Sociology: Exam 2 Study Guide

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Role exit

A straight-A student decides to quit her sorority to focus on her grades.

Role conflict

A straight-A student who spent most of her time studying in high school joins a sorority and faces increased pressure to spend less time studying.


High levels of testosterone contribute to stereotypically masculine traits, such as aggressiveness and competitiveness & By adulthood, the IQs of adopted siblings are no more similar to one another than strangers.


Higher power is always watching

Howard S. Becker

applied labeling theory to the question of how deviance begins

Erving Goffman

applied social interactionist theory to the dynamics of total institutions

Conflict theory

approach to deviance suggests that definitions and rules of deviance are applied unequally based on power.

The correlation between an environmental component, such as a competition, and an outcome, highlight the role of what?



rejects both socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve the goals; wants to change or destroy the social order

Game stage example

understanding they are their own person

Is deviance/crime functional for society?


Social Construction

Doing gender, The way we teach our children to play/engage shapes their gender identity:

Goffman Theory was about

Dramaturgical Analysis

Family is most ________________ because it directly affects your social class, beliefs, morals, and values.



noted that crimes were punished in front of everyone

Sociologists tend to favor nature or nurture?



rejects both socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve the goals; does not participate in society

Back stage

Where you "retreat" & When you are by yourself (how you see yourself in society)


ages 3 to 6

Role strain example

A parent may have to choose between attending one child's ballgame or another child's music performance


ages 6-7

In the United States, imprisonment as a method of punishment was rare until what century?


What is essentialism and how does it explain gender?

A belief that things have a set of characteristics that make them what they are, and that the task of science and philosophy is their discovery and expression; the doctrine that essence is prior to existence.

Differences for poor/working class and middle class kids

A lot of poorer families can't afford to send their children to after school programs. Middle class families more likely to have salary positions.

Generalized other

ages 8-9

Why do pointlessly gendered products, not just in childhood but throughout our life course, matter?


Social Deviance

Behavior that is recognized as violating expected rules and norms

What Makes Us Human?

Biology, DNA, Social World, Development of "self"

Social Control

Cameras everywhere. You are constantly being surveillance

What is the significance of "Genie" (the YouTube clip we watched)

Can't develop properly without social interaction, Feral children

How does life differ for the social classes?

Children of the majority are socialized to understand their heritage.

Dramaturgical Analysis

Controlling how other people see us Presentation of self Impression management Stages


Cooperative play, Encouraged to play inside, Being a "tomboy" is acceptable until puberty


Creates boundaries of right and wrong, Profitable for society, Careers like police officers, lawyers

Why is the family considered the primary agent of socialization?

Family is most important because it directly affects your social class, beliefs, morals, and values.

What are agents of socialization?

Family, Education, Sports, Peers, Media and Religion.

Claude Steele

First black man to graduate from Harvard with a PHD

Conflict Theroy

Focuses on inequalities of the criminal justice system


Fraternity and sorority members are required to devote a significant amount of time to social events and community service each semester.

Anticipatory socialization

Getting an internship to get ready for your career.

Patriot Act

Gov't can get into everything. Emails, phone calls, social media, etc.


Infant to 3 year olds


Innate, Born with


Is the social aspect, Is masculine, feminine, or non binary


Is your biological, Physical

Cooley Theory was about

Looking-Glass Self (Micro-level theory; Symbolic-Interactionism)

Front stage

Most of our life "performing" (how the world sees you)

When does the socialization process end?


Significant other

Parents and other important people in one's life

Corporate Crime

People within a corporation will commit nonviolent crime to benefit the corporation

Generalized other example

Pitcher at a baseball game example


Primary agent of socialization & Affects your social class by what family you're born into

Social Class

Reinforces these roles and status

Gendered Products: Why do they matter?

Reinforces what gender is supposed to be, Girls products cost more

Anticipatory socialization?

Rituals, practices, traditional clothing, celebrating the history of your people.

Mead Theory was about

Role Taking: Micro-level theory; Symbolic-Interactionism

Bernie Madoff

Scammed people on how much people "made" from investing in him $65 BILLION stolen

Milgram Experiment

Shock experiment; tested the willingness of people to follow authority, even if it means harming other people

White-Collar Crime

Specific person breaks the law for their benefit, Mostly monetary and nonviolent


Strong agent of women's bodily confidence & Sports can be a large part of male socialization

Which of the following is an example of the hidden curriculum?

Students are taught to dress and behave in a specific manner by teachers and other staff

Code Switching

Switch between attitudes and conduct for different groups of people. Example: professor vs friends

What is acceptable today may have been considered deviant 50 years ago. What are examples?

Tattoos, interracial relationships, being openly gay

Milgram and Zimbardo: what did their social experiments help explain about crime/deviance?

That people will abuse power and listen to authority


The expectations of society, how to belong to a specific community, culture, etc. how we are affected by people and we affect other people

Looking-Glass Self (Micro-level theory; Symbolic-Interactionism) Steps:

We imagine how others see us We imagine how others are judging us We react accordingly

Reference groups

The self develops in relation to interaction with others

What is social class socialization?

The specific ways parents socialize children in a radicalized world

What is the significance of studying racial socialization?

The specific ways parents socialize children in a radicalized world, Rituals, practices, traditional clothing, celebrating the history of your people.

What is social construction/"doing gender"?

Theory of knowledge in sociology and communication theory that examines the development of jointly constructed understandings of the world that form the basis for shared assumptions about reality.

What did Claude Steele (stereotype threat) and W.E.B. DuBois (veil and double consciousness) contribute to our understanding of racial socialization?

