Socio Exam 2!!!!

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Karl Marx

founder of modern communism

Which kind(s) of inequality did Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe would always exist?


Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that the source of all social ills was

private property

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

"Social Contract" he explained an ideal society where each community member would vote on issues and majority would become one law.


a social position; behaviors and a set of attributes that are associated with sex identities.


a society where status and mobility are based on individual attributes, ability, and achievement.

sick role

concept describing the social rights and obligations of a sick individual.

Hegel argued that notions of inequality are constantly evolving in a larger historical arc and will eventually lead to


Which social stratification system was favored in feudal Europe and the American South before the Civil War?

estate system

Which of the following terms hinges on the belief that social and psychological traits can be traced through bloodlines and selectively bred out of (or into) populations?


Karen has been suffering for years from an undiagnosed chronic, degenerative disease. Her family and friends blame her for the problems she's facing and have stopped trying to help her out because she refuses to see a doctor and has been attempting to treat herself using essential oils. Sociologist Talcott Parsons would say that it makes sense that Karen has lost the sympathy of her friends and family because she is

failing to meet the obligations of the sick role

Thomas Malthus believed that the human population grows __________, but the ability to produce food increases __________.

geometrically: arithmetically

Which of the following is a factor necessary for rapidly lowering birthrates in a developing nation, according to Jeffrey Sachs?

girls' education


harmful or negative acts (not mere thoughts) against people deemed inferior on the basis of their racial category, without regard to their individual merit.

the concept of race

has changed over time

A condition in which men are dominant and privileged in ways that are invisible is called

hegemonic masculinity

The story of Elliot Jackson's experience in the school bathroom is helpful for thinking about both sex and gender because it

highlights the problems with assuming people are either male or female


illness in a general sense


money received by a person for work, from transfers (gifts, inheritances, or government assistance), or from returns on investments.

Many people believe sex to be an either/or situation (either male or female), but sociologists argue that these pure categories are

more of an approximation than an absolute

Karl Marx and Jean-Jacques Rousseau tended to agree on at least one thing. They both saw the primary source of social ills in society as

private property

Two Marxist Class Structures

proletariat class and capitalist class

private property

property owned by an individual

Dr. Bothan is a doctor with a medical degree from University. She makes her own cures for all kinds of ailments using natural elements and "vital energies." All the other doctors in her city say Dr. Bothan is a danger to her patients, but she doesn't really care. All she is concerned about is what her patients think and how much product she sells. Because she serves clients at the expense of the esteem of her peers in the medical profession, Dr. Bothan would be considered by sociologists as a


Which term refers to the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits?




capitalist class

The elite class in positions of wealth and power.

As your textbook notes, the paradox of stratification is that inequality is the result of


Most Arabs in the US are



net worth

Around the 1990s, physicians' authority began to decline for several reasons, one of which was that more physicians were associated with health maintenance organizations (HMOs). This meant that

there were changes in the way patients paid for care

According to intersex activists, why do parents and surgeons push to assign a sex to a genitally ambiguous child?

they face social discomfort and fear of difference

One of the results of the negative income tax experiment was that increasing numbers of women left their marriages. This was because

they were less financially dependent on their abusive husbands

Each society has a type of social stratification. How does the United States ideologically justify its type of stratification system?

A person is in complete control over the class they are in. Hard work determines class.

Sigmund Freud

Austrian physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; founded psychoanalysis.


Belief that one race is superior to another

Patricia Hill Collins

Black Feminist Thought and matrix of domination

In an 1851 issue of Harper's Weekly magazine, a particular racial group is described as "wild bisons leaping over the fences which easily restrain the civilized domestic cattle." Which of the following groups is this passage describing?


What is the origin of the word Caucasian

It refers to people who lived on the slopes of mountains in the country of Georgia

What is a social benefit of adopting the sick role? A person in the sick role is

Not looked down on or morally judged if they do not work

Which of the following is one of the reasons why sociologists view gender as a social construction rather than a biological given?

Our understandings of, categorizations of, and behaviors toward what it means to be a man or woman have changed throughout history.

It is 1970, and a development worker hopes to understand Mexican peasant families before intervening to improve their lives. This development worker reads Oscar Lewis's "The Culture of Poverty" and interprets peasant life according to Lewis's theory. What does the development worker conclude?

Peasants make rational but self-defeating choices, passing poverty on to subsequent generations


The study of the conformation of the skull based on the belief that it is indicative of mental faculties and character.

Georg Hegel

This man believed that each age is characterized by a dominant set of ideas, which produces opposing ideas and a new synthesis

Consider a scenario in which a cis-woman attends college and learns about the social construction of gender expectations. As someone who has always been highly competitive and assertive, she begins to see herself simply as someone whose individual characteristics don't match the gendered expectations of her community. Although she is comforted by this, she still goes on to experience difficulty with some people accepting her tenacity. This highlights the reality that

a gender has real consequences even if it isn't tied to some fixed biological reality


a gender identity that does not fit squarely into the male-female gender binary classification

relative poverty

a measurement of poverty based on a percentage of the median income in a given location.


a nearly universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity.

sexual orientation

a person's romantic and emotional attraction to another person

Connor is a policy analyst who argues that welfare programs are counterproductive because they discourage beneficiaries from even trying to find employment. Connor believes that welfare benefits create

a perverse incentive

the caste system

a religion-based system of stratification characterized by no social mobility.

