Sociology Unit 4 exam

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As the process of ________ develops, we will be less likely to treat someone who has a mental health issue as having something he or she should just "deal with" or "get over" individually. Instead, we will be more likely to think of the issue as having to do with a disease


The 2010 Health Care Reform Act (formally called the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act") represents:

universal health-care coverage that has the potential to ensure all U.S. citizens are covered

Which of the following is an effect of food deserts for minorities?

They are only located in densely populated urban areas.

Since ordinary consumers do not have the same expertise to evaluate prescription drugs, pharmaceutical companies often appeal to desires for:

happy relationships.

C. Wright Mills used the term "the sociological imagination" to refer to important interconnections between personal troubles and public issues. What would he have said about deprivation amplification?

Both public issues and personal troubles contribute to poor health, so work needs to be done at both levels to more properly address disease rates.

What is a group of medical treatments and products called that includes practices like acupuncture, homeopathy, hypnosis, and meditation, as well as traditional healers like shamans and movement therapies like Pilates?

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

For which of the following reasons could the supposed increase in voter turnout in the 2004 election really be just an artifact of the way that voter turnout is measured?

For the first time, the turnout rate was based on eligible voters, as opposed to all residents of voting age.

Why are political action committees much more important to political campaigns now than they were in the past?

Unlike candidates or political parties, there are no limits on how much money an individual can give them.

Ori went to eat at his favorite restaurant and unfortunately got food poisoning. His illness was treated right away. This type of illness would be classified as:


What is a political system called that denies ordinary people participation or representation in their government?


People of lower socioeconomic status are more likely to be scrutinized as problem drinkers or drug addicts. Which theory takes this approach to understanding addiction?


What does one call the study of controversial, moral, or ethical issues related to scientific and medical advancements?


Rosenbaum (2008) found that it was more common for ________ in New York City to live in substandard housing located in marginalized neighborhoods than in healthy neighborhoods with decent housing.

blacks and Hispanics

Epidemiologists are currently studying the role of ________ in the spread of diseases globally.

climate change

Which theoretical explanation for suicide emphasizes there must be something about a place that makes people suicidal?


What is the study of the social aspects of diseases?


According to your textbook, if you live in a(n) ________ , you are at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, or heart disease.

food desert

What do sociologists ask you to consider regarding health and illness?

how health and illness are shaped by social factors

Robert is walking down the street late at night when a man in a ski mask suddenly sticks a gun in his face and takes his wallet. Sociologists would say that Robert's mugger had ________ but not ________.

power; authority

Television announcer Al Roker and singer Carnie Wilson have both undergone stomach stapling, or gastric bypass surgery, as a radical and invasive approach to weight loss. Previously, weight loss was not usually considered a medical problem that could be addressed through surgery. This is evidence of:

medicalization and the social construction of health and illness.

When we focus on making a person comfortable at the end of life, we are practicing ________ care


In 2009, shortly after Sarah Palin resigned as governor of Alaska, a Republican political strategist asked: If Sarah Palin were not attractive, "would we even be talking about her today?" This quote reminds us that politics today:

rewards style over substance.

America is both a secular and a nonsecular society at the same time.


Systems and structures that persist over time and help organize group life are called:

social institutions.

n August 2009, House Republican leader John Boehner asked rank-and-file Republicans to use social media like Twitter to get out their message about America's health-care system. Given that a Twitter post can only be 140 characters long, what feature of modern politics closely resembles Twitter posts?


Short sentences or phrases on a political subject, designed to be catchy and memorable but not necessarily to convey much information, are called:


Organizations formed expressly to raise and spend money in order to influence elected officials are called:

special interest groups

In 1971 Daniel Ellsberg, working for the Department of Defense, found a large collection of classified documents that showed that many members of the U.S. government did not believe the Vietnam War was winnable, despite public assertions to the contrary. Ellsberg turned to the Fourth Estate, giving the documents to:

the New York Times.

