Sociology test 2

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Based on Weber's research, which religious denomination was slow in accepting capitalism and dedicated to the acceptance of tradition? A) Roman Catholicism B) Fundamentalist Christian C) Protestant D) Jehovah's Witness


How would Karl Marx define "profit"? A) the excess value of a product that is withheld from workers B) the gross domestic product of a society C) the price of the goods less the cost to manufacture the goods D) the total cost of the product to the consumer


Max Weber used the term ________ to refer to the transition of authority from a charismatic leader to either a rational-legal authority or traditional authority. A) routinization of charisma B) passing of the gavel C) transfer of power D) rationalization of leadership


Prior to a formal system of education that included schools, teachers, and diplomas how was the manifest function of education accomplished? A) through a process of acculturation B) through heredity and genetics C) Children relied on instinct to develop skills needed. D) Children relied on experimentation and imitation.


Sociologically, why is gender especially significant? A) It is a master status cutting across all aspects of life. B) It permits a comparison to superior male qualities. C) It provides one group to lead, another to follow. D) It reinforces the teachings of Genesis.


Suicide bombers in Iraq are accorded high praise by those who oppose an American presence in the Middle East and are considered heroic warriors. Such honor and praise is an example of a ________. A) positive sanction B) negative sanction C) degradation ceremony D) shaming


The concept of the relativity of deviance is best illustrated by which of the following statements? A) It is not the act itself, but the reaction of others to the act that makes it deviant. B) The nature of one's behavior is the most important aspect in determining deviance. C) Deviance is most related to functionalism because it creates a dysfunction for society. D) Deviance is analogous to mental illness.


The group in society made up of the unemployed who can be put to work during times of high production and then laid off when they are no longer needed is called ________. A) the reserve labor force B) the underclass C) the dual labor force D) a back-up resource


The sociological significance of early development of surplus and trade is that they ________. A) fostered social inequality B) established a new world order C) lowered prices D) eliminated primitive tribes


Theorists who believe that corporations use profit as their moral guide, with no concern for how opening and closing factories affects workers, are most aligned with which sociological perspective? A) the conflict perspective B) functionalism C) symbolic interactionism D) structuralism


There were much-publicized myths of the late 1800s that centered around the rags-to-riches exploits of fictional boy heroes. These myths were perpetuated by their author, ________. A) Horatio Alger B) Mark Twain C) Samuel Clemens D) George Orwell


What is a group of people with inherited physical characteristics that distinguish it from another group? A) a race B) an ethnicity C) a social group D) a tribe


What is another term for power relations wherever they exist? A) politics B) government C) economics D) nationalism


What is the central sociological principle of education as it relates to a nation's needs? A) It is a reflection of the nation's culture and economy. B) It creates a system of labeling individuals to facilitate occupation and role. C) It is a formal system necessary for international recognition. D) It is the basis of developing a sense of national pride.


What is the process by which schools pass a society's core values from one generation to the next? A) cultural transmission of values B) social integration of education C) multiculturalism of society D) social pluralism of culture


What is the upward or downward movement in social class by family members from one generation to the next? A) intergenerational mobility B) intragenerational mobility C) structural mobility D) exchange mobility


What term did Durkheim use to refer to the global division of labor that has led to specific tasks performed by members of society and a lessening of social cohesion? A) organic solidarity B) gesellschaft C) mechanical solidarity D) gemeinschaft


What term did Louis Wirth use to define groups of people who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination? A) minority group B) racial group C) ethnic group D) subcultural group


What theory is based on the idea that the two economic systems - capitalism and socialism - will eventually adopt features of one another until there is a hybrid economic system in all societies? A) convergence theory B) transformation theory C) Marxism D) welfare capitalism


Which of the following statements best describes how most sociologists believe behavioral gender differences develop between men and women? A) Gender differences are based on social factors B) Gender differences are based on genetic dispositions. C) Gender differences are the result of biological differences. D) Gender differences are based on physiological differences


Which sociologist coined the term "the power elite"? A) C. Wright Mills B) Emile Durkheim C) Talcott Parsons D) Herbert Spencer


Who was the sociologist who expanded upon the concept of the power elite to note that no major decision of the United States government was made without its approval? A) William Domhoff B) Michael Burawoy C) Lewis Coser Jr. D) Robert Merton


Who was the sociologist who observed that industrialized nations are becoming credential societies? A) Randall Collins B) Michael Burawoy C) Robert Merton D) Pitirim Sorokin


According to sociologists, why do men and women typically perform different types of work? A) It is based on biology and climate. B) It is a product of socialization and social control. C) Its determining factors are motivation and aspiration. D) It focuses on status and wealth as the determining factors.


