Sociology: Marriage and Family Ch. 12-13

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According to national figures, identify an accurate statement about stepfamilies in the United States. Multiple choice question. A. At least one-fourth of stepfamilies involve cohabiting couples. B. At least one-fourth of stepfamilies involve married couples. C. About two-thirds of African American stepfamilies are preceded by a divorce rather than a nonmarital birth. D. About two-thirds of Native American stepfamilies are preceded by a nonmarital birth rather than a divorce.

A. At least one-fourth of stepfamilies involve cohabitating couples

William J. Goode thought that in the not-too-distant-future the family patterns of nearly all countries would converge to the conjugal family model. Which of the following signaled trouble for this convergence? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. A. Increase in the proportion of births outside of marriage in the United States B. Rapid rise in birth rates in the United States C. Decrease in cohabitation among couples in the United States D. Rapid rise in divorce rates in the United States

A. Increase in the proportion of births outside of marriage in the United States D. Rapid rise in divorce rates in the Unites States

In the context of hereditary studies, identify an alternative explanation for the real causes of the seeming effects of divorce on children. Multiple choice question. A. Parents and children in divorced families share genetic tendencies that give rise to behavioral problems in children. B. Parents in divorced families fail to cooperate with each other limiting their children from living a normal life. C. Parents in divorced families fail to provide their children a stable home that would protect them from the negative effects of divorce. D. Parents in divorced families often form new relationships that affect the attitudes of children toward them.

A. Parents and children in divorced families share genetic tendencies that give rise to behavioral problems in children

Identify the true statements about modernization theorists. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. A. They associated the conjugal family system with progress and economic development. B. They believed that the Western model of development was the best path for all countries to take and was inevitable and beneficial. C. They believed that the Western model of development had adverse effects on society. D. They held that Europe had moved from a predominantly conjugal family system to a predominantly extended-family system as it had developed.

A. The associated the conjugal family system with progress and economic development B. The believed that the Western model of development was the best path for all countries to take and was inevitable and beneficial

Identify the characteristics of girls who are married at young ages to older men. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. A. They are at greater risk of domestic violence. B. Their early first births have a lower risk of medical complications. C. They typically receive higher education and must work to provide for their husband's family and their children. D. They are often subservient not only to their husbands but also the mothers-in-law with whom they often reside.

A. They are at greater risk of domestic violence. D. They are often subservient not only to their husbands but also the mothers-in-law with whom they often reside.

Identify an accurate statement about cohabiting stepparents. Multiple choice question. A. They do not have clearly defined legal obligations toward the children. B. They almost never involve themselves in children's lives. C. They tend to be more emotionally supportive of children than the biological parents. D. They do not have intimate relationships with the biological parent.

A. They do not have clearly defined legal obligations toward the children

Which of the following are true about cohabitation? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. A. Unlike marriage, cohabitation is largely unregulated by law. B. Cohabitation is a less individualistic type of union than is marriage. C. Cohabitation has become the main driver of rising union dissolution among young adults. D. In the United States, the proportion of young adults who have ever cohabited has decreased.

A. Unlike marriage, cohabitation is largely unregulated by law. C. Cohabitation has become the main driver of rising union dissolution among young adults.

In which of the following cases does a family tend to function like a conventional first-marriage family? Multiple choice question. A. When a woman having a child in a previous relationship marries another man instead of the father and only has a casual relationship with the father B. When a woman having a child in a previous relationship marries another man and the biological father continues to be part of the child's life C. When a woman having a child in a previous relationship never marries the father but marries another man with a child in his previous relationship D. When a woman having a child in a previous relationship never marries the father but cohabits with another man without marriage

A. When a woman having a child in a previous relationship marries another man instead of the father and only has a casual relationship with the father

Identify a characteristic of societies where women's ages at marriage are very low. Multiple choice question. A. Young girls are married off to older men. B. Young girls are married to boys younger than them. C. The parents of young girls have complete power over them even after marriage. D. The parents of young girls lose their authority over them after they reach sexual maturity.

