Sociology Final

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Why have divorce rates risen over the past few decades?

*all of the above* 1. Changes in the law have made getting a divorce easier 2. marriage today has less to do with handing down property and status from generation to generation, except for the wealthy 3. women are more economically independent now, and more marriage is less of an economic necessity for them

What does the "race to the bottom" mean in relation to the global economy?

*all of the above* 1. Retailers and manufacturers will go anyplace on earth to find lowest wages 2. Retailers and manufacturers will go anyplace on earth to avoid environmental restrictions 3. Retailers and manufacturers will go anyplace on earth to find lax government regulations

Which of the following is a fact regarding racial and ethnic inequality in the United States today?

*all of the above* 1. Since the civil rights movement of 1960s, increasing numbers of African Americans have joined the middle class by attaining a college education, professional occupations, and new homes. 2. Blacks are much more likely than whites to live in poverty and be socially isolated from good schools and economic opportunity 3. immigrants from Mexico seek economic opportunity but have among the lowest levels of educational attainment of all groups, and many live in extreme poverty

What is necessary for effective democracy in modern, large, bureaucratic states, according to Max Weber?

*all of the above* 1. a large substratum of bureaucrats who have the expertise to run the government 2. parties that represent different interests and have different outlooks 3. courageous and imaginative political leaders

Since religions are a major source of norms and values, sociologists understand them to be:

*all of the above* 1. among the most important institutions in society 2. a significant source of social solidarity 3. a frequent source of conflict

What made suburbanization possible in the United States?

*all of the above* 1. belief in the "America dream"--that is, owning a house and some land 2. Federal Housing Assistance (FHA) loans 3. Federal Veteran Home Loans 4. the massive highway programs of the Eisenhower administration

In what way is the cycle of social reproduction created within the school?

*all of the above* 1. blue-collar children are often uncomfortable in a middle-class school environment, so they rebel and are thereby limited to blue collar jobs when they leave school 2. middle-class children are more accepting of the rules in school are are therefore more apt to success 3. working-class children increasingly see the school as not operating in their best interests; therefore, they are eager to get to work and earn money rather than continuing with schooling 4. in many ways, working-class children have a more preceptive attitude toward the organization of the school than do middle-class children. HOwever, the latter group sees the school as a vehicle for upward mobility.

Which of the following is an example of the socialization of nature?

*all of the above* 1. contraception 2. the medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth 3. genetic engineering

According to sociologists, education is important for economic development. With what reasons do they argue for expanded educational access?

*all of the above* 1. educated workers can become skilled workers for high-wage industries 2. education is a reliable avenue for escaping harsh workers conditions and low wage, unskilled jobs 3. educated people tend to have fewer children, slowing the global population explosion that contributes to global poverty

Which of the following is an example of cultural racism?

*all of the above* 1. forbidding newly arrived Brazilian immigrants to speak Portuguese in public places 2. putting Christmas trees in company offices, but forbidding Jewish workers to put a menorah or dreidel in their offices 3. the movement to have a constitutional amendment proclaiming English as an official language of the United States

Why is the internationalization of education considered problematic by some?

*all of the above* 1. foreign students may deprive Americans of slots in competitive programs 2. some foreign students receive financial aid and scholarships, taking money that might otherwise go to Americans. 3. foreign students are likely to return to their home countries and not contribute to American society

According to MAx Weber's theory, leaders who are charismatic:

*all of the above* 1. have inspirational qualities capable of capturing the imagination and devotion of a mass of followers 2. are usually the main force behind a religious movement in its early phase 3. may be political or religious leaders

Which of the following trends is a latent consequence of the decline in the manufacturing economy in the United States?

*all of the above* 1. high unemployment in cities that relied on industry for their economy 2. increase in the feminization of poverty 3. a lack of men considered desirable for marriage 4. an increase in female-headed, single-parent households

In the age group of 25 to 47, far fewer African American than white women are married and living with a husband. Which of the following factors contribute to this situation?