An approach to life in which there is an emphasis on rules, efficiency, and practical results is ________. A) traditional orientation B) rationality C) utilitarianism D) empiricism


Based on the Marxist orientation of conflict sociologists, how many distinct social classes exist? A) none, as society is classless B) two C) four D) six


One of the first theorists to argue that the adoption of capitalism is responsible for the decline of traditional orientations to social life was ________. A) Max Weber B) Karl Marx C) Emile Durkheim D) Georg Simmel


One of the functions performed by schools is to promote a sense of national identity and stabilize the political system. This function is referred to as ________. A) gatekeeping B) social integration C) mainstreaming D) tracking


Sociologists who view law as an instrument of oppression used to control workers are aligned most with which sociological perspective? A) the functionalist perspective B) the conflict perspective C) the symbolic interactionist perspective D) the structuralist perspective


The ________ theory developed by Robert Merton is based on the idea that most people want to attain cultural goals, but not everyone has the legitimate means of achieving them. A) illegitimate opportunity B) strain C) labeling D) control


The belief held by many African Americans that lighter skinned African American women are more attractive than those with darker skin is referred to as ________. A) the reformulation of race at the micro-level B) the internalization of the norms of the dominant group C) reverse racism at the micro-level D) race betrayal of the minority class


The exercise of power over large groups, such as by governments, is called ________. A) micropolitics B) macropolitics C) democracy D) totalitarianism


The experience of being cut off from the product of one's labor, which results in a feeling of powerlessness, is called ________. A) anomie B) alienation C) displacement D) rationalization


The percentage of former prisoners who are rearrested is known as ___________. A) reimprisonment B) recidivism C) three-strike law D) criminal justice


The relativity of deviance is most aligned with which sociological perspective? A) structural functionalism B) symbolic interactionism C) the conflict perspective D) the neo-conflict perspective


The systematic annihilation or attempted annihilation of a people based on their presumed race or ethnicity is called ________. A) homicide B) genocide C) population transfer D) manslaughter


The term micropolitics is most aligned with which sociological perspective? A) the conflict perspective B) symbolic interactionism C) functionalism D) feminism


What are the three variables Max Weber identified as defining social class? A) ethnicity, race, sex B) wealth, power, prestige C) sex, power, education D) occupation, neighborhood, wealth


What event created the belief that formal education was essential to the well-being of society? A) the American Revolution B) the industrialization of society C) the discovery that the world was round D) the invention of the steam-powered printing press


What is the primary criticism leveled against capitalism? A) It produces more products than can be reasonably consumed. B) It leads to severe social inequalities. C) It violates the basic economic law of supply and demand. D) It promotes immorality through conspicuous consumption.


What is the relationship between births to single women and their level of education? A) the greater the level of education, the more births to single women B) the lower the level of education, the fewer births to single women C) the greater the level of education, the fewer births to single women D) there is no relationship between the level of education and births to single women


What is the strongest variable in developing correlations to which social groups are in poverty? A) geographic location B) race/ethnicity C) sex D) education


What term describes a system that emphasizes hard work, savings, and a concern for salvation? A) subsistence economy B) Protestant ethic C) laissez-faire socialism D) bureaucratic capitalism


Which of the following statements is most accurate with respect to determining social prestige in modern society? A) Social prestige is based primarily on the wealth one accumulates. B) One's occupational title is the greatest influence in determining social prestige. C) Together wealth and power are the determining factors of social prestige. D) Family lineage is the primary determinant of social prestige.


Which statement is most accurate regarding the meaning of race? A) It is entirely dependent upon fixed biological characteristics. B) Race varies, depending upon the society in which its meaning is constructed. C) The concept of race tends to be quite similar in all cultures. D) Race is a variable that changes, depending upon the age of people who use the term.


While the notion of gender refers to sociological characteristics, the concept of sex refers to ________ characteristics. A) psychological B) biological C) philosophical D) anthropological


Why is every group considered as being political? A) All groups are composed of at least two parties. B) There is a power struggle of some sort in every group. C) All groups have elections and only allow members to vote. D) Democratic values are predominant in all groups.


