Sociology of Family Stats Quiz

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What term is still the most popular catch phrase used by politicians?

"family values"

What percentage of all couples in Canada are same-sex couples

0.9% --> (72,880)

How many children in Canada are still living in poverty?

1.4 Million

What were the fertility rates in 2016?

1.54 (lowest since 2003) 2011: 1.6 1851: 6.6

Work has become more rigid. How much have flex-time arrangements decreased in the last 10 years?


In 2006, what percentage of children under 4 had mothers over age 40.


What percentage are second marriages more likely to end in divorce? unless the partners are over 40, resulting in a more stable marriage.


What percentage of same sex couples have children living at home?


B.C. children under 15 comprised what percentage of BC's population.


In 2016, Canadian children (under 15) constituted what percentage of the total population The population of those 65+ was what in Canada? In

16.6% 16.9%. --> slightly greater

How many "foster" households are in Canada? Where is it highest?

17,000 "foster" households Highest in Manitoba.

What is the overall rate for child poverty in Canada in 2016

19.6%; that amounts to 1 in 5 children.

What year was the baby boom?

1956 --> fertility rates were 3.9

What year was the last census year that fertility was at replacement levels, 2.1.


What year was the first census taken for common law households?


What percentage of young adults were coupled off in 1981 vs. 2011?

1981: Aged 20-24: 36.4% Aged 25-29: 68.3% 2011:Aged 20-24: 16% Aged 25-29: 45.7%

What was the divorce number (out of every 100 marriages up to 30 years after marriage) in 2008?


What was the divorce number (out of every 100 marriages up to 30 years after marriage) in 2006?

2.21 --> New Federal Child Support Guidelines come into force

What was the divorce number (out of every 100 marriages up to 30 years after marriage) in 2002?

2.23 --> Bill C22 proposes changes focused on children's needs

What percentage of adult children are also bringing a spouse or partner or child with them to live with their parents?


What percentage of households are multigenerational in Canada? What is the growth rate?

2.9% Fasted growth rate ---> 37.5% since 2001

When was the first census to count same-sex married couples listed and how many were listed

2006 , about 7500 CAN couples.

How many same-sex couples in Canada were married in 2006, compared to 2016?

2006 = 16.5% 2016 = 33.4%

Cohabitation Rate Trends 2016? 2011? 2006? 2001? 1986?

21% 19.4% 17.9% 15.9% 7.2%

Common law couples comprise what percentage of all couples?

21.3% On the rise considering this was only 6.3% in 1981

In 2017, visible minorities made up what percentage of the Canadian population.


What was the divorce number (out of every 100 marriages up to 30 years after marriage) in 1987?

3.62 --> Amendments to Divorce Act implemented

What percentage of Canadian children born in 1984 witnessed the end of their parents' marriage or cohabitation by age 15


The average age of ALL mothers who gave birth in 2016 was?

30.8 years

What is the rate of common law in Yukon?


In 2016, Stats Can reported how many children live in "skip-generation" households (raised by grandparents)

32,505 children (0.6% of all children aged 14 and under)

The number of mixed unions increased by what percentage between the 2001-2006 census?

33% Growing 5 times faster than the average for all couples.

The number of children living with just their dad grew how much faster than the number of those living with a lone mother?

34.5% since 2001 Mothers up 4.8%

What is the rate of common law in Northwest Territories?


What percentage of all married and common law couples in Canada were in mixed-unions.

4.6% Of all couples, 3.9% of these couples have one person from a visible minority.

As of 2008, ____ of Canadian marriages will end in divorce before the 30th wedding anniversary?


How many Canadian families have pets?


True or False, Canadian family is crumbling?


The average age of mothers having their FIRST child has been steadily (increasing or decreasing)?

Increasing --> as cultural influences, careers and education factor into individual lifestyles. 1992: 26 2012: 28 2016: 29

How many food bank users across Canada were children in 2016?

More than one third

In 2016, there were slightly (more/or less) couples "with kids than without kids"?

More, BUT only 51.1% of couples live with children -the lowest on record!

Does Canadians' satisfaction with their work-life balance vary much between men and women or between those with children and those without?


Is coupling-off increasing or decreasing?


In 2016, how many couples live with children?

only 51.1%! Lowest on record!

If Canadians had 2 hours extra in their day, where would they spend it?

with their families (47%)

What was the divorce number (out of every 100 marriages up to 30 years after marriage) in 1921?


What percentage of all Canadian children (under age 14) reside in foster families?

0.5% or 28,030 children

How many Canadian children under 14 live in step-families?

1 in 10

How many Status First Nations children lives in poverty?

1 in 2

The top 3 ethnic groups to be in these unions are?

1) Japanese 2) Latin American 3) Black

Complex stepfamily (3 types)

1) a couple family in which there is at least one child of both parents and at least one child of only one parent 2) a couple family in which there is at least one child of each parent and no children of both parents 3) a couple family in which there is at least one child of both parents and at least one child of each parent.

What percentage of couples were common-law unions. Where was the highest proportion and what percentage was it?

21.3% Quebec: 39.9 ---> much higher than the national average of 15.7% (excluding Quebec & the 3 territories).

How many working Canadians are satisfied with their lives?

23% which is half as many as in 1991

In 2016, what percentage of Canadian households have only 1 person?

28.2% (around 1/4), the highest share since confederation, became the most common household in 2016 Women account for 53.7% of one-person households.Women 65+, (33% live alone).

What percentage of Canadian marriages will end in divorce before the 50thwedding anniversary?