*all of the above* 1. historical conditions, including the effects of slavery 2. discrimination 3. conditions of poverty and unemployment in the inner cities today

The study of everyday life shows:

*all of the above* 1. how behavior is shaped and guided by social forces, such as roles and norms 2. how individuals shape their social reality, including social forces, such as roles and norms 3. how individual behavior is neither fixed nor unstructured

Capitalism stimulates social change in an unprecedented way because it:

*all of the above* 1. involves the constant expansion of production 2. involves the ever-increasing accumulation of wealth 3. promotes constant revision of the technology of production, increasingly drawing science into the process

What are some of the actions taken by the Chinese government that affect the use of the Internet?

*all of the above* 1. it has forbidden anyone to send information regarding HIV/AIDS 2. it has closed thousands of Internet cafes 3. it has banned information about democracy 4. it does not allow material about TIbet

Karl Marx argues that workers in capitalist society:

*all of the above* 1. lack ownership of the products they make and often cannot even afford to buy them 2. are dehumanized by tedious and demeaning labor processes over which they have no control 3. find themselves in competition with their fellow workers for scarce jobs

Why do women report poorer health in spite of their longer life expectations?

*all of the above* 1. longer life and aging bring more health problems 2. women are more likely to seek medical care 3. women are more likely to use preventive health care services

Why did formal systems of education develop in modern societies?

*all of the above* 1. mass education promoted nationalism, helping to integrate citizens from different regions and backgrounds into a national society 2. schools promoted the development of personality traits, like self-discipline and obedience, which employers needed in their employees 3. schools provided the credentials needed for a job, and and credentialism reinforced the class structure in a society

Reviewing the evidence involves:

*all of the above* 1. reviewing the research problems that previous researchers have left unanalyzed 2. reviewing related research 3. Examining how previous researchers approached the problem under study

Has globalization contributed to the increasing inequality in American society?

*all of the above* 1. some companies have lowered wages to compete with other companies that use cheaper third world labor 2. globalization has encouraged immigration to the U.S , thus increasing the low wage labor pool and pushing wages down 3. labor unions have been weakened by globalization

Sociological research shows the impact of the Internet on social interaction to be:

*all of the above* 1. that new kinds of electronic interaction enhanced or added to face-to-face relationships 2. that social networks have expanded and enriched relationships 3. that social isolation and automation have increased

To assess the extent of secularization, sociologists examine:

*all of the above* 1. the level of membership in religious organizations 2. trends in the amount of social influence, weather, and prestige, held by religious organizations 3. the amount of religiosity among the population

Why has the welfare state recently come under attack?

*all of the above* 1. the movement of jobs to lower-cost countries has made it more difficult 2. the spread of neoliberalism 3. anti-immigrant sentiment

Which of the following factors has consistently influenced social change over time?

*all of the above* 1. the physical environment 2. political organization 3. cultural factors

The elderly can be divided into three age groups. Aside from their younger age, what advantages do the "young old" have over the "oldest old"?

*all of the above* 1. the young tend to by more educated 2. the young old grew up during a time of economic prosperity 3. The Great Depression and World War 2 had little effect on the lives of the young old 4. the young old profited from owning their own homes during a positive-real-estate market

When people have diseases like cancer, they receive comfort and compassion. Why are people with diseases like HIV/AIDS stigmatized?

*all of the above* 1. their disease is thought to be highly infectious 2. the sick person is disgraces by the disease 3. others associate the ill person with shame 4. many people believe in false, negative rumors about the disease

Why do the elderly have such a strong political voice in the U.S. government?

*all of the above* 1. they are growing in numbers 2. they have high voter turnout, accounting for up to one fifth of the vote 3. they have an effective organization representing their interests in the AARP

In what way has the AIDS epidemic contributed to global hunger and food shortages?