What large-scale social change has made celebrity politicians more popular and successful?

the increasing importance of television

Studies of doctor-patient relations find that:

the institutional setting is where doctor-patient relationships occur and that the interactions determine who has power or status.

C. Wright Mills identifies the small and unified group of people who occupy the highest positions of the major economic, political, and military institutions and exercise tremendous influence in American social life as:

the power elite.

Talcott Parsons researched ________ from a structural functionalist perspective.

the sick role

Epidemiologists are currently studying the role of temperature increases in the spread of diseases globally. Specifically, they have found that increases in temperature can also increase pathogen-carrying agents called:

vector organisms.

AIDS is distributed disproportionately throughout the world. Approximately ________ of cases occur in the wealthy, industrialized nations.

4 percent

________ diseases come on suddenly and are often contagious.


The former Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor voted to allow a Christmas display on public property that included a nativity scene but voted to prohibit city governments from having displays that had only a nativity scene. This indicates that:

America is both a secular and a nonsecular society at the same time.

Dana, a female, and Rio, a male, are both sixty years old and from the same socioeconomic background. Based on information from Chapter 14 of your text, what health prediction could we make about them?

Dana is more likely than Rio to suffer from depression.

Marcia, a female, and Mario, a male, are both fifty-year-old Hispanics. Marcia has a similar socioeconomic status to Mario, but both of them adhere closely to traditional gender role expectations. According to information from Chapter 14, what prediction could we make about them?

Marcia will live a longer life than Mario.

When John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon debated during the 1960 presidential campaign, voters who watched the debate on television were more likely to see Kennedy as the winner than those who listened to it on radio. Why

Nixon refused to take advice on hair, makeup, and clothing that would have made him look better on camera.

You live in a densely populated American city, are nonwhite, and survive on a low income. According to Chapter 14 of your text, it is likely that you live in:

a food desert

In the 1990s, legal researcher Erin Brockovich helped win a lawsuit against Pacific Gas and Electric Company because it had been poisoning the water in the small town of Hinkley, California, for thirty years. Toxic Chromium 6 leached into the water system and sickened many Hinkley residents with ailments like liver damage and cancer. How would the illnesses of the Hinkley residents be classified?

chronic diseases

King and Bearman found that in the years when the diagnostic criteria of autism changed, the odds of a patient being diagnosed with autism:


Rescission refers to:

insurance companies canceling a client's coverage only after the person gets sick.

Many countries around the world have national policies or guidelines on how to report suicides. These policies range from not using the term "suicide" to describe a death to being careful to use words that do not in any way romanticize the act or show it in a positive light. Policies may also restrict the amount of news coverage of suicides. Which theoretical stance would best explain these types of policies and guidelines?


When film legend Marilyn Monroe committed suicide, demographers noted a sharp increase in suicide rates in the following month. Which theory would best explain the increase in rates?


Which theoretical explanation for suicide argues that when one person commits suicide, this can set off a cluster of other suicides?


The American Medical Association

creates, maintains, legitimizes, and controls medicine in the United States.

The concept of acknowledging and incorporating a patient's cultural background as part of the treatment process is called:

cultural competence.

On January 30, 2005, Iraq held what many claim were the first free and fair elections in its history, after many decades of military dictatorship. This was seen as the first step in transforming Iraq into a:


Which of the following techniques is used to disenfranchise part of the American population today?

denying people who have been convicted of felonies the right to vote for the rest of their lives

The 26.4 percent increase in California's caseload of autism spectrum disorder between 1992 and 2005 was the result of:

diagnostic changes

Since 1917, all Puerto Ricans have been considered U.S. citizens, but they are not represented in Congress and cannot cast ballots in presidential elections. In this sense they are:


What is it called when a government bars an individual, either temporarily or permanently, from voting?


What does research on medical interaction generally take into account?

dyads, triads, and groups in interaction

Single-industry resource towns built around either excavating raw materials like coal or lumber or transporting them by train tend to spring up suddenly. Many people move there to work for the company, and the rate of change is fast: one day there is a forest, the next, a growing town built around mobile homes in the bush. There are often few if any other things to do besides work. Rates of depression tend to be high. Which theoretical explanation for suicide would explain the higher rates of depression that can lead to suicide in places like this?