A. Young girls are married off to older men

With the rise of the income-pooling model of marriage, wives' earnings can _____. Multiple choice question. A. can bring them more bargaining leverage on domestic issues B. increase the risk of divorce for most couples C. undermine the breadwinner-homemaker bargain D. lower the amount of time and attention given to children

A. can bring them more bargaining leverage on domestic issues

Millions of families in the global south send members to work in wealthy nations in order to _____. Multiple choice question. A. earn higher wages and send most of their earnings back B. learn new customs and bring them back to their country of origin C. marry a citizen of the wealthy nation and get permanent citizenship D. reduce the pressure on the job markets of the global south

A. earn higher wages and send most of their earnings back

When parents fight, children tend to become _____. Multiple choice question. A. fearful and distressed B. concealingly possessive C. emotionally biased D. extroverted and outspoken

A. fearful and distressed

Much of the change in marriage ages in China resulted from _____. Multiple choice question. A. government action rather than development B. low birth rates rather than government action C. the withdrawal of the Marriage Law of 1950 D. an increase in the power of the media

A. government action rather than development

According to William J. Goode, the power of parents, lineages, and other extended kin over their children would diminish in many nations as _____. Multiple choice question. A. industrialization occurred B. assigned kinship ties strengthened C. industrialization declined D. created kinship ties weakened

A. industrialization occurred

According to Arango, residents in a village in Iraq that is near the Syrian and Turkish borders blamed a surge in suicides by girls who faced arranged marriages on the _____. Multiple choice question. A. introduction of satellite TV B. increase in the age at marriage C. discontinuation of satellite TV D. decrease in the age at marriage

A. introduction of satellite TV

African Americans, who rely heavily on kinship ties, have less need to _____. Multiple choice question. A. stay married B. seek divorce C. remain unemployed D. bear children

A. stay married

The fact that the typical ages at which young adults enter first unions has increased suggests an increase in _____. Multiple choice question. A. wives' authority in their households B. the power of husbands over their wives C. the strength of assigned kinship ties D. parental influence on spouse choice

A. wives authority in their households

Unlike in love marriages, in hybrid marriages _____. Multiple choice question. A. young adults and their parents work together to find marriage partners B. children usually do not value the involvement of their parents in finding a spouse C. parents usually do not allow their children to suggest potential mates to them D. young adults choose their marriage partners solely on their own

A. young adults and their parents work together to find marriage partners

Identify the message carried by the spread of developmental idealism. Multiple choice question. A. All the societies of the global south should adhere to their traditional social organization and way of life. B. Both the economic system and the social organization of the Western developed countries are superior and should be aspired to. C. Western developed countries should aspire to the economic system and the social organization of the countries of the global south. D. The globalized world should aspire for a social organization different from the Western way of life.

B. Both the economic system and the social organization of the Western developed countries are superior and should be aspired to

Identify a true statement about a breakup in which children are involved. Multiple choice question. A. It does not sever the ties between the parents. B. It does not sever the ties between each parent and the children. C. In most cases, fathers keep custody of the children. D. In most cases, a mother's relationship is reduced to regular visits.

B. It does not sever the ties between each parent and the children

Identify a true statement about hybrid marriages according to Banerji and Vanneman. Multiple choice question. A. The children are less likely to see their parents' involvement as an advantage. B. Parents are more likely to give their children greater leeway to reject suggested choices than was the case in the past. C. Parents are less likely to allow their children to get to know and like their partners prior to the marriage. D. The children are more likely to choose their own marriage partners on the basis of love and companionship without parental consent.

B. Parents are more likely to give their children greater leeway to reject suggested choices than was the case in the past

Which of the following measures are likely to reduce the negative effects of divorce, remarriage, and stepfamily life on children? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. A. Send children to boarding schools for their studies B. Promote conflict-resolution strategies for divorcing parents C. Allow children to leave home as soon as possible D. Encourage support groups and services in schools

B. Promote conflict-resolution strategies for divorcing parents D. Encourage support groups and services in schools

Identify a true statement about the families of the global south. Multiple choice question. A. The idea of a companionate marriage based on romantic love declined. B. They remained dissimilar to the Western model, especially those in the most rural and underdeveloped areas of the world. C. They moved in lockstep toward the Western model of the conjugal family. D. The families of the global south gained greater parental authority over their children's family lives and choices.

