Social Welfares

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*Means tested, A public assistance program designed to provide healthcare to poor Americans. (Compare to Medicare)

Public Housing

Housing owned by the government; in the United States, it is rented to low-income residents, and the rents are set at 30 percent of the families' incomes

New Deal era

a variety of programs designed to produce relief (government jobs for the unemployed), recovery (economic growth), and reform (through regulation of Wall Street, banks and transportation). The economy improved rapidly from 1933 to 1937, but then relapsed into a deep recession.

social insurance programs

government programs that pay benefits to retired and disabled workers, their families, and the unemployed, social security, medicare, medicaid, unemployment ("pay as you system") some entitlement programs are social insurance programs - ex. Social Security

contributory program

one in which the recipient must pay something to recceive the benefits of the program. Certainly at times the payment correlates to ability, nonetheless one must pay

Medicare C

(Medicare Advantage), which was formerly known as Medicare + Choice plans allow you to choose to receive all of your health care services through a provider organization. These plans may help lower your costs of receiving medical services, or you may get extra benefits for an additional monthly fee. You must have both Parts A and B to enroll in Part C.


*Means tested, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program , Entitlement Program - electronic monthly benefits for eligible participants. Eligibility based on income, assets, immigrant status and ability to work. Federal benefits administered at state level.

Work Study

*Means tested, A type of financial aid which pays students to work part-time, often on campus, during the academic year.


*Means tested, Preschool program designed for disadvantaged kids


*Means tested, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. A 1996 national act that abolished the longtime welfare policy, AFDC (Aid for Families with Dependent Children) TANF gives the states much more control over welfare policy


*Means tested, Women, Infant, and Children Program to supplement nutrition providing foods granted to low income pregnant and postpartum women


*Not means tested., A program added to the Social Security system in 1965 that provides hospitalization insurance for the elderly and permits older Americans to purchase inexpensive coverage for doctor fees and other health expenses.


A health care payment program sponsored by federal & state governments

Social Welfare

A nation's system of programs, benefits, and services that help people meet those social, economic, educational, and health needs that are fundamental to the maintenance of society.

Earned Income Tax Credit

A refundable Federal tax credit provided to low-income wage earners to supplement their families' incomes and encourage work.

Social Safety Nets

A social safety net is a program developed by a government to prove aid to its most vulnerable citizens. These programs might provide food, housing, work, or financial assistance. Common examples include Welfare and Social Security.

Affordable Care Act

An expansion of medicaid, most of employers must provide health insurance, have insurance or face surtax, prevents rejection based on pre-existing condition. Also referred to as "Obamacare", signed into law in 2010.

In kind benefits

Goods and services provided to needy by the federal gov as contrasted with cash benefits., goods and services provided by the government for free or at a greatly reduced price

Entitlement Programs

Government benefits that certain qualified individuals are entitled to by law, regardless of need., Programs such as unemployment insurance, disability relief, or disability payments that provide benefits to all eligible citizens.


Government programs available only to individuals below a poverty line. all means tested programs are non contributory and all contributory (social insurance) programs are not means tested.

Medicare A

Hospital Insurance paid for by a portion of Social Security tax. It helps pay for inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing care, hospice care and other services. Generally, people who are over age 65 and getting Social Security automatically qualify for Medicare Parts A and B

Medicare B

Medical Insurance paid for by the monthly premiums of people enrolled and by general funds from the U.S. Treasury. It helps pay for doctors' fees, outpatient hospital visits, and other medical services and supplies that are not covered by Part A


Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, benefits to disabled workers of all ages and their dependents (old age survivors and disability insurance) *Not means tested.

Great Society

President Johnson called his version of the Democratic reform program the Great Society. In 1965, Congress passed many Great Society measures, including Medicare, civil rights legislation, and federal aid to education.

Social Welfare policy

The laws and regulations that govern which social welfare programs exist, what categories of clients are served, and who qualifies for a given program

Patient Protection

This is the health care reform law. Focuses on reform of the private health insurance market; providing better coverage for those with pre-existing conditions; improving prescription drug coverage in Medicare.

Medicare D

prescription drug coverage voluntary and the costs are paid for by the monthly premiums of enrollees and Medicare. Unlike Part B in which you are automatically enrolled and must opt out if you do not want it, with Part D you have to opt in by filling out a form and enrolling in an approved plan

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