*all of the above* 1. too many people of prime working age are dying of the disease 2. most of the AIDS cases are found in low-income countries 3. countries with the highest rate of AIDS are also agricultural countries 4. with few people able to work on farms because so many die from AIDS, fewer crops are harvested

The combination of the graying of the population and globalization will mean:

*all of the above* 1. traditional patterns of family care will be challenged 2. a probable increased burden on government support programs for the elderly 3. challenges to traditional ways of thinking and behaving toward the elderly

In what ways in the plight of American women similar to that of women in less-industrialized countries?

*all of the above* 1. when a woman is employed, she has more options for ending an unhappy marriage through divorce 2. education provides one of the best opportunities for a woman to leave an impoverished life 3. women all over the world must complete a second shift after working in their paid jobs 4. regardless of what country you examine, women are underrepresented in upper management- that is, their advancement is often blocked by a class ceiling

Taylorism resulted in:

*all of the above* 1. workers' loss of control over knowledge of the production process 2. reduced autonomy for craft workers 3. deskilling and degrading of labor

What factor accounts for racial disparities in wealth and income?

*all of the above* education parents' social class discrimination

Which of the following is a criticism of the human capital theory made by feminist sociologists?

*all of the above* 1. Due to childhood socialization in traditional gender roles, women are not as free to choose their occupations as the theory suggests 2. Women are prevented from entering certain occupations due to discrimination by "gatekeepers" on the job. 3. The difference in power between men and women in society limits women from redefining their occupations as skilled

A latent consequence of scientific management and mass production has been:

*all of the above* 1. a rigid production system 2. the alienation of workers 3. close worker supervision and control 4. decline in worker autonomy

Which of the following is a characteristic of a nation-state?

*all of the above* 1. it has a government apparatus with sovereign rights within the borders of a territory 2. the government is able to to back its sovereignty by control of military power 3. many of its citizens have positive feelings of commitment based on nationalism

The Internet fosters the creation of relationships that often do not come with the emotional and social baggage or constraints that are involved in traditional face-to face interactions. This allows participation to:

*all of the above* 1. offer and receive support that people may not be able to find in their communities 2. participate in impersonal and fleeting relationships 3. participate in off limits or intimate encounters that could be deemed inappropriate in face-to-face contexts 4. find information or answers to questions that people may be too embarrassed to ask their teachers, parents and/or friends

Which of the following is an example of a caste system?

*all of the above* 1. requiring Jewish families to live in a separate part of European cities, known as ghetto? 2. giving political and economic rights in South Africa only to people who were genetically completely white 3. forcing children to accept their parents' status as their own in India 4. Denying all civil rights to blacks in the U.S

Which of the following statements about the U.S economy is true?

*all of the above* 1. the 200 largest manufacturing corporations control more than half of all manufacturing assists 2. the 200 largest financial organizations control more than half of all financial activity 3. financial institutions hold more than 30 percent of the shares of the 200 largest manufacturing companies

Sociology of the body refers to:

*all of the above* 1. the effects of social change on the body 2. the increasing separation of the body from nature 3. the increase of social technologies

Which of the following has been offered as a sociological explanation for the gap between women's and men's work in the home?

*all of the above* 1. women do most of the housework in exchange for economic support from men 2. Men do the jobs that give them the most control over when to do them 3. When the daily tasks of work in the home are divided along the traditional gender lines (women-as-server, man-as-provider), men and women "do gender" and reproduce the gender roles with which they were socialized

A middle-class white woman walks to the other side of the street when she sees a group of young black men approaching her. Her behavior can be linked to:

*all of the above* gender inequality racial inequality class inequality

Which of the following best describes adults who Never reach the formal operational stage?

*all of the above* they often remain highly egocentric they are more often uneducated people they never quite learn how to "play" with an idea they cannot deal with hypothetical ideas

Which of the following best characterizes the women's movement and its interest in women's equality?

