social studies praxisWhich of the following ancient civilizations used hieroglyphics as a way to communicate?

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A local clothing store offers customers fifty percent off the price of all inventory items. Which of the following economic terms best describes this example? A. Incentive B. Production C. Consumption D. Scarcity


Following the Civil War, poll taxes were primarily used in the South to deny access to which of the following? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Voting B. Public education C. Employment D. Military service


Held the first Olympics Polytheistic Practiced direct democracy Which of the following ancient civilizations is described in the preceding list? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Greece B. Egypt C. Rome D. China


In which of the following nations did the conflict between the Hutu and the Tutsi take place? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Rwanda B. South Africa C. Ethiopia D. Uganda


In which of the following regions is Islam the predominant religion? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Northern Africa B. Western Europe C. Northern South America D. Eastern Asia


The destruction of the USS Maine led to the start of which of the following events? A. Spanish-American War B. First World War C. Mexican-American War D. War of 1812


The following excerpt is from Earl Warren, chief justice of the United States Supreme Court. "Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children. The impact is greater when it has the sanction of the law.... Any language in contrary to this finding is rejected. We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." Which of the following court cases did this ruling overturn? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Plessy v. Ferguson B. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke C. Dred Scott v. Sandford D. Korematsu v. United States


Which of the following European nations was the first to colonize the southwestern United States? A. Spain B. Portugal C. France D. England


Which of the following actions contained a controversial fugitive slave provision? A. The Compromise of 1850 B. The Missouri Compromise C. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 D. The Three-Fifths Compromise


Which of the following best describes one result of the introduction of robotics into manufacturing centers? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Workers will need to be retrained to perform different jobs. B. Additional assembly-line workers will be needed to work in automated factories. C. The price of goods created through automation will increase. D. Additional management personnel will be needed to make decisions about production levels.


Which of the following best explains how intensive agriculture, poor irrigation practices, and overgrazing have affected the environment? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. They have contributed to the desertification of areas. B. They have increased the potential for droughts to occur. C. They have prevented deforestation from occurring in tropical regions. D. They have caused carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to decline.


Which of the following countries is known as the breadbasket of Europe? A. Ukraine B. France C. Ireland D. Poland


Which of the following describes the compromise over slavery that the delegates agreed upon during the Constitutional Convention? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Delegates agreed on how enslaved people would be counted in the census. B. People in a territory could vote on whether slavery would be permitted. C. Once a territory became a state, slavery would not be permitted. D. The government agreed to use federal troops to capture people who had escaped slavery.


Which of the following events most contributed to the start of the American Revolution? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. The British taxing the colonists to pay for the French and Indian War B. The blockade of the American colonies by the British navy C. The drafting of the Constitution by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia D. The commissioning of George Washington as commander of the Continental Army


Which of the following helped many homesteaders to establish farms on the Great Plains during the 1800s? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Windmills to pump water for irrigation B. Levees to control flooding C. Steel to construct cities to withstand earthquakes D. Cars to transport crops to markets


Which of the following is accurate about the geography of Peru? A. Its coastal region is comprised of desert. B. The majority of the country is made up of grasslands. C. The country has mostly rolling hills and very few mountains. D. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and has few water features.


Which of the following statements best describes indentured servants during the American colonial period? A. They obtained their freedom once their contract was completed. B. They consisted primarily of young women and children. C. The majority served in wealthy homes in the northern colonies. D. They paid higher taxes to offset the cost of their trip to the Americas.


