sociology extra credits question

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Which of these is not characteristic of industrial society? A. relationships based primarily on ascribed status B. large populations living in or near cities C. mechanized production of virtually all possessions D. a person is defined largely by his or her occupation

A. relationships based primarily on ascribed status

Social structure consists of all of these, except __________. a. institutions b. values c. groups and organizations d. status and roles

b. values

Which of these questions best describes the interests of ethnomethodologists? Selected Answer: a. ​What is the economic structure of society? b. ​How do we know how to interact in a given situation? c. ​How does a society maintain order and stability? d. ​Who benefits from the structure of social institutions?

b. ​How do we know how to interact in a given situation?

Which of these questions best describes the interests of ethnomethodologists? Selected Answer: a. ​Who benefits from the structure of social institutions? b. ​How do we know how to interact in a given situation? c. ​What is the economic structure of society? d. ​How does a society maintain order and stability?

b. ​How do we know how to interact in a given situation?

A(n) __________ status is a social position a person assumes voluntarily as a result of personal choice, merit, or direct effort. a. ​central b. ​achieved c. ​universal d. ​ascribed

b. ​achieved

A young woman decides that she wants to become a professional basketball player. She joins her school basketball team, reads articles about the best basketball players, and attends basketball camps. This is an example of __________. Selected Answer: a. ​occupational socialization b. ​anticipatory socialization c. ​a rite of passage d. ​resocialization socialization

b. ​anticipatory socialization

The least amount of interaction between members occurs in a(n) __________.​ Selected Answer: a. ​aggregate Answers: a. ​aggregate b. ​category c. ​social group d. ​formal organization

b. ​category

One's occupation is an indicator of level of education and income and may also reflect family background. In the United States, occupation is an important determinant of social position. This makes occupation a likely __________ status. a. ​predetermined b. ​master c. ​ascribed d. ​set

b. ​master

Within a bureaucracy, leaders have access to information that others in the organization do not have. This is one of the primary reasons for the emergence of __________. a. ​bureaucracy b. ​oligarchy c. ​goal displacement d. ​trained incapacit

b. ​oligarchy

To many __________, groups and organizations are generally characterized by superficiality and depthlessness in social relationships. Selected Answer: a. ​functionalists b. ​postmodernists c. ​symbolic interactionists d. ​conflict theorists

b. ​postmodernists

According to Piaget, in the __________ stage, children are unable to engage in symbolic thought or use language. Selected Answer: a. ​formal operational b. ​sensorimotor c. ​preoperational d. ​concrete operational

b. ​sensorimotor

According to Durkheim, social solidarity in industrialized societies is sustained by________________________. Selected Answer: a. ​the power of the elite to create social control b. ​shared dependence established through the division of labor c. ​commonly held values and beliefs d. ​networks of family and friends

b. ​shared dependence established through the division of labor

A __________ is a socially defined position in a group or society characterized by certain expectations, rights, and duties, and it exists independently of the specific people occupying the position. Selected Answer: a. ​role b. ​status c. ​label d. ​class

b. ​status

The sociological term for any physical or social attribute or sign that devalues a person's social identity and disqualifies that person from full social acceptance is __________. Selected Answer: Answers: a. ​deviance b. ​stigma c. ​alienation d. ​anomie

b. ​stigma

The sociological term for any physical or social attribute or sign that devalues a person's social identity and disqualifies that person from full social acceptance is __________. Selected Answer: a. ​deviance b. ​stigma c. ​alienation d. ​anomie

b. ​stigma

Which of these is the best example of a primary group? Selected Answer: a. ​the people at a bus station b. ​the people working together in the same department c. ​a jury d. ​a sociology class

b. ​the people working together in the same

Which of these is not considered to be a social institution? Selected Answer: : a. ​family b. ​travel c. ​economy d. science

b. ​travel

During which life stage does one's focus tend to shift from the physical and active dimensions of self toward the social and psychological aspect? Selected Answer: a. in late adulthood b. between infancy and early childhood c. between early and late childhood d. in middle age

c. between early and late childhood

According to sociologists Langhout and Mitchell, the __________ results in minority children being punished disproportionately in schools. Selected Answer: Answers: a. discipline scenario b. authoritarian agenda c. hidden curriculum d. media program