B. They remained dissimilar to the Western model, especially those in the most rural and underdeveloped areas of the world

Identify an accurate statement about mothers who migrate to wealthy nations. Multiple choice question. A. They typically leave their children in foster care. B. They tend to reunite sooner with their children than do immigrant fathers. C. They typically send money home to repay loans taken from banks. D. They belong to ethnic groups where grandparents do not play any role in family life.

B. They tend to reunite sooner with their children than do immigrant fathers

The divorce of parents and children's problems could be the result of a genetic tendency toward _____. Multiple choice question. A. attaining cohesion or likeness B. antisocial behavior or depression C. achieving social independence D. mature psychological growth

B. antisocial behavior or depression

In China, the Marriage Law of 1950 _____. Multiple choice question. A. mandated marriages to be arranged by parents B. banned arranged marriages C. prohibited love marriages D. reduced the marriageable age to 15 for females

B. banned arranged marriages

Sociologist William J. Goode wrote a book predicting that as economic development proceeded the world's families would in the future _____. Multiple choice question. A. remain exactly the same as they were before being modernized B. converge toward the Western model of the conjugal family C. resemble the European model of the extended family D. influence the family model of the Western nations

B. converge toward the Western model of the conjugal family

Compared to children in married stepfamilies, children in cohabiting families are more likely to _____. Multiple choice question. A. get success in life B. engage in antisocial behavior C. earn more money D. help in household chores

B. engage in antisocial behavior

Due to the growing place of individualism and personal fulfillment in marriage, divorce becomes a more acceptable option for people who _____. Multiple choice question. A. believe in the bonds of obligation and trust B. feel personally unfulfilled C. disapprove of self-actualization D. feel personally satisfied

B. feel personally unfulfilled

Priya meets Abhay through a dating site. They fall in love with each other and decide to get married. They tell their parents about their intentions and ask for their parents' blessings. Priya and Abhay's parents meet with each other and arrange to get their children married. The above scenario exemplifies a(n) _____ marriage. Multiple choice question. A. trial B. hybrid C. line D. sororate

B. hybrid

Joseph and Daisy, a divorced couple, have a four-year-old daughter. After the divorce, they decided to retain an equal right to make important decisions concerning their daughter. This is an example of _____. Multiple choice question. A. third-party custody B. joint legal custody C. sole legal custody D. joint physical custody

B. joint legal custody

When girls are married at young ages to older men, they have _____. Multiple choice question. A. a lower risk of domestic violence B. little power in their marriages and lack the authority to make decisions C. access to higher education and better jobs D. greater authority over their husbands and household decisions

B. little power in their marriage and lack authority to make decisions

The right of a divorced spouse to have one's children live with him or her is known as _____ of children after a divorce. Multiple choice question. A. legal custody B. physical custody C. split custody D. third-party custody

B. physical custody

Many additional cohabitating unions fit the stepfamily form but never result in marriage because _____. Multiple choice question. A. the couple remains in the home briefly but always plays a role in the children's lives B. the couple breaks up C. the couple invests lot of time and effort into being a presence in the daily lives of their partner's biological children D. the couple formalizes their relationship before staying together

B. the couple breaks up

Identify the scenario that illustrates the structure of a stepfamily. Multiple choice question. A. A woman who has a child in a relationship after breaking up with her husband B. A woman who has a child lives together with the father prior to their marriage C. A woman who has a child in a previous relationship marries another man D. A woman who has a child in a relationship marries the father

C. A woman who has a child in a previous relationship marries another man

Which of the following are plausible reasons why cohabiting stepparents may be problematic for children? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. A. Because most of cohabiting stepparents do not have a permanent source of income B. Because cohabiting parents fail to maintain their well being C. Because a wide variation exists in the level of commitment and involvement among cohabiting stepparents D. Because many cohabiting partnerships are short-term

C. Because a wide variation exists in the level of commitment and involvement among cohabitating stepparents D. Because many cohabitating partnerships are short-term

In the context of men's employment in recent times, when will the chances of a man's marriage ending in divorce increase? Multiple choice question. A. If he does not own property B. If his income is lower than his wife's C. If he does not provide a steady income D. If he expects his wife to work outside of home

