Sociology Chapter 12

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59. According to theory, the call for a return to "family values" produces the uniformity in values necessary for social order. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interaction d. social exchange


63. Both functionalism and conflict theory a. understand sexuality in terms of the overall organization of society. b. relate sexuality to the stability of the family. c. see sexuality in relation to power and the economic structure of society. d. emphasize how sexual identities are socially constructed.


68. A person's sexual identity a. may change throughout at some point in his or her lifetime. b. depends on how many same-sex relationships he or she has had. c. is permanent once it has been determined. d. is predictable at the time he or she is born.


72. In general, which of these stereotypes is often applied to men and women at the bottom of the race and class stratification system? a. they have dangerous or uncontrollable sexual behavior b. they are passive and compliant c. they are virginal or inexperienced d. they are asexual or uninterested in sexual activity


74. The group most vulnerable to sexual exploitation is . a. poor women and women of color b. working-class women c. middle-class women d. women who don't work outside the home


77. When students on a college campus are concerned over issues linked to sexuality and power in society such as rape or other types of sexual violence they are addressing: a. Sexual politics b. Sexual expression c. Homophobia d. Gender debates


84. Historically, how have sociologists approached the study of the experience of gays and lesbians? a. as a form of deviance b. as part of a spectrum of possibilities for human sexuality c. as a normal phase in the development of adolescent sexuality d. sociologists have focused primarily on homophobia


87. Though not supported by traditional institutions, gay and lesbian couples a. are more likely to adopt equal relationship roles. b. do not usually have both partners employed. c. still have equal rights to child custody and partner benefits. d. assume roles of dominance and submission in their relationships.


47. In some cultures women do not believe that orgasm exists. Sociologists view this as evidence that a. there is a need for more sex education throughout the world. b. in some cultures women do not have orgasms. c. sexual attitudes and behavior vary cross-culturally. d. only men experience orgasm.


101. In the U.S., the most commonly-held attitude toward pornography is that it a. is protected by the constitutional guarantees of free speech and freedom of the press. b. should be made illegal. c. has no long lasting impact on attitudes toward women or sexuality generally. d. should be strictly controlled.


104. According to researchers, teenagers who have sex are a. likely to delay using contraceptives until several months after they become sexually active. b. likely to not use condoms. c. likely to marry when they become pregnant. d. less likely to use the birth control pill than other forms of contraception.


105. Research on teen mothers show that they often report which of the following? a. They doubt men's ability to support them. b. They are distrustful of men. c. They are fear domestic violence. d. All of the above


107. Sexual coercion or rape is primarily a consequence of a. sexual attraction. b. power and dominance resulting from inequality. c. provocative behavior among victims. d. sexual permissiveness within society.


18. The refers to the widespread changes in men's and women's roles and a greater public acceptance of sexuality as a normal part of social development. a. feminist movement b. sexual revolution c. eugenics movement d. gender revolution


102. Since 1990, the rate of teen pregnancy in the U.S. has . a. increased b. decreased c. remained the same d. become impossible to determine


103. Research to evaluate the impact of abstinence pledges as a means of preventing teen pregnancy has found that a. virginity "pledgers" actually end up having more sex than "nonpledgers." b. virginity "nonpledgers" consistently have more sex than "pledgers." c. "pledgers" are less likely to use birth control than "nonpledgers." d. "nonpledgers" are less likely to use birth control than "pledgers."


106. Sexual coercion or rape a. is committed by men who don't have sexual partners. b. is an expression of human sexuality. c. is an expression of the social inequality of men and women. d. is an infrequent crime.


108. Which of the following statements is false about sex and social change? a. Technological change has brought new possibilities for sexual freedom. b. The internet has introduced new forms of sexual relations. c. The sexual revolution has meant greater sexual freedom for women. d. The sexual revolution has eliminated the influence of gender in sexual relationships.


