psychology


The term ____ refers to the sum total of beliefs that people have about themselves. a. self-schema b. self-concept c. self-esteem d. ideal self


What is the process by which people attribute human-like mental states to various animate and inanimate objects, including other people? a. Humanization b. Mind perception c. Anthropomorphizing d. Social perception


When it comes to our ability as social perceivers, we _____. a. often underestimate our abilities b. tend to focus on the wrong cues c. seem not to learn from experience d. are better at global than specific predictions


When research procedures are more realistic, research findings are more likely to reveal what really goes on. This refers to ______ realism. a. experimental b. mundane c. ecological d. virtual


Which discipline would be most likely to study prejudice by manipulating various kinds of contact between individuals of different groups and examining the effect of these manipulations on the degree of prejudice exhibited? a. Clinical psychology b. Social psychology c. Cognitive psychology d. Personality psychology


Who is credited with having published the first research article in social psychology? a. Leon Festinger b. Norman Triplett c. Gordon Allport d. Muzafer Sherif


Yuonne is practicing for job interviews. If he wants to use the strategy of ingratiating himself to the interviewers, what might he say? a. I can take Acme Corporation to the next level with my unique creativity and writing skills. b. I find Acme Corporation particularly impressive in the ways in which new employees are mentored and their creativity is developed and challenged. c. I have an established record of outstanding productivity that rivals that of Acme's stars of the past, making me your star of the future. d. I believe that I am the kind of person that will fit in with Acme's culture and also challenge fellow employees if they are not doing their jobs.


_____ research is most useful in discovering trends and tendencies. a. Cross-sectional b. Descriptive c. Correlational d. Basic


A component of _____ is a willingness to adopt cultural values that facilitate oppression over other groups. a. system justification theory b. stereotype content modeling c. social dominance orientation d. superordinate goal orientation


According to ____ theory, our self-esteem is defined by the match or mismatch between how we see ourselves and how we want to see ourselves. a. sociometer b. two-factor c. self-discrepancy d. terror management


According to ____ theory, when internal cues are difficult to interpret, people gain self-insight by observing their own behavior. a. self-protection b. self-development c. self-perception d. self-evaluation


According to ____ theory, when people are unclear about their own emotional states, they sometimes interpret how they feel by watching others. a. social comparison b. interpersonal feedback c. two-factor d. cognitive processing


An attribution to internal characteristics of an actor, such as ability, mood, or effort, is a(n) _____ attribution. a. extrinsic b. situational c. personal d. intrinsic


An individual who is persistently perceived as deviant and devalued in society because of membership in a particular social group or because of a particular characteristic is being _____. a. stereotyped b. profiled c. stigmatized d. victimized


Because people are prone to errors in social perception, we _____. a. are more accurate judging strangers than friends or acquaintances b. tend to lack confidence about our own judgments and attributions c. may disparage victims whose misfortunes threaten our sense of justice d. often do worse when we are motivated to avoid attribution errors


Mitchell is interested in how the "warrior" gene interacts with childhood experiences to influence the likelihood of extreme violence. Mitchell's research is most likely in the field of ____. a. psychopathology b. evolutionary psychology c. behavioral genetics d. behavioral neuroscience


Negative feelings about others because of their connection to a social group are best described as _____. a. attitudes b. stereotypes c. prejudices d. discrimination


One important benefit for learning about research methods is that it can make you a better, more sophisticated ____. a. negotiator b. head of a company c. consumer of information d. politician


Some scholars today use a term to characterize the everyday, typically subtle but harmful forms of discrimination that are experienced frequently by members of targeted groups. The term refers to ________. a. modern racism b. interracial interaction c. microaggression d. stereotype


The tendency to focus on the role of personal causes and underestimate the impact of situations on other people's behavior is called the _____ error. a. counterfactual thinking b. base-rate fallacy c. fundamental attribution d. false-consensus


The term ____ refers to an affective component of the self, consisting of a person's positive and negative self-evaluations. a. self-schema b. self-concept c. self-esteem d. ideal self


Which discipline would be most likely to study prejudice by manipulating exposure to a member of some category of people and measuring the thoughts and concepts that are automatically activated? a. Clinical psychology b. Social psychology c. Cognitive psychology d. Personality psychology


Who introduced two important theories—one concerning how people try to learn about themselves by comparing themselves to other people, and one about how people's attitudes can be changed by their own behavior—that remain among the most influential theories in the field? a. Stanley Milgram b. Muzafer Sherif c. Leon Festinger d. Gordon Allport


____ research is designed to measure the association between variables that are not manipulated by the researcher. a. Cross-sectional b. Descriptive c. Correlational d. Basic


A system of enduring meanings, beliefs, values, assumptions, institutions, and practices shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next is called a ____. a. normative system b. framework c. functional viewpoint d. culture


According to ____ theory, humans cope with the fear of their own death by constructing worldviews that help to preserve their self-esteem. a. sociometer b. two-factor c. self-discrepancy d. terror management


According to the stereotype content model, many group stereotypes vary along two dimensions: _____. a. intelligence and morality b. wealth and education c. religiosity and education d. warmth and competence