c. hidden curriculum

The process by which individuals' feelings, thoughts, appearance, and behavior have a direct influence on agents of socialization that are attempting to influence them is called __________. Selected Answer: a. secondary socialization b. primary socialization c. reciprocal socialization d. tertiary socialization

c. reciprocal socialization

Charles has a final exam in the evening at a time when he is supposed to be working. That same evening, Stephanie (his girlfriend) wants him to take her to a movie. To top it off, his mother calls, asking him to fly home because his father is going to have emergency surgery. Sociologists would say that Charles is very likely experiencing __________. Selected Answer: a. role performance b. role ambiguity c. role conflict d. role alienation

c. role conflict

The sociologist who first defined the differences between primary and secondary groups is __________.​ Selected Answer: a. ​Talcott Parsons b. ​C. Wright Mills c. ​Charles H. Cooley d. ​George H. Mead

c. ​Charles H. Cooley

refers to the state of being part insider and part outsider in the social structure, such as that of immigrants who simultaneously share the life and traditions of two distinct groups. a. ​Stigmatization b. ​Alienation c. ​Social marginality d. ​Anomie

c. ​Social marginality

Which of these is not an example of a rite of passage? Selected Answer: a. ​a quinceañera b. ​an annual dinner honoring all retiring employees c. ​a weekly religious service d. ​a wedding

c. ​a weekly religious service

The U.S. Senate consists of 100 members. In this case, 100 refers to the Senate's __________ size.​ Selected Answer: a. relative b. ​coalition c. ​absolute d. interaction

c. ​absolute

"Bureaucratic personality" refers to_____________________________. Selected Answer: a. ​the image a bureaucracy presents to the media b. ​employees' interaction with each other while at work c. ​an employee who is more concerned with following the rules than getting the job done d. ​the CEO or other person who comes to be associated with a bureaucratic organization

c. ​an employee who is more concerned with following

​A football coach who always plays the "tough guy" role in the presence of the players on his team feels comfortable showing emotional frailties when he is at home. This illustrates what sociologist Erving Goffman called __________ behavior. Selected Answer: a. ​front stage b. ​interior stage c. ​back stage d. ​exterior stage

c. ​back stage

Erving Goffman coined the term ___________ for the strategies we use to rescue our performance when we experience a potentially or actually embarrassing situation. Selected Answer: a. ​studied nonobservance b. ​social reconstruction c. ​face-saving behavior d. ​front and back stage behavior

c. ​face-saving behavior

Sociologist Arlie Hochschild suggests that we acquire a set of __________ that shape the appropriate emotions for a given role or specific situation, including how, where, when, and with whom an emotion should be expressed. Selected Answer: a. ​dramaturgical guidelines b. ​socioemotional norms c. ​feeling rules d. ​emotional labors

c. ​feeling rules

According to sociologist Charles Horton Cooley, the __________ refers to the way in which a person's sense of self is derived from the perceptions of others. Selected Answer: a. ​significant other b. ​process of role-taking c. ​looking-glass self d. ​subconscious

c. ​looking-glass self

Media stories that focus on the lack of education or work history among the homeless and not on structural factors such as economic recession or the lack of affordable housing fail to account for the __________ of the situation. Selected Answer: a. organic solidarity b. ​role expectation c. ​macro view d. role conflict

c. ​macro view

According to psychologist Jean Piaget, toward the end of the second year of life, children begin to use words as mental symbols and to form mental images. He referred to this as the __________ stage. Selected Answer: a. ​concrete operational b. ​formal operational c. ​preoperational d. ​sensorimotor

c. ​preoperational

​Sociologists define a(n) __________ as a larger, more specialized group in which members engage in more impersonal, goal-oriented relationships for a limited period of time. Selected Answer: a. ​institution b. ​informal group c. ​secondary group d. ​primary group

c. ​secondary group

Conflict and functionalist theorists are in agreement that______________________. Selected Answer: a. ​all societies fulfill their basic needs in essentially the same ways b. ​social institutions primarily serve the interests of the more powerful in a society c. ​social institutions are originally organized to meet basic needs within society d. ​social institutions work for the common good of all in society

c. ​social institutions are originally organized to meet basic needs within society