100. The American Psychological Association reports that sexualization primarily affects which of these groups? a. young girls b. young boys c. adult women d. adult men


12. Which perspective is a parent who teaches a child about the role of sexual norms in stabilizing the family using? a. functionalism b. conflict c. symbolic interactionism d. feminism


17. If a person is a college graduate with a master's in sociology they are . a. more likely to be pro-choice b. less likely to be pro-choice c. more likely to be unconcerned about abortion d. more likely to see abortion as illegal under all circumstances


20. Which of the following trends is Miranda being affected by when she buys her daughter a doll in a sexy outfit? a. The commercialization of sex b. Heterosexualism c. Pornography d. Homphobia


25. The law dictates who is permitted to legally marry, and the media influence attitudes toward sexuality. From a sociological perspective these examples demonstrate that a. social institutions play a large role in directing human sexuality. b. people are unable to think for themselves when it comes to sexuality. c. in the U.S. there is general consensus on what is appropriate sexual behavior. d. sexual scripts in the U.S. are more conservative than in other countries.


26. Redlight districts, sex in advertising, and prostitution are all examples of a. the connection between sex and economic forces in society. b. illegal sexual activities. c. activities found only in the U.S. d. the influence of the media in our society.


27. Government support for particular birth control technologies a. is a form of regulating sexual and reproductive behavior. b. does not occur within the U.S. c. has no affect on the decisions that individuals make about reproductive behavior. d. discriminates against women.


28. Which of the following statements is false about the sexual practices of the U.S. public? a. Young people are becoming sexually active at an earlier age. b. A significant number of people have extramarital sex. c. Having only one sex partner in one's lifetime is rare. d. A significant number of people are lesbian and gay.


33. The system of international sex trafficking a. is sometimes identified as a form of slavery. b. involves young men and women equally. c. is limited to women over the age of 18. d. Occurs mostly within capitalist countries.


35. sought to apply scientific principles of genetic selection to "improve" the offspring of the human race. a. Eugenics b. Genomics c. Genecology d. Gerontology


36. Examples of new reproductive technologies that mean reproduction is no longer inextricably linked to biological parents include . a. in vitro fertilization b. birth control c. adoption d. sterilization


45. What is the relationship between the concepts of sexual orientation and sexual identity? a. Sexual orientation is something deeply rooted in an individual; sexual identity develops within a social context. b. Sexual identity is biological; sexual orientation is socially constructed. c. They mean essentially the same thing. d. One's sexual orientation determines one's sexual identity.


46. If having gay, lesbian, and bisexual relations and attractions is a choice, this means that a. one may decide to change one's sexual orientation. b. people have no control over their attractions. c. there is a biological basis to sexual attractions and relationships. d. it is not possible to change one's sexual orientation.


5. According to functionalism, sexual identity is: a. learned in the family. b. regulated by individuals. c. socially constructed. d. is compulsory.


53. When it comes to attitudes in the U.S. toward gays and lesbians, a. most people believe that homosexual relations between consenting adults should be legal. b. most believe that marriage between couples of the same sex should be legal. c. there has been little change over the years. d. most people the policy should be "don't ask, don't tell" in employment situations.


56. The theoretical framework that emphasizes how sexuality contributes to the stability of social institutions is the . a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. symbolic interaction perspective d. social exchange perspective


57. According to theory, norms that restrict sex to marriage encourage the formation of families. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interaction d. social exchange


58. gives legitimacy to heterosexual behavior, but not homosexual behavior, in order to maintain complementary roles and the ideal of the nuclear family. a. Functionalism b. Conflict theory c. Symbolic interaction theory d. Social exchange theory


93. Research on contraceptive use a. has been done more among women than among men. b. has found that women use condoms more than the bill to protect themselves from AIDS. c. has been done more among men than among women. d. indicates that the use of all methods of birth control has been declining.


97. Which of the following groups is most likely to have an abortion? a. young women, ages 20-29 b. women over the age of 40 c. middle class women d. college students


1. Which of the following is an accurate statement? a. There is significant evidence for a biological basis for sexual orientation. b. There is significant evidence for a social basis for sexual identity. c. There is some evidence for a biological basis and some evidence for a social basis for sexual orientation. d. There is no evidence for a social basis for sexual identity.


21. John is engaging in heterosexism. Which of the following does he believe? a. the assumption that heterosexuality is deviant. b. the institutionalization of heterosexuality as the only legitimate sexual orientation. c. the systematic denial of rights to homosexuals. d. the weakening of social norms related to sexual orientation.


22. Bobby's view of himself sexuality or his sexual identity is learned: a. at birth. b. in the context of his social relationships. c. from his sexual orientation. d. from his parents during childhood.


