Social Studies: Constitution

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Land was sold at auction to the highest bidder in the Northwest Territory. What was the smallest amount of money that could be paid for one acre of land?


List all of the economic (money) weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

- Congress & States could print money - Congress could not collect state debt - Congress could not tax - Congress could not control trade between the states

Congress would have the power to control trade with the exception of two limitations. List the two limitations

- Congress could not place tax on any exports - Congress could not interfere with the slave trade for 20 years, or until 1808

Describe one way that the presidential elections have changed over time

- originally state legislature chose the electors in the electrical college. Today the people chose their state electors

List the three proposals given for choosing the chief executive

1. congress appointed the president 2. the people elect the president 3. A specially choosing group of electors from each state elects the president

How many delegates could each state send

2-7, but each state only had one vote

How many people had to be living in an area of the Northwest Territory before they could apply to Congress to become a new state?

60,000 people

How many states would have to ratify the constitution of the United States before it was going to affect


The delegates to the Constitutional convention agreed to establish a republic which describes a republic

A country in which power is held by the people and their elected representatives

What did delegates for a stronger states government believe?(weaker national government)

A strong national government could weaken inidiviual liberty. The state governments are closer to the people's control and so they should have more power than the government

How many states had to approve changes or additions to the articles of confederation

All 13 states

What did people who did not support the constitution call themselves?


What was a major achievement of the articles of confederation

Brought the revolutionary war to the successful conclusion

True or False: Why will it be a problem in keeping our nation secure under the Articles of Confederation

Congress could not draft and army

Name the things the states has the power to do

Declare war and make peace, raise an army and the Navy, send ambassadors to foreign countries, form alliances with other countries, manage Indian affairs, establish a post office, print money, regulate trade with other countries, borrow money, regulate standards for weights and measures, pass new laws and make important decisions with the approval of the 9/13

How many electors does each state have in the electoral college

Each state has as many electors as the US Senate has for the state (2), Plus the number of delegates it sent to the US House of Representatives

According to the great compromise how is our senate representative in each house of Congress?

Each state has two senators elected by the states legislature. This favors the states

The delegate to the Constitutional convention gave the job of officially choosing a chief executive to...............

Electors chosen by the states

According to the Articles of Confederation, Congress had the power to settle disputes (arguments) between the states


False or true Congress was given the power to both make treaties and enforce them


True of False: According to the Articles of Confederation, each STATE had the POWER to declare war and make peace with a foreign country?


True or false Congress could not interfered with the slave trade until 1836


True or false: According to the Articles of Confederation, Congress could establish a federal court system.


True or false: Washington is known as the father of constitution


True or false:According to the Articles of Confederation, the number of representatives each state could send to Congress was based on the population of the state.


True or false:Although there were lots of problems at least congress created a national currency


List three rights guaranteed to the people living in the Northwest Territory.

Freedom of religion, trial by jury, freedom of speech

What did delegates for a strong national government believe?

Government should protect "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness". The governments power comes from the people. The best way to protect rights is with a rebublic.

Each state had the power to

Have it's own state constitution, organize its owned arm forces, Print it's own money, Hold complete control over all affairs within the state, Make treaties with Indians other states and foreign countries, Have all powers not specifically granted by Congress

What was the role of George Washington at the Constitution Convention

He presided over the convention and made sure the rules were enforced

What was the role of James Madison at the convention

He was the best prepared delegate, and spoke numerous times. His influence was so great that he became known as the "Father of The Constitution". He also took the best notes

What was the greatest challenge for the delegates at the Constitutional convention

How to balance the interests of large and small states

What was included in the 3/5 compromise

It determines the way slaves would be counted for representation in the House of Representatives

One of the major weaknesses of the constitutional convention was

It was very difficult to pass laws

Who is called the father of the constitution

James Madison

Who was the best prepared of the delegates

James Madison

Who were the authors of the Federalist papers

James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay

What land (future states) will be affected by the Land Ordinance of 1785

Land that will include Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illionis, and Wisconsin

How does the electoral college operate today

People choose their state's electors when they vote in presidential elections. The electors then cast a ballot for president and vice president on a date chosen by Congress

What did the Great Compromise decide?