​A kindergartner, nervous because he is about to attend his first day of school, receives advice from his older sister (who is in the sixth grade) about how to act. This is an example of __________. Selected Answer: a. ​acculturation b. ​self-representation c. ​socialization d. ​assimilation

c. ​socialization

According to Freud, the __________ is expressed in recognition of parental control and later of the demands of society. Selected Answer: a. ​id b. ​libido c. ​superego d. ego​

c. ​superego

Which of these is not true about postindustrial society? a. Knowledge becomes a commodity. b. There has been an information explosion. c. Most people work in service or information-related occupations. d. Production of goods within the society is mechanized.

d. Production of goods within the society is mechanized.

Lawrence Kohlberg elaborated on the theories of __________. Selected Answer: a. Jean Piaget b. Karen Horney c. Carol Gilligan d. Sigmund Freud

a. Jean Piaget

Which of these sociologists applied ideal type analysis and borrowed from the field of economics to study bureaucracies? Selected Answer: a. Max Weber b. Karl Marx c. Irving Janis d. Solomon Asch

a. Max Weber

The basic assumption in the psychoanalytic approach of __________ is that human behavior and personality originate from unconscious forces within the individual. Selected Answer: a. Sigmund Freud b. George Herbert Mead c. Jean Piaget d. Charles Horton Cooley

a. Sigmund Freud

Which type of theorist is most likely to note the scripted nature of interaction in contemporary society (for example between employees and customers in a fast-food restaurant)? Selected Answer: a. postmodern theorists b. conflict theorists c. functionalists d. symbolic interactionists

a. postmodern theorists

In the "nature versus nurture" argument regarding socialization, the "nurture" component refers to __________. Selected Answer: a. social influence b. ​heredity c. ​cultural tradition d. ​contact with others

a. social influence

Which of these is an example of a coalition? Selected Answer: a. teachers in a school district who work together to demand better wages b. a married couple or domestic partnership of two people c. a couple with a new baby, increasing the size of the family d. friends going out to dinner together

a. teachers in a school district who work together to demand better wages

According to __________, we cannot form a sense of self without intense social interaction with others. Selected Answer: a. the symbolic interactionist approach b. conflict theory c. the sociobiologist perspective d. postmodern sociology

a. the symbolic interactionist approach

Why is socialization such an important process for human beings? Selected Answer: Correct a. ​Achieving full human potential requires interaction with others. b. ​Unlike other animals, humans have no biological drives. c. ​Human beings have an instinctive knowledge of society that is triggered by socialization. d. ​Human beings are not capable of informal learning processes.

a. ​Achieving full human potential requires interaction with others.

Which of these is the best illustration of the characterization of roles as relational? Selected Answer: a. ​In order for a teacher to perform in that role, there must be at least one student. b. ​It is not clear at what age children should no longer be expected to depend upon their parents for economic support. c. ​In times of rapid social change, the roles for various positions become somewhat unclear. d. ​One's role performance may not fit the role expectations for any particular status.

a. ​In order for a teacher to perform in that role, there must be at least one student.

Piaget believed that in each stage of human development (from birth through adolescence), children's activities are governed by their __________. Selected Answer: a. ​perception of the world around them b. ​socialization c. ​individual psyches d. ​interactions with others

a. ​perception of the world around them

Weber's term __________ refers to the process by which traditional informal and spontaneous methods of social organization are gradually replaced by efficiently administered formal rules and procedures.​ Selected Answer: a. ​rationality b. ​transition c. ​oligarchy d. ​assimilation

a. ​rationality

​A former business manager is between jobs and takes a job at a local retail store in order to make ends meet. In that position, she frequently talks about her previous work and her plans for the future. She doesn't want people to view her as a "clerk." Her behavior is an example of __________. Selected Answer: a. ​role distancing b. ​role ambiguity c. ​role exiting d. ​role inconsistency

a. ​role distancing

__________ theorists emphasize that the family is the source of our specific social position in society. Selected Answer: Answers: a. Postmodern b. Conflict c. Functionalist d. Symbolic interactionist

b. Conflict

Ferdinand Tӧnnies used the term __________ for a large, urban society in which social bonds are based on impersonal and specialized relationships, with little long-term commitment to the group and little consensus on values. Selected Answer: a. verstehen b. Gesellschaft c. Gemeinschaft d. bourgeoisie

