Social Studies Tests

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How does a cutoff lake form? *

A cutoff lake forms when a river goes through a flat area in a straight course.

What is a drainage basin? Describe the Mississippi River's drainage basin. *

A drainage basin is somewhere that drains to other rivers. The Mississippi River drains into the Gulf of Mexico.

Which best describes absolute location? Check all that apply: (2 answers) *

A specific spot on planet earth, Address or Latitude and Longitude coordinates

8033 Baringer Road is an example of: *

Absolute location

What is an ethnic group? *

An ethnic group is a group of people who are or who consider themselves to be different from other members of their community based on several factors.

Why did the Company of the Indies generate so much profit in the early years? *

As the number of people wanting to invest rose, so did the price of the shares, creating a rise in the value of the company

Why did the Company of the Indies generate so much profit in the early years?

As the number of people wanting to invest rose, so did the prices of shares, creating a rise in the value of the company

Which Native American tribe was an ally of the British during the colonial period? *


Which term refers to anyone born in Louisiana whose ancestors were from some other place?


Who was the first proprietor of the Louisiana colony?


Who was the first proprietor of the Louisiana colony? *


Short answer (1-3 sentences): Why would domestic producers be unhappy with free trade agreements like NAFTA? *

Domestic producers lost some jobs and factories because of NAFTA.

Where did the incident occur that convinced Iberville that a fort should be erected to protect the French holdings along the Mississippi?

English Turn

Roles in this branch include Secretary of State, District Attorney, and Treasurer *


Which branch of government enforces laws? *


What are the three branches of government in Louisiana? Choose 3. *

Executive, Legislative, Judicial

What caused the Mississippi Bubble to burst? *

Expenses of the colony grew and it became impossible to maintain profit levels, so investors began to demand payments in cash. John Law left the country, taking all the investors' money with him, so investors could not be paid

What caused the Mississippi Bubble to burst?

Expenses of the colony grew and it became impossible to maintain profit levels, so investors began to demand payments in cash. John Law left the country, taking all the investors´ money with him, so investors could not be paid.

T/F: Acadians were British-Canadians who were forced out and eventually resettled in southwest Louisiana


True/False: Spain created the first permanent settlement in Louisiana *


Short Answer (1-3 sentences): Explain how supply and demand come together in the free market to determine price. *

First you have to see how much of something you have in supply, then if you have a lot of it you can lower the price, but if you don´t have a lot you can make it higher. Demand also plays into this because if someone really wants something then they´ll pay a lot for it.

Why did Iberville and Bienville move the original colonial settlement from Fort Maurepas to a new location? (Select two) *

Flooding, Poor soil

Which fort replaced Fort Marepas? *

Fort Louis

Study the graph. In planning for 2010, what decision might a Louisiana cotton farmer make based on this data? *

Grow another kind of crop to increase crop value

Short answer (1-3 sentences): How has the growth of the movie and television industry brought economic benefits to Louisiana? *

It is cheaper to film in Louisiana so a lot of people come to film here. That brings a lot of money to Louisiana.

Short answer (1-3 sentences): Why is commercial fishing such an important factor in Louisiana's economy? *

It is important because 25% of the fish caught in commercial fishing counts toward the overall commercial catch.

What does navigable mean? *

It means that it is a safe place for boats to go.

In what way did mercantilism help affect the colony's economic system?

It prevented the colony from legally obtaining needed supplies from Spanish outposts

In what ways did mercantilism affect the colony's economic system? *

It prevented the colony from legally obtaining needed supplies from Spanish outposts

After Crozat, who worked with the king to devise another way of running the colony?

John Law

Roles in this branch include judges for district courts, court of appeals, and Supreme Court *


Which branch of government interpret and applies the constitution to laws of the state? *


Who claimed Louisiana for France? *

La Salle

Choose 2: Which of the following marked the end of the Paleo era and beginning of the Meso era *

Larger animals died out, so meso people had to hunt smaller animals, climate changed

Roles in this branch include senator and representative: *


Which branch of government creates new laws? *


Short answer (1-3 sentences): Explain how Louisiana's economy has changed over time? *

Louisiana used to have a traditional economy. We also tried mercantilism. After that we went to a market economy.


Meridian or the measure of location's distance east or west of the Prime Meridian

What are the natural regions of Louisiana? Check all that apply (5 answers): *

Mississippi Floodplain Region, Red River Valley Region, Terraces Region, Marsh Region, Hills Region


Parallels or the measure of a location's distance north or south of the equator

How does a market economy differ from a command economy? *

Producers and consumers are free to answer the four basic economic questions without government involvement

Short answer (1-3 sentences):What are right-to-work laws and why do unions oppose them? *

Right-to-work-laws ¨make it clear that you don´t have to join a union to get a good job¨. Unions appose them because it takes their ability to pay employees more and protect their workers away.

