Sociology Chapter 7

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In the past most workers were while men, today in the US _________% of workers are women and __________% are racial/ethnic minorities.

47, 31

In a nontraditional society, production takes place in __________.

A centralized location

__________ would be most likely to say, "We want to keep doing this the way we've always done it."

A member of a horticultural society

Which of the following communities would be most aligned with the rational approach to life?

A nineteenth-century steel mill town in Pennsylvania

Which of the following is an example of a voluntary association?

A school newspaper staff

Which of the following is the best example of worker empowerment?

A small work team in the design department has decided to fire one of the members of the their department.

Who shared his observations about American participation in voluntary organizations in the report Democracy in America?

Alexis de Tocqueville

The experience of being cut off from the product on one's labor, which results in a feeling of powerlessness, is called ___________.


Patti Sue is having difficulty adjusting to George, the new office supervisor. George is quite a "bean counter" and has shown a great deal of insensitivity toward everyone in the office. In view of this, what is the most likely course of action Patti Sue and the other office workers will take?

All the affected office workers will develop a greater sense of social solidarity.

Most sociologists would embrace which theorist's explanation for the development of rationality as the guiding force in modern society?

Both views are equally shared by sociologists

Formal organizations tend to develop into _________.


Max Weber's prediction that ________ would come to dominate social life has withstood the test of time more than any other prediction in sociology.


The Internet has become a major means by which many millions of people connect to others. As we find ourselves more and more connected by social networking, what does your author predict this new form of social organization will replace?


What was the specific Protestant theology that influenced Max Weber's theories of social change and the development of The Spirit of Capitalism?


It is believed by some sociologists that attempts to humanize the workplace are simply ways to manipulate workers into cooperating in their own exploitation. Thus belief is most aligned with the ________ perspective.


In a traditional society, it is assumed that arrangements will __________.

Continue indefinitely

Investigators who use specialized software to recover every note employees have written Nd every website that have visited are known as __________.


Humanizing a work setting involves organizing a workplace in such a way that it _________.

Develops human potential

In order to withstand fierce global competition, corporations must practice _____________ and stay ___________ in order to survive.

Efficiency; nimble

The main purpose of work teams is supposedly to ________.

Empower workers

Which of the following is the best example of a relationship in production in a rational society?

Fatima signs a contract with her publisher to complete her project

Which of the following is an example of the clear levels in a bureaucracy?

Fiona, who is head of her department, meets with her employees each week to distribute assignments and hear their reports on the work they completed

Which sociologist is given credit for coining the concept of the "McDonaldization of Society"?

George Ritzer

Which kind of society is considered nontraditional, or rational?


In Fox and Arquitt's study, inner circle members of the local VFW posts viewed rank-and-file members as _________.

Ignorant boozers

A CEO retires from a corporation. Before he is gone, the next candidate has been primed for the position. This is an example of _________ in a bureaucracy.

Impersonality and replaceability

In her study of 47 corporations, what was the relationship that Rosabeth Moss Kanter discovered between the flexibility of a corporation and corporate profit?

Kanter discovered that the relationship was direct, showing that greater flexibility increases profits

One of the first theorists to argue that the adoption of capitalism is responsible for the decline of traditional orientations to social life was ________.

Karl Marx

___________, who first noted the shift to rationality, blamed the change on capitalism.

Karl Marx

A significant aspect of voluntary associations is that _________.

Key members often become convinced that only they can make important decisions for the group

The early theorist who proposed that religious beliefs are key to whether or not a society embraces capitalism was _________.

Max Weber

In a voluntary association, groups volunteer on the basis of _________.

Mutual interest

Why is hidden corporate culture considered "hidden"?

No one in the workplace is conscious of its existence.

In their study of three local posts of the VFW, sociologists Fix and Arquitt found that leadership was based on which type of system?


It is becoming more common for corporations to provide daycare facilities as a fringe benefit for their employees. What has evaluative research found regarding the costs and benefits of these facilities?

Operating on-site daycare reduces employee absenteeism, improves production, and increases staff morale.

Greenpeace is a voluntary organization that _________.

Paves the way for social change

In a traditional society, production of goods centers on _________.

Personal relationships

Nick was a promising caseworker for an agency. After earning several lower-level promotions, he was appointed to a supervisory position. Supervisory work did not mix well with Nick's abilities and he fell into a professional rut. This is an example of the ________.

Peter Principle

Sam, an aspiring and talented young attorney, has been promoted every year since he joined the law firm of Howard, Howard, and Fine. Unfortunately, Sam feels he cannot handle the responsibilities of his latest promotion. In an effort to keep his newly acquired job title, Sam has begun to take credit for the work done by the employees he supervises. Sam's behavior is an example of ________.

Peter Principle

Shirley works for Freeman Shoe Factory. Shirley and ten of her co-workers meet biweekly with their supervisor to discuss ways to improve the work setting and the company's products. This group is an example of a(n) ___________.

Quality circle

_________ is the idea that rules, efficiency, and practical results should dominate human affairs.


The concept of the "iron law" of oligarchy was developed by sociologist _________.

Robert Michels

Based on Weber's research, which religious denomination was slow in accepting capitalism and dedicated to the acceptance of tradition?