b. Gesellschaft

Occupation is an example of a(n) _______ status. Selected Answer: a. ascribed b. achieved c. evolving d. primary

b. achieved

According to Durkheim, organic solidarity is characterized by social interaction that is __________. Selected Answer: a. based on morality and shared values b. less personal c. ​less focused on specific goals d. less status oriented

b. less personal

What do most men consider to be their master status? Selected Answer: a. father b. occupation c. educational status d. husband

b. occupation

According to sociologist George Herbert Mead, in the __________ stage of self- development, interactions lack meaning and children largely imitate the people around them. Selected Answer: a. play b. preparatory c. game d. assimilation

b. preparatory

In the framework presented by sociologist George Herbert Mead, when young children join T-ball teams and begin to learn to play baseball, they are entering the __________ stage of self-development. Selected Answer: : a. assimilation b. preparatory c. play d. game

d. game

A homeless man appears at the door of a shelter 10 minutes after the deadline for intake. He is refused shelter for the night because he arrived late. Applying the terms for problems that are frequent within bureaucracy, this is an example of __________. Selected Answer: a. trained incapacity b. work culture c. informal structure d. goal displacement

d. goal displacement

According to Freud, a well-adjusted individual successfully manages the opposing forces of the __________ and the __________. Selected Answer: a. ego; superego b. id; ego c. psychic impulse; ego d. id; superego

d. id; superego

All jobs place some burden on our feelings; however, the term emotional labor refers only to jobs that___________________________. Selected Answer: a. engage an audience in entertainment b. involve working with children and the elderly c. are in the social work or mental health professions d. require personal contact with the public or promote a particular state of mind

d. require personal contact with the public or promote a particular state of mind

__________ theorists assert that students have different experiences in the school system depending on their social class, their racial—ethnic background, the neighborhood in which they live, and their sex/gender. Selected Answer: a. ​Functionalist b. ​Symbolic interactionist c. ​Postmodern d. ​Conflict

d. ​Conflict

__________ theorists maintain that in capitalistic societies, where a few people control the labor of many, the social structure reflects a system of relationships of domination and subordination. a. ​Symbolic interactionist b. Differential association c. ​Functionalist d. ​Conflict

d. ​Conflict

needs cannot always be met by one person, so being in a group enables one to complete tasks or fulfill a specific goal. a. ​Individual b. ​Social c. ​Expressive d. ​Instrumental

d. ​Instrumental

​Which of these statements about social networks is false? Selected Answer: Answers: a. ​Social networks function differently for members of different categories of people. b. ​Social networks link individuals to others. c. ​Social networks include members of primary groups and secondary groups. d. ​Social networks work equally well for people of all social classes.

d. ​Social networks work equally well for people of all social classes.

__________ is the lifelong process of social interaction through which individuals acquire a self-identity and the physical, mental, and social skills needed for survival in society. Selected Answer: a. ​Self-representation b. ​Assimilation c. ​Acculturation d. ​Socialization

d. ​Socialization

​ Which of these statements about socialization is false? Selected Answer: a. ​Socialization enables us to adapt to new environments. b. ​Socialization involves both formal and informal processes. c. ​Socialization is essential for an individual to live in society. d. ​Socialization is complete by the time we reach late middle age.

d. ​Socialization is complete by the time we reach late middle age.

As a theorist, Emile Durkheim was most interest in the question:____________________. Selected Answer: a. ​Who benefits from the structure of society? b. ​What meanings do various symbols have for different groups of people? c. ​What is the experience of women and others with lower status in society? d. ​What holds societies together?

d. ​What holds societies together?

