Sociology Final

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In any given election year roughly ________ of the population does not vote.


Reported in the U.S. Census Current Population Survey of 2013, research indicates that ________ of people in the United States have no health insurance at all.


Research indicates that the average life expectancy for white males was approximately ________ years longer than for black males.


________ is a form of government that strives to provide all citizens with an equal voice, or vote, in determining state policy, regardless of their level of socioeconomic status. Another important fundamental part of this government is the establishment and governance of a just and comprehensive constitution that delineates the roles and responsibilities of leaders and citizens alike.

A democracy

Research suggests that while government officials may still be debating about the content of sexual education in public schools, the majority of U.S. adults are not. ________ of the respondents feel giving teens information about sex and how to obtain and use protection will not encourage them to have sexual relations earlier than they would under an abstinence program.

A majority

For years, ________ who were brave enough to vote were discouraged by discriminatory legislation, passed in many southern states, which required poll taxes and literacy tests of prospective voters.

African Americans

________ are focused on self-improvement and limited, specific changes to individual beliefs and behavior.

Alternative movements

What is the process called by which a minority group and a majority group combine to form a new group?


________ refers to accepted influence, in other words, influence that people agree to follow.


________ was a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court which declared that state laws which had established separate schools for black and white students were, in fact, unequal and unconstitutional.

Brown v. Board of Education

________ seek to preserve existing norms and values.

Conservative movements

________ are those that are questioned or questionable by some medical professionals.

Contested illnesses

________ are the second-largest Hispanic subgroup, and their history is quite different from that of other Hispanic groups. Their main wave of immigration to the United States started after Fidel Castro came to power in 1959, and reached its crest with the Mariel boatlift in 1980.

Cuban Americans

________ refers to the theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture.

Culture of prejudice

________ is a significant social problem in the United States. It is often characterized as violence between household or family members, specifically spouses.

Domestic violence

________ demonstrate that like many other institutions of society, educational systems are characterized by unequal treatment and opportunity for women.

Feminist theorists

________ describes the learning of academic facts and concepts through an established curriculum.

Formal education

It is important to distinguish between socialized medicine, in which the government owns the healthcare system, and universal healthcare, which is simply a system that guarantees healthcare coverage for everyone. ________ all have universal healthcare.

Germany, Singapore, and Canada

Immigration from ________ and ________ continued well into the late 19th century and early part of the 20th century, at which time the immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe began to arrive in larger numbers.

Germany; Ireland

________ is a process that accepts and encourages casual sexual encounters, including one-night stands and other related activity, which focuses on physical pleasure without necessarily including emotional bonding or long-term commitment.

Hooking up

________ describes learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors by participating in a society. This type of learning occurs both through the established education system and at home.

Informal Schooling

Scholars have noted that white domestic terrorists like Timothy McVeigh, who detonated a bomb at an Oklahoma courthouse in 1995, have not inspired similar racial profiling or hate crimes against whites, but racial profiling has continued against Arab Americans as a matter of course since 9/11, particularly when engaged in air travel, being young and Arab-looking is enough to warrant a special search or detainment. This irrational fear of or hatred against Muslims is called ________ and does not show signs of abating.


Myers (2007) states that the cultural assimilation of ________ is "almost complete, but with remnants of ethnicity." The presence of enclave neighborhoods, originally segregated slums dating from the nineteenth century continue to exist today.


________ immigration began in the 1880s. Many of these immigrants came to Hawaii to participate in the sugar industry; others came to the mainland, especially to agricultural pursuits in California.


________ believed that the only way for the underprivileged to eventually gain some measure of equality would be to continue to struggle against one another.

Karl Marx

Historically, the most recent large-scale Asian immigration has come from ________ and ________.

Korea; Vietnam

________ serves as a significant agent of gender socialization when in television and movies, women tend to have less significant roles and are often portrayed as wives or mothers.

Mass Media

________, especially those who are here illegally, are at the center of a national debate about immigration. Myers (2007) observes that no other minority group (except the Chinese) has immigrated to the United States in such an environment of illegality.