*none of the above*

What do sociologists mean by the phrase "racial literacy"?

Black children should learn methods of dealing with white racism

With respect to the changes that are occurring in the family globally, which of the following statements is NOT true?

Changes are occurring in both urban and rural areas

Untel has approximately one-third of its workforce located outside of the United States, It selected Dalian, China, to be the home to its chip fabrication plant. Why did Intel select this site?

China hasa growing supply of engineers and offers incentives

Weber regarded Christianity as a salvation religion, one in which human beings can be "saved" if they follow its moral tenets. How do Eastern religions differ from Christianity according to Weber?

Eastern religions tend to lack emotional dynamism and cultivate an attitude of passivity or acceptance.

How do European countries provide their citizens with more services than the U.S government provides its citizens?

Europeans pay higher taxes than Americans

Why have jobs shifted from manufacturing to service and from the Northeast to the South and West?

Globalization and the mobility of capital allow firms to seek areas where labor costs are lower due to weaker unions and bigger tax breaks

An example of the illegitimate sick role is:


Which of the following best describes the health conditions in high- and low- income countries?

Infant mortality is more than ten times higher in low-income countries

Being a private secretary was once a very prestigious male occupation. What happened to cause this occupation to lose prestige?

More women entered into the field, and as it became an occupation associated with women it became a clerical position

Which of the following best explains why different groups of people created different cultures

People learned to adapt to their physical surroundings

A common Japanese expression "the nail that sticks up must be hammered down" is a norm that permeates Japanese culture and supports conformity and equality. Sociologists would say that this is a powerful mechanism of:

Social Control

The scope of experimentation is much smaller in sociology than in the natural sciences. Why is this?

Sociological researchers can only bring small groups into a laboratory setting, and people may behave unnaturally because they are being watched.

_________, thinking in terms of fixed and inflexible categories, often involved the psychological mechanism of _________, directing hostility or anger toward objects that are not really the source of those feelings.

Stereotypical thinking: displacement

Which of the following best characterizes the family in the United States today?

The largest group of American families is that in which there is only one parent or both the husband and wife are working

What is meant by the feminization of migration patterns?

The number of women migrants has increased in part because of the demand for "mail-order brides"

Why has illegal drug use in the United States continued to escalate even though billions of dollars have been spent to curb its use?

The profits from drugs are so high and the ease of moving the drugs and money across global areas is so great that more rugs are being sold.

Which of the following most accurately describes the number of people in the U.S prisons?

The proportion of people in U.S prisons is at least five times that of western European countries

Why is theory a necessary component of sociological research?

Theory illuminates or explains the data

Given what you learned in high school about scientific research, in what way does the sociological research process differ from that of, for example, physics?

There is little difference in the processes that are employed by physicists or sociologists

Some time around the 1920's in American sociology, largely at the University of Chicago, sociology as a discipline began to transform in what way?

There was a stronger attempt to ground sociological concepts and theories in facts and data

Unionized workers at Bill's Bulb World would like to change the overtime regulations at work. What options do the union workers have to make changes?

They can suggest new regulations to management, and if management does not agree, the union can vote to strike.

If parents wish to raise their children in a nonsexist way, why do they have difficulty doing so?

Traditional gender roles are reproduced in very many areas of everyday life

Sociologically, which of the following best describes a midlife crisis?

When a 45 year old man who has never ice skated decides to join an amateur hockey team

Joe, for his research project in his sociology class, is studying cheating about college students. He is currently developing a questionnaire. What stage of the research process is he in now?

Working out a design

Which of the following explanations for NOT cheating on this exam is supported by control theory

You sit in the front of the class and are afraid of getting caught

Which of the following is a social group?

a couple married less than one year

An example of assimilation would be:

a family from Mexico moves to the United States and adopts mainstream American cultural practices and at the same time loses many of their Mexican cultural practices.