A(n) __________ is an organizational model characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules and procedures, and impersonality in personal matters.​ Selected Answer: Answers: a. ​monarchy b. ​democracy c. ​anarchy d. ​bureaucracy

d. ​bureaucracy

​ George Herbert Mead breaks down the development of the self into three stages. Which of these is not one of them? Selected Answer: a. ​game b. ​preparatory c. ​play d. ​conventional

d. ​conventional

A college president need not be effective in designing promotional brochures. A corporate executive need not be able to program the department's computer system. These examples illustrate __________ in a bureaucratic organization.​ Selected Answer: Answers: a. ​impersonality b. ​hierarchy of authority c. ​goal displacement d. ​division of labor

d. ​division of labor

A(n) __________ is an abstract model that describes the recurring characteristics of some phenomenon (such as bureaucracy).​ Selected Answer: a. ​archetype b. ​repetitive paradigm c. ​symbolic representation d. ​ideal type

d. ​ideal type

jane defines herself first and foremost as a student. For Jane, being a student is considered her _________ status. Selected Answer: a. ​ascribed b. ​valued c. ​conspicuous d. ​master

d. ​master

The concept of __________ refers to the social cohesion found in industrial societies, in which people perform very specialized tasks and feel united by their mutual dependence. Selected Answer: Answers: a. ​mechanical solidarity b. ​collective solidarity c. ​specialized solidarity d. ​organic solidarity

d. ​organic solidarity

You are scheduled to work at the pizza parlor Sunday afternoon. Several of your friends convince you to call in sick so you can watch football with them all day, even though you really need the money. The sociological term for what you have experienced is __________. Selected Answer: a. ​interactional strain b. reciprocal socialization c. ​anticipatory strain d. ​peer pressure

d. ​peer pressure

Sociologist George Herbert Mead coined the term __________ others for those persons whose care, affection, and approval are especially desired and who are most important in the development of the self. Selected Answer: a. ​primary b. ​perceived c. ​generalized d. ​significant

d. ​significant

Sociologist Erving Goffman noted that people consciously participate in __________, a face-saving technique in which one role player ignores the flaws in another's performance to avoid embarrassment for everyone involved. a. ​back stage behavior b. ​the definition of the situation c. ​front stage behavior d. ​studied nonobservance

d. ​studied nonobservance

Which type of theorist is most concerned with the influence of group size on the interaction among members?​ Selected Answer: a. ​functionalists b. ​postmodern theorists c. ​conflict theorists d. ​symbolic interactionists

d. ​symbolic interactionists

Psychologist Carol Gilligan concluded that women and men often have divergent views on_____________________ . Selected Answer: a. ​morality b. ​religion c. ​social class d. ​education


Which of these statements about emotional labor and emotion management is false? Selected Answer: Answers: a. ​Middle- and upper-class parents do not teach emotional labor because it is not a requirement of most professions. b. ​Race is a factor in determining the amount of emotional labor one expends. c. ​In some occupations, employees are trained to show feelings that are not really their own. d. ​In any society, members must be socialized into what feelings to have and when they are appropriate.

a. ​Middle- and upper-class parents do not teach emotional labor because it is not a requirement of most professions.

______ refers to the conscious fostering of the impression of a lack of commitment or attachment to a particular role. It is clear one merely goes through the motions of role performance. Selected Answer: : a. ​Role distancing b. ​Role conflict c. ​Role strain d. ​Role ambiguity

a. ​Role distancing

What is it that sets peer groups apart from schools and families as agents of socialization? Selected Answer: a. ​Unlike schools and families, peer groups allow children a degree of freedom from authority. b. ​Peer groups are more likely to teach cultural norms than are families or schools. c. ​Unlike schools and families, peer groups are sources of informal socialization. d. ​Peer groups tend to be larger than most families.

a. ​Unlike schools and families, peer groups allow children a degree of freedom from authority.

The ideal-type characteristics of bureaucratic organizations, as specified by Max Weber, include an emphasis on____________________________. ​ a. ​a division of labor b. ​employment based on personal reputation c. ​a flat organizational structure d. ​relationships

a. ​a division of labor

Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes________________________. ​ Selected Answer: a. ​a greater emphasis on sharing information b. ​a more rigid hierarchical structure c. ​helping employees focus on work d. ​a reduction in the amount of informal activity

a. ​a greater emphasis on sharing information

When Darlene takes a seat at the local diner, the server approaches the table and says, "Hi, I'm Matt. I'll be taking care of you today." This is an example of __________. Selected Answer: a. ​a social script b. ​an ethnomethodological introduction c. ​role conflict d. ​a self-fulfilling prophecy

a. ​a social script

A(n) __________ status is a social position conferred at birth or received involuntarily later in life, based on attributes over which the individual has little or no control, such as race/ethnicity, age, and gender. Selected Answer: a. ​ascribed b. ​universal c. ​achieved d. ​central

