Sociology Final Exam Review

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What is the term for vacations that are designed to minimize the environmental impact of a trip as well . as the negative impact on local cultures?


Why is the population in the U.S. growing given that fertility rates have dropped below the level needed to maintain the population level?

Immigration rates have risen

Good health is

Socially defined

What is demography?

The scientific study of population characteristics.

What is the Malthusian theory?

Theory that population growth will outpace growth in food production and other resources.

How did the rise of suburbs influence people's use of leisure time?

They stayed home to watch TV

Characteristics of social change?

- Social change is uneven. - The onset and consequences of social change are often unforeseen. - Social change often creates conflict. - The direction of social change is not random.

What is preventive medicine?

A kind of health care that tries to prevent or delay a problem. This can include making lifestyle changes.

Although it might cause a great deal of harm in the long run, individual companies have an economic interest in fossil fuels. What is it called when the pursuit of individual gain leads to loss for a greater group?

A tragedy of the commons

What is a person reducing if he or she starts taking public transportation and riding a bike?

Ecological footprint

What did early conservationists concern themselves with?

Early movement's emphasis on use of sustainable yield of natural resources and preservation of wilderness areas to include preservation of biodiversity.

Why does the damage to tropical rain forests matter?

All trees release oxygen, but the large amount of trees in the rain forest makes them especially important for this task.

Who are emigrants?

Americans leaving the country

According to mass society theory, why to people join social movements?

Argues that social movements attract socially isolated people who join a movement in order to gain a sense of belonging and purpose.

To what are environmental sociologists referring when they use the term "environment"?

Both the natural and the human-made environment

What is holistic care?

Caring for the whole person- the mind as well as the body

What was one of the earliest theories of collective behavior?


What is emergent norm theory?

Crowds develop their own definition of the situation and establish norms or behavior that fits the occasion

According to Nahin and colleagues, the Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) category Americans spend the most money on self care.


Americans enjoy the highest life expectancy among developed nations.


Gerrymandering is an illegal tactic used only by democrats to disenfranchise the Republican Party and the demographic groups associated with it.


In a 2016 study, Tsugawa and colleagues found that elderly patients who were hospitalized had better health outcomes if male doctors rather than female doctors treated them.


Relatively few people are employed in the leisure and recreation industries.


Social change happens only at times of great upheaval like the French Revolution or the Civil War.


The Flint, Michigan, water crisis involved dangerously high levels of nitrogen.


The Trump administration and the new FCC chair have vowed to democratize the internet or make it such that it will function the same regardless of who is using it or what they are using it for.


What is a fad? Fashion?

Fad: interests or practices followed enthusiastically for a relatively short period of time. Fashions: the widespread custom or style of behavior and appearance at a particular time or in a particular place

A neighborhood that has no grocery store, but more liquor, convenience and fast food outlets than most other locations is referred to as a

Food desert

People who take advantage of a public good without contributing to it are called

Free riders

During what era did the environmental movement focus on citizen participation and change the local level?

Grassroots environmentalism

Why is population growth important?

Has relatively easy and inexpensive solutions and because population impacts every environmental challenge - it is an essential element to achieve sustainability.

What is the difference between recreation and leisure?

Leisure: refers to time that can be spent relaxing, engaging in recreation, or otherwise indulging in freely chosen activities. Recreation: includes any pleasurable activity that is refreshing and renewing for the body, mind, and spirit.

Americans seem to have much more choice about which media to consume than in the past. Why is this choice deceptive?

Many choices are owned by the same company

How were some activities that are recreation today necessities in the past?

Many recreational activities that were once spontaneous and unsupervised are now formally organized. Technology has indirectly assisted in this process.

In the early 1900s, more than half of Americans women gave birth at home. Today, around 99% of all births take place in hospitals. This is an example of


What is the net migration growth?

Net effect of immigration and emigration on an area's population in a given time period.

Where does Texas rank in carbon dioxide production?

Number 1

What does high sex ratio mean?

Of males to females in a population.

In the past, which group of people had the time and resources to pursue recreational activities?

Only the wealthy

The "bureaucratization" stage of social movements?

Organizational structure develops, and a paid staff begins to lead the group. Initial zeal and idealism of members may diminish as administrators take over management of the organizations.

Where are Americans migrating internally?

People continue to move from northern states to southern states and towards the costal areas (Also Colorado)

What is palliative care?

Provides similar services as Hospice to patients with likely incurable chronic conditions but who have more than 6 months to live and who are still receiving curative treatments.

In recent years, salsa has overtaken ketchup as America's most popular condiment. This is an example of

Social change

How would structural functionalism and conflict theories explain the difference between the health insurance of the wealthy and that of the poor?

Structural functionalism: Disease is a threat to social order & sick people cannot fulfill their roles in society. Conflict theory: Healthcare systems are valuable in society and are unequally shared in society. Conflict arises between different social groups seeking access to control over these resources.

All successful social movements are eventually incorporated into institutions.


Climate changes causes more severe droughts, stronger and more prevalent hurricanes, tornadoes, and cyclones; and more rain and flooding.


Fast-fashion has been created out of customers desire to have the "same look" as soon as it becomes popular


Gwyneth Paltrow was the actress and entrepreneur who created Coop, which sells vitamins and supplements as well as subscriptions to health advice from various sources.


Many forms of leisure and recreation have shifted from spontaneous or informal activities to formal and organized ones.


President Donald Trumps twitter account is an example of social media making it possible for politicians to bypass traditional media.


The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protests are an example of a movement that is pursuing environmental justice.


World population is approximately 7.4 billion


Leisure time is increasingly dominated by what activity?


_______ is a scientific endeavor that seeks to identify and map the genes that make up human DNA

The Human Genome Project

What is integrative care?

The combination of conventional medicine with complementary practices and treatments that have proven to be safe and effective.

How has the principle of the free press as a voice of the people been watered down since the founders guaranteed it in the Constitution?

Through conglomeration and media concentration

What is the text's view of the AMA?

Transmits norms and values of medicine and medical knowledge. Regulates, licenses, and legitimizes practitioners.

demographic transition theory

Urbanization and technology influence population growth. Declining birth rates explains population growth. The possible transition over time from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates, resulting in a stabilized population.

What is the treadmill of production?

a term describing the operation of modern economic systems, which require constant growth, which in turn causes increased exploitation of resources and environmental degradation

What is global warming?

an increase in Earth's average surface temperature

What is cultural lag?

human behavior lagging behind technological innovations

What causes global warming?

increased concentration of greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane)

How is urban density measured?

number of people per square mile

What are social movements?

organized large-scale collective actions directed to promote or resist social change.

What is environmental racism?

patterns of development that expose poor people, especially minorities, to environmental hazards

Who are immigrants?

people who move from one country to make their homes in another

What is the magic bullet theory?

the assertion that media messages directly and measurably affect people's behavior

What is smart growth?

the efficient use and conservation of land and other resources

What is the bystander effect?

the finding that a person is less likely to provide help when there are other bystanders

What is net neutrality?

the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.

What is social change?

the transformation of culture and social institutions over time

What is ecotourism?

tourism directed toward exotic, often threatened, natural environments, especially to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife.

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