Sociology Final Exam

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Secularization is?

A theory suggesting the modernization is inversely related to religiosity


Affiliation I am a..

Bilateral descent vs. Unilateral descent

Bilateral- pattern of tracing kinship Unilateral- tracing of kinship through one parent only

Crowd collective action vs. Mass collective action

Crowd- bodily co-presence Mass- No bodily

What are the 3 Stages of Social Movements?

Emergence- social problem identified Coalescence- resources are mobilized Routinization/institutionalization- bureaucratic structure develops around the cause

Family of orientation vs. Family of procreation

Family of orientation- family into which a person is born Family of procreation- formed through marriage

What is the key to happiness and security?

Finding and joining the right person

Monogamy vs. Polygamy

Monogamy- married to only one person at a time Polygamy- married to more than one person at a time

What are the indicators of advancement in a child's life?

Parental marital status

Plural marriage vs. Bigamy

Plural- no more than 3 wives Bigamy- entering into marriage while still married to another

Routinization vs. Rationalization

Routinization- clear, rule-governed procedures used repeatedly for decision making Rationalization- particular process for ordering and organizing

What is the second-highest cause of death among high school students?


Foster Care

The temporary placement of children in the homes of adults who are not related to them

Specialization is?

a division of labor which breaks tasks up into specific, delineated (defined) tasks

Nuclear family is?

a familial form consisting of a father, mother, children


a few corporations control the market, limiting competition

A Gini Coefficient is?

a measure of inequality 1= perfect inequality 0= perfect equality Higher Gini coefficients = inequality

A Bureaucracy is?

a rationalized, routinized organization utilizing formal rules and roles

Ethicalism is?

adherence to certain principles leading to a moral life

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is?

administered to samples of 15 years old students worldwide

Resistance Social Movements

advocate against social change referred to as "counter movements"

Reformative Social Movements

advocate for limited social change across all of society

Revolutionary Social Movements

advocate radical reorganization of society


after divorce remarry within 5 years of divorce

Profane is?

all that is not sacred mundane things of everyday life

Capitalism is an defined as?

an economic system based primarily on private ownership of goods and property

Credentialism is?

an emphasis on credential for signaling social status and for job qualifications

A "Traditional" Family is

an idealized form of the 19th century middle-class family a male-dominated nuclear family

A Political party is?

an organization seeking political power in a government through particular candidates for office who subscribe to the organizations political ideals

A interest group is?

an organization seeking political power in government by influencing politicians or political parties

The State (Skoepol)

an organization that extracts resources through taxation and attempts to extend coercive and political authority over people and territories

Corporation is?

an organization with legal personhood status which is distinct from its members

Political Participation is?

any activity that has the intent or effect of influencing government action

Taylorism is the?

application of "assembly line" methods to bureaucratic work

Charismatic authority is?

authority based on personal appeal of a leader


balances time in a special-needs classroom with standard classroom participation

Traditional authority is?

based on appeals to the past or traditional

Legal-rational authority is?

based on impersonal, legal rules

Animism is the ?

beliefs that spirits are a part of the natural world

Atheists do not?

believe theistic claims

Functionalist Perspective (Adam Smith)

capitalism facilitates social relations through interdependence Competition drives social progress

Conflict Perspective (Karl Marx) believes that?

capitalism hinders social relations through alienation Capitalism exploits workers

Who are the key indicators of a "family" status?


The State (Max Weber)

claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory

Sorting is ?

classifying students based on academic merit or potential

Social movement is the?

collective behavior that is purposeful, organized, and institutionalized

Foster Parents are?

comply with guideline and are provided with financial support for the children they care for

George Murdock did what?

conducted a survey of 250 societies determined that there are 4 universal residual functions of the family

Matrilocal residence is?

customary for the husband to live with his wife's blood relatives Minangkabau people

Patrilocal residence is?

customary for the wife to live with or near her husband's blood relatives makes women outsiders in the home and community

Informal education is?

describes learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors by participating in a society

Formal education is?

describes the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal education

Movement Ideology is?

developing shared cognition

Achievement gap is?