Mexican Americans

A precedent for universal access to education in the United States was set with the 1972 U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia's decision in ________, brought on the behalf of seven school-age children with special needs who argued that the school board was denying their access to free public education.

Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia

________ might span an entire country, perhaps led by a national organization.

National level social movements

The funding tie-in of ________ has led to the social phenomenon commonly called "teaching to the test".

No Child Left Behind

According to research, men and women in the ________ have the lowest rates of divorce while those in the ________ have the highest.

Northeast; South

________ affects more than personal relationships; it shapes larger dynamics like social groups, professional organizations, and governments.


________ offers a solution and states how it will be implemented.

Prognostic framing

________ is a process used by real estate agents to direct prospective homeowners toward or away from certain neighborhoods based on their race

Racial Steering

________ are "meaning seeking," and their goal is to provoke inner change or spiritual growth in individuals.

Redemptive movements

________ seek to change something specific about the social structure.


________ seek to completely change every aspect of society. Examples include the Civil Rights Movement or political movements, such as a push for communism.

Revolutionary movements

Cross-national research on sexual attitudes in industrialized nations reveals that normative standards differ across the world. For example, several studies have shown that ________ students are more tolerant of premarital sex than are________ students.

Scandinavian: U.S.

Varying in its level of severity, in some parts of the world where women are strongly undervalued, young girls may not be given the same access to nutrition, healthcare, and education as boys. Known as ________, this term refers to prejudiced beliefs that value one sex over another.


________ is viewed as a person's capacity for sexual feelings.


________ also has influenced voting practices since voting rates among lower-educated, lower-paid workers are lower than for people with higher socioeconomic status. This fosters a system in which people with more power and access to resources have the means to perpetuate their power

Social Class

According to ________, the struggles between and within groups have historically been spurred by the drive to protect or gain territory and wealth, and the need to preserve liberty and autonomy.

Social conflict theorists

________ suggest that sexuality is another area in which power differentials are present and where dominant groups actively work to promote their worldview as well as their economic interests.

Social conflict theorists

________is the study of the causes and distribution of diseases.

Social epidemiology

The ________ is the highest court in the United States, and it has the final say on decisions about the constitutionality of laws that citizens challenge.

Supreme Court

________ study the dynamics of the classroom, the interactions between students and teachers, and how those affect everyday life.

Symbolic interaction theorists

________ stress that family is not an objective, concrete reality. Like other social phenomena, it is a social construct that is subject to the ebb and flow of social norms and ever-changing meanings.

Symbolic interactionist theorists

The first Arab immigrants came to this country in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were predominantly ________, and they came to escape persecution and to make a better life. These early immigrants and their descendants, who were more likely to think of themselves as Syrian or Lebanese than Arab, represent almost half of the Arab American population today (Myers 2007).

Syrian, Lebanese, and Jordanian Christians

________ was responsible for both busing programs to schools outside their neighborhoods and academic preschools geared toward remediation of deficits associated with low socioeconomic status.

The Coleman Report

________ defines a family as "a group of two people or more, one of whom is the householder, who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and are residing together."

The U.S. Census Bureau

The digital divide refers to ________

The gap between people who have access to digital technology and those who don't.

By 1705, Virginia passed which of these laws?

The slave codes

________ is a functionalist perspective that states that several preconditions must be in place for collective behavior to occur.

Value-added theory

Rock the Vote is an example of a ________.

Voting Advocacy Group

It wasn't until the United States entered ________ that the government realized that their troops developed problems they would not have had if sex education had been taught.


In the United States, ________ has the highest rates of divorce and ________ has the lowest.

Washington, DC; Hawaii

Alfred Kinsey was among the first to conceptualize sexuality as

a continuum rather than a strict dichotomy of gay or straight.

Of the three primary forms of collective behavior, ________ is a large group of people in close proximity.

a crowd

Some nations called ________ recognize kings, queens, princes, princesses, and other figures with official royal titles. The power held by these positions varies from one country to another.

a monarchy

According to Karl Marx, struggles between groups are necessary for the development of

a more egalitarian society

The increase in our senior population as baby boomers begin to retire, which will in turn change the way many of our social institutions are organized, reflects ________ that impacts all other aspects of society.

a population trend

Finland is consistently in the top five educational rankings in the world. Differences between their system and ours includes ________ in Finnish schools than in schools in the United States.

about 300 fewer hours in school and more recess

One of the biggest contributors to medical issues in low-income countries is the lack of

access to clean water and basic sanitation resources.