When the incidence of a particular infectious disease is drastically larger than first estimated, this is referred to as a(n):


Malaria is a serious health concern in Cambodia. In some villages, especially those surrounded by forests, the rate of malaria infection is 40 percent. Due to your extensive professional experience with the study of social disease patterns, you have been asked to research the problem for the World Health Organization. You are most likely a(n):


Dean is an upper-middle class American. He lives in an affluent area, holds a bachelor's degree, and has a great job. It is likely that his health status is:


A neighborhood where there is no grocery store but there are more liquor stores, convenience and drug stores, and fast food outlets than most other locations is referred to as a:

food desert.

You are an American with a lower socioeconomic status. You are a racial minority, live in public housing, and did finish high school but work at a physically labor-intensive job. You are supporting a family of four on your wages. It is likely that you:

have a number of ailments, like arthritis and asthma

The fact that the top causes of death in the United States are due to chronic illness while people in the developing world are continually affected by the threat of acute illnesses indicates that:

illness is impacted by social factors

Asperger's syndrome, one disorder in the autism spectrum family, first appeared in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1994 and was later removed in the fifth edition in 2013, to be folded back into autism spectrum disorder. This is an example of:


In the early 1900s, just under 50 percent of births took place at home. Today, around 99 percent of all births take place in hospitals. This is an example of:


During the 2012 presidential election, Barack Obama was endorsed by singer and celebrity Beyoncé Knowles. To the extent that people pay attention to her and care about what she says, she is a(n):

opinion leader.

High-profile individuals who interpret political information and influence the voting habits of the public are called:

opinion leaders.

When an epidemic spreads across national borders, across continents, or around the world, it is referred to as a(n):


In Who Governs, Robert Dahl examined the way power was distributed in New Haven, Connecticut, and concluded that a wide variety of actors played a role in the political decision-making process. What theory of power did Dahl's findings illustrate?


Which of the following is an example of a special interest group?

police unions

Organizations designed to raise money to support the interests of a particular group are called:

political action committees.

The methods and tactics of managing a political entity are called:


In the opening of the chapter, the authors note that residents of Las Vegas have 50 percent greater odds of committing suicide than people who do not live in Las Vegas, and that visitors' risk of suicide doubles while there. Which theory of suicide would assert that Vegas residents and tourists are disproportionately prone to impulsiveness?


Mike McCurry was the White House press secretary from 1995 to 1998. It was his job to field questions from the press and explain the president's policies and attitudes in language that was compelling and persuasive. According to this job description, he could be called a(n):

spin doctor.

Death and illness in a population is bad for the productivity of the system and is a destabilizing force. Which theory takes this approach to medicine?

structural functionalism

The majority of appointed U.S. Treasury secretaries have been either former partners and/or managers of Goldman Sachs, a global investment management firm. Sociologists would argue that this overlap between private business and the federal government is an example of:

the power elite.

The 2010 entering freshman class at the University of California, Berkeley, was invited to give a saliva sample to test for genetic markers. Eventually, the university was forced to shut down the study due to ethical concerns. What might have been a main ethical concern of this study?

the use of genetic profiles

In the past, most voters formed political opinions by listening to speeches, meeting with representatives of political parties, or attending town hall meetings. How do voters today tend to learn about political issues?

through human interest stories in the media

Kim Jong Il and his father, Kim Il Sung, Korea's current and former leaders, have both restricted the basic human rights of their subjects. What type of government does North Korea have?


What is the most extreme form of authoritarianism called?


There is evidence that ________ make(s) men more sick.

traditional male gender role expectations

Kendra is a lower-class American. She lives in public housing, did not finish high school, experiences lapses in employment, and has a hard time making financial ends meet. It is likely that she:

will have a higher incidence of depression.

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