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When did sociology become established as an academic discipline in the United States

About 1900

Industrialization causes dramatic changes to society because

The rate of social change increases

About 1.25 millions immigrants enter the united state each year and many (including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gloria Estefan) have become well known. These facts support the conclusion that _____

The world's nations are increasingly interconnected

According to Laumann study of sexual patterns among U.S. adults

There are striking differences in sexual experience within the U.S. population

In a well-told joke

There is a very sharp contrast between the conventional and unconventional definitions of reality

U.S. business organizations differ from those a century ago because

Today's organization use more competitive work team

The dominant values of U.S. culture include

a belief in individuality

A prisoner would consider a maximum-security prison

a coercive organization

In principal, bureaucracy organization pay little attention to


Inductive logical thought involves

Transforming specific observations into general theory

What might a sociologist say about people's selection of marriage partners

Typically, a person marries someone of similar social position

Which German word is meaning understanding was used by Max Weber to describe his approach to sociological research


Looking at humor from a structural-functional viewpoint, jokes

are often used to relieve tension-"lightening" a situation.

Using the social-conflict approach, a sociologist might highlight

Income differences among young people in high school

A theory states that increasing a person's formal higher education results in increased earnings over the individual's lifetime. In this theory, higher education is the ______

Independent variable

Which of the following types of society has the most productive specialization


Sociologist use the term empirical evidence to refer to

Information we can verify with our sense

An inmate who loses the capacity for independent living is described as


People can mislead others with statistics by

Interpreting the data to lead their reader to a desired conclusion

What concept did Durkheim use to refer to social bonds, which are strong among members of industrial society and are based on specialization and mutual interdependence

Organic solidarity

Max Weber argued that formal organizations were efficient, but he cautioned that they can have harmful effects on people. As he saw it, what is the danger

Organization creates alienation

If you read a study that draws conclusions about all of humanity based on research using only female as subject, you would correctly point to the problem called

Over generalization

Which sociological research method is likely to be the most difficult to replicate

Participants observation

Which sociological research method provides the best chance to understand social behavior in a natural setting

Participants observation

The symbolic interactionist approach focuses on how

People experience society

How did Weber describe the thought patterns of the member of traditional societies

People pass the same values and beliefs from generation to generation

A manifest function of sports is

providing recreation and physical conditioning

Many people call prostitution a victimless crime because

they believe that adults should be able to do as they please as long as no one is harmed

Two variables are said to display correlation if

they vary together

A widespread-but false-idea about rape is that ________

women who are raped must have encouraged their attackers.

The flow of ____ from country to country adds to creation of global culture


An example of a primary group is

A family that has gathered to celebrate a religious holiday

A distinctive contribution of schooling to the process of socialization

Exposing the child to an impersonal, bureaucratic setting

Sociology differs from the older discipline of philosophy by focusing on

How society actually operates

Mead would agree that

If you won 100 million in a lottery, your self might change

Twitter and Facebook are examples of

Social media

Smiling and making polite remarks to people we do not like is an example of

Idealizing a personal performance

In hunting and gathering societies

men hunt animals while women gather vegetation.

Research on extramarital sex show that about ______ of married men and about ______ of married women remain faithful to their spouse throughout their married lives

81 percent; 88 percent

An example of a secondary group is

A Microsoft corporation award banquet

From the point of view of anyone considered to be an inmate what type of formal organization is the person in

A coercive organization

What research method was used in Philip Zimbardo's study, the Stanford County prison

An experiment

Compared to an industrial society is based on

An information-based economy

The concept bureaucracy refer to

An organization model rationally designed to perform task efficiently

Durkheim called the condition in which society provides Little moral guidance to individuals


When people model themselves after the members of peer groups they would like to join, they are engaging in a process that sociologist called

Anticipatory socialization

Sociologist define a symbol as

anything that carries meaning to people who share a culture

What is Robert Merton's term for preoccupation with rules and regulations to the point of keeping an organization from accomplishing its goals

Bureaucratic ritualism

Elite prostitutes--young attractive, well educated women---are widely referred to as

Call girl or escort

What is the term sociologist give to a category of people with a common characteristic, usually their age


A temporary, loosely formed collection of people who may or may not interact is a


In describing the rationalization of society, Max Weber claimed that modern society had become


A social group with only two members is called a


The social standings of women and men in hunting and gathering societies

Fairly equal, with men and women each making a vital contribution to survival

With regard to the process of measurement

For measurement to be valid, it must be reliable

The scientific management approach was developed by

Frederick Taylor.