Correll and colleagues (2002) designed a video game in which participants played the role of police officers and decided whether or not to "shoot" a target person who appeared on their computer screen. The participants' reaction times indicated that they were _____. a. quicker to decide to shoot armed white than black targets and slower to decide to not shoot unarmed white than black targets b. quicker to decide to shoot armed black than white targets and quicker to decide to not shoot unarmed black than white targets c. quicker to decide to shoot armed white than black targets and quicker to decide to not shoot unarmed white than black targets d. quicker to decide to shoot armed black than white targets and slower to decide to not shoot unarmed black than white targets


In a ____ sample, everyone in a population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample. a. stratified b. proportionate c. balanced d. random


In the experiment that Dr. Baumeister described, there are both between subject and within subject factors. Which of the following is an example of a between subjects factor? a.Blood glucose at time 1 versus time 2 versus time 3 b.Performance in television watching task versus the ice bath task c.Self-control at the beginning versus the end of the experiment d.Having sugar versus sugar-substitute lemonade


Individuals who focus on themselves as social objects, as seen by others, are said to be high in ____. a. narcissism b. public self-centeredness c. intrapersonal focus d. public self-consciousness


Juan was sulking because the members of his band decided to break up the group. His wife encouraged him, told him that he would surely do well as a solo performer, and played an old video of him singing on his own before he started the band. This pep talk and the old video brought a smile to Juan's face, and he did feel much better. This is consistent with ____. a. self-perception theory b. affective incongruity theory c. the cognition/affect interaction hypothesis d. the facial feedback hypothesis


People engaging in interracial interactions may try to regulate their behaviors but be on the lookout for signs of __________ from their interaction partners. a. concern b. exhaustion c. irony d. distrust


The "cold" perspective is to ____ as the "hot" perspective is to ____. a. emotion; motivation b. motivation; cognition c. motivation; emotion d. cognition; emotion


Through ____, individuals are asked whether they wish to participate in the research project and must be told what they need to know in order to make a rational decision. a. rational explication b. debriefing methods c. virtual decision making d. informed consent


Traits that exert a powerful influence on overall impressions are called _____ traits. a. cardinal b. fundamental c. primary d. central


What is an interdisciplinary subfield that focuses on how social and cognitive psychology relates to economic decision making? a. Social neuroscience b. Embodied cognition c. Evolutionary psychology d. Behavioral economics


What type of research design can demonstrate causal relationships because the experimenter has control over the events that occur and participants are randomly assigned to conditions? a. Correlational b. Cross-sectional c. Longitudinal d. Experimental


Which discipline would be most likely to study prejudice by developing a questionnaire to identify men who are very high or low in degree of prejudice toward women? a. Clinical psychology b. Social psychology c. Cognitive psychology d. Personality psychology


Which of the following is another example of the self-serving bias? a.George fails an exam and says, "I didn't bother studying since I'm going to drop that class anyway." b.Jenna's dad agrees to let her borrow the car to drive her friends to a movie. When he changes his mind, Jenna gets upset and blames him for ruining her life. c.A basketball player makes a last-second shot to win the game. When asked about it, he says lady luck must have been smiling on him. d.Donald is backing out of a parking spot and hits another car. Immediately, he turns to his kids and says, "You see what happens when you keep talking and distracting me? Why can you be quiet when I'm backing up the car?"


Which term best describes the behaviors directed against persons because of their membership in a particular group? a. Attitudes b. Stereotypes c. Prejudices d. Discrimination


Which term refers to the extent to which the manipulations in an experiment really manipulate the conceptual variables they were designed to manipulate? a. Conceptual adequacy b. Ecological reliability c. Experimental utility d. Construct validity


Who is credited with helping to establish the principle that behavior is a function of the interaction between the person and the environment? a. Leon Festinger b. Norman Triplett c. Stanley Milgram d. Kurt Lewin


____ are beliefs people hold about themselves that guide the processing of self-relevant information. a. Self-concepts b. Self-characterizations c. Self-identities d. Self-schemas


True or False, Adaptively, people are skilled at knowing when someone is lying rather than telling the truth.


True or False, Being reminded of one's own mortality makes people put things into greater perspective, thereby tending to reduce ingroup/outgroup distinctions and hostilities.


True or False, Children do not tend to show biases based on race; it is only after they become adolescents that they learn to respond to people differently based on race.


True or False, Humans are the only animals who recognize themselves in the mirror.


True or False, Interracial interactions tend to go better and to reduce the perceptions of racism if a color-blind mentality is used, which denies or minimizes any acknowledgment of racial differences.


True or False, It's more adaptive to alter one's behavior than to stay consistent from one social situation to the next.


True or False, Like social psychologists, people are sensitive to situational causes when explaining the behavior of others.


True or False, People's very quick judgments are not influenced by a stereotype unless they actually believe the stereotype to be true.


True or False, The notion that we can create a "self-fulfilling prophecy" by getting others to behave in ways we expect is a myth.


True or False, An African American student is likely to perform worse on an athletic task if the task is described as one reflecting sports intelligence than if it is described as reflecting natural athletic ability.


True or False, People are more accurate at judging the personalities of friends and acquaintances than of strangers.


True or False, People are slow to change their first impressions on the basis of new information.


True or False, People sometimes sabotage their own performance in order to protect their self-esteem.


True or False, Smiling can make you feel happier.


True or False, Sometimes the harder you try to control a thought, feeling, or behavior, the less likely you are to succeed.


True or False, The impressions we form of others are influenced by superficial aspects of their appearance.


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