social studies test!- chapter 19

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Plains Indians were frightened by these, calling the ______?

iron horses

For their work, these men were paid about _______ (avg. rate)


What impression/ opinion does "Timmons" express about Indians in this clip?

-they are beggars and thieves -only good Indian is a dead Indian

As more people settled, and stability was established, governments were instituted, and states were formed such as:

-Arizona -The Dakotas -Colorado -Nevada -Idaho -Montana

Which of these was an effect of the growth of railroads?

-Brought growth and new settlement to west; good for Americans, bad for Indians -Brought supplies, people, and mail west; gold, silver, cattle, and other assets east - territories organize become states; Dakotas, Nevada, Colorado, Montana, Washington, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming

The ___________ and the __________ urged members to vote only for candidates who would help farmers

-National Grange Farmers Alliance

The Cattle Kingdom busted by the late 1880's for a which reasons?

-There wasn't enough grass to feed all of the cattle -diseases such as Texas fever -freezing weather in 1880's

Life as a cowhand was tough, with work days lasting about 18 hours; facing dangers such as

-bad weather -raging rivers -drowning cattle -fire

While it was the men's job to hunt and kill the buffalo, women and children helped by___.

-butchering the meat and preserving it -cutting and tanning the hyde -salted/smoked meat into jerky -made clothing and tepees

Start the video at the 5 min 50 sec point, and answer the following question based on the clip. Why does Lt. Dunbar feel ashamed or embarrassed when the buffalo are discovered on that field?

-it was White hunters who killed the buffalo -the hunters did not respect Siuox rights -the White hunters wasted most of the parts and meat from the buffalo, that the Sioux needed to survive

Supplies for the boom towns and miners were also needed from the East, such as

-mining equipment -clothing -farming equipment -mail -labor such as Irishmen and Freedmen

In this treaty, the US Government offered to give the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians________ if they agreed to stay in a small area, away from white settlers.

-money -food -tools/equipment -animals and other goods

What impression/opinions does Lt. Dunbar express about the Sioux in this clip?

-quiet -fierce & very tough -eager to communicate -patient

The railroad was built between ______ and _____?


In the Southwest, including present day Arizona, the _______ Indians refused to sign treaties, and fought fiercely! One warrior _______ (no he didn't jump out of an airplane) fought US Troops for 10 years, after escaping to Mexico. His surrender ended the Indian Wars

Apache Geronimo

Gold was also discovered in places such as Montana, Idaho, Colorado, and even the __________ of South Dakota, which were sacred lands that had been promised to the Plains Indians

Black Hills

In the late 1800's conflict between Indians and white miners, homesteaders, the railroads came to a dramatic peak. There was not enough room for both the Indian culture and way of life, and the expanding American Manifest destiny. In the Dakota Territory, gold was discovered in the ________, the sacred land promised to the Lakota and Cheyenne in the Fort Laramie Treaty of the 1850's

Black Hills

The "Rush" West started in 1848 with the strike in Sutters Mill, near Sacramento, ________ (state)


Following the Indians victory above, the US Army sent in more troops and many of the Indians fled to ______, our neighbor to the North


Two (2) of the populations who were treated very badly as they worked the mines in the West were?

Chinese; Mexicans

Probably the most famous or used trail was named after a Scottish-Cherokee cattlemen. The _______ Trail started in Texas and met up with the Railroad in Kansas


When a group of Cheyenne Indians approached the fort to surrender and set up a village so they could submit to the treaty, US troops attacked the village. The Cheyenne raised the American Flag and a white flag of surrender, but all 200 of the men, women, and children were massacred with no survivors! this was known as The _____________

Chivington Massacre

Quickly, Henry ________ "claimed" the land and all of the gold there. Of course, he never considered the claims of the Indians (Comanche, Pawnee, Sioux, etc.) who had lived there for hundreds of years.


Many of the cowhands or ________ (Dallas Football Team) who drove the cattle, had been __________ soldiers during the Civil War, and were discouraged after the war so they moved west

Cowboys Confederate

________ sprung up along the Southern rail lines with stores, hotels, and restaurants opening quickly to serve the needs of the cowboys


In June 1876, George A. ________ led about 225 troops into Montana to force the Indians to surrender, and relocate to a reservation.


Which of the following were NOT cowtowns that formed along the trails at the junctions of rail lines?


Based on this clip, how does Lt. Dunbar describe the Sioux Indians?