Feminist scholars who analyze the family often refer to the second shift. WHich of the following scenarios best captures the meaning of this phrase?

a female social worker returns home from work to drive the children to soccer practice, prepares dinner, and completes a load of laundry

Which is NOT associated with the concept of anomie?

a form of control of morality

Which of the following characterizes the shift to a global, rather than national outlook?

a man with a decidedly Italian accent telling a reporter he is from Europe

Which of the following is true of all systems of social stratification?

a person's life chances are significantly influenced by his position

Who among the following is most likely to participate in the New Age movement?

a recently divorced man who just dropped out of college

What does that term social structure refer to?

a regularity or pattern in people's behavior and relationships

In terms of people's working lives, globalization makes it more likely that individuals will experience:

a self-made carer path, with several changes over their lifetime

Which of the following is an example of interactional vandalism?

a student shouts out, "Hey teach', lookin' good today!"

Which of the following is an example of situational ethnicity?

a third-generation Cuban American speaks Spanish only in Miami

What has made possible the tremendous increase in transactional corporations over the past thirty years?

advances in transportation and communications

There is significant evidence that the high rates of HIV/AIDS infections in African countries reflect the:

already weakened health these people experience due to malnourishment, poor water, and other infectious diseases

Communicating through plain, everyday language requires:

an array of complex, shared background understandings

What was the major feature of the development of modern health-care systems?

applying science to medical diagnosis and cure

Which of the following is one explanation for the persistence of global economic inequality

as the technology gay between countries widens, it is more difficult to eliminate poverty

Which group has a strong commitment to family interdependence, family and friend networks that help members financially, and higher median incomes than non-Hispanic whites?

asian americans

Why is the term minority group potentially ambiguous and confusing, particularly for sociologists?

because sociologists use the term to mean disadvantaged, not necessarily a group of less than 50 percent of the population

An example of audience segregation is:

being openly gay at home but being "straight" at work for the fear of discrimination

When businesses such as State Farm Insurance and Wal-Mart deny women the ability to advance in their companies, the textbook refers to these companies as:

being workplace gatekeepers

What accounts for most of the difference in life expectancy in the United States now compared with 100 years ago?

better chances that young people will live to adulthood

Which perspective focuses on the interaction of race, class, and gender in the disadvantages faced by women?

black feminism

The economic system in which conflict is inevitable because it is in the interest of the ruling class to exploit the working class and in the interest of workers to overcome that exploitation is called:


What are the most recent projections for global urban growth?

city populations throughout the world are growing more rapidly than rural communities

Cultural tool kits:

contain a variety of social scripts that we can draw on

Which of the following is an example of a sociological explanation for deviant behavior?

criminal behavior arises when people associate with deviants and learn their norms

Among the Navajo, averting one's eyes is a sign of respect, and direct eye contact is seen as insulting. This is called a:

cultural norm

Body modification is an expression of:


The countries of the former Soviet Union began to industrialize in the late twentieth century. Since then, their standard of living has:


Which theory would best fit this statement: "Low income countries are not underdeveloped, they are misdeveloped"?

dependency theory

Functionalists argue that social roles:

direct an individuals behavior as people learn these roles from their culture and perform these roles as they have been defined

The riots that occurred in some of Boston's predominantly white housing projects in the 1970s because of bussing students to integrate schools are examples of:


Which of the following arrangements facilitate relationships and social interaction?

diverse and multifunction communities with extensive street traffic

John is unable to comprehend other people's perspectives and believes that only his outlook is accurate. How would Jean Piaget describe JOhn's behavior?