Research indicates that many perpetrators of intimate partner violence blame ________ for their abuse.

alcohol and drugs

The difference between the terms "Arab" and "Muslim" is that Arab refers to ________ and Muslim refers to ________.

an ethnicity; a religion

Analysts have determined that the nations and city-states ________ had several things in common, such as well-established standards for education with clear goals for all students, and teachers recruited from the top 5 to 10 percent of university graduates each year, which is not the case for most countries.

at the top of the educational rankings

The United States prides itself on being the land of the "free,"

but it is rather restrictive when it comes to its citizens' general attitudes about sex compared to other industrialized nations.

According to the American Psychological Association, there is no scientific consensus why a person holds a heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual orientation. Research has been conducted to study the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation,

but there has been no evidence that links sexual orientation to one factor.

Today in the United States, students of all races and ethnicities are permitted into schools,

but there remains a troubling gap in the equality of education they receive.

Given a public education system that is primarily funded ________, we see a wide disparity of funding per student throughout the country.

by local property taxes, rather than by state and federal funds distributed to all schools equally

What is considered "normal" in terms of sexual behavior is based on the mores and values of the society. Individuals are socialized to sexual attitudes

by their family, education system, peers, media, and religion.

Followers accept the power of ________ because they are drawn to the leader's personal qualities. The appeal of such a leader can be extraordinary, and can inspire followers to make unusual sacrifices or to persevere in the midst of great hardship and persecution.

charismatic authority

The discussion on the performance of ________ versus public schools is hotly debated with many studies being completed. Research indicates that they do not always outperform public schools.

charter schools

President Obama's 2008 presidential campaign used social media to engage volunteers who had typically not bothered with politics and empowered those who were more active to generate even more activity. This demonstrates how helpful social media can be during the ________ stage of social movements.


The belief that one skin tone is superior to another skin tone within a racial group is known as


Many people in the United States are fond of saying that this country has the best healthcare in the world, and while it is true that the United States has a higher quality of care available than many peripheral or semi-peripheral nations, it is not necessarily the "best in the world" when compared with ________ nations.


According to Pierre Bourdieu, members of the upper and middle classes have more ________ than do families of lower-class status.

cultural capital

A growing concern today is the ________ that students encounter with college attendance.


________ states the problem in a clear, easily understood way.

diagnostic framing

Which of these terms refers to the situation when a subordinate group is forced by a dominant group to permanently leave a certain area or country?


The ________ may include grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins living in the same home.

extended family

The ________ helps to explain the different processes that occur in families over time. Sociologists view each segment as having its own structure with different challenges, achievements, and accomplishments that transition the family from one to the next.

family life cycle

Some groups find it best to join together to maximize their impact. When social movements link their goals to the goals of other social movements and merge into a single group, a ________ occurs.

frame alignment

According to ________, the government has four main purposes: planning and directing society, meeting social needs, maintaining law and order, and managing international relations. According to this theory, all aspects of society serve a purpose.


The term________ refers to society's concept of how men and women are expected to look and how they should behave. These are based on norms, or standards, created by society.

gender role

Research indicates that intimate partner violence

has significant long-term effects on individual victims and on society.

It is important to note that ethnic minorities, including African Americans, Mexican Americans and Native Americans, ________ than whites.

have higher rates of diseases and causes of mortality

Devin grows up with incredibly strict parents who punish him severely for even minor infractions. When he grows up, he finds himself drawn to other authority figures and emulates the ways some of his heroes act toward others. According to psychologist Theodor Adorno, Devin may be prone to

increased prejudicism

Research indicates that most nonfatal intimate partner violence (IPV) occurs ________

inside the home

Cultural capital has three forms; ________ refers to the way society measures social class.

institutionalized state

Women who are in arranged marriages, lack U.S. citizenship, and/or are homeless or involved with the criminal justice system have the most to lose by reporting domestic violence and are ________

likely the most undercounted in victimization surveys.