They brought the perspective that stereotypes are real and people are subconsciously agreeing with all the stereotypes. Examples: more black men being incarcerated; Asian Americans being placed in AP classes more than anyone else.

Social Deviance

This includes not only rude and illegal behavior but also behavior that is nonconformist and perhaps makes other people uncomfortable, such as dressing provocatively or very casually in a conservative work environment.

True or false: Out of Robert Merton's list of five personality types—conformist, ritualist, innovator, retreatist, and rebel—all but one is a deviant by Merton's definition

True: Only the conformist embraces both society's approved goals and the socially approved means of reaching them.

Double consciousness

Two different Americas: Your America and the Racial America


Very first semester at college & Looking for the buildings your classes are in

Victimless Crimes

Willing of exchanges of adults for goods and services, Prostitution, Drugs

Is deviance/crime functional for society? Explain.

Yes; creates boundaries of right and wrong and is profitable for society.

Stereotype Threat

a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy in which the fear of performing poorly -- & confirming stereotypes about their social groups -- causes students to perform poorly.

An example of deviance avowal would be

a man self-identifies as deviant and initiates his own labelling process


a social position occupied by a person

Positive deviance

actions considered deviant within a given context but are later reinterpreted as appropriate or even heroic

Someone who believes that humans do not have much free will and are deeply constrained by the social circumstances and system they are born into is not a big believer in which sociological concept?


White collar crime typically occurs

at the perpetrator's place of work.


avoids situations that violate moral principles and do not fit our sense of self.

Deviance is relative and __________ over time


"Jim Crow" south

children were specifically raised to react to different races in different ways.

The concept of a spoiled identity

comes from Goffman's 1962 book Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity

Colonial America

corporal punishment was the rule for the majority of crimes (fogging, branding)

Tattoos, interracial relationships, being openly gay are examples of?



embraces socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve those goals


embraces socially acceptable goals but rejects the means to achieve those goals


embraces socially acceptable means but rejects the goals


exert power and establish the "rules" of the activity, Encouraged to play outside , Never permissible to engage in "girl" behavior.

True or False: Emotion work or emotional labor is the process of helping to manage the emotions of others in order to neutralize emotionally charged situations.


True or False: The term "deviant" refers to a moral, not a social, judgment.


Agents of Socialization

family, education, sports, peers, media, religion


focuses on maximizing pleasure and avoiding pain without acknowledging consequences.

Clothing and products are often __________ , even for babies and children, and often are more expensive for female.



has a guard in the middle and hundreds of prisoners in cells around it. The glass is frosted and they (prisoners) cannot see inside.

To internalize values, beliefs, and norms means to

have an intuitive understanding of them in order to function within a society.

Which of the following describes a situation with copresence?

having coffee with mom

Children of minorities are socialized to understand their ______________.


The basic nature versus nurture debate has been tweaked by sociobiologists who suggest that genes and environment____________to influence behavior.


White collar crime

involves theft of money or property by nonviolent means


is a behavior, trait,or belief that departs from a norm and generates a negative reaction.


is a branch of science that uses biology and evolution to explain social behavior

Saturated self

is a postmodern idea that the self is now developed by multiple influences chosen from a wide range of media sources.

saturated self

is a postmodern idea that the self is now developed by multiple influences chosen from a wide range of media sources.

Secondary deviance

is an eventual effect of primary deviance, which is the initial deviant behavior.

Secondary deviance

is behavior triggered by other people's reaction to an initial act of deviance.

Hidden Curriculum

is considered to be the values or behaviors that students learn indirectly over the course of their schooling because of the structure of the educational system and the teaching methods used

Surface acting

is emotion work that is simply displayed, such as a smile without any real emotion behind it

"Rule breaking"

is meant in a very broad sense. It may include anything from unconventional fashion choices to mental illness.


is realistic and recognizes consequences but not out of a sense of moral obligation.

Code switching

is the changing of behaviors depending on the person you are interacting with. Example: professors v.s. friends


may be linked to something over which a person has no control, such as skin color.

Milgram & Zimbardo both had only _____ and both conducted around the same _______

men, time

Modern times

minority race children raised to be careful of police

Scientists suggest that the nature versus nurture debate is a ____________ because neither genetics nor social environment contribute 100%.


Émile Durkheim

offered a functionalist theory of the causes of suicide

Deviance is less about one's philosophical views about society than about ___________________________________

one's personal behavior within society as it actually is


passing a law that states that anyone caught stealing an item or items valued at $1000 or more will have one hand cut off


passing a law that states that anyone committing fraud will be imprisoned for a minimum of twenty years


passing a law that states that first-time offenders for any violent crime will be submitted to a psychological evaluation and given mental health treatment

The Amish

practice meidung, which means shunning those who violate the strict norms of the group.

Native Americans

practiced total banishment from the community as a means of maintaining social control.

Total Institutions examples

prison, convents, military

White collar crime is committed by

professionals in their capacity in the professional world.

People in authority aren't really __________ because we are we are __________ to authority

questioned, obedient


self protect because using true identity might be dangerous (example: man with cuts on his wrist)

Which term, coined by Robert Merton, is based on the W. I. Thomas theorem that "if men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences"?

self-fulfilling prophecy


standards change over time.

Robert Merton

strain theory explains how society gives us certain templates for acting correctly or incorrectly

Actually, measured strictly in dollars, white collar crime has a much greater social impact than what?

street crime

Which Greek word does "stigma" come from?


Rather than focusing on the background factors of why a person would commit a crime, Katz's work focuses on what?

the foreground, or aspects like August's attraction to the thrill of stealing.

Status set

the set of different social positions occupied by a single person


the set of duties and responsibilities associated with a particular social position

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