Eager to laugh, devoted to family, so devoted to each other

One group of Homesteaders was Freedmen who "escaped slavery like the Jews from Egypt" and called themselves ________, from the story in the Bible that tells that tale.


Ironically, the second largest group to work as cowhands, were _________, who also became discouraged with life in the South after the Civil War.

Former slaves freedmen

America's Manifest Destiny changed the landscape of the Great Plains in many ways. In 1862, the ______ Act gave settlers 160 acres of land for just a small filing fee and promise to farm the land for at least 5 years.


Many Indians were forced to, and some agreed to move to _______ Territory, which today is the state of ________

Indian Oklahoma

Miners also cut down whole forests to make the cities, the homes, and make way for railroads and mining roads. Most importantly, miners and the Americans who moved west, forced _____ off the lands that their people had lived on for thousands of years.

Indians; Plains Indians; Native Americans

Which of these were NOT main contributors to building the transcontinental line?


Chief _________ led about 700 Nez Perce Indians on a 1,000 mile journey, towards Canada, but was captured only 40 miles from the border and was sent to live on a reservation.


As America's Manifest Destiny and desire for gold, silver, and land drove them westward, the interactions they had with the Indians there grew more and more violent. To resolve this, a treaty was signed at Ft. ________, in Wyoming


However, many others couldn't afford to move west, nor even the small fee, so ________ ended up taking the land and reselling it illegally!

Large companies

At the Battle of ________, he and all of his men were killed, dismembered, decapitated and mutilated

Little Bighorn

The Great Plains were between____ and ___, geographically.

Mississippi River and Rocky Mountains

The Cattle Kingdom stretched from Texas all the way north to ________ (state where Little Bighorn was).


The Transcontinental Railroad finished on May 10, 1869 in ___________ when Central Pacific and Union Pacific RR meet;

Promontory, Utah

Indians had never seen such animals and called them ____

Sacred dogs

Which of these were Indians of the Great Plains?

Sioux, Lakota, Cheyenne, Kiowa

___ and _________, both Lakota Chiefs, fought the Sioux War of 1876

Sitting Bull Crazy Horse

In Oklahoma, the _______ claimed the best land even before other Homesteaders could rush in to claim the land. Today you can watch Oklahoma College Football and see students driving a wagon simulating these questionable settlers


Even before Americans expanded into the Southwestern part of the US, _______ settlers and later Mexicans, set up cattle ranches in these areas, with many of the herds wandering off to roam wild on the Great Plains


Leland ________ drives gold spike into the last rail, and the east and west coast of US are connected!


The Plains Indians were strong believers in their religion and their communities. The tribes would hold a four day celebration called the __________, where they would give thanks to the gods for blessings, good hunts, and help in times of trouble

Sun Dance

The economic law of _________ says that when there is a heavy supply of crops and not enough demand for them, the price will drop or fall

Supply and Demand

Many of these cattle fed off the grassy plains of ________ (state with 2nd largest population), and were called _________ cattle, because of their immense cranial appendages.

Texas Longhorns

The 2 companies that competed to complete this railroad were__________?

Union Pacific Central Pacific

After the Civil War, in America there was an increased demand for _________, which was caused by the growing populations in Eastern cities and Westward Expansion.

beef meat food

Americans swarmed west to get rich and built camps, towns, and then cities. These cities that sprung up almost overnight were called _________, and were filled with everything needed to supply and maintain the miners


in order to keep track of cattle on the Open Range, each was ________ (ouch!) with the name of the rancher who owned them.


Indians moved their villages each season based upon where the ___ went.


Disease, drought ,and destruction of their habitat contributed to this, and so too did the increased demand for ______ and _______?

buffalo robes sport hunting

Ranchers needed to get these herds to the cities of the East and Western mining towns, so they organized ________ where they would herd the cattle hundreds of miles north to meet up with the railroads

cattle drives

Farmers/Homesteaders also tried to help each other by forming _______, which pooled their money to buy goods wholesale


The people also held ________, which were meetings of the elders who would consult about issues that affected the whole community, tribe, or nation.


Everyone had responsibilities in Indian villages. Women built the tepees, cared for the children, and prepared the food. Their rank in society was determined by their skills at in the area of __________, such as weaving baskets or making blankets


The Indian peace commission plead with tribes to "..settle down and live like Whites did." They also urged them to send their children to white schools, where they would not learn their Indian ________ (language, traditions, way of life), but the American way of living.


The dry climate brought ________which dried out crops, and wildfires were always a threat


____________ are people who come from a foreign land/country to settle or work in another; worked for much lower wages and in dangerous conditions!