Women work ________ than men.

more unpaid hours

As human populations move into more vulnerable areas, we see an increase in the number of people affected by

natural disasters

Accurate statistics on intimate partner violence are difficult to determine because ________.

nonfatal intimate partner violence often goes unreported.

Single-parent households are

on the rise

The 1960s saw other important reforms in U.S. voting. Shortly before the Voting Rights Act was passed, the 1964 U.S. Supreme Court case Reynolds v. Sims changed the nature of elections. This landmark decision reaffirmed the notion of ________ a concept holding that all people's votes should be counted equally. Before this decision, unequal distributions of population enabled small groups of people in sparsely populated rural areas to have as much voting power as the denser populations of urban areas. After Reynolds v. Sims, districts were redrawn so that they would include equal numbers of voters.

one-person, one-vote

Today, in the United States, ________, and the District of Columbia require comprehensive sex education classes in schools.

only 18 states

As a result of ________, women's viewpoints tend to be silenced or marginalized to the point of being discredited or considered invalid.


Which of these terms represents the ideal of the United States as a "salad bowl" where a mixture of different cultures is accepted and tolerated with each culture retaining its own identity and being valued equally with mutual respect on the part of all cultures, both dominant and subordinate?


Some of the most frequent causes of death for children under five in low income nations were ________. These deaths could be easily avoidable with cleaner water and more coverage of available medical care.

pneumonia and diarrheal diseases

Many people cannot afford ________ but their income level is not low enough to meet eligibility standards for government supported insurance.

private health insurance

The U.S. Census (2011) divides ________ into employment-based insurance and direct-purchase insurance.

private insurance

Women in the United States have been relatively late, historically speaking, to be granted entry to the

public university system.

Which of these terms refers to the physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions?


The term sociologists use to describe physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both primary and secondary sex characteristics is referred to as a person's


form of violent shaking known as ________

shaken-baby syndrome.

According to the ________ theory, there are two rights of a sick person and two obligations. The sick person's rights are: being exempt from normal social roles, and not being responsible for their condition. Conversely, the sick person's obligations include trying to get well and cooperating with the medical professionals.


According to ________, society is a struggle for dominance among social groups, like women versus men, that compete for scarce resources.

social conflict theory

The Black Lives Matter movement grew into a national network of chapters and joined forces with other, more organized groups, creating a ________ of more than 150 organizations across the United States that represent the interests of black communities.

social movement sector

Unfortunately, in June 2013 the Supreme Court repealed several important aspects of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, ruling that

southern states no longer need the stricter scrutiny that was once required to prohibit racial discrimination in voting practices in the South.

Erving Goffman suggests we might view illness as a ________ that can push others to view the ill in an undesirable manner. This often has the greatest effect on the patient and the kind of care he or she receives.


People with disabilities can be ________ by their illnesses.


A great deal of marital problems can be related to stress, especially

stress about money

According to ________, medicalization and de-medicalization affect which provider responds to the patient, how people respond to the patient, and how people view the personal responsibility of the patient.

structural functionalists

The term ________ can be used interchangeably with the term minority, while the term ________ is often substituted for the group that's in the majority.

subordinate group; dominant group

Health care disparities between racial and ethnic groups are based on

the level of healthcare that these racial/ethnic groups receive.

In today's world, some degree of education is necessary for people in most countries. Due to population growth and ________ in the next 30 years, more people will receive formal education than in any prior period of human history.

the proliferation of compulsory education

Conflict theorists point to ________, a formalized sorting system that places students on advanced versus low achiever groups that perpetuate inequalities.


According to Weber, power which is made valid by laws, written rules, and regulations is termed________. In this type of authority, power is vested in a particular rationale, system, or ideology and not necessarily in the person who implements the specifics of that doctrine. A nation that follows a constitution applies this type of authority.

traditional authority

Individuals who identify with the role that is the different from their biological sex are called


According to census data, the majority of children under age 18 live in a household with ________

two parents.

Historically, African Americans and other minorities have been underrepresented at the

voting polls

Divorce is much less prevalent among those

with a college education.

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