Social Studies, Chp.: 11, 12, 15, 16, 36, 37, 45, 46

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belief in one God

How did ancient Judaism differ from other religions at that time?

by giving up something they like

How do many Christians observe the 40 days before Easter?


Who unified the Israelites into a single nation?

Crowds welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem with palm branches.

Why are palm leaves often part of Christian services on the Sunday before Easter?

They could no longer use the Temple rituals.

Why did Jews in the Diaspora have to develop new forms of worship, such as a synagogue service?

The caste system did not align with Hindu teachings.

Why did Mahatma Gandhi criticize the caste system's ideas of discrimination?

He refused to stop calling for reforms.

Why did Martin Luther get in trouble with the Roman Catholic Church?

He was controlled by the Romans.

Why did the Jews distrust King Herod?

It was part of the Second Temple.

Why do Jews consider the Western Wall in Jerusalem a sacred place?

His father protected him.

Why had the Buddha not learned about suffering as a child?

eastern and western churches

A schism is a division or separation. Who were divided by the Great Schism of 1054?

People would live according to God's will.

According to Jesus, what would the kingdom of God be like?


According to Judaism, standards of right and wrong come from

birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

Christians sing special songs called carols at Christmas. Most Christmas carols tell parts of a story about the

He freed Christians to worship openly.

How did Emperor Constantine affect the spread of Christianity

by writing letters

How did Paul continue to have influence while in jail?

He moved with his family from Mesopotamia.

How does the Torah say that Abraham first came to the land of Canaan?

He spread Christianity to people who were not Jews.

How was Paul important to the early development of Christianity?

as a center for learning

How was the city of Yavneh important to the survival of Judaism?

give up most of what you own

If you decided to live as an ascetic, what would you have to do?

It was the birthplace of Muhammad.

Why is the city of Mecca important in Muslim tradition?

The Ark of the Covenant was kept there.

Why was Jerusalem considered a holy city?

three beings that make up one God

What do Christians mean by "the Holy Trinity"?


Find Isaac on the family tree below. According to the family tree, Isaac was Sarah's

building a temple

For which achievement is Solomon most famous?

In some Hindu traditions, Brahma creates and Vishnu preserves. What does Shiva do?

In some Hindu traditions, Brahma creates and Vishnu preserves. What does Shiva do?


Jewish forms of worship and ways of life were taught in many different countries by

the age when it should happen

On which point about baptism do Christian churches differ?

a traveler helping an injured man.

One example of a parable is a story about

Exodus from Egypt.

The festival of Passover celebrates the

The crowds were too big to fit in the buildings.

Why did Jesus preach mostly outdoors?


A person who spoke these words most likely belonged to which social class? "I have been learning about battle. My father is showing me how to use different kinds of weapons so I will be a good warrior.''

John the Baptist identified him as the Messiah.

According to the New Testament, which event introduced Jesus's years of public preaching?

John the Baptist identified him as the Messiah.Why did Jesus preach mostly outdoors?

According to the New Testament, which event introduced Jesus's years of public preaching?

to celebrate the festival of Passover

According to the New Testament, why did Jesus go to Jerusalem a few days before his execution?

the Ten Commandments

According to the Torah, what did Moses bring to his people from Mount Sinai?

four main social classes that lead to a functioning society

According to the Vedas, what are the varnas?


According to the earliest written accounts, what did Jesus emphasize in his teachings?

the Holy Spirit

Christian art often uses a dove as a symbol for God's power at work in the world today. What do Christians call this power?

achieve freedom from the cycle of rebirth.

Hindus believe that acquiring good karma is needed to


Salvation means "saving." Christians believe that faith in Jesus can save them from

The Israelites moved to Egypt.

Suppose that you were to arrange the following events in order. Which event happened second?


The Eightfold Path of Buddhism is most similar to which of these Hindu beliefs?

feared he might lead a revolt.

The New Testament tells that the rulers of Jerusalem had Jesus arrested because they


The name "Buddha" mean't one who was

a collection of sacred texts

The roots of Hinduism are found in the Vedas, which are


To certain Hindus, the soul, or atman, is a part of

Israelites move to Egypt

To complete the diagram, which phrase best belongs in the empty box?

Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday.

What Christian belief explains why most Christian churches meet on Sunday?

a strong central government

What did David provide for the Jewish people that they did not have before?

the way of one's role in society

What did early Hindus mean by varna dharma?

free them from a foreign power

What did many Jews hope that a Messiah would do?

basic truths for living

What did the Buddha discover under the Bodhi tree?

the teachings of Jesus

What do Christians around the world have in common?

The Ten Commandments

What is the best title for the chart below?

Gospels written in Greek by his followers

What is the main source of early information about the life of Jesus?


What place did the Jewish people believe was the promised land?

making caravan trips for trade

What took Muhammad to places beyond the Arabian Peninsula?

aging, sickness, and death

What troubled the Buddha on his first few trips out into the world?

Christians were persecuted.

What was one result of the actions listed below? Taken by Christians did not worship Roman gods did not want great wealth did not believe the emperor was a god did not serve in the army

in buildings made for the purpose

Where do most Christian churches meet for worship?

the cow

Which animal became a symbol for the Hindu belief in reverence for life?


Which common feature of most ancient religions did the Jews reject?

the Last Supper

Which event in the life of Jesus is remembered in Holy Communion?

reaching enlightenment

Which goal did Buddhism teach people to move toward?

Image C

Which image best represents samsara, the Hindu view of birth, life, and death?


Which image is the most widely recognized symbol of Christianity?

herd sheep

Which job was a Vaishyas most likely to do?

the importance of study

Which major belief of Judaism does the photograph show?

Suffering is caused by desires

Which of the following is one of the Four Noble Truths?

many lifetimes

Which of these beliefs did Hinduism and Buddhism have in common?

It took many years to complete.

Which of these conclusions does the map support about the Jewish people's trip from Egypt to Canaan?

He and his wife had a son.

Which of these events happened first in the Buddha's life?


Which of these is an example of a Christian denomination?

ancient Jewish writings about the Hebrew Bible

Which of these phrases best describes the Talmud?

Slaves and the poor could hope for a better life after death.

Which teaching helped to spread Christianity in the Roman Empire?

a nomadic people who moved into India

Who were the Aryans?

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