Sociology Final

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1st religion based on monotheism ◦ 14 million ◦ Orthodox, Reform and Conservative ◦ Marked by conflict and persecution ◦ Love God and do good deeds


Muslims ◦ 1.6 billion in 2010 (projected to rise to 2.2 billion by 2030) ◦ Established a theocracy (government based on God being the ruler) ◦ Shi'ites and Sunni ◦ Mecca

How does the U.S. Census Bureau define "family"?

d. two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption who share a household


◦ 1billion ◦ Chief religion of India ◦ Polytheists

Rist research - participant observation study

◦ Black grade schools with Black faculty ◦ Tracking (AKA Streaming or Ability grouping) ◦ Social class underlying basis for assignment to groups

Rosenthal/Jacobsen Experiment

◦ Expectations were based on what they had been told about their students


◦500 million ◦ Self-denial and compassion ◦ Similar to Hinduism ◦Rapidly spread into many parts of Asia

What is religiosity?

. the extent of a person's commitment to a religion

JDate is a website that helps Jewish men and women, especially those who aren't practicing Jews or who live in areas where there aren't many other Jews, form romantic relationships. What do Jewish people who use this website care about?

. Homogamy

A heterosexual couple living in the same household and raising children is defined as:

. a nuclear family

Functionalist Perspective of Religion

Answering questions, unity, comfort, guidelines

What term applies to a child who leaves home at 18, but later returns for at least a short period of time?

Boomerang Kid

Educational Fixes

Charter Schools: Public schools run by private entities to give parents greater control over their children's education. Early college high schools Homeschooling Distance Teaching Vouchers


Dropping Out: 8.1% 16-24 year olds drop outs Grade Inflation: A's increasing with performance decreasing Teacher Effectiveness

What do sociologists call the tendency to marry someone of a similar background?


As an agent of socialization, who does the family influence?


Religious groups that emphasize literal interpretation of sacred texts are called:


Conflict Perspective of Religion

Highly critical of religion- Marx (Opium of the People) Dysfunctional- Sexist, Racist, Homophobic Agents of Justice and Change- abolition of slavery, civil rights

Intrinsic Religiosity

Inner religious life or personal relationship to divine


One church organization - directed from Rome ◦ Middle Ages - Church aligned with the political establishment ◦ 2.18 billion Christians, divided into hundreds of groups

Extrinsic Religiosity

Public display of religious faith commitment

. In the Sermon on the Mount, in the Christian New Testament, believers are told, "Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them." Which of the functions or dysfunctions of religion does this remind you of?

Religion provides morals, values, rules, and norms for participants

Tracking (Symbolic)

Sorting of students by merit and aptitude testing Based on test scores, previous groups, or perceived ability Starts early in ones education "The placement of students into different educational programs of study such as remedial classes or college-prep classes is called:"

Labeling (Symbolic)

Students live up to or down to teachers' expectations and evaluations Background, Gender, Skill color, Hygiene, Accent and Tests Self-fulfilling prophecy

Symbolic Interactionism of Religion

Symbols used to provide identity Rituals are ceremonies Experience

Why do critics object to school vouchers?

They believe that vouchers will drain funds from vulnerable public schools and cause them to deteriorate further.

Functionalist Perspective (Macro)

View on Education- contributes to societies stability, solidarity, and cohesion Manifest Functions- socialization agencies, transmits knowledge, cultural integration, cultural innovation, mediocracy Latent Functions- childcare, matchmaking, social networks, job competition.

Conflict Perspective (Macro)

View- Reproduces and reinforces inequality and maintains a rigid social class structure Limit equal opportunity- hidden curriculum, IQ, school and property tax go hand in hand

Symbolic Interactionism (Micro)

View- Teaches roles and values through everyday face-to-face interaction and practices

. Who is more likely to return home after a full day of paid labor and then have to put in a "second shift" at home taking care of domestic work?


How would a sociologist define "family"?

an interdependent social group bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties

A large-scale, longitudinal study of students in America found that those who pick a major in the humanities or social sciences attended religious services less often and rated religion as being less important in their lives than students who picked either education or science majors. What were the researchers trying to measure?

both extrinsic and intrinsic religiosity

According to Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol, how do schools reinforce inequality?

by using local property taxes to fund public schools, trapping poor children in poor schools

What is the central means by which modern society transmits knowledge, values, and expectations to it members?


You were listening to a story on the news about the murder of a 25-year-old woman, married with one child. You had to leave before you heard who the murderer was. Who would you guess is the most likely culprit?

her husband or boyfriend

Heterogamy and Exogmay

selection of mates are dissimilar in terms of Class, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Religion, Education etc

Homogamy and Endogmay

selection of mates tend to be those who are similar to us in Class, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Religion, Education and yes even level of attractiveness

Arlie Hochschild's study of two-income families found that women were much more likely to do the majority of the unpaid labor inside the home even after a full day's work outside the home. What term is used to describe this extra labor?

the second shift

According to conflict theory, how does the nuclear family facilitate exploitation?

through a sexual division of labor within the home

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