Neoliberalism argues that global free trade will enable all countries to prosper and therefore it is necessary to:

eliminate all governmental regulation and disavow a minimum wage and other labor laws

A common criticism of functionalist theory is that it:

emphasized the need for the elderly to adjust to existing conditions rather than participate in changing them

Merton's functional analysis of deviance and crime addressed on of the pressing questions in the study of deviance. He focused on the issue that society has become much more affluent but crime rates continue to rise. Merton responded to this quandary by:

emphasizing the contrast between rising aspirations and persistent inequalities; he focused on a sense of relative deprivation

What is meant by a geography of "centrality and marginality" in global cities?

enormous affluence and acute poverty reside side by side with minimal interaction

Croatia has become a monoethnic state because of the racialized policies of mass expulsion during the 1990s. This is an example of:

ethnic cleansing

Balbina, a student taking a sociology class, wants to do research on the homeless in her city .She would like to provide a rich, detailed, inside view of being homeless. What research method should she choose?


A classical experiment conducted by Harold Garfinkel involved researchers violating everyday norms of behavior and observing how subjects react. This research used what method?


What advantage do female-headed African American families have over female-headed white families?

female-headed African American families have more extended kinship relationships

Which perspective has been most concerned with the domestic division of labor, unequal power relationships, and caring activities in the family?


The question of generational equity will become more acute as:

fewer and fewer people of working age pay more and more in taxes to support elderly retirees

Sexual minorities experience a high incidence of violent crime and harassment. More often than not they are perceived as being deserving of crime rather than innocent victims. This is because:

gay and lesbian relationships are seen as belonging to the private realm, and some people believe they should not display their homosexual identities in public

An ethnomethodologist would study all of the following except:

gender socialization

Many industrial workers have been left unemployed and without the skills required in a knowledge-based economy. This is due to:

global trade and new forms of technology

For a reference group to be effective, it must meet which of the following criteria?

group members must identify with each other or the group's goal

At the beginning of the twentieth century fewer than one in seven people lived in cities. In 2008, the number of people living in cities _______ the number of people living in rural areas

has surpassed

Which of the following would NOT be considered cultural capital?

having your child work at a fast food restaurant after school

In which type of job would a worker most likely be dissatisfied?

helping professions that require physical labor, late-night hours, and low levels of educational attainment

If your instructor were to ask if you cleaned up your room before leaving the house, she would be acting outside of:

her role

Which group benefits from the tracking of students according to abilities?

high-achieving students, because teachers do not have to spend time working with slow learners

Why is there a social-class gradient in obesity in our society?

high-fat food and super sized meals are cheaper and more accessible than more nutritious foods

A student who is sitting quietly in a classroom and listening to his professor lecture is likely acting based on self-interest if he is:

hoping he will make a good impression on the professor so she will write him a good letter of recommendation

Which type of society shows that human beings are NOT simply competitive by nature?

hunting and gathering

Which of the following believes that globalization is challenging the power of nation-states?


When your professor wears a tie to the first day of class and later changes into shorts and a T-shirt for a barbecue with friends, he is engaging in:

impression management

Which of the following is a manufactured risk?

in 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear disaster in Pennsylvania

According to Marx, religious beliefs can provide justification for those people who are:

in a position of power

In modern societies, most of the population lives:

in cities

The industrialized and developing societies have developed:

in interconnection with one another

Which of the following statements is true?

infants have facial expressions similar to those of adults

Advances in information technology, communication and transportation have made it possible for people & goods to be transported around the globe and have also made it possible for people to get in touch with each other. This means that American society is:

influenced at every moment by globalization

Some sociologists argure that women are just as aggressive as men, but women display a different style of aggression that is consistent with gender norms. For women in the United States this is called:

interpersonal aggression

According to the sociological perspective, people's behavior is...

is influenced by the social context

According to you textbook, minorities more to the suburbs for the same reasons other people move to the suburbs, such as better schools, and less crime. Therefore, some sociologists argue that suburbanization:

isn't about race but about social class

What is the social function of religion, according to Emile Durkheim?

it aids in cohering or providing solidarity by ensuring that people meet regularly to affirm common beliefs and values