23. When a researcher starts with the premise that sexuality is socially defined he or she is assuming . a. sexual orientation is always changing for everyone b. social context establishes what social relationships mean c. sexual identity is always fixed d. sexual identity is a social reality only


29. Sociological research on sexual practices a. has been extensive. b. has focused more on attitudes than actual practices. c. is fairly easy to do because American society is so fixated on sexuality. d. is more expensive than other types of research.


31. Queer theory a. views only one type of sexuality as normal. b. interprets society as forcing dichotomous sexual boundaries on people. c. sees homosexuality as fixed in biology. d. blames social institutions for a social misunderstanding of sexuality.


34. Male sex tourists outnumber women by three to one in , where businessmen often travel to buy sexual companionship. a. Amsterdam b. Thailand c. Sweden d. India


37. Sociologists note that the increasing use of reproductive technologies a. will have the same impact on women, regardless of their social status. b. may lead to a new eugenics movement. c. is guided by tradition. d. affects middle-class women more than others.


39. About percent of the U.S. public think that abortion should be legal in any circumstance. a. 19 b. 24 c. 41 d. 54


42. From a sociological perspective, sex a. is a strictly private matter. b. is rooted in social norms, values, and institutions. c. should be limited to people who are married. d. is completely natural behavior.


44. What is the term for the definition that one has of oneself, that involves one's sexual relationships? a. gender identity b. sexual identity c. sexual orientation d. sexuality


50. Research on how sexual identity is learned indicates that a. sexual knowledge and sexual identity first begin to develop when a person starts having sex. b. sexual socialization takes place at a very early age. c. peers have little or no impact on sexual attitudes. d. what we learn when we are young has no real impact on our sexual attitudes and behaviors as adults.


55. Information that is available on sexual practices in the U.S. indicates that a. most people still have only one sexual partner throughout their lives. b. young people are becoming sexually active at a later age. c. very few people have extramarital sex. d. having sex tends to be very frequent.


6. According to conflict theory, sexual norms are: a. functional. b. frequently contested. c. socially constructed. d. deviant.


60. The theoretical perspective that sees sexuality as part of the power relations and economic inequality in society is . a. functionalist theory b. conflict theory c. social exchange theory d. symbolic interaction theory


61. According to theory, sexual violence such as rape or sexual harassment is the result of power imbalances between men and women. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interaction d. social exchange


62. According to theory, power relations in society influence the power that some sexual groups have over others. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interaction d. social exchange


70. Having casual sexual relations, from kissing to sexual intercourse, without any commitment has been termed . a. the double standard b. hooking up c. gender bending d. making out


76. When individuals view and act on homosexuality as a perversion of normal sexual identity they are advocating . a. Homosexuality b. Heterosexism c. Queer theory d. Sexual politics


78. Because they are denied equal protection and treated with prejudice and discrimination sociologists consider gay and lesbians as . a. illegal populations. b. minorities. c. tolerant. d. abnormal.


80. The introduction of queer theory a. has strengthened the boundaries between homosexuality and heterosexuality identity. b. furthers the idea that sexual identity may be a continuum of different possibilities for sexual expression. c. challenges the belief that there can be multiple types of sexual identity. d. has not had any impact on how sexual identity is understood.


83. The practice of traveling to particular parts of the world in order to engage in commercial sexual activity is termed . a. sex trafficking b. sex tourism c. sex capitalism d. international sexism


85. Sociological study of homophobia has found that a. it occurs naturally in humans. b. it may be deeply embedded in individuals' definitions of themselves. c. there is no institutional context for homophobia within the U.S. d. unlike in other countries, homophobia has little impact on attitudes within the U.S.


86. Research findings indicate that gays and lesbians a. actively try to seduce or "recruit" straight people. b. do not assume dominant and submissive roles in their relationships. c. generally have a negative impact on their children. d. are mostly middle or upper class.


88. Research on gay and lesbian relationships has found that a. they generally include a dominant and submissive role. b. the quality of the relationship is better when the couple receives social support. c. there is more inequality in gay and lesbian relationships than in heterosexual relationships. d. they experience more unemployment than in heterosexual relationships.