A feminist theoretical analysis of language in the U.S. suggest that cultural patterns support

Gender inequality

What is the sociological concept coined by Irving Janis for limited understanding of something of some issues resulting from group conformity


About what share of the States in this country have laws that permit marriage between first cousins

Half of the States

If you teaching a class about the symbolic-interaction approach to sexuality, you likely focus on

How individual in various settings engage in different sexual behavior and attach different meanings to sexual activity

In the period of life called middle adulthood people typically experience

Life circumstances becoming more or less set

According to Emile Durkheim categories of people with a higher suicide rate typically have

Lower level of social integration

Which concept refers to a status that has special importance for social identity, often shaping a person's entire life

Master status

One of the founding sociologist, urges sociologists to understand a social setting from the point of view of the people in it

Max Weber

Robert Merton explained that what is functional for people in one category of a society's population

May not be functional for people in another category

What term refers to values that occur midway in a series of numbers arranged from smallest to largest ( that is, the middle case)


Almost all of Latin America (excluding Mexico) and almost all of Asia falls in the category of

Middle income nations

During the last 50 years, Japanese formal organizations have differed from those in the United States by being

More collective in their orientation

The Sociological Perspective coupled to research reveal that

Much of what passes for common sense in the United States turns out to be at least partly wrong

The United States is the most ____ of all countries


The careful observer can notice clues indicating that someone is telling a lie people give off these cues because

Nonverbal communications is hard for most people to control

Which item in the following list is best thought of as an achieved status?


_____ is a way of understanding the world based on science.


According to Augusta Comte, the type of thinking favored by people such as Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, becomes common in a society at which stage of societal development

Scientific stage

E. Digby Baltzell's historical study, Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia, illustrates which research method

Secondary Analysis

In general, we see an ____ as a mean to end; we see an _____ as an end in itself

Secondary group; primary groups

According to Piaget, in which stage of development do individuals experience the world only through sensory contact

Sensorimotor stage

According to Mead, children learn to take the role of the other as they model themselves on important people in their lives, such as parents. Mead referred to these people as

Significant others

Which concept is used to designate the process by which people creatively shape reality as they interact

Social construction of reality

Which of the following concepts is used to describe relatively stable patterns of social behavior

Social structure

The theoretical approach that highlights the link between culture and social inequality is the

Social-conflict approach

The story of the Tuareg nomads, that begins chapter 4 in the text shows us that

Some societies don't have newspapers, cellular phones, or other things that are familiar to us in the United States

As our society has entered a postindustrial, computer-based phase, gaining

Symbolic skills has become more important

Lois Benjamin's research shows that interviews

Take a lot of time to complete

A person who criticized the Amish farmer as being "backward" for tilling his fields with horses and a plow instead of using a tractor is displaying

The social standings of the people who display the cultural patterns

Which sociological research method is best used to study what cannot be directly observed, such as attitudes and values, among large numbers of people

The survey

One characteristic of secondary group

Weak emotional ties between members

formal organization are

a large secondary group with a goals orientation

Science can be defined as

a logical system that bases knowledge on direct, systematic observation.

Gaining a global understanding is

important for college students because most new U.S. jobs involve international trade

A common myth is that ________

in most cases of rape, the victim does not know the attacker.

The spread of cultural traits from one society to another is called


the study of social interaction in terms of theatrical performance

dramaturgical analysis

To evaluate a theory using evidence, sociologists

gather data or facts.

Lois Benjamin's investigation of racism may be criticized because:

her sample may not be representative of all African Americans.

In her research, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross found that death

is an orderly transition involving specific stages.

unrecognized and unintended consequences of a social pattern are called

latent functions

In the nature versus nurture debate, sociologists claim that

nurture is far more important than nature.

Ekman claims that a major function of emotions is to

support group life by forging connections with others

The success story of the McDonald's organization explains

that the organizational principles of McDonald's have come to dominate our social life.

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