Representation in Congress

Who created the plan that became known as the great compromise

Roger Sherman

This is the date the delegates declared the constitution complete

September 17, 1787

According to the Northwest Ordinance, for what reason was one section in each township reserved (could not be purchased)?

Support of public education

Congress did not have the power to

Tax, controlled trade between the states, settle disputes between the states, draft soldiers, collect state debt owed the federal government

What was the long-term effect of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

Territories eventually became states

What was the compromise that was made between the northern and southern states over the issue of slavery

The Three-Fifths compromise

Explain Three-Fifths compromise that was made between the northern and southern states over the issue slavery and determining representation in the House of Representatives

The Three-Fifths compromise was the compromise called for each slaves to be counted as 3/5 of a person when determining the representation in the House of Representatives

What was the main complaint from the people who did not support the constitution

The anti-federalists complained that the constitution did not list the rights of the people, it only listed the powers of the government

Why was there no Executive Branch (President) included in the Articles of Confederation? Why will this be a problem?

The framers of the articles did not want to have another executive like King George lll. This was a problem because there was a lack of leadership from the federal government. There was no single leader for the federal government.

Why was Congress not given the power to tax the citizens of the United States under the Articles of Confederation? Why will this be a problem?

The framers of the articles were fearful of being unfairly taxed by the federal government, as they had been under British rule. This is a problem because the states often choose not to pay taxes, and the federal government didn't have the funds to operate effectively.

List one belief that these two types of delegates shared

The national government should have more power so it can do its job of protecting the people's rights.

How are state representatived in each house of Congress according to the House of representatives

The number of representatives from each state depends on population. This favors the people

Where should the governments power to rule come from according to James Maddison

The power should come from the people

Following the American Revolution, what concern did the authors of the Articles of Confederation have about a strong federal government?

The rights for which people fought for in the American Revolution would be taken away by strong federal government.

Explain the New Jersey Plan

There were three branches of government, there was one house, each state will get an equal number of votes in congress

Why did the important leaders Sam Adams, John Hancock, and Patrick Henry not attend the convention?

They feared that a stronger national government would hurt the rights of the states.

What was the position of the group known as the federalists

They supported the new constitution of the United States

Why were the Federalist Papers written?

To point out weaknesses of the articles of confederation and the need for creating a stronger federal government which would help create a more effective union of the states

What was the original purpose of the convention in May 1787

To revise the Articles of Confederation

In order to change an article Congress had to have a unanimous vote


The problems of the articles of confederation led to the development of the constitution


True or False: According to the Articles of Confederation, Congress could make amendments (changes) to the Articles of Confederation with the approval of all thirteen states.


True or False: According to the Articles of Confederation, each STATE had the POWER to organize its owned armed forces (state militia).


True or False: According to the Articles of Confederation, each STATE had the POWER to print its own money


True or false Congress could not place any tax on exports only imports


True or false Congress had no power to enforce taxes on the states


True or false Congress was able to create a national


True or false Congress was given the power to declare war but no power to draft soldiers


True or false in order to pass a law, Congress had to have 9/13 states agree or the law could not be pasted


True or false: According to the Articles of Confederation, each STATE had the POWER to send 2-7 delegates to Congress.


The number of members which is affected by state population

United States House of Representatives

Do you agree with the delegates "rule of secrecy". Why or Why not??

Yes I agree because, the public needs to be kept calm or be able to speak freely

Who did the delegates decide should choose the president and the vice president

electoral college

What was included in the fugitive slave clause?

escaped slaves had to be returned to their owners, even if they were caught in a free state

What was the significance of Shays rebellion

it demonstrated the major weakness of the articles of confederation it also showed that the federal government needs to be stronger so it can prevent riots and rebellions

Explain the Virginia Plan

representation based on a state's population, 3 braches of government, 2 houses of representatives and a senate, states with larger population would have more representatives in both houses

What was not permitted in Northwest Territory


What does the articles of confederation say the governments power to rule comes from

the power should come from the states



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