A group's usual and customary social arrangements, on which its members depend and on which they base their lives, is called ________. A) social control B) sanction C) social order D) social guideline


Another term used for pre-elections in which voters decide which candidates will represent their parties is ________. A) general election B) political caucus C) primary D) electoral college


As described in the text, what are the two myths of race? A) eventually there will only be one race; all races have the same origin B) there is only one race; intelligence is based on race C) one race is superior to another; pure races exist D) all races have the same origin; race is a status that cannot be changed


Changes in society that cause large numbers of people to move up or down the class ladder, which causes one class to increase while others decrease, is called ________ mobility. A) exchange B) automatic C) structural D) intragenerational


Economic activities, illegal or legal, that people do not report to the government are sometimes referred to as the ________ economy. A) transformation B) welfare C) underground D) organic


Erving Goffman used the term ________ to refer to characteristics that discredit people. A) master status B) role C) stigma D) sanction


From a functionalist perspective, what is the teaching of knowledge and skills which reinforces positive consequences in students? A) required prerequisites B) latent functions C) manifest functions D) social imperative


How did the 2010 U.S. Census instruct Americans to classify themselves in relation to race? A) Respondents must pick the single term that best describes their race. B) Respondents may choose no more than two terms that describe their race. C) Respondents can choose one or more races that they consider themselves to be. D) Respondents must choose the race of their parents in declaring their own race.


Marcus has not voted for the last fifteen years because he feels that the political system has never done anything positive for him, so his vote really would not affect his life one way or the other. What is the emotional reaction Marcus is experiencing? A) hostility B) anomie C) alienation D) confusion


Phil, a janitor for an expensive apartment-house complex in Chicago, is a union janitor who makes quite a bit more money than many of the tenants in the building he maintains. Lenski would note that Phil's high income but low occupational prestige demonstrates a condition of ________. A) status insecurity B) status contradiction C) status inconsistency D) status incompatibility


Prejudice describes ________ while discrimination describes ________. A) values; attitudes B) norms; beliefs C) attitudes; actions D) actions; attitudes


Samantha works for an organization that is hierarchical and has a division of labor, written rules, communications and records, one in which the administration treats workers impersonally. Based on these characteristics, we can conclude that Samantha works for a(n) ________. A) nonprofit organization B) voluntary association C) bureaucracy D) oligarchy


Sociologists who believe we help to produce our own orientations to life by joining specific groups is most aligned with which sociological perspective? A) functional B) conflict C) symbolic interactionist D) neo-conflict


The eagerness to show wealth by the purchase and visible ownership of goods is called ________. A) open economy B) pure capitalism C) conspicuous consumption D) manifest marketing


The early sociologist who argued that deviance might be functional for society was ________. A) Max Weber B) Henri Saint Simon C) Emile Durkheim D) Karl Marx


The early theorist who proposed that religious beliefs are the key to whether or not a society embraces capitalism was ________. A) Karl Marx B) Herbert Spencer C) Max Weber D) Emile Durkheim


The significance of names or reputations given to people when they engage in certain types of behavior is the focus of ________ theory. A) strain B) control C) labeling D) differential association


The term for the unequal access to power, prestige, and property based on a person's sex is ________. A) sex typing B) sexual harassment C) gender stratification D) matriarchy


What does status inconsistency refer to in relation to social stratification? A) Individuals exhibit insecurity and inferiority when they are ranked low in prestige. B) Individuals fail to recognize the contradictions of class inequality and democratic values. C) Individuals are ranked high on one dimension of social class and low on other dimensions. D) Ranking in power, wealth, and prestige must be consistent for an individual to avoid negative consequences.


What is a group's formal and informal means of enforcing norms called? A) social solidarity B) the social imperative C) social control D) social bond


What is a system of government in which decision-making is vested in a small group of people? A) a monarchy B) a democracy C) an oligarchy D) a patriarchy


What is the most popular way to accomplish gatekeeping? A) creating a two-tier level of schools B) charging tuition for students to attend the better schools C) tracking or sorting students into different education programs D) opening programs to all students


What is the widespread acceptance of using rules, efficiency, and practical results to determine human affairs and the building of social organizations around this concept? A) the Peter Principle B) urbanization C) the rationalization of society D) Northcote's Law


What term did Durkheim use to refer to the sense of unity that comes from doing similar activities and directly sharing most aspects of life? A) organic solidarity B) gesellschaft C) mechanical solidarity D) transformation


What term does William Domhoff use to refer to the top one percent of Americans who belong to the super-rich and capitalist class? A) the upper class leaders B) the power elite C) the ruling class D) the political supreme


What was Max Weber's term for a composite of characteristics found in many real-life examples? A) the real thing B) the alpha model C) the ideal type D) the ultimate example


What was the term C. Wright Mills used to refer to those who make the big decisions in American society? A) the upper class B) the national security administration C) the power elite D) the capitalists