differences in educational performance across socioeconomic status, racial and ethnic categories

Tracking is?

dividing students into different courses based on ability or future plans White- overrepresented in college Color- overrepresented in non-college

Prescriptions and proscriptions are the?

do's and don'ts

Credentialism (conflict view)

education system perpetuates and exacerbates inequality

Union Busting is?

employers attempts to dissolve union

Universal Access is defined as?

equal ability to participate in an education system

The Political Process Model is?

expanding political opportunities (external) Indigenous organizational strength (internal) Shared cognition (internal)

What are the causes of divorce?

financial stress, age, education level that correlate with low income

Political Opportunity Structure is?

focuses on the structure of political opportunities and elite support Depend on powerful people

Ambilineal descent is?

follows either the father's only or the mother's side only depending on the situation

Patrilineal descent is?

follows father's line only only males carry on the family surname gives males the prestige of permanent family

Matrilineal descent is?

follows mother's side only inheritance and family ties are traced to women

Secularism is?

general movement among individuals away from religion

GDP is?

gross domestic product of a country divided by its population

Congregation is a ?

group of people who gather together in religious expressions

U.S. Census Bureau defines family as?

group of two people or more related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together

Collective actions are?

group-based action which diverges from social norms

Functionalist view families as?

groups that perform vital roles for society both internally and externally

Civil Rights are?

guarantees of citizens personal freedoms

Political Rights are?

guarantees of citizens rights to participate in the political process

Social Rights are?

guarantees of protection by the state (including from the free market)

Latent (secondary) functions is?

hidden and unintended functions

Sacred things are?

holy things set apart, derive power from collective investment from the religious community

Xenophobia is the?

illogical fear and even hatred of foreigners and foreign goods

Same-Sex Couples

increase is result or more coupling the growing social acceptance of LGBTQ people Increase in people's willingness to share more about their identity

Credentialism (functionalist view)

increases in educational attainment are a response to employer demand

Agnostics are?

individuals who assert that theistic claims are unverifiable in principle

Religiously nonaffiliated is?

individuals who claim no affiliation with organizes religion

Culturally religious

individuals who claim religious affiliation and theistic belief, but rarely attend religious services or pray

Manifest (primary) functions is?

intended and visible functions of education

Global Commodity Chains is?

internationally integrated economic links connect workers and corporations for the purpose of manufacture and marketing

What is Social Capital?

interpersonal connections that help individuals enter and gain power in social networks

Extended family is?

kin networks beyond the nuclear family

Denomination is a?

large group of congregations sharing specific religious beliefs and structures generally governed under one administrative structure

2015 Obergefell vs. Hodges Supreme Court

legalized same-sex marriage throughout the U.S. all federally mandated spousal rights and benefits apply to same-sex married couples

Marriage is defined as?

legally recognized social contract between two people Based on sexual relationship and implying permanence of the union

Frame Alignment is?

linking movement ideology with the attitudes of potential recruits, the public, elites Collective action frames- inspire and legitimize action

Cohabitation is?

man and woman live together in a sexual relationship without being married "Trial run" for marriage

Title 9 does what?

mandates equal funding for girls in classrooms and sports

Median is the?

midpoint in distribution 50% of values on each side If even number of values, add the two middle values and divide by 2 Not skewed by outlier

Mode is the?

most common multiple or no mode

Kinship networks are?

networks of ties between people related by blood and marriage

Hidden curriculum is?

nonacademic and less overt socialization functions of schooling

"Cult of domesticity" refers to the?

notion that womanhood centers on domestic responsibility and child rearing

Divorce and Remarriage

once a word that would only be whispered and accompanied by gestures of disapproval

Monopoly is an?

one seller dominates a market, potentially leading to zero competition

Social Movement Organization is an?

organization designed to recruit new members and coordinate participation and resources

A union is an?

organization of workers designed to collectively bargain with employers

Contagion Theory is?

people conform to the behaviors of those around them

Emergent Norm Theory is?

people follow the behaviors of "keynoters"

Convergence Theory

people with similar ideas gather in the same place Do not require planning

Politics is ?