Which of the following time zones is located between California and Texas? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Mountain B. Central C. Eastern D. Pacific


An agricultural area experiences a drought and sees a decline in crop production. As a result, the farmers are unable to provide food distributors the amount of products they had promised. Which of the following economic situations does the scenario create? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Competition B. Scarcity C. Opportunity cost D. Absolute advantage


Boston Tea Party Boston Massacre Intolerable Acts The actions listed contributed to which of the following events? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. The French and Indian War B. The American Revolution C. The Proclamation of 1763 D. The War of 1812


The Ring of Fire region is best known for which of the following characteristics? A. Slash-and-burn agriculture B. High levels of seismic activity C. Severe drought conditions D. High number of wildfires


Which of the following accurately compares two ancient civilizations? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. The Egyptians and Aztecs both practiced monotheistic religions. B. The Sumerian civilization used cuneiform, and the Egyptians used hieroglyphics. C. The Phoenicians traded mostly by land routes, and the Chinese traded mostly by sea routes. D. The Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations lacked reliable sources of water.


Which of the following demonstrates one way the government can promote competition? A. Implementing a tariff on foreign products B. Enacting and enforcing antitrust legislation C. Providing tax breaks for consumers D. Creating a national minimum wage


Which of the following documents was the initial attempt by the American colonists to establish an independent government? A. The Bill of Rights B. The Articles of Confederation C. The Declaration of Independence D. The Constitution of the United States


Which of the following events had the greatest impact on the size of the United States? A. The Gadsden Purchase B. The Louisiana Purchase C. The Oregon Treaty D. The annexation of Texas


Which of the following is a key component in determining the economic growth of a country? A. The landmass of the country B. The per capita national output C. The amount of natural resources D. The size of the country's population


Which of the following reasons explains why Russia withdrew from the First World War? A. Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated. B. The Bolshevik Revolution started. C. Nicolas II was crowned czar. D. Warsaw was captured by Germany.


Which of the following regions is the vast, cold, dry region of eastern Russia? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Beringia B. Siberia C. The Ural Mountains D. The Baltic coast


Which of the following rights did Thomas Jefferson believe John Adams had violated when he signed the Alien and Sedition Acts into law? A. The right to bear arms B. Freedom of the press C. The right to assemble peacefully D. Unreasonable searches and seizures


"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." Which of the following amendments to the Constitution contains the preceding text? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Thirteenth B. Fourteenth C. Fifteenth D. Nineteenth


Multiple-choice question with one correct answer choice. There is no additional information needed to answer the question, so there is no reference region. In which of the following types of economies does the government have the most control of the country's resources? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Traditional B. Free market C. Command D. Mixed


Was founded by people who escaped religious persecution in England Engaged in farming, fishing, and whaling Was led by John Winthrop Which of the following American colonies does the information describe? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Georgia B. Virginia C. Massachusetts D. Pennsylvania


Which of the following American Civil War battles immediately preceded the issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation? A. Battle of Gettysburg B. Battle of Bull Run C. Battle of Antietam D. Battle of Vicksburg


Which of the following are the main religions in Nepal? A. Sikhism and Buddhism B. Buddhism and Confucianism C. Hinduism and Buddhism D. Christianity and Judaism


Which of the following are the most common geological threats to Mexico? A. Hurricanes and tsunamis B. Tornadoes and blizzards C. Volcanoes and earthquakes D. Tsunamis and landslides


Which of the following countries received its independence from Great Britain in 1947? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. India B. Argentina C. The Philippines D. Peru


Which of the following elements is contained in the United States Constitution but not in the Articles of Confederation? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. A process to propose and approve amendments B. The power for Congress to declare war C. The establishment of an executive branch D. A unicameral legislative structure


Which of the following forms of government consists of a union of several countries with some or most power shared between them? A. . Dictatorship B. Republic C. Confederation D. Monarchy


Which of the following individuals helped end the system of apartheid in South Africa? A. Mohandas Gandhi B. Mother Teresa C. Nelson Mandela D. The Dalai Lama


Which of the following is a responsibility of the executive branch? A. Ratifying proposed amendments to the Constitution B. Declaring war on countries that threaten national security C. Signing proposed bills into law D. Declaring laws that infringe on personal freedoms unconstitutional