Look at the map on page 20. What river flows directly into Lake Pontchartrain? *

Tangipahoa River

Where does the state budget get MOST of its funding? *


Give one example each of a cutoff lake, a raft lake, and a marsh lake. *

The Red River left a cutoff lake. Caddo Lake is a raft lake. In Vermilion Parish, White Lake is a marsh lake.

What was the difference between the powers of the commandant and those of the commissary-commissioner? *

The commandant controlled the military and civilian affairs and the commissary-commissioner was the business manager

What was the difference between the powers of the commandant and those of the commissary-commissioner?

The commandant controlled the military and the civilian affairs and the commissary-commissioner was the business manager


The difference between highest and lowest elevation

Where did Italian immigrants settle in Louisiana? What jobs did they work? *

They settled in Greater New Orleans and they farmed.

Why did the French feel the need to establish a settlement in the Louisiana colony after La Salle's failure? *

They wanted to prevent the English and the Spanish from creating a settlement near the river

Why did Paleo people migrate to North America from Asia? *

They were following the animals they hunted

What is the purpose of checks and balances? *

To make sure that one branch of government does not get more powerful than the others

True/False: King Louis XIV granted proprietorships in the hopes that individual businessmen would take control of the colony and make it profitable. *


True/False: Louisiana's law system is influenced by its French and Spanish colonial past *


What is a government? *

a system through which a community is organized

What are the characteristics of a traditional economy? *

agricultural basis, bartering, based on past customs

What were the reasons for Bienville's failure as a leader?

competition for colonial dominance and lack of supplies

Why was the colony often reffered to as rouge

defiance of French dictates

Which era in prehistory developed the bow and arrow? *

early neo

Which of the following describes a natural resource? *

gifts of nature that can be used to produce goods and services

What was one of Bienville´s major accomplishments?

he founded New Orleans

Why was it difficult to get people to settle in Louisiana?

high mortality rates

What is the difference between a proprietorship and a joint-stock company? *


What were the reasons for Bienville's failure as a leader? (Choose 2) *

lack of supplies, Competition for colonial dominance

Which era in prehistory left behind the most artifacts? *

late neo

What does meso mean? *


Why did so may of the early colonists achieve so little success as farmers?

no agricultural experience

Who holds the power of government in a democracy? *


What is intercropping? *

planting multiple crops in the same plot at the same time

Which positive achievement can be credited to Cadillac? *

promoted the cultivation of indigo and tobacco

What is the term associated with the system of allowing individual businessmen to take control of a colony for profit?


What is the term associated with the system of allowing individual businessmen to take control of a colony for profit? *


What was John Law´s controversial method for populating the colony?

sending prisoners from French jails

Why did King Louis XIV settle on the idea of proprietorship for the colony?

severe economic problems in France and lack of profitability in the colony

Why did King Louis XIV settle on the idea of proprietorship for the colony? *

severe economic problems in France and lack of profitability in the colony

What are capital resources? *

tools to produce goods

Read the passage and then answer the next question: "Louisiana's first French settlers eagerly traded with nearby groups of Indians for food and items of value. In exchange for corn-and, later deerskin's- the first colonists offered the Indians French-made goods including axes, knives, blankets, shirts, mirrors, and needles." What type of economic system is described in the passage?

traditional economy

true/false By 1724, enslaved Africans became the Louisiana colonies main source of power.


true/false Following the end of Crozat's proprietorship, France turned to John Law's concept of a joint-stock company to take responsibility over Louisiana.


true/false King Louis XIV granted proprietorship in the hopes that individual businessman would take control of the colony and make it profitable.


Who were casket girls?

young, marriageable, French girls

Paragraph (at least 5 sentences): Compare and contrast two types of economies. *

your answer

What is a bayou? *

A bayou is a waterway that goes from short to long, and shallow to navigable.

Which colonial governor is credited with establishing a French atmosphere in Louisiana? *

Marquis de Vaudreuil

What is reapportionment? *

Revising the legislative district boundaries based on population numbers. It happens every 10 years

What four Native American groups are recognized as sovereign nations by the U.S. government? *

The groups are the Chitimacha's, the Jena Band of Choctaw, the Coushatta, and the Tunica-Biloxi.


The height of a place above sea level

What geographic feature defines many of Louisiana's boarders? *


Which best describes relative location? Check all that apply: (2 answers) *

Where a place is in relation to another place, Directions to a location

Which is not a characteristic of democracy? *

a dictator for a leader

True/False: Bienville was the first governor of Louisiana. *


true/false After DeSoto´s death, the surviving member of his expedition returned to Spain with the massive amounts of gold they gathered


What does neo mean? *


What does paleo mean? *


What is federalism? *

the division of power between the federal and state government

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