Sociology Chapter 4 Inquizitive

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Identify the main agents of socialization

Main agents- Peers, the family, schools, mass media, Not main agents- Hospitals, Churches, Businesses.

Which of the following are examples of role-taking emotions?

Role taking-You feel sadness for your friend who has just lost her mother to cancer, You feel embarrassed that you forgot your brother's birthday. Non role taking-You feel excited about the semester coming to an end, You feel hurt that your friend did not invite you to a party tonight.

What is Socialization?

The process through which individuals fit into a society and internalize its values, beliefs, and norms, and learn to function as its members


the set of behaviors expected of someone because of his or her status

Which of the following are examples of socialization?

Examples- Someone acts visibly uncomfortable when a coworker tells a sexist joke, A parent teaches a child not to burp at the dinner table. Non examples- A passenger sits down on a subway car, A child shows a parent how to check email using a smartphone.

Young army recruits arriving at boot camp are about to enter which of the following?

Total Institution

The location, time period, and family into which individuals are born affect their set of meanings about how the world works.


Classify each item as either "expressions given" or "expressions given off" according to Goffman.

Expressions given-


a position in a social hierarchy that carries a particular set of expectations

Role strain

experienced when there are contradictory expectations within one role

Role conflict

experienced when we occupy two or more roles with contradictory expectations

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