89. What is the status of gays and lesbians in the U.S. politically and legally? a. They are not considered a minority group because of their numbers. b. The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot be denied equal protection under the law. c. They have the same rights to child custody, adoption, and domestic partnerships as heterosexuals. d. They still receive no legal protection.


90. The availability of legal birth control a. has always been extended to married and unmarried people equally. b. is a relatively recently acquired right. c. has generally been controlled by women who are most likely to use it. d. is widespread for all forms, without the need for a prescription.


91. Historically the application of eugenics to humans led to which of the following? a. Improvement for societies b. Race and class-based sterilization and blame c. Changes in attitudes toward birth control d. Movements supporting future use of eugenics


95. The right to abortion was first established in constitutional law in . a. 1965 b. 1973 c. 1986 d. 1990


13. The U.S. Supreme Court defined the use of birth control as a right, not a crime, in and extended the same right to unmarried people in . a. 1960; 1961 b. 1945; 1965 c. 1965; 1972 d. 1996; 2003


16. Since the legalization of abortion, the number of abortions has: a. increased. b. fluctuated. c. decreased. d. stayed the same.


24. According to the text, a. there is a gene for being homosexual. b. being homosexual or heterosexual depends on one's genetic structure. c. social influences are an important part of every person's sexual identity. d. There is a gene for being heterosexual.


30. Conflict theorists a. relate sexuality to the stability of the family. b. believe that all sexual relationships are oppressive. c. are interested in the international sex trade and other economic issues related to sexuality. d. focus on the social construction of sexuality.


38. Public opinion about abortion a. has become increasingly liberal over time. b. has become increasingly conservative over time. c. has remained relatively constant over the last 20 years. d. has been mixed based on race, class, and age.


4. In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that: a. same-sex marriage is legal. b. discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is illegal. c. private sexual relations are a constitutional liberty. d. sexual orientation is not a legal issue.


40. Most teen pregnancies in the U.S. a. are planned. b. result in marriage. c. are correlated with poverty and low educational attainment. d. are to young teens (ages 13-17).


43. The term for the attraction that a person feels for others of the same or of a different sex is . a. gender identity b. sexual identity c. sexual orientation d. sexuality


49. Which of the following statement is true of sexual values and attitudes in American society? a. There is greater tolerance of casual sex today than ever before. b. The age at which young people are having sex has been increasing over the past two decades. c. People have more sexual partners over a lifetime than in the past. d. Fewer people are having sex before marriage than in the past.


51. The sociological term for the sets of behaviors and roles that children follow when playing "house" or "doctor" is . a. dramaturgical roles b. institutional sexism c. sexual scripts d. gender constructs


52. Attitudes in the U.S. toward sex before marriage a. have become increasingly conservative, overall. b. are more liberal than those of people in western Europe. c. are more conservative than those of people in western Europe. d. have been very consistent throughout history.


54. In the sociological study of sexual practices a. behavior is studied more often than attitudes. b. people are generally very consistent in terms of what they say and do. c. actual behavior is difficult to document. d. have been well-documented in surveys.


64. The social construction of sexual identities is explained by . a. conflict theory b. functionalism c. symbolic interaction theory d. social control theory


65. The perspective explains sexual identity as self-definition that develops through interaction with others. a. functionalist b. conflict c. social construction d. social exchange


66. From a symbolic interactionist perspective a. sexual practices are the result of complementary gender roles in society. b. sexual identity and practices are explained by the social organization of society. c. social approval and taboos influence what is considered permissible. d. differences in power define what types of sexual behavior is acceptable.


67. Which of these theoretical perspectives would be the most interested in how sexual identities are revealed during the process of "coming out" as gay or lesbian? a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


69. The idea that different standards for sexual behavior apply to men and women is called the . a. natural order b. male dominance theory c. double standard d. male mandate


7. "Coming out" refers to: a. The result of a single homosexual experience. b. A series of events that makes an individual question his/her sexual identity. c. The process of defining oneself as gay or lesbian. d. The experience of sharing one's sexual identity with others.


71. A common stereotype for Asian American women is being . a. either "hot" or "virgins" b. temptresses c. compliant and submissive d. all of the above


73. Which of the following groups are more likely to be a victim of sexual violence? a. white women b. rich women c. poor and black women d. middle class women


81. Germany recently legalized gay and lesbian relationships, allowing same-sex couples to register their partnership. This is used in the text to illustrate the that a. all countries place an emphasis on legal unions. b. gays and lesbians have the same rights throughout the U.S. and western Europe. c. tolerance for gay and lesbian relationships varies significantly throughout the world. d. legalizing and registering partnerships are equally important to same-sex couples.