C. If he does not provide a steady income

Identify a reason due to which divorce has declined among college-educated couples. Multiple choice question. A. Introduction of no-fault divorce laws B. Focus on the growth of public family C. Increased job opportunities due to globalization D. Decrease in the birth rate

C. Increased job opportunities due to globalization

Identify a prediction of William J. Goode about the world's families that came true. Multiple choice question. A. Creation of new forms of personal life such as families that span more than one nation due to the advent of globalization B. A widespread tendency for parents to gain greater authority over their children's family lives C. The idea of a companionate marriage based on romantic love could spread broadly even in less industrialized societies. D. The family patterns of all nations would move toward the Western conjugal family model.

C. The idea of a companionate marriage based on romantic love could spread broadly even in less industrialized societies

How the children in cohabiting stepfamilies are different from children in married stepfamilies? Multiple choice question. A. They tend to be more dependent on their stepparents than children in married stepparents. B. Their personal life tends to be more stable than children in married stepparents. C. Their well-being tends to be lower than that of children in married stepfamilies. D. They tend to be more mature than children in married stepfamilies.

C. Their well-being tends to be lower than that of children in married stepfamilies

Identify an impact of divorce, remarriage, and stepfamily life on children. Multiple choice question. A. These events lead to a genetic disorder in children. B. These events make children dependent on their parents. C. These events cause a significant decline in mental health of children. D. These events force children to hate the institution of marriage.

C. These events cause a significant decline in mental health of children

According to Banerji and Vanneman, which of the following is a characteristic of hybrid marriages in India? Multiple choice question. A. They are marriages in which spouses are chosen by the children solely on their own. B. They are arranged by parents without the consent of their children. C. They are parent-arranged marriages with the children's consent. D. They are arranged by kin without consulting the parents or children.

C. They are parent-arranged marriages with the children's consent

Identify a true statement about arranged marriages in the global south today. Multiple choice question. A. They are encouraged by most governments of the global south. B. The number of arranged marriages in industrialized areas has steadily increased. C. They have declined the same way as the average age at marriage for women has declined. D. They grant greater power to children in choosing their spouses than to parents.

C. They have declined the same way as the average age at marriage for women has declined

Identify a good indicator of parental control in a society. Multiple choice question. A. Typical attire of men B. Type of education and job C. Typical age at marriage for women D. The created kinship ties of men

C. Typical age at marriage for women

According to Judith Wallerstein's study, in which of the following scenarios does the anxiety of young adults rise? Multiple choice question. A. When they are unable to support their parents B. When they are given the responsibility of raising a child C. When they are faced with the choice of a partner or a spouse D. When they are unable to find employment

C. When they are faced with the choice of a partner or a spouse

According to Judith Wallerstein's study, young adults whose parents are divorced fail to learn to create successful marriages because they _____. Multiple choice question. A. lacked personal fulfillment in marriages B. were not encouraged to get married by their parents C. did not have the chance to observe a successful marriage as a child D. focused more on their careers than on choosing to settle down

C. did not have the chance to observe a successful marriage as a child

In the specialization model of marriage that was dominant in the mid-twentieth century, wives were _____. Multiple choice question. A. expected to give half their earnings to their husbands B. considered the breadwinner of a family C. highly dependent on their husbands' earnings D. supposed to work outside the home

C. highly dependent on their husband's earnings

Unlike assigned kinship, created kinship ties are _____. Multiple choice question. A. likely to remain stable from year to year B. cannot be changed over the course of one's life C. likely to be ended by lack of people's actions D. cannot be created by people's actions

C. likely to be ended by lack of people's actions

In the Western nations, there is a growing economic gap between the college-educated and the less-educated due to the _____. Multiple choice question. A. rise in the number of jobs available to the less-educated B. trend of having two earning members in less-educated families C. loss of jobs to the developing world D. neo-traditional lifestyle of the college-educated

C. loss of jobs to the developing world

Modernization theorists believed that the Western model of development was _____. Multiple choice question. A. to be replaced by the extended-family system B. not beneficial to the world's families C. not only inevitable but also beneficial D. being eroded by cohabitation and an increase in divorce rates