Roman Catholicism

A formal organization is a __________ designed to achieve specific objectives

Secondary group

__________ refers to preconceived ideas of what someone is like that lead to the person's behaving in ways that match the stereotype.

Self-fulfilling stereotype

Functionalists have identified _______ functions of voluntary associations


In traditional society, change is viewed as ________.


One of the latest fads to build corporate teamwork and solidarity is the "cook-off." Which statement best summarizes this activity?

Teams of workers prepare culinary dishes to be judged by professional chefs

Twelfth-century guilds, armies, and ________ foreshadowed the changes usurped in by industrialization.

The Roman Catholic Church

Which distinguishing feature of Calvinism contributed to the rise of capitalism?

The belief that people were destined before birth for either heaven or hell.

The university's administration has increased class size without receiving input from the faculty or considering that some courses need to have low enrollments. In view of this, what is the most probable reaction the professors will take to this latest administrative decision?

The faculty will call a wildcat strike to protest the insensitivity of the administration

What is the major emphasis of the traditional orientation to life?

The past is the best guide for what should be done in the present.

Hank lives in a society that believes in the acceptance of rules, efficiency, and practical results. Frank lives in a society that believes in customs and close personal relationships. Which society is more likely to be industrialized?

The society that believes in rules, efficiency, and practical results will be industrialized.

Using the number of consultants specializing in quality circles as the measurement, how has the use of quality circles in US companies changed since 1983?

The use of quality circles has decreased significantly

Based on the research of Rosabeth Moss Kanter, what is meant by the term "hidden" corporate culture?

The values and beliefs of the corporation that shape employees' attitudes

Which function applies to all voluntary associations?

They all advance particular interests

As voluntary organizations, what do the College Young Democrats, Kiwanis Club, Uptown Stamp Collectors' Club, and National Rifle Association all have in common?

They all offer people an identity.

Which of the following is the main way that voluntary associations help maintain order in society?

They incorporate people into society

To allow for industrialization, the way people think had to change from ________ to ________.

Tradition; rationality

According to Max Weber, bureaucracies have the following characteristics: clear levels, a division of labor, written rules and regulations, _____________, impersonality and replaceability.

Written communications and records

In the bureaucratic structure of a medium-sized university, approximately where would one find the instructor for this course, provided that he or she is not the chair of the sociology department?

at or near the bottom of the chart

In the global economic shakeout, companies that survive, whether thriving or hanging by their fingernails, will be ________.


Samantha works for an organization that is hierarchical and has a division of labor, written rules, communications and records, one in which the administration treats workers impersonally. Based on these characteristics, we can conclude that Samantha works for a(n) ________.


Using computers at work to download music, play computer games, trade stocks, and make purchases on eBay are examples of a growing corporate problem called ________.


A key element of bureaucracies is their adherence to the tradition of favoring __________ over emotional ties.


The Ku Klux Klan, March of Dimes, and Boy Scouts of America all have specific objectives that guide their operations. Even though their respective activities and membership rosters indicate significant differences, all three would share the classification of being ________.

formal organizations

When the former Soviet Union collapsed, NATO forces were no longer needed to protect Europe from a communist invasion. Rather than disband NATO, it was turned into a "rapid response force" to fight terrorism. Sociologists would call this shift in focus an example of ________.

goal displacement

In which two societies would someone find relationships based on history that is diffuse and long-term?

horticultural and agricultural societies

Bob works at an automobile factory that organizes its workers into small groups that meet regularly to discuss ways to increase production and efficiency. Individual workers are often singled out and recognized for their contributions to the organization. These are examples of attempts to __________.

humanize the work setting to develop employee potential

Organizing a workplace in such a way that it develops rather than impedes human potential is known as ________.

humanizing a work setting

A model that is a composite of the most efficient and highest-rated characteristics of many specific examples is called a(n) ________.

ideal type

In which two societies are people evaluated based on "the bottom line"?

industrial and post industrial

By a narrow margin, Dr. Moreau was elected chair of the largest academic department at Faber College. She appointed faculty members who support her views to the most influential and important committees in the department. This group of loyal colleagues, on which Dr. Moreau is relying to advance her policies, is an example of a(n) ________.

inner circle

The domination of organizations by a small, self-perpetuating elite is called ________.

iron law of oligarchy

As diversity in the workplace continues to increase, more than half of U.S. workers include which three groups?

minorities, immigrants, and women

A common thread that runs through all voluntary associations is ________.

mutual interest among members

An approach to life in which there is an emphasis on rules, efficiency, and practical results is ________.


What is the widespread acceptance of using rules, efficiency, and practical results to determine human affairs and the building of social organizations around this concept?

rationalization of society

Tom works as an agent for a large insurance company. At his work station, he has taped pictures of his wife and granddaughter and of last year's Caribbean vacation. Sociologists would see these pictures as an attempt by Tom to ________.

resist alienation

Most major companies sponsor "diversity training" lectures and workshops for their employees. What is the ultimate purpose of these efforts?

to increase company profits and competitiveness

The Boy Scouts, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, most civic organizations, and many groups that people join because of mutual interest are all examples of __________.

voluntary associations

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