The notion that the power of modern medicine will continue to show improvements in public health indefinitely is unsatisfactory to sociologists because:

it ignores social and environmental factors in patterns of health and illness

Why does the topic of eating disorders offer a good opportunity to apply the sociological imaginations?

it is a case where what appears to be a personal trouble is part of a larger, public issue

Durkheim argues that deviance allows us to understand the standards of a society. What solution to deviance does he propose?

keep deviance in acceptable boundaries

What played a significant role in the recent democratization of formerly nondemocratic countries?

mass media, such as television and the Internet

Which of the following is NOT considered to be one of the reasons for the reversal of the gender gap in education?

more stay-at-home father role models

Functionalist theories emphasize connections between conformity and deviance in different social contexts. A common criticism of this approach, however, is that

most people adjust their aspirations to their reality, and functionalists tend to presume everyone has middle class values

When a professor is delivering a lecture and some students begin to whisper back and forth , the professor may stop the lecture and remain silent. The professor's behavior is an example of:

negative sanction

The rich and varied group life of societies reflects:

our need to congregate and belong

The music market study demonstrated that groups have the influence to shape:

our personal taste and decisions regarding music

The growth of communication technology such as the Internet and e-mail in the last thirty years has changed:

our social interaction

Which of the following is a social aggregate?

people waiting at Terminal C for flight 181

As a sociological concept, race refers to:

physical variations in human beings singled out by members of a community or society as socially significant

Sociological research indicates there is a significant correlation between level of education attainment and occupational success. Identify the casual mechanism for this correlation.

positive parental attitudes toward education and such tools as books and computers for learning in the home

Emir and Michael live in a large house with their adopted daughter, Lilly; Emir's son, Amid; and Michael's aging aunt, Cecilia. Judith Stacey would describe this family as an:

postmodern family

The mass media are important because they affect our attitudes and experiences, and because they:

provide a means of access to knowledge

For humans to be socialized, it is imperative that they have:

regular social interaction with adults

What are the three key elements of the sociological definition of religion?

religion is a form of culture; religion involves beliefs that take form in ritualized practices; religion provides a feeling that life is ultimately meaningful because it frames life in a way that other institutions do not

For a sample to accurately reflect the characteristics of the stud population, it must be:


Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) engaged in a mail bombing spree that spanned nearly twenty years, killing three people and injuring twenty-three others. In 1971, he moved to a remote cabin without electricity or running water, in Lincoln Montana, where he lived as a recluse. Utilizing Merton's functionalist framework, Kaczynski could be classified as a:


When three best friends- Jose, Martin, and George_ get together every friday night Jose usually decides what the group will do. However one night when Jose said he wanted to go bowling Martin and George told Jose that they decided the group was going to the movies. This is known as:

revolutionary coalitions

What is the difference between social identity and self-identity?

social identity focuses on similarities among people, whereas self-identity focuses on individual differences

Some researchers argue that people often "get religion" when their fundamental sense of _________ is threatened by economic hardship, loneliness, loss or grief, physical suffering, or poor health.

social order

When sociologists visit Starbucks, they witness a variety of behaviors and social relationships that are not necessarily immediately apparent to the coffee drinkers. The ability to interpret all the events taking place within the coffeehouse is referred to as:

sociological imagination

The significance of a sociological imagination is that..

sociology attempts to connect individual experiences to a conception of a larger social structure

Select the attribute that is NOT considered part of developing countries:

stable borders what is part: 1. rapid process of urban development 2. influenced by contact with Western industrialization 3. most crops produced for sale rather than directly consumed

Where there is a political apparatus ruling over a given territory, whose authority is backed by a legal system and by the capacity to use military force to implement its policies, a ________ exists.