Certain sacred lands were promised to the Indians, and these lands were to remain theirs ______________?

forever. which turned out to be about 7 years

However, once all of the gold or silver was gone, people fled to the next strike, and the town then became a _______ (Boo!)

ghost town

In the Northwest, which includes the states of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington around the Snake River Valley, the Nez Perce' Indians also ran into trouble after signing treaties with the government, when _______ was discovered on their lands.


Tons of ________________ from Western Mines need to be moved to East Coast in the mid to late 1800's, so the US began to figure out the best way to do it.

gold; precious metals and other resources; silver

In the 1800's, Americans moved West for numerous reasons, but the most powerful reason to do so was to mine for ________ and _______ (precious metals Au & Ag)

gold; silver

In the summer, swarms of hungry _______ would devour all of the farmer's crops, the trees, and even clothing!

grasshoppers/ locusts

The buffalo was considered a living "________" for the Indians because it had everything they needed to survive. just like Wegman's or Shoprite!

grocery store

While Plains Indians relied heavily upon the buffalo to survive, it was ________ (animal, equine) that changed Plain's culture in the 1600's, after the Spanish reintroduced them to North America and traded with Indians


Many of the 500,000 Homesteaders were easterners and ________ (mostly from Europe) who were taking advantage of the opportunity to make a better life


Many of the people who worked in the mines were ________ (from other lands/countries) who were willing to work in terrible conditions, for low pay.


Most importantly, the Indians would have to give up their rights to their _________, so that Americans could "civilize" and develop it; mine, farm, graze, build railroads etc...


Eventually, most of the gold and silver mines were controlled by ____________, not the individuals who rushed out there to make themselves rich, since they were able to afford the heavy machinery needed to extract the metals from deep underground.

large companies

As the farmers grew more and made less, they couldn't afford to pay their _________ or ________, and lost their lands.

loans debts

In June 1859 a ________ (rich vein) of gold and silver was discovered in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California.


While many other trails existed, this one moved over 1 _______ cattle over a 5 year period


To save their lands, farmers used economic cooperation and _________ action


Miners and those that filled these new cities and towns changed the land and people of the west, and not always for the better! The mining operations _______ the streams and rivers, and adversely effected not just people, but also the crops that were irrigated by them, and the animals that were dependent on them


In the East, many __________ had already been built to transport goods, especially during the Civil War, moving troops and supplies, enabling the Union to defeat the Confederacy.


The various people, or tribes, had a rich culture; well organized _____ (plural), as well as different languages that also used sign language, and even developed fierce warrior societies.


There, they were placed on ________, which are small areas of sovereign land set aside for Indians, on which they could not fully practice their culture, nor have equality with white Americans


By the end of the 1800's, the population of the buffalo on the plains had diminished from millions to only about _______

six hundred (600)

And in winter time, _______ would bury homes and animals


Farmers who lived on the Plains were called _______, because they had to cut through and turn over the hard soil, using new steel plows made to do so


Their greatest fear was a ______, which meant that hundreds of cattle would run wild in a group


US Government promoted Railroads by giving "_________", which are financial aid or land grants from the govt.


What is the Sioux word for buffalo?


One of the final factors that led to the demise of the Indian way of life, was the destruction of the _________ population, from which they got their food, clothing, and shelter

tatanka buffalo bison

Plains Indians stretched hides over long poles to create _______, which could be put up and taken down easily, when the tribe had to move to follow the buffalo.


According to this video, why did Lt. Dunbar ask to be transferred to the Great Plains?

to see the Frontier before it was gone

Same clip as above: Why did the White hunters kill the buffalo, according to Lt Dunbar in the clip?

to take and sell their hides and tongues

Ironically, the farmer's biggest problem was not that it was too tough to grow crops; it was that they grew _________ (too many/ too few) crops

too many

The bones, ligaments, and other body parts were used as _________ (Black & Decker, Skill, etc..), weapons, household goods, and even jewelry.


The railroad that stretched from Atlantic to Pacific Oceans; helps achieve "Manifest Destiny"


Which of the following were NOT uses of the buffalo by Plains Indians? (Does Not have to be more than one


The mining villages were lawless places, with justice being enforced by _________ groups, who even used lynchings (like the KKK did) to punish people


Men hunted, and supervised spiritual activities, but their most important jobs were to protect their people and wage ________, which was mostly done to protect the people and their way of life, and to prove their bravery.


They also used other technological advancements such as ________ to pump water from deep wells, and new reapers and thrashers


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