power relations among people or other social actors who gets what, when, how

Democracy is?

power theoretically lies with the people citizens vote in elections, speak freely, and participate as legal equals

Globalization is the?

process of integrating governments, cultures, and financial markets through international trade into a single world market

Socialism is?

production and distribution of some goods and services are managed by the government

Global Assembly Lines are?

products are assembled over the course of several international transactions

Family life course

recognizes the event that occur in lives of families but view them as parting terms of a fluid course rather than consecutive

A Cult is?

religious movements making new claims about the supernatural new religious movements


religious service attendance, prayer, tithing, reading

Coleman Report (1964) The Equality of Educational Opportunity Report

school differences explain few differences in educational outcomes Family background Peers

Alterative Social Movements

seek limited societal change and target a narrow group of people

Family life cycle is a?

set of predictable steps and patterns families experience over time Explain the different processes that occur in families over time

Religion is defined as?

shared system of beliefs, traditions, and practices surrounding sacred things, a set of shared stories that guide beliefs and actions

Globalization begins with ?

single motive market expansion (corporation) or increased access to healthcare (nonprofit organization)

Resource Mobilization Theory is?

social movements only happen in certain contexts- when the movement has the necessary resources

Family is a?

socially term-1recognized group (joined by blood, marriage, cohabitation, or adoption) that forms an emotional connection and serves as an economic unit

Paradox of Authority is?

state authority derives from the implicit threat of physical force, but the use of physical force by the state demonstrates weakened authority

Non-relative foster parents are?

state-certified adults, who care for children under the guidance and supervision of a relevant agency

A Meritocracy is?

status, power, and economic rewards based on individual achievement or skill

Classical Model is an?

structural weakness in society lead to psychological disruption participants are pathological

Social conservatives is

structure with each family member filling a certain role like father, mother, child

Project STAR (1985)

students randomly assigned to classes Fewer disciplinary problems Higher achievement test scores

Mean is the?

sum of all values and divide by the number of values Skewed by outliers

A "Parent" is?

symbol of biological and emotional connection to a child

What is Cultural Capital?

symbolic and interactional resources people use in various situations

Welfare state is an?

system in which the state is responsible for the well-being of its citizens Fills gaps left by the economic system

Redemptive Social Movements

target specific groups, but seek radical change

Socialization is to?

teach children how to get along with others and prepare them for adult economic roles

What is the role of schools?

teach students conformity to law and respect for authority

Power is defined as?

the ability to shape and use the system Weber- ability to carry out one's own will despite resistance

Authority is defined as?

the justifiable right to exercise power

Pluralism is?

the presence of numerous distinct religious groups within a society

Education is defined as?

the process through with academic, social, and cultural ideas and tools are developed

Dictatorship is described as?

the restriction of political participation to a small group or a single individual

Citizenship rights aree?

the set of rights guaranteed to each law-abiding citizen in a state

Communism is ?

the state (public) control the means of production and distribution

Theism is defined as?

the worship of a god or gods

Sects (sectarism)

theologically exclusive religious groups which tend to be at odds with the dominant values of society World-Rejecting

Churches are?

theologically inclusive exist in state of low tension with society World-Affirming



Civil Rights Act of 1964 resulted in?

there must be equal educational opportunities for individuals by reason of race, color, religion, or national origin

"Parentified" siblings are?

trouble navigating the complexities of parental roles when they themselves are still young lead to compulsive disorders

Feminist Theory is to?

understand the mechanisms and roots of gender inequality in education and societal repercussions Promote women's rights to equal education

Interactionism view family as?

understand the subjective experience of belonging to a "family"

Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia

upheld students right to education Give either public education services or private education paid for Washington

Coercion is the?

use of threat or force to get what you want

Individualism is defined as?

value of individual over the value of groups or society as a whole

Family wage is?

wages earned by male workers designed to support dependent women and children

Cultural Transmission is a?

way people come to learn the values, beliefs, and social norms of their culture

Cultural relativism is?

whether a legal union is required whether more than two people can be involved

Alienation is defined as?

workers become isolated from the products they produce and each other

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