If we apply the sociological imagination to sex, gender, and sexuality, we might argue that

although biological differences exist between men and women, what we make of those differences is socially constructed and has changed through time and place.

socioeconomic status (SES)

an individual's position in a stratified social order.

glass ceiling

an invisible limit on women's climb up the occupational ladder.

Collective resistance

an organized effort to change a power hierarchy on the part of a less-powerful group in a society.

Though the concept of gender refers to social characteristics, the notion of sex has typically referred to __________ characteristics.


The one-drop rule asserts that just "one drop" of black blood makes


Imagine that a politician argues that giving more aid to the poor is pointless because the real problem is that poor people have rejected the practices of "mainstream" society. This politician is making a(n) __________ argument.

culture of poverty


describes people whose gender corresponds to their birth sex.


describes people whose gender does not correspond to their birth sex.

You and your hair stylist need each other. You are dependent on them for keeping your hair looking nice and they are dependent on you for a job. According to Hegel, this is an example of a(n)

dialectic relationship

Phrenology was an early-twentieth-century pseudoscience that read people's intelligence, capacities, and race from

differences in head formation

the matrix of domination

intersecting domains of oppression that create a social space of domination and, by extension, a unique position within that space based on someone's intersectional identity along the multiple dimensions of gender, age, race, class, sexuality, location, and so on

Your textbook points out that sex is partly a social concept. This is based on the fact that, although information about chromosomes is used to sort people into male and female categories, and although chromosomes are biological realities, the chromosomal makeup across people in a population

is more of an average than a binary


literally meaning "well born"; a pseudoscience that postulates that controlling the fertility of populations could influence inheritable traits passed on from generation to generation

By looking at anthropological findings in tribal societies, sociologists can see fluidity in gender, which helps us see that the boundaries within our own system of gender

may not be stable

In the past, being overweight or obese may have been seen as a personal failing, but now it is seen as a disease to be treated by doctors. This is an example of the process known as


Physician prestige has been on the decline since the 1980s. Which of the following might be a reason?

more people in the medical community are being allowed to prescribe

In Navajo tribes, there are three genders. Which of the following is their third gender category?


Scientific racism

nineteenth-century theories of race that characterize a period of feverish investigation into the origins, explanations, and classifications of race

Consider a country that has laws and customs against discrimination regarding school admissions, employment, and pay. This society is also organized such that its members fall into a hierarchy of political power, wealth, education, occupational status, and income. This country is understood to have


When groups are arranged hierarchically with different levels of power, social prestige, status, or economic resources, this is called


Talcott Parsons

structural functionalism and sex role theory

In the 1980s, journalist Ken Auletta coined the term underclass. He said that the underclass was different from the "rest of us" in that people in this class

tended to be more dangerous than the middle class

One of the major factors associated with the declining authority of doctors in contemporary society is

that more women have joined the medical profession as doctors

glass escalator

the accelerated promotion of men to the top of a work organization, especially in feminized jobs.

social darwinism

the application of Darwinian ideas to society-namely, the evolutionary "survival of the fittest"


the belief that one's own culture or group is superior to others, and the tendency to view all other cultures from the perspective of one's own.

hegemonic masculinity

the condition in which men are dominant and privileged, and this dominance and privilege is invisible.

Which of the following situations provides an example of how the social categories of gender influence the biology of sex?

the decision to perform sex reassignment surgery on a male infant born with a micropenis and raise the baby as female

Which of the following examples calls into question the two firm categories of sex and gender that dominate our thinking?

the existence of more than two gender groups in other cultures

A professor assigns a group project. In one group, Darin does nearly all the work. Martin, Aaid, and Abbey seem to shirk responsibility, assuming that because it's a group, someone else will pull the extra weight. Viewed with a sociological lens, this is

the free rider problem


the hierarchical organization of a society into groups with differing levels of power, social prestige, or status and economic resources


the idea that heterosexuality is the default or normal sexual orientation from which other sexualities deviate


the idea that it is critical to understand the interplay between social identities such as race, class, gender, ability status, and sexual orientation, even though many social systems and institution try to treat each category on its own

Social mobility

the movement between different positions within a system of social stratification in any given society.

the free rider problem

the notion that when more than one person is responsible for getting something done, the incentive is for each individual to shirk responsibility and hope others will pull the extra weight.


the perceived biological differences that society typically uses to distinguish males from females.

absolute poverty

the point at which a household's income falls below the necessary level to purchase food to physically sustain its members.


the process by which problems or issues not traditionally seen as medical come to be framed as such


thoughts and feelings about an ethnic or racial group, which lead to preconceived notions and judgments (often negative) about the group.

During European colonialism, ethnocentrism classified whites as normal, and nonwhites as abnormal and inferior, to help justify

unequal treatment and conquest

A somewhat surprising piece of common ground has been found by leftists and the right-wing in advocating for the idea of a(n) __________, which is seen as a way to battle inequality and poverty on the left and a means of getting rid of the welfare state on the right.

universal basic income

Your textbook notes a new form of policy experiment that would provide everyone with a guaranteed income called

universal basic income

Thomas Malthus

who warned that population growth threatened future generations because, in his view, population growth would always outstrip increases in agricultural production.

An essentialist would argue which of the following for why women outnumber men in occupations that involve caring?

women find occupations that involve caring more suitable to their nature

proletariat class

working class

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