a. ​ascribed

A(n) __________ is a number of people who may never have met one another but share a similar characteristic (such as education level, age, race, or gender).​ Selected Answer: a. ​category b. ​social group c. ​aggregate d. ​secondary category

a. ​category

Psychologist Jean Piaget was a pioneer in the field of __________, which explores how people's ability to think and process information changes over time. Selected Answer: a. ​cognitive development b. ​psychosocial development c. ​symbolic interactionism d. ​psychoanalysis

a. ​cognitive development

According to Kohlberg's framework of moral development, most adults are governed by concern for how they are viewed by others and whether or not they will be punished for their behavior. This is termed the __________ level of moral development. a. ​conventional b. ​postconventional c. ​subconventional d. ​preconventional

a. ​conventional

According to the sociological perspective, four components make up our self-concept. Which of the following is not one of the components of our self-concept? Selected Answer: a. ​creative self b. ​active self c. ​social self d. ​physical self

a. ​creative self

​We act on reality as we see it. Sociologists describe this process as the __________, meaning that we analyze a social context in which we find ourselves, determine what is in our best interest, and adjust our attitudes and actions accordingly. Selected Answer: a. ​definition of the situation b. ​self-fulfilling prophecy c. ​interactionist dialogue d. ​reality impression

a. ​definition of the situation

The way we behave or conduct ourselves is referred to as __________. Selected Answer: a. ​demeanor b. ​nonverbal communication c. ​inflection d. ​deference

a. ​demeanor

Rachelle and Luis really want a new sports utility vehicle, but have recently had their first child. Luis says to Rachelle that the car will have to wait until sometime when they have more resources. His attitude is an illustration of the __________. Selected Answer: a. ​ego b. ​libido c. ​superego d. ​id

a. ​ego

In the "nature versus nurture" debate regarding socialization, the "nature" component refers to __________. a. ​heredity b. ​contact with others c. ​cultural tradition d. social influence

a. ​heredity

The "grapevine" spreads information (with varying degrees of accuracy) much faster than do official channels of communication, which tend to be slow and unresponsive. Within a bureaucracy, the "grapevine" is an example of __________.​ Selected Answer: Answers: a. ​informal structure b. ​impersonality c. ​rules and regulations d. ​hierarchy of authority

a. ​informal structure

Leaders using the __________ style of leadership are only minimally involved in decision making and encourage group members to make their own decisions.​ a. ​laissez-faire b. ​cooperative c. ​democratic d. ​authoritarian

a. ​laissez-faire

Leaders using the __________ style of leadership are only minimally involved in decision making and encourage group members to make their own decisions.​ a. ​laissez-faire b. ​authoritarian c. ​cooperative d. ​democratic

a. ​laissez-faire

Political parties, ecological activist groups, religious organizations, parent-teacher associations, and college sororities and fraternities are examples of __________ organizations.​ Selected Answer: a. ​normative b. ​totalitarian c. ​coercive d. ​utilitarian

a. ​normative

After conducting his research, Solomon Asch concluded that __________. Selected Answer: a. ​when it comes to encouraging compliance, groups wield very little power over individuals b. ​succumbing to group pressure is less common than many people would like to believe c. ​the size of the group has little influence on the extent to which individuals respond to group pressure d. ​the degree of social cohesion felt by participants is very important regarding how individuals respond to group pressure

d. ​the degree of social cohesion felt by participants is very important regarding how individuals respond to group pressure

The text uses the expression "bureaucracy's other face" to refer to __________.​ Selected Answer: a. ​bureaucracy's invisible quality b. ​the organizational chart for a bureaucracy c. ​the formal structure of a bureaucracy d. ​the informal activities within a bureaucracy

d. ​the informal activities within a bureaucracy

Which of these is the best example of a primary group? Selected Answer: a. ​a sociology class b. ​a jury c. ​the people at a bus station d. ​the people working together in the same department

d. ​the people working together in the same department

We voluntarily join __________ organizations when they can provide us with a material reward we seek.​ Selected Answer: a. ​totalitarian b. ​normative c. ​coercive d. ​utilitarian

d. ​utilitarian

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