C. not only inevitable but also beneficial

The increase in the typical ages at which young adults enter first unions suggests that _____. Multiple choice question. A. higher education for young women has decreased B. household responsibilities for women has decreased C. parental influence on spouse choice has decreased D. wives' authority in their households has decreased

C. parental influence on spouse choice has decreased

Modernization theorists believed that _____. Multiple choice question. A. unlike the conjugal family system, the extended-family system was associated with progress and economic development B. as Europe had developed, it had moved from a predominantly conjugal family system to a predominantly extended-family system C. the Western model of development was not only inevitable but also beneficial D. the Eastern model of development was the best path for all countries to take

C. the Western model of development was not only inevitable but also beneficial

According to William J. Goode, the world's families in the future would be based on _____. Multiple choice question. A. the hookup culture B. the extended-family system of Europe C. the family unit of husband, wife, and children D. the concept of cohabitation

C. the family unit of husband, wife, and children

According to the Swedish sociologist Göran Therborn, _____. Multiple choice question. A. widowhood was much less common in the distant past than in the mid-twentieth century B. family patterns in the Western nations in the mid-twentieth century were less uniform than they had been in the past C. what has occurred to the family in recent decades is a return to its historical complexity D. family patterns in the Western nations in the mid-twentieth century were less uniform than they are today

C. what has occurred to the family in recent decades is a return to its historical complexity

Ch. 13

Ch. 13

Ch. 12


William J. Goode thought that in the not-too-distant-future the family patterns of nearly all countries would converge to the conjugal family model. Identify a factor that signaled trouble for this convergence in the United States. Multiple choice question. A. A sharp decline in cohabitation rates B. A decline in the typical age at marriage C. A decline in the proportion of births outside of marriage D. A sharp decline in birth rates

D. A sharp decline in birth rates

_____ have substantially higher rates of marital separation and divorce than most other racial-ethnic groups in the United States. Multiple choice question. A. Mexican Americans B. Italian Americans C. Native Americans D. African Americans

D. African Americans

Identify a true statement about the globalization of production. Multiple choice question. A. Most of the control over design, marketing, sales, and most of the profits from the production of goods remain in the global south. B. It is exemplified by the nation-state level corporations that manage production and distribution of goods within a country. C. It was predicted by mid-century theorists who expected the growth of the industrialized nations to halt. D. Industrial jobs in the West have declined as factory production has moved overseas or has been computerized.

D. Industrial jobs in the West have declined as factory production has moved overseas or has been computerized

Why does a teenage marriage precipitated by an accidental pregnancy raise the likelihood of divorce? Multiple choice question. A. It gives rise to religious issues as churches do not recognize teenage marriages. B. Legislation prohibits teenage couples from getting married even if they have a child. C. Teenage individuals are ridiculed by their peers if pregnancies lead to marriages. D. It brings together a couple who might not otherwise have chosen to marry each other.

D. It brings together a couple who might not otherwise have chosen to marry each other

Identify an accurate statement about the broader definition of stepfamilies given by Cherlin. Multiple choice question. A. It does not consider adults that are cohabiting. B. It does not require at least one adult having a child present from a previous marriage. C. It does not allow for previous relationships to have been outside of marriage. D. It does not require that the biological parent in a stepfamily was previously married to the biological father of her children.

D. It does not require that the biological parent in a stepfamily was previously married to the biological father of her children.

Identify the factor that can spread the social norm of companionship in societies without much economic development. Multiple choice question. A. Decrease in age at marriage B. War C. Decrease in fertility rates D. Media

D. Media

In the context of the levels of divorce in American society, identify a claim of the cultural critics. Multiple choice question. A. Divorce becomes a less acceptable option for people who feel personally unfulfilled. B. A focus on personal fulfillment represents a shift toward the concerns of the public family. C. The emphasis on personal fulfillment in marriage results in a vocabulary that is rich in ways of thinking about commitment. D. The emphasis on individualism and personal fulfillment in marriage erodes the bonds of obligation and trust.

D. The emphasis on individualism and personal fulfillment in marriage erodes the bonds of obligation and trust

Identify a true statement about cohabitation. Multiple choice question. A. Unlike marriage, it is largely regulated by law. B. It refers to the legal ending of a marital union. C. It is almost by definition a less individualistic type of union than is marriage. D. When it starts and when it ends are solely up to the partners involved.