Cities can be seen as a series of concentric circles with the inner ring designated as the inner-city and the outer rings as:


In what way(s) do teachers show a bias against girls in the classroom?

teachers provide girls with the correct answers, whereas they help boys solve the problems

Schools teach us various academic subjects. However, they are also involved in the socialization process in more latent ways, exemplified by their emphasis on:

teaching students the importance of observing rules

The _________ are regions of the world that apply technology invented elsewhere in their own production and consumption systems.

technology adopters

The credentialism approach in understanding sociology and education advocates:

that the content is much less important than the diploma or credential itself

What is the best explanation for adult children physically abusing their parents?

the adult children are resentful that they are financially dependent on their elderly parents

Which of the following statements about class systems is NOT accurate?

the boundaries between classes are very clear cut

What do sociologists mean when they refer to the "Second shift" for working women?

the burden of housework that awaits a woman when she returns home from work

Who among the following is most likely to experience intergenerational mobility?

the child of a high school teacher

Which of the following is the best example of social change?

the desegregation of colleges and universities in the United States

Why has respect for the elderly declined throughout the world?

the elderly are too great an economic burden on younger families

Who among the following would most likely lament the movement toward globalization?

the head of a small-town historical society

Expert skiers and snowboarders use such terms as black ice, corn, powder, packed powder, and so on to describe differing snow and ice conditions. They do this in order to perceive the environment in a particular way and to a void life-threatening situations. Many social scientists would argue that this is an example of:

the linguistic relativity hypothesis

Which of the following statements accurately describes the political status of women in the United States?

the percentage of women in the U.S Congress is similar to the percentage of women in national assemblies throughout the world

Which of the following best explains the relationship between wealth and income?

the same factors that limit people's incomes also limit their ability to accumulate wealth

In what ways have the changes in work brought by industrialization been socializing agents?

the separation of work and home requires workers to adapt to a variety of situations

Which respect to health care, how do the elderly differ from other age groups in the U.S?

they are almost all covered by government-fundeed health insurance

Why should farmers, cattle ranchers, and animal feed manufacturers accept responsibility for mad cow disease?

they are feeing cows grains mixed with animal parts

Voter turnout in the United States is among the lowest in the world. What reason do many Americans give for why they don't vote?

they believe it is too much effort to vote

Which of the following would be a positive, albeit latent, consequence of the preoccupation with video games?

they provide young people with skills useful in an electronic age

More than half the Americans who move, move more frequently, in a relatively short time span, to places within the same county. Why do people go to the trouble of moving, when they basically remain in the same place?

they want to improve their housing

Why do differences in occupational status lead to inequalities in health and illness?

those who work in offices are at less risk of injury of exposure to hazardous materials

Rupert is the president and CEO of a multinational corporation. The corporation has made a substantial profit since Rupert's presidency. What type of leader is Rupert?


Which system is more likely to result in political parties that converge on the "middle ground" and often come to resemble each other so closely that there is little distinctive difference in their key policies?

two-party system

Milgram's experiment on obedience to authority occurred more than 45 years ago. Scientists do not replicate Milgram's experiment and update the findings because:

universities have installed greater research protocols to protect subjects

which of the following questions about religion is sociological

what are its principal beliefs and values?

A stereotype threat occurs:

when people believe they are being judged not as individuals but as members of a group

Organic solidarity is:

when the institutions of society function together as a whole

What is an unintended consequence of school busing?

white families fled from the city into suburban areas, leaving the center cities to decay

Which of the following assumptions is commonly held about women and work?

women are naturally better in support positions in office settings than in managerial postions

Among the elderly, which group is more likely to have problems of isolation and loneliness?

women, because they are more likely to outlive husbands and have more difficulty finding another mate

Children in premodern United States and Europe often:

worked at an early age or left the family at an early age to do domestic work for others

In which class does the family income just cover basic living expenses and perhaps a summer vacation?

working class

People working in blue collar or pink collar occupations make up the

working class

Which of the following would NOT be classified as civil inattention?

working on a group project in your sociology class

Which theory uses the concept of global commodity chains to describe how manufacturing has become globalized?

world-systems theory

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