When employers use diplomas and degrees to determine who is eligible for jobs, even through the diploma or degree may be irrelevant to the actual work, it becomes a ________ society. A) fiduciary B) bifurcated C) credential D) bureaucratic


When used by sociologists, the term "wealth" refers to ________. A) the property that a person owns B) the income made from a person's occupation C) the property owned and the income acquired minus debts made by the person D) the income after state and federal taxes have been withheld


Which of the following family names is a member of the "nouveau riche"? A) the DuPont family, who arrived in America in the 18th century B) the Rockefeller family, who became the oil barons of the 19th century C) the Gates family, who founded Microsoft D) the Carnegie family, who built America's steel empire


Which of the following is a primary sex characteristic? A) increased body hair in men B) lower voice in men C) a uterus in women D) broader hips in women


While race might reflect our biological heritage, ________ reflects our cultural heritage. A) gender B) age C) ethnicity D) social class


Why do rational-legal and traditional authorities take careful precautions in opposing charismatic leaders? A) Charismatic leaders have more followers than traditional or rational-legal leaders. B) Charismatic leaders create a greater degree of social stability. C) Charismatic leaders direct followers according to personal preference. D) Charismatic leaders are usually mentally unstable.


Conflict theorists classify the few who own the means of production as ________. A) the rich B) moral entrepreneurs C) the upper middle class D) capitalists


Determining which people will enter what occupation is a function of education referred to as ________. A) mainstreaming B) multicultural representation C) telescoping D) gatekeeping


For a government to be stable, what quality must exist? A) The government must have a large military force to back it. B) The leader must be charismatic. C) The government must be based on democratic principles. D) The source of the power must be perceived as legitimate.


How would conflict theorists classify migrant workers, seasonal employees, and members of the workforce who are subject to layoffs? A) bourgeoisie B) proletariat C) petty bourgeoisie D) working poor


In society, which group has the greatest power, privileges, and social status? A) the majority B) the power elite C) the capitalist class D) the dominant group


The plow was to the agricultural society as the ________ was to the industrial society. A) microchip B) assembly line C) human genome D) steam engine


Violations of norms and rules that are written into law are officially called ________. A) ethics B) values C) folkways D) crimes


What classification or terminology do sociologists apply to women that describe their inability to gain equal access to power, property, and prestige? A) the glass escalator B) radical feminism C) a counterculture D) minority group


What condition had to exist before members of a society could create a permanent or semi-permanent place to live? A) a powerful ruler who was able to control power B) a form of barter that was used as an economy C) a strong military that protected all citizens D) a surplus of food that could be distributed and exchanged


What is Durkheim's term for a condition in which people become detached from the norms that guide their behavior? A) compurgation B) primogeniture C) negative affective state D) anomie


What is another name for rational-legal authority? A) fascism B) totalitarianism C) democratic socialism D) bureaucratic authority


What is armed resistance with the intention of overthrowing a government called? A) a riot B) a national protest C) a strike D) a revolution


What was necessary for education to develop as a separate social institution? A) The feudal system had to end. B) A sufficient number of people had to become literate. C) The printing press had to be invented to permit the printing of books. D) Society had to develop a sufficient surplus so some workers could become teachers.


What was the specific Protestant theology that influenced Max Weber's theories of social change and the development of The Spirit of Capitalism? A) Jehovah's Witness B) The Book of Mormon C) 7th Day Adventist D) Calvinism


Which distinguishing feature of Calvinism contributed to the rise of capitalism? A) the belief that money is the root of all evil B) the belief that man was naturally sinful C) the belief that heaven was a myth and there was no hereafter D) the belief that people were destined before birth for either heaven or hell


Which group was most responsible for maintaining a level of literacy during the Dark Ages by focusing on learning Greek, Latin, and Hebrew? A) nobles B) property owners C) sailors D) monks


Which of the following best describes rational-legal authority? A) rule by custom and folkways B) rule by the power of personality C) rule by tradition D) rule by written laws


Which of the following power styles is the best example of totalitarianism? A) the Bush administration since the passage of the Patriot Act B) Queen Elizabeth II's rule over England and Wales C) tribal rule in villages of the Amazon River Basin D) Nazi Germany and the Gestapo


Which sociologist is given credit for coining the concept of the "McDonaldization of Society"? A) Jeffrey Reiman B) Douglas Massey C) Howard Winet D) George Ritzer


Which statement is least accurate regarding sex and gender? A) The world offers unequal access to power, prestige, and property based on one's sex. B) Being born male or female carries images and expectations on how one should act. C) Gender is sociologically significant because it is the way in which society controls its members. D) The terms "sex" and "gender" are sociologically and biologically interchangeable.


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