Sociology Chapter 19: Population and Urbanization

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ten most populated countries in 2050

1.india 2. china 3. us 4. nigeria 5. indonesia 6. pakistan 7. brazil 8. bangladesh 9. drc 10. ethiopia

models of ecological city growth

-concentric zone model -sector model -multiple nuclei (houston)

Population is increasing in our country at an ever increasing rate

False (our families aren't getting bigger)

The malthusian Perspective

-if left unchecked, the population would exceed the available food supply -population would increase in a geometric progression (2,4,8,16...) -the food supply would increase only by an arithmetic progression (1,2,3,4...)

the only acceptable preventative check according to Malthus

-moral restraint - sexual abstinence -other possibilities: (celibacy -never having sex and late marriage)

urban problems in the U.S.

-movement to suburbs -greenbelts -urban renewal -gentrification -succession

The Neo-Malthusian Perspective

-overpopulation and rapid population growth result in global environmental problems -people should be encouraging zero population growth

Demographic Transition Theory

-stage 1: preindustrial societies - little population growth, high birth rates offset by high death rates -stage 2: early industrialization - significant population growth, birth rates are relatively high, death rates decline -step 3: advanced industrialization and urbanization - very little population growth occurs, birth rates and death rates are low -step 4: post industrialization - birth rates decline as more women are employes and raising children becomes more costly

The Marxist Perspective

-using technology, food can be produced for a growing population -overpopulation will lead to the eventual destruction of capitalism -workers will become dissatisfied and develop class-consciousness because of shared oppression

five categories of urban dwellers (Gan's Urban Villagers)

1. Cosmopoloties are students, artists, writers, musicians, and professionals who live in the city to be close to its cultural facilities 2. unmarried people and childless couples live in the city to be close to work and entertainment 3. ethnic villagers live in ethnically segregated neighborhoods 4. the deprived are poor people with dim future prospects 5. the trapped are downwardly mobile persons, older persons, and addicts who cannot escape the city

3 preconditions for development of a city

1. a favorable physical environment 2. an advance technology that could produce a social surplus 3. a well-developed political system to provide social stability -Gemeinschaft (rural) and Gesellschaft (urban)

components of demography

1. birth rate 2. death rate

ten most populated countries in 2015

1. china 2. india 3. usa 4. indonesia 5. brazil 6. pakistan 7. nigeria 8. bangladesh 9. russia 10. mexico

top 10 most populated metropolises in the USA

1. new york city 2. Los angeles 3. chicago 4. houston 5. philadelphia 6. phoenix 7. san antonio 8. san diego 9. dallas 10. san jose

ten most populated cities in the world

1. tokyo-yokohama, japan 2. jakarta, indonesia 3. delhi, india 4. manila, phillipines 5. seoul-incheon, south korea 6. shanghai, china 7. karachi, pakistan 8. beijing, china 9. new york, isa 10. gf, china

What was the number of the exceeded fecundity rate?


What country has lowest birth rate in Western World in January 2005?


A woman in a modern post technological country has a higher fecundity rate than a woman in a less-developing country.


world's population is increasing by more than 76 million people a year and occurs in almost all low-income countries


fecundity rate

a woman's biological maximum potential for bearing children (born after 1995, you could have 30 children)


an area located on or near the out skirts of a central city zone area; usually residential areas where residents commute to the central city for jobs, college enrollments, etc; often become cities

pull factors

conditions that attract people to a new area


generally a population over 10,000


largets megalopolis

low sex ratio

less than 100 males per 100 females

up until 1865, birth and death rates were equal

modern medicine made these rates become unequal

high sex ratio

more than 100 males per 100 females (china)


movement into an area


movement out of an area

age-adjusted death rate

number of deaths at each age for each sex, usually per 1,000 population in a year

age-sex composition

number of women and men and their ages


over 100,000 in population size

migration rate

people are moving north to south; east to west


population over 2500


population under 2500

preventative checks

prevents future births

push factors

push people away from their home


second largest megalopolis


second most populated


several metropolises linked together

life expectancy

the average lifetime in years of people born in a specific year

population composition

the biological and social characteristics of a population, including age, sex, race, marital status, education, occupation, income, and size of household

positive checks

takes away life already existing - mortality risks: famine, war, disease

fertility rate

the actual level of childbearing for an individual or population; based on biological and social factors of women of child-bearing age (between 15 and 45)


the incidence of death in a population

Central Business District - CBD

the most busy section of a city - measured by population, traffic and "business activity" in that city


the movement of people from one geographic area to another for the purpose of changing residency

infant mortality rate

the number of deaths of infants under 1 year of age per 1,000 live births

crude death rate

the number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population per year

crude birth rate

the number of lives births per 1,000 people in a population in a year

sex ratio

the number of males per 100 females in a given population

what is demography?

the study of population


third largest megalopolis

Thomas Malthus says not to use contraceptives, but instead moral restraint.


Thomas Malthus wrote Issues of Population


Washington D.C. - lowest sex ratio


alaska- high sex ratio


florida- low sex ratio


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