Sociology Chapters 10-13

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Race is a group that has inherited physical characteristics that are different from other groups. Ethnicity is the sharing of a culture, practices, values, and beliefs of a group.

Explain the difference between race and ethnicity.

China: Binding to the feet of young girls to modify the shape and size of their feet. India: Sati-Burning the live widow of the recently departed husband. Middle East: Swarra-Unarmed girls given as a pay for a family member's misdoings.

Give 3 historical foreign examples of global violence against women (country, name of abuse, and explained) (China, India, and the Middle East)

1.) Biology-signs of aging (wrinkles, balding aches) 2.) Personal History-accidents, grandparent age 3.) Gender/Age-the relative value that a culture places on men and women's age 4.) Society tells them their old-retirement 5.) Time Period that you lived in- being 60 years old and considered old whereas today 60 year olds are still running

Name 5 factors (and explain them) that determine whether an individual considers themselves old or not.

Upper Class: very wealthy, might own exclusive clubs and social circles Upper Middle Class: Professionals, Doctors, Lawyers, take part largely in politics and leadership roles Lower Middle: less affluent professionals, teachers, small business owners, often share a goal of sending of sending children to college Working Class: hold regular manual jobs, these working class jobs often pay out lower class Lower Class: these people find it difficult to find regular work or at a minimum low paying work

Name and describe David Rossides 5 classes.

Physical Health-medical care and insurance if you have good jobs, lower calss is more likely to smoke and eat fatty foods Mental Health-issues usually correlated to poverty, stress, lower wages, higher rate illness, less control over their own lives Family-tensions can lead to higher rates of divorce, impoverished have higher rates Education-exclusive schools, prestigious preschools feed into prestigious prep schools which feed into prestigiuos colleges Politics- usually the higher social classes tend to vote republican and working class leans conservative on social issues Criminal Justice- white collar crimes are often handled out of control, lower classes are more likely to be seen in prison

The Big Essay: What are the consequences of income/social class on- physical health, mental health, family, education, politics, and criminal justice. Be specific and give examples and detail.

1.) Denial 2.)Anger 3.)Bargaining 4.)Depression 5.)Acceptance

What are the 5 steps of the living/dying interval?

De facto segregation is segregation that occurs without laws and an example would be Prom Night in Mississippi. De jure segregation is segregation that is enforced by law and an example would be Jim Crow South.

What is the difference between de facto and de jure segregation and give an example.

Hospitals focus on your life and treating the patient with what they need whereas hospice cares for the dying in a familiar environment and makes a person's dying days more meaningful.

What is the difference between hospitals and hospice? Tell how their goals differ and their approaches differ.

intergenerational mobility

a change in family members social class from one generation to the next

Jack Kevorkian

a medical doctor who both promoted and assisted with suicides to end ones life (Dr. Death)

Horizontal mobility

a movement within some social rankings (not moving to that higher of a job)

Activity Theory

according to this theory, the more active and involved an elderly person is, the happier he or she will be

Secondary Aging

aging that occurs due to controllable factors like exercise and diet

Sandra Day O'Connor

becomes the first women to serve on the Supreme Court


behaving differently, usually unfairly, toward the members of a group

Primary Aging

biological factors such as molecular and cellular changes in a person's life

Angela Merkel

chancellor of Germany


describes the process by which a minority individual or group gives up its own identity by taking on the characteristics of the dominant culture

Sally Ride

first American woman in space

Deffered Gratification

giving up things in the present for the sake of greater gains in the future, upper tends to do it more

Vertical Mobility

moving up or down in social position (a big change)


refers to a dominant group forcing a subordinate group to leave a certain area


refers to thoughts and feelings, and attitudes that someone holds about a group

California V. Bakke

says affirmative action was legal

Griswold V. Connecticut

the Supreme Court establishes the right of married and later unmarried couples to use contraception

Horatio Alger Myth

the belief that anyone can make it if they try hard enough, there are limitless possibilities for everyone

Generational Theft

the elderly are running up a national debt that coming generations will have to pay

Continuity Theory

the elderly do not drastically change their llifestyles, behaviors or identies

Contact Theory

the idea that prejudice can decrease when people from different backgrounds of equal statuses interact frequently

Glass Ceiling

the mostly invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing to the top levels

Dependency ratio

the number of people who collect social security compared to the numbers of people who pay into it


the practice of valuing and respecting differences in culture


the study of the aging process, people rarely understand it until they reach it

Disengagement Theory

the view that society is stabilized by having the elderly retire from their positions so the younger generation can step into their roles

Roe V. Wade

this made abortion legal

Loving V. Virgina

this made interracial marriage legal in all states

Status inconsistency

usually when one ranks in the same areas for our separate statuses

Selective Perception

we can see certain features of an object or situation, but remain blind to the others

Poverty trigger

when people live on the edge of poverty and then something unexpected happens and pushes them over the edge

19th Amendment

women receive the right to vote, suffragists

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