D. When it starts and when it ends are solely up to the partners involved.

After a breakup, children have fewer problems if their parents _____. Multiple choice question. A. permit them to live with their grandparents B. can use the diminished parenting technique C. spend lesser time with them D. can cooperate or at least engage in parallel parenting

D. can cooperate or at least engage in parallel parenting

A consequence of the crisis period is _____. Multiple choice question. A. authoritative parenting B. cooperative parenting C. parallel parenting D. diminished parenting

D. diminished parenting

Mark and Sally are a divorced couple who have an eight-year-old son. After their divorce, they made an arrangement under which their son would spend substantial time in each of their homes. This is an example of _____. Multiple choice question. A. third-party custody B. sole legal custody C. joint legal custody D. joint physical custody

D. joint physical custody

William J. Goode correctly anticipated a widespread tendency for parents to _____. Multiple choice question. A. gain greater control over who their children wed B. remove themselves from their children's family lives C. abandon their children or give them up for adoption D. lose authority over their children's family lives

D. lose authority over their children's family lives

A possible advantage of the stepfamily life on children is that it improves _____. Multiple choice question. A. their connections to the family members B. their relationships with their biological parents C. the behavior of stepchildren D. the well-being of children due to the additional income

D. the well-being of children due to the additional income

Gina, a woman of Mexican origin, has left her family in Mexico and works as a caregiver for children in the United States. She maintains continual contact with her family through e-mails, text messages, and video calls. Gina belongs to a _____ family. Multiple choice question. A. public B. private C. cohabiting D. transnational

D. transnational

True or false: Children in first-marriage families are more likely to have clinically significant behavior problems compared to those in stepfamilies. True false question. True False


True or false: It is more common for couples to live together prior to a first marriage than it is prior to a remarriage. True false question. True False


True or false: Teenagers are matured enough to choose partners as well as older persons. True false question. True False


True or false: The Swedish sociologist Göran Therborn (2004, 2014) argued that family patterns in the Western nations in the mid-twentieth century were less uniform than they had been in the past. True false question. True False


True or false: The money that immigrant mothers send home is not enough for the children and their caregivers. The basic expenditures are not covered with the money sent by immigrant mothers. True false question. True False


True or false: The effects of union dissolution and family instability on children are due to a gene-environment interaction. True false question. True False



a family in which two adults are married or cohabiting and at least one of them has a child or children from a previous marriage or relationship

crisis period

a period during the first year or two after parents separate when both the custodial parent and the children experience difficulties in dealing with the situation

arranged marriage

a process in which parents choose their children's spouses with little or no participation by the children themselves

hybrid marriage

a process in which young adults and their parents work together to find marriage partners

love marriage

a process in which young adults choose their own marriage partners on the basis of love and companionship

gene-environment interaction

a situation in which a change in the environment has a greater effect on people with a genetic sensitivity to that change

cohabitating stepfamily

a stepfamily in which the partners are cohabitating without marrying

married stepfamily

a stepfamily in which the partners are married


a style of family life centered on marriage but which may be preceded by cohabitation and in which wives work outside the home

joint physical custody (of children after a dissolution)

an arrangement whereby the children of divorced parents spend substantial time in the household of each parent


cash payments sent by immigrants to family members in their country of origin

transnational families

families that maintain continual contact between members in the sending and receiving countries

developmental idealism

the belief that Western-style families and economic development are beneficial for all countries

union repartnering

the formation of new unions either by remarriage or a new cohabiting union

modernization theory

the idea that poorer countries would eventually make a transition from traditional to modern in the same was as the Western countries did

union dissolution

the legal ending of a marital union or the informal ending of a cohabiting union

global south

the less developed nations in Central and South America, Africa, and Asia

globalization of production

the movement to the global south of the production of goods and services that Westerners consume

joint legal custody (of children after a dissolution)

the retaining by both parents of an equal right to make important decisions concerning their children

physical custody

the right to have one's children live with one

legal custody

the right to make important decisions about the children and the obligation to have legal responsibility for them

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