Which of the following is a shared power between state and federal governments? A. Making treaties with nations B. Appointing local judges C. Raising taxes D. Passing city ordinances


Which of the following is the best example of how humans impact topography? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Using technology to predict earthquakes B. Mapping a local river system C. Strip-mining an area for minerals D. Migrating from rural to urban areas


Which of the following regions has the greatest frequency of tornadoes? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. The Middle East B. The east coast of Australia C. The midwestern United States D. The Far East


Which of the following rulers was most responsible for ending the persecution of Christians in Ancient Rome? A. Alexander the Great B. Julius Caesar C. Constantine D. Nero


Which of the following statements is correct about the Battles of Lexington and Concord? A. The battles convinced the French to aid the Continental army. B. General Washington crossed the Potomac to engage in the battles. C. The battles marked the start of the war with Great Britain. D. General Cornwallis agreed to surrender after the battles.


Which of the following was a reaction by the American public to tensions created by the Cold War? A. A decline in entrepreneurship B. The mass migration of minorities to rural areas C. The construction of private bomb shelters D. A reduction in consumer spending


Which of the following actions would be taken by the Federal Reserve? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Printing money to introduce into circulation B. Restricting the buying and selling of stocks on Wall Street C. Creating a national budget to present to Congress D. Adjusting interest rates to prevent inflation


Which of the following amendments to the United States Constitution gave women the right to vote? A. Thirteenth B. Fifteenth C. Seventeenth D.


Which of the following best explains the significance of the Suez Canal? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. It is an important shipping gateway in Europe, linking the North Sea to the Black Sea. B. It connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, expediting trade among North America, South America, and Asia. C. It is an important shipping route, connecting the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. D. It connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas, expediting trade between Europe and Asia.


Which of the following best explains why the expansion of the American colonies was limited under British rule? A. The Spanish held the territory west of the Appalachian Mountains. B. Bad weather and poor soil prevented crops from growing south of the colonies. C. Most of the American colonists were fishermen and lived along the eastern shoreline. D. The Proclamation of 1763 prevented the colonists from migrating west.


Which of the following events of the American Revolution occurred last? A. The passage of the Intolerable Acts B. The dumping of tea into the Boston Harbor C. The signing of the Declaration of Independence D. The Battle of Yorktown


Which of the following events took place as a result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830? A. Members of the Seminole tribe peacefully relocated to Florida. B. The United States Army relocated members of the Creek Nation to Georgia. C. The Sioux were the only remaining tribes in the southeastern United States. D. Members of the Cherokee Nation were forced to move to the western United States.


Which of the following has occurred as a result of China's rapid economic growth? A. China is no longer one of the world's largest miners of natural resources. B. China has become the world's largest exporter of agricultural products. C. China has become the world's largest importer of consumer goods. D. China has become one of the world's largest emitters of carbon dioxide.


Which of the following individuals is most known for his contributions to aviation? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. Henry Ford B. Andrew Carnegie C. Mark Twain D. Charles Lindbergh


Which of the following is correct based on the law of supply? Answer the question by selecting the correct response. A. A decrease in the demand for a product will result in an increase in supply. B. An increase in the demand for one product will lead to a fall in the demand for another. C. A decrease in the value of a currency will cause the value of another currency to decline. D. An increase in the price of a product will result in an increase in supply.


Which of the following statements describes an advantage the South had over the North during the American Civil War? A. It had a larger population to provide troops for its army. B. It had greater access to railroads to move troops. C. It had more manufacturing centers to produce munitions. D. It had more experienced generals to lead the troops.


Which of the following statements describes a characteristic of Turkey's largest city? A. It has a very high altitude. B. It has a tropical climate. C. It is the country's largest manufacturing center. D. It is considered part of Europe and Asia.

D. It is considered part of Europe and Asia.

Which of the following ancient civilizations used hieroglyphics as a way to communicate? A. Greece B. Rome C. Egypt D. China


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