92. Activists Emma Goldman and Margaret Sanger promoted access to birth control as a means of a. reducing the lower class that was threatening upper and middle-class workers. b. decreasing the size of immigrant families in comparison to more established White families. c. enabling women to find employment outside of the home. d. improve the gene pool of the U.S. in terms of health and intelligence.


94. The right to abortion was first established in constitutional law by the decision in 1973. a. Romer v. Evans b. Eisenstadt v. Baird c. Roe v. Wade d. Lawrence v. Griswold


98. In regards to pornography in the U.S., sociologists note that a. the legal definition of pornography has remained stable over time. b. there is a general consensus on what the impact of pornography is. c. pornography has come to permeate the culture. d. pornography is difficult to obtain legally.


99. If Pam is researching pro and anti-abortion activism she is likely to find: a. They both agree on the roles of women in society b. They both agree on women's control over fertility c. They disagree on the role of reproduction for women's independence d. They disagree over abortion and race


10. The double standard rests on a cultural expectation of: a. women being sexually adventurous. b. sexual scripts applying only to men. c. sexual politics being more important than once thought. d. men being more sexually active than women.


11. Which of the following is true regarding prostitution and arrests? a. Male customers are more likely to be arrested than female prostitutes. b. Female customers are more likely to be arrested than male prostitutes. c. Minority prostitutes are less likely to be arrested than White prostitutes. d. White prostitutes are less likely to be arrested than minority prostitutes.


14. Reproduction remains largely controlled by: a. religion. b. families. c. women. d. men.


15. Among women, the most common method of birth control is: a. tubal ligation. b. condoms. c. diaphragms. d. the birth control pill.


19. The American Psychological Association defines sexualization as including any of the following conditions, except: a. People are judged primarily on sexual appeal or behavior. b. Physical attractiveness is equated with being "sexy." c. People are objectified and have sexuality inappropriately imposed on them. d. Children are involved in sexual activity more than what would traditionally be considered appropriate.


2. Sexual behavior is not uniform among all societies. There is evidence that: a. sexual identity is learned. b. sex is influenced by economic forces. c. public policy regulates sexual behavior. d. sexual behaviors vary by social context.


3. Children learn sexual scripts by all of the following, except: a. playing games. b. their parents. c. the media. d. sexual experience.


32. Sociologists have linked the international sex trade to all of the following, except: a. global poverty. b. the spread of AIDS worldwide. c. economic development. d. capitalism.


41. Teenage pregnancy correlates strongly with all of the following, except: a. poverty b. joblessness c. lower educational attainment d. marriage


48. When discussing sexuality with individuals from previous generations college students often find that sexual attitudes: a. remain the same overtime b. are difficult to document c. are often easy to talk about d. change and fluctuate over time


75. In a cross-cultural study of sexual jealousy researchers found that when women and men saw their partners kissing or flirting with another person, a. men were consistently more jealous than women. b. women were consistently more jealous than men. c. neither men nor women illustrated jealous tendencies. d. the reactions of men and women varied in different cultural contexts.


79. According to , multiple forms of sexual identity are possible and can be seen in how people cross the ordinarily assumed boundaries between homosexuality and heterosexuality. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. queer theory


8. The development of sexual identity is: a. linear. b. predictive. c. sequential. d. evolving.


82. Which of the following statements is false? a. Sociologists view the international sex trade as part of the global economy. b. The international sex trade is implicated in problems such as the spread of AIDS. c. The international sex trade is implicated in the exploitation of women where women have limited economic opportunities. d. International trade in sex has decreased as the result of increasing globalization and economic development.


9. The first example of sexual politics in the U.S. was: a. the legalization of gay marriage. b. Pride parades. c. anti-discrimination laws. d. the feminist movement.


96. Which of the following statements is false in regards to abortion? a. The rate of abortion has declined since 1980. b. The majority of women having abortions are already mothers. c. Black women are more likely to have abortions than White women. d. Public support for abortion has been steadily declining over the past 20 years.


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