What is the rate of common law in Nunavut?


What percentage of Canadians feel that traditional family with one husband, one wife, and children is the ideal?


Between 2006-2016, same-sex couples increased by what percentage?

60.7%! Most live in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa

First marriages have a ___ chance of lasting a lifetime.


In 2016, what percentage of Canadians described themselves as satisfied or very satisfied with their work-life balance?

68% ---> down 10 points from 2008.

The proportion of dual-income families was ___ in 2015, compared with just ___ in 1976

69% 36%

The percentage of women in the labour force also grew to ___ in 2015, up from ____ in 1976.

69% 47%

The rate of couples living without children rose by what percentage since 2011.


According to the 2016 Census, how many foreign-born people came to Canada through the immigration process? How many of the people in Canada did they represent

7.5 million --> They represented more than 1 in 5 people in Canada.

What percentage of young Canadians expect to get married at some point and state that "this is very important" to them?

80% ---> 90% expect to be married for life

In the 2016 Census there were how many families in Canada, is it an increase or decrease from the amount reported in 2011.

9.8 million, an increase from the 9.3 million census families

Simple stepfamily

A stepfamily in which all children are the biological or adopted children of one and only one married spouse or common-law partner and whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship.

How many of those using shelters in Canada are children?

About 1 in 7

In 2012, how many of us are working more than 45 hours per week

Almost 2/3 --> 50% more than two decades ago

What changes were brought in under the 2013 legislation, involving the BC Family Law Act?

Areas of family violence; property and asset division; parenting time and parenting responsibilities; relocation; and determination of parenting.

What is the divorce rate? Is it increasing or decreasing?

Around 40% and it is decreasing * Statistics Canada has NOT collected divorce statistics since 2008. *cohabitation and common law breakups are not included in divorce rates

BC Family Law Act

Came into effect March 18, 2013. This Act was preceded by the BC Family Relations Act. There were numerous changes

The Statistics Canada definition of a family defines family as

Comprising a married or common-law couple (opposite sex or same-sex: 2006) with or without children(including from current or previous unions and residing with these parents) or a lone parent living with at least one child in the same dwelling (from current or previous marriage; under age 24) Includes grandchildren residing with grandparents only. This definition does not include children over 24 still living in the parental home.

In the United States, what was the first state to allow same-sex marriage and when?

Massachusetts, which granted the right in 2004.

The vast majority of children living in a lone-parent family live with their (mother or father)? What was the income rate differences between the two?

Mother ---> The low-income rate for these children was much higher (42%) than for children who lived with their father (25.5%) (2016).

Of all provinces and territories, which had the highest percentages of children aged 0 to 14 living with their grandparents but without their parents.

Nunavut (2.7%),

How many young adults live with their parents?

Over one-third (34.7% aged 20-34), more males than females

Skip-generation family

Refers to a census family that consists of grandparents and grandchildren without the presence of parents in the home.

What is a crude marriage rate?

Represents the number of marriages per 1,000 population for that year. This maybe an overestimate as it includes the marriages of non-residents.

Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)

The Fourteenth Amendment requires a State to license a marriage between two people of the same sex and to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-State.

What are some reasons for Boomerang kids?

The high cost of housing, cost of attending school, a youth unemployment rate that is double the national average, financial difficulties, lack of job opportunities, cost of living, or reduced social expectations to establish an independent household

What percentage of young adults live at home in Toronto? Vancouver?

Toronto: 47.4%. Metro Vancouver: 38.6%

What were the birth rates (per 1000) of teenagers in 2016 in US, Russia, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea?

United States: 21 Russia: 23 UK: 14 Canada 10 --> 13.4 (2005) France: 9 Germany: 7 Italy:6 Japan:4 South Korea: 0

What is the average age for men and women to get married?

Women: 31.9 Men: 33.4

"lawnmower parents"

based on parents' involvement in their children's lives during the post-secondary phase.

4 things necessary for a Merdoch family?

common residence, economic cooperation, reproduction, sexual relationship

Cohabitation rate

couples living together but not defined as common-law [determined by legislation]) Continue to trend upward in Canada.

The average age of today's women and men who are getting married is (increasing or decreasing)?


Total fertility rate, which is an estimate, refers to the?

lifetime average number of children per woman

Since the 2001 census, the number of father led lone parent families has?

quadrupled 2001: 5% of lone parents are men 2016: 20% of lone parents are men

Canadian families are getting (smaller/larger)? What was the average family size in 1921, 1971, 2016

smaller While the average family size was 4.3 persons in 1921, that shrank to 3.7 in 1971, to 2.9 in 2016.

Families have become more diverse in ____ over time.


"Helicopter parents"

well-intentioned guardians who metaphorically hover over every move their child makes to help guide them safely into adulthood.

What is a "visible minority"?

"persons other than Aboriginal people who are non-Caucasian or non-white in color." Chinese, South Asian, black, Arab, West Asian, Filipinos, South East Asian, Latin American, Japanese, and Korean.

From 2006 to 2016, the number of same-sex couples increased how much more rapidly than the number of opposite-sex couples (+9.6%).


Is the rate of marriage increasing or decreasing?

Decreasing. More people leaning towards common law or cohabitation.

What did the 2012 research by Brigham Young University find?

Found hat about one-quarter of college students say their parents make important decisions for them and about one-third of parents report doing so

Civil Marriage Act

Introduced in 2005, Became law on July 20th, which extended